import { IndicatorHistoric, IndicatorHistoricRepository } from 'domain/repository'import { Connection } from 'infra/database' export class IndicatorHistoricRepositoryDatabase implements IndicatorHistoricRepository { private readonly databaseName = 'public.indicator_historics' constructor (readonly connection: Connection) {} async save (idIndicator: number, value: number): Promise<number> { const historicId = await this.connection.query(`INSERT INTO ${this.databaseName} ( indicator_id, value ) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING id`, [idIndicator, value]) return historicId[0].id } async list (indicatorID: number): Promise<IndicatorHistoric.ListModel> { const list = await this.connection.query(` SELECT * FROM ${this.databaseName} WHERE indicator_id=$1 AND created_at::DATE >= (current_date - '2 DAY' ::INTERVAL)::DATE ORDER BY created_at ASC`, [indicatorID]) const formated: IndicatorHistoric.ListModel = [] list.forEach((element: any) => { formated.push({ value: Number(element.value), created_at: element.created_at }) }) return formated } async historic (indicatorID: number): Promise<IndicatorHistoric.HistoricModel> { const historic = await this.connection.query(` WITH datas AS ( SELECT EXTRACT('hour' FROM hh) AS h FROM GENERATE_SERIES(NOW(), NOW() + '23 hours'::INTERVAL, '1 hour'::INTERVAL) hh ) SELECT CONCAT(h, 'h') AS hour, COALESCE(ROUND(AVG(IH.value) FILTER (WHERE EXTRACT('hour' FROM IH.created_at) = datas.h AND IH.created_at::DATE = (NOW()-'1 DAY'::INTERVAL)::DATE), 2), 0) AS yesterday, COALESCE(ROUND(AVG(IH.value) FILTER (WHERE EXTRACT('hour' FROM IH.created_at) = datas.h AND IH.created_at::DATE = NOW()::DATE), 2), 0) AS today FROM datas, ${this.databaseName} IH WHERE IH.created_at::DATE BETWEEN (NOW() - '2 DAYS'::INTERVAL)::DATE AND NOW()::DATE AND indicator_id = $1 GROUP BY h ORDER BY h ASC`, [indicatorID]) const formated: IndicatorHistoric.HistoricModel = [] historic.forEach((element: any) => { formated.push({ hour: element.hour, today: Number(, yesterday: Number(element.yesterday) }) }) return formated } async clean (): Promise<void> { await this.connection.query(`DELETE FROM ${this.databaseName}`, []) }}