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# Context

This object helps display message context on slack. Below is an image of the message context as gotten from the slack documentation

![Context Image](https://res.cloudinary.com/iyikuyoro/image/upload/v1562783973/slack-block-msg-kit/Screenshot_2019-07-10_at_7.38.59_PM.png)

## Importing the Context Class

import { Context } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';


import Context from 'slack-block-msg-kit/Blocks/Context';

## Creating a Context Block (Constructor)

| Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
| --------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| elements  | ([ImageElement](https://github.com/IyiKuyoro/slack-block-msg-kit/blob/master/docs/BlockElements/ImageElement.md) \| [Text](#Text))[] | An array of image elements and text that is rendered as the context | [ new ImageElement('<https://fakeimage.jpg>', 'fake image'), new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'some text') ] |
| _blockId_   | string? | A string that represents the id of this block element. | 'BLK001' |

A context object is created by passing an array of image elements or text objects as the first parameter of the constructor. Below is an example to create the context above.

import { Context, ImageElement, Text, TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';

const cnt = new Context([
  new ImageElement('https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/red-drawing-pin_1156-445.jpg', 'pin'),
  new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'Location: *Dogpatch*'),

## Adding a block_id

There are two ways of adding a block_id to the context block;

- Constructor method
- Inherited method

**Constructor method**: Using the constructor described above, simply pass a second string parameter to the constructor.

import { Context, ImageElement, Text, TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';

const cnt = new Context([
  new ImageElement('https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/red-drawing-pin_1156-445.jpg', 'pin'),
  new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'Location: *Dogpatch*'),
], 'BLK001');

**Inherited method (addBlockId())**:

| Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
| --------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| blockId   | string | A string that represents the id of this block element. | 'BLK001' |

We can add a block_id by calling the **addBlockId** method on the context object.

import { Context, ImageElement, Text, TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';

const cnt = new Context([
  new ImageElement('https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/red-drawing-pin_1156-445.jpg', 'pin'),
  new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'Location: *Dogpatch*'),


## Adding elements (addElements())

| Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
| --------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| elements  | ([ImageElement](https://github.com/IyiKuyoro/slack-block-msg-kit/blob/master/docs/BlockElements/ImageElement.md) \| [Text](https://github.com/IyiKuyoro/slack-block-msg-kit/blob/master/docs/BlockElements/Text.md))[] | An array of image elements and text that is rendered as the context | [ new ImageElement('<https://fakeimage.jpg>', 'fake image'), new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'some text') ] |

To add elements to the array, simply call the **addElements** method and pass the array of ImageElement and/or Text. Note however, that you cannot have more than 10 elements.

import { Context, ImageElement, Text, TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';

const cnt = new Context([
  new ImageElement('https://image.freepik.com/free-photo/red-drawing-pin_1156-445.jpg', 'pin'),
  new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'Location: *Dogpatch*'),

  new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'Some text'),

## Possible errors

| Error | Cause | Remedy |
| ----- | ----- | ------ |
| 'Context elements cannot be more than 10.' | Adding more than 10 elements | Reduce the number of elements to 10 |