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2 days
Test Coverage
import uuid from 'uuid';
import reducer, * as actions from './notifications';

describe('notifications', () => {
  beforeEach(() => {
    uuid.v4 = jest
      .fn(() => 999999999)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 1)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 2)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 3)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 4)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 5)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 6)
      .mockImplementationOnce(() => 7);

  describe('actions', () => {
    it('should have a success action creator', () => {
      const notification = { message: 'hello' };

      const expectedAction = {
        type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION',
        payload: notification,


    it('should have a error action creator', () => {
      const notification = { message: 'hello' };

      const expectedAction = {
        type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/ERROR_NOTIFICATION',
        payload: notification,


    it('should have a hide notification action creator', () => {
      const notification = { message: 'hello' };

      const expectedAction = {
        type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/HIDE_NOTIFICATION',
        payload: notification,


  describe('reducer', () => {
    it('should return the initial state', () => {
      expect(reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual([]);

    it('should handle SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION', () => {
      let expectedState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'success', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer(undefined, { type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION', payload: { message: 'hello' } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [
        { id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'success', position: 'bl', show: true },
        { id: 2, message: 'world', level: 'success', position: 'bl', show: true },
      const initialState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'success', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer(initialState, { type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION', payload: { message: 'world' } })).toEqual(expectedState);

    it('should handle ERROR_NOTIFICATION', () => {
      let expectedState = [{ id: 1, message: 'world', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer(undefined, { type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/ERROR_NOTIFICATION', payload: { message: 'world' } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [
        { id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true },
        { id: 2, message: 'world', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true },
      const initialState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer(initialState, { type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/ERROR_NOTIFICATION', payload: { message: 'world' } })).toEqual(expectedState);

    it('should handle HIDE_NOTIFICATION', () => {
      let expectedState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: false }];
      let initialState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer(initialState, { type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/HIDE_NOTIFICATION', payload: { id: 1 } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];
      initialState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer(initialState, { type: 'our-wedding-heroes/notifications/HIDE_NOTIFICATION', payload: { id: 2 } })).toEqual(expectedState);

    it('should handle error', () => {
      let expectedState = [{ id: 1, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer([], { error: {}, payload: { message: 'hello' } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [{ id: 2, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer([], { error: {}, payload: { message: 'hello', response: {} } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [{ id: 3, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer([], { error: {}, payload: { message: 'world', response: { body: { message: 'hello' } } } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [{ id: 4, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer([], { error: {}, payload: { message: 'world', response: { body: { message: 'hello', errors: [] } } } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [{ id: 5, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true }];

      expect(reducer([], { error: {}, payload: { message: 'world', response: { body: { errors: [{ message: 'hello' }] } } } })).toEqual(expectedState);

      expectedState = [
        { id: 6, message: 'hello', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true },
        { id: 7, message: 'world', level: 'error', position: 'bl', show: true },

      expect(reducer([], { error: {}, payload: { message: 'error', response: { body: { errors: [{ message: 'hello' }, { message: 'world' }] } } } })).toEqual(

    it('should suppress error if suppressGlobalError is set', () => {
      expect(reducer([], { error: { message: 'error' }, suppressGlobalError: true })).toEqual([]);