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# Text

A Text object must have a ([TextType](#TextType)). A text object cannot be sent to slack as a stand alone object. It is usually a composition of another object, perhaps a [section](https://github.com/IyiKuyoro/slack-block-msg-kit/blob/master/docs/Blocks/Section.md) or a [Button](https://github.com/IyiKuyoro/slack-block-msg-kit/blob/master/docs/BlockElements/ButtonElement.md).

## Table of Content

- [Text](#Text)
  - [Table of Content](#Table-of-Content)
  - [Importing the Text Class](#Importing-the-Text-Class)
  - [Creating a Text](#Creating-a-Text)
  - [Adding an Emoji](#Adding-an-Emoji)
  - [Render text verbatim](#Render-text-verbatim)
  - [Common Gatchas](#Common-Gatchas)
  - [TextType](#TextType)
  - [Importing the TextType enum](#Importing-the-TextType-enum)

## Importing the Text Class

There are two ways of importing the Text class.

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';


import { Text, TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';

## Creating a Text

To create a [Text](https://api.slack.com/reference/messaging/composition-objects#text), we must choose the way the text is to be rendered which is typically denoted as the [TextType](#TextType). Below is an example on how to create an instance of the text object.

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';

const text = new Text(TextType.plainText, 'There is a simple plain text.');

Perhaps you want your text to be read in the markdown format. No worries, simply change the text type to mrkdwn.

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';

const text = new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, '*This text would be rendered in bold.*');

## Adding an Emoji

You can create text objects with emojis. There are two ways to enable the addition of emojis to your text.

The first requires you adding a third boolean parameter to the constructor. Keep in mind however, that you cannot use emojis if the text type is mrkdwn.

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';

const text = new Text(TextType.plain_text, '*This text would be rendered in bold.*', true);

The second way of adding emojis via a method (**allowEmoji()**).

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';

const text = new Text(TextType.plainText, 'There is a simple plain text.');


## Render text verbatim

You can also render the text as is on slack without converting special characters and links. There are two ways of doing this.

The first; pass a fourth boolean parameter with represents verbatim. Keep in mind however, that verbatim cannot be used with plain_text, and as such cannot be paired with emoji.

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';

const text = new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, '*This text would be rendered in bold.*', false, true);

The second way is by calling a method (**displayVerbatim**). We recommend you use this method.

import Text, { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';

const text = new Text(TextType.mrkdwn, 'There is a simple plain text.');


## Common Gatchas

- You cannot have emojis in a markdown type.
- You cannot render plain_text verbatim.

## TextType

There are two available text types:

- markdown - (mrkdwn)
- plain text - (plainText)

## Importing the TextType enum

There are two ways of importing the TextType class.

import { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit/CompositionObjects/Text';


import { TextType } from 'slack-block-msg-kit';