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# OptionGroup

An [option group](https://api.slack.com/reference/messaging/composition-objects#option-group) is a way of collection options together in a select menu.

## Importing the OptionGroup Class

import { OptionGroup } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';


import OptionGroup from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/OptionGroup';

## Creating an OptionGroup

| Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
| --------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| label     | string | The babel of this option group | 'Group one' |
| options   | [Option](https://github.com/IyiKuyoro/slack-block-msg-kit/blob/master/docs/CompositionObjects/Option.md)[] | An array of options to be added to the group. | [ new Option('option 1', 'one') ] |

Creating an option group object is as simple as calling the constructor and passing the required parameters.

import Option from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Option';
import OptionGroup from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/OptionGroup';

const opts = new OptionGroup(
  [new Option('option', 'option')]

## Possible Errors

| Error | Cause | Remedy |
| ----- | ----- | ------ |
| 'label cannot be more than 75 characters' | Adding more than 75 characters in the label | Reduce the label size |
| 'Cannot have more than 100 options in a group' | Adding more than 100 options in one group | Reduce the number of options in the array. |
| 'Two options cannot share the same value in one group: 'value'' | Having two options with the same value in one group | Use unique values for each option. |