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namespace InterNACHI\Modular\Support;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use InterNACHI\Modular\Exceptions\CannotFindModuleForPathException;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo;

class ModuleRegistry
    protected ?Collection $modules = null;
    public function __construct(
        protected string $modules_path,
        protected string $cache_path
    ) {
    public function getModulesPath(): string
        return $this->modules_path;
    public function getCachePath(): string
        return $this->cache_path;
    public function module(string $name = null): ?ModuleConfig
        // We want to allow for gracefully handling empty/null names
        return $name
            ? $this->modules()->get($name)
            : null;
    public function moduleForPath(string $path): ?ModuleConfig
        return $this->module($this->extractModuleNameFromPath($path));
    public function moduleForPathOrFail(string $path): ModuleConfig
        if ($module = $this->moduleForPath($path)) {
            return $module;
        throw new CannotFindModuleForPathException($path);
    public function moduleForClass(string $fqcn): ?ModuleConfig
        return $this->modules()->first(function(ModuleConfig $module) use ($fqcn) {
            foreach ($module->namespaces as $namespace) {
                if (Str::startsWith($fqcn, $namespace)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
    public function modules(): Collection
        return $this->modules ??= $this->loadModules();
    public function reload(): Collection
        $this->modules = null;
        return $this->loadModules();
    protected function loadModules(): Collection
        if (file_exists($this->cache_path)) {
            return Collection::make(require $this->cache_path)
                ->mapWithKeys(function(array $cached) {
                    $config = new ModuleConfig($cached['name'], $cached['base_path'], new Collection($cached['namespaces']));
                    return [$config->name => $config];
        if (! is_dir($this->modules_path)) {
            return new Collection();
        return FinderCollection::forFiles()
            ->depth('== 1')
            ->mapWithKeys(function(SplFileInfo $path) {
                $config = ModuleConfig::fromComposerFile($path);
                return [$config->name => $config];
    protected function extractModuleNameFromPath(string $path): string
        // Handle Windows-style paths
        $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
        // If the modules directory is symlinked, we may get two paths that are actually
        // in the same directory, but have different prefixes. This helps resolve that.
        if (Str::startsWith($path, $this->modules_path)) {
            $path = trim(Str::after($path, $this->modules_path), '/');
        } elseif (Str::startsWith($path, $modules_real_path = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($this->modules_path)))) {
            $path = trim(Str::after($path, $modules_real_path), '/');
        return explode('/', $path)[0];