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      <h1 id="TopOfPage">JMRI: Understanding the Data Management</h1>

      <p class="subtitle">A Work-In-Progress</p>

      <div class="noted">
        <span class="since">since 4.23.3</span>
        <p>Note: The PanelPro main menu has changed. See <a href="LoadStoreWork.shtml">Loading
        and Storing Your Work</a> for details. The menu references below are for the new menu
        structure, with the old menu paths in braces.</p>

      <ul class="snav">
          <a href="#category">Elements by Category</a>

          <a href="#catalpha">Category/Alpha Index</a>

      <p class="noted">This page includes information intended for advanced users of JMRI. Basic
      information on commands to load and store your work is available <a href=
      "LoadStoreWork.shtml">here</a>. The additional information on the current page is
      not necessary for ordinary, day-to-day use of JMRI but may be of interest to those who want
      to understand in more detail when, how, and where JMRI stores the data you and the system
      create and update.</p>

      <p>As you work with JMRI, you will create and update many different items within JMRI's various
      applications and tools. You may also develop and run "scripts" (external programs) that will
      do that as well. JMRI will update some of these at certain points during train operation.
      Although JMRI tries to hide lots of technical details from you, some model railroaders want
      to know how things work: what data is created when you take various actions, when it gets
      updated by the JMRI programs, and also whether it gets saved once you quit JMRI and come back
      at another time. This page provides a reference guide to all JMRI data, how it gets created
      and updated, when it gets saved (some doesn't!), and, for more advanced users, where it gets

      <p>We want to stress that this is <span class="co">additional technical detail</span>. You
      should not need to know this for normal operation of the programs. If you find that you do,
      perhaps there's something going wrong, and before reading this page you should ask for help
      on the <a href="">JmriUsers group</a> or elsewhere.</p>

      <p>The <a href="#category">Elements by Category</a> table columns show the following

      <p><strong>Category:</strong> The tables below categorize the different types of JMRI data to
      make this information easier to present and hopefully to understand. These categories are
      shown in the column labelled <strong>"Category"</strong>:</p>

        <li>Layout Elements: all the things that describe my layout and how it works, such as
        turnouts, tracks, pictures there of, blocks, signals, etc.). All this information is
        entered in <a href="PanelPro/index.shtml">PanelPro</a>.

        <li>Roster Information: roster entries for each of your engines and other DCC controlled
        accessories, pictures of engines, the roster itself, and related information. Roster
        information is entered in <a href="DecoderPro/index.shtml">DecoderPro</a>.

        <li>Operations Elements: data related to operating your railroad (manually or with some
        degree of automation) such as warrants, paths, and dozens of other things. Operational
        elements are entered in various "Tools" listed in PanelPro including <a href=

        <li>System Preferences: all the things you enter under Preferences, either in DecoderPro or

      <p><strong>Creates/Stores:</strong>When it comes to saving what you input and/or what JMRI
      does with that input, there are multiple different situations, shown in the table column
      <strong>"Creates/Stores"</strong>. There is data that is:</p>

        <li>User created, user stored (e.g. turnout table entries, layout panels, connections,
        start-up preferences)</li>

        <li>User created, automatically stored (e.g. size and position of windows, roster entries
        when change made to the roster table)</li>

        <li>Automatically created, user stored (e.g. Logix from LRoute)</li>

        <li>Automatically created, automatically stored (e.g. default profile)</li>

        <li>Automatically created, not stored! (e.g. turnout status)</li>

      <p>The key to successful operation with JMRI is understanding which is which. And that is
      what the tables below will show you.</p>

      <p><strong>Save Command:</strong>Unfortunately, there is no single command to save all user
      created or modified data. It is important to recognize when and where you have to take some
      action to make sure your work is there the next time you come back to it. As the table shows
      in the column labelled <strong>"Save Command"</strong>, these are the places where a command
      to "save" or "store" will save and store some portion of your work:</p>

        <li>Preferences: "Save"</li>

        <li>Panel editors: <strong>File &rArr; Store ALL table content and panels...</strong> {<em>Old:
        <strong>File &rArr; Store Panels...</strong></em>} or use the PanelPro main menu item
        <strong>File &rArr; Store ALL table content and panels...</strong> {<em>Old: <strong>Panels &rArr;
        Store Panels...</strong></em>}</li>

        <li>Tables (also Fast Clock): <strong>File &rArr; Store &rArr; Store ALL table content and panels...
        </strong> {<em>Old: <strong>Store configuration and panels</strong></em>}</li>

        <li>Roster entry: (a) automatic (b) File &rArr; Save or "Save to Roster" (c) "Write" to

        <li>Images/Icons: "Save Image Index"</li>

        <li>Scripts: "Store..." (on Script Entry window)</li>

      <p>These commands are identified in the tables by these numbers.</p>

      <p><strong>Where Stored:</strong> Data stored on disk by JMRI is separated into a number of
      files and directories. The typical user shouldn't have to deal with these, but for those who
      are interested, see the help page on <a href=
      "../doc/Technical/ProfileFileStructure.shtml">Profile File Structure.</a></p>
      <!-- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = -->

      <h2 id="category">JMRI Elements by Category</h2>

      <p>This index cross-references JMRI data by <strong>Category</strong>: Layout Element,
      Operations Element, Roster Element, Preferences, and Other. The column
      <strong>Creates/Saves</strong> uses abbreviations for the situations listed above, e.g.
      "UC/US" means "User Created/ User Stored." The <strong>Store Command</strong> uses the
      numbers above for the different commands.</p>

      <p>Click a heading to sort the list up or down by that column.</p>

      <table class="sortable">
        <tr style="text-align: left">
          <th style="width: 8%">Category</th>
          <th style="width: 20%">Data Types</th>
          <th style="width: 15%">Where Created</th>
          <th style="width: 10%">Store Command</th>
          <th>Where Stored</th>

          <td class="type">Layout Elements</td>
          <td class="data">LE Panels, Track Connections, Block Assignments, Signal Placement</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/display/LayoutEditor.shtml">Layout Editor</a></td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">2, 3(b)</td>
          <td class="store">"[user named].xml" files where specified (default is the User Files
          Location directory)</td>

          <td class="type">Layout Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Sensor, Turnout, Block, Light</td>
          <td class="where">Table for specific element type</td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">2, 3
          <!-- "Save->" under the File pulldown on each Table window. Wherever "Store Panels" is a command.
          In <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/display/LayoutEditor.shtml">Layout Editor</a>: "Store configuration only" or
          "Store configuration and panels" which stores tables and panels --></td>
          <td class="store">"[user named].xml" files where specified (default is the User Files
          Location directory)</td>

          <td class="type">Layout Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Icons, Images, Image Index</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/display/IconAdder.shtml">Icon Editor</a>, Image Index Editor</td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">5</td>
          <!-- In Image Index Editor or <a href="/package/jmri/jmrit/display/ControlPanelEditor.shtml">Control Panel Editor</a>:
          "Store Image Index" under the File pulldown menu. -->

          <td class="store">Image/icon files where specified (default is the User Files Location
          directory). Image index in catalogTrees.xml in the User Files location.</td>

          <td class="type">Layout Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Blocks</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/beantable/BlockTable.shtml">Block Table</a></td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">2, 3</td>
          <!-- "Save->" under the File pulldown on each Table window. Wherever "Store Panels" is a command.
          In <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/display/LayoutEditor.shtml">Layout Editor</a>: "Store configuration only" or
          "Store configuration and panels" which stores tables and panels -->

          <td class="store">"[user named].xml" files where specified (default is the User Files
          Location directory)</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Throttles</td>
          <td class="where">??</td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd"></td>
          <td class="store"></td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Consisting</td>
          <td class="where">??</td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd"></td>
          <td class="store"></td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Block Contents (Value)</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/beantable/BlockTable.shtml">Block Table</a></td>
          <td class="who">UC/<strong>AS</strong> [User enters then Block Tracking auto updates]
            or <strong>AC/AS</strong> [if Reporter linked to Block]</td>
          <td class="cmd">NA</td>
          <td class="store">blockvalues.xml in User Files location</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Sensor Status, Turnout Status, Block (Occupancy) Status</td>
          <td class="where">Table for specific element type</td>
          <td class="who"><strong>AC</strong>/NS</td>
          <td class="cmd">Status data is not saved when JMRI is closed.</td>
          <td class="store">NA</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Occupancy Block (OBlock)</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/logix/OBlockTable.shtml">OBlock Table</a>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">2, 3</td>
          <!-- "Save->" under the File pulldown on each Table window. In
          <a href="/package/jmri/jmrit/display/ControlPanelEditor.shtml">Control Panel Editor</a>: "Store Panels" under
          the File pulldown menu. -->

          <td class="store">"[user named].xml" files where specified (default is the User Files
          Location directory)</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">OBlock, Portal, OPath</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/display/CircuitBuilder.shtml">Circuit Builder</a>
          <td class="who"><strong>AC</strong>/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">2, 3</td>
          <!-- "Save->" under the File pulldown on each Table window. In
          <a href="/package/jmri/jmrit/display/ControlPanelEditor.shtml">Control Panel Editor</a>: "Store Panels" under
          the File pulldown menu. -->

          <td class="store">"[user named].xml" files where specified (default is the User Files
          Location directory)</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Reporter</td>
          <td class="where">Automatically by LocoNet transponding, RFID;
                    or manually <a href="../tools/Reporters.shtml">Reporter Table</a></td>
          <td class="who"><strong>AC</strong> or UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">3</td>
          <td class="store">"[user named].xml" files where specified (default is the User Files
          Location directory)</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Scripts</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../tools/scripting/index.shtml">Script Entry window</a> or external editor
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">6</td>
          <td class="store">Scripts are stored in ".py" or ".js" files where specified by user
          (default: Script Location)</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Speedometer</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">Tools &rArr; Speedometer, Hit "Save as default"</td>
          <td class="store">In PanelProSpeedometer.xml in User Files location. NOTE: <em>"Save as default"
          causes sensors to be created if they do not already exist.  These must then be saved in a panel file.</em></td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Timetable data</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">Tools &rArr; Timetable, Hit "Save"</td>
          <td class="store">In timetable/TimeTableData.xml in User Files location</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">CTC data</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">2, 3</td>
          <td class="store">Included in the tables and panels xml data file</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Dispatcher</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">?</td>
          <td class="store">In dispatcheroptions.xml in User Files location</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">Dispatcher trains</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">?</td>
          <td class="store">In dispatcheroptions.xml in User Files location</td>

          <td class="type">Operations Elements</td>
          <td class="data">OperationsPro data</td>
          <td class="where">
            <a href="../../package/jmri/jmrit/operations/Operations.shtml">Operations Pro</a>
            (Operations menu)
          <td class="who">UC/<strong>AS</strong></td>
          <td class="cmd">Appropriate file saved when changes made</td>
          <td class="store">In six files in operations/ in User Files location</td>

          <td class="type">Other</td>
          <td class="data">Window size/location</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">UC/<strong>AS</strong></td>
          <td class="cmd">Saved when window is moved or resized</td>
          <td class="store">Saved in the user-interface.xml file in the Profile location.</td>

          <td class="type">Other</td>
          <td class="data">Backup panels</td>
          <td class="where">Whenever tables and panels are stored with the same file name.</td>
          <td class="who"><strong>AC/AS</strong>
          <td class="cmd">NA</td>
          <td class="store">In backupPanels/ in User Files location</td>

          <td class="type">RFID</td>
          <td class="data">ID Tag Info</td>
          <td class="where">When RFID tags are read via RFID, MQTT, or other Reporter message</td>
          <td class="who"><strong>AC/AS</strong></td>
          <td class="cmd">NA</td>
          <td class="store">In subdirectory "idtags" in User Files Location</td>

          <td class="type">Roster Info</td>
          <td class="data">Roster Entry Info</td>
          <td class="where">Changing info on main Roster page</td>
          <td class="who">UC/<strong>AS</strong></td>
          <td class="cmd">4(a)</td>
          <td class="store">Individual files in subdirectory "roster" in Roster Files Location</td>

          <td class="type">Roster Info</td>
          <td class="data">Roster Entry (full)</td>
          <td class="where">
            "Save" <a href="DecoderPro/Roster.shtml">Roster Entry</a>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">4(b)</td>
          <td class="store">Individual files in subdirectory "roster" in Roster Files Location</td>

          <td class="type">Roster Info</td>
          <td class="data">Decoder CVs</td>
          <td class="where">
            "Write" <a href="DecoderPro/Roster.shtml">Roster Entry</a>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">4(c)</td>
          <td class="store">Individual files in subdirectory "roster" in Roster Files Location</td>

          <td class="type">Roster Info</td>
          <td class="data">Roster Group</td>
          <td class="where">
            DecoderPro Settings &rArr; options for <a href=
            "../../manual/DecoderPro/Main_RosterGroup.shtml">Roster Group</a>
          <td class="who">UC/<strong>AS</strong></td>
          <td class="cmd">4(a)</td>
          <td class="store">roster.xml Roster Files Location</td>

          <td class="type">Roster Info</td>
          <td class="data">Consisting</td>
          <td class="where">Select "Consist" tab on individual roster entry</td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">
          <td class="store">Individual decoder files in Roster Files Location</td>

          <td class="type">Roster Info</td>
          <td class="data">Consisting</td>
          <td class="where">Direct Entry to Consisting window</td>
          <td class="who">UC/<strong>NS</strong></td>
          <td class="cmd">??</td>
          <td class="store">Not saved.</td>

          <td class="type">System Preferences</td>
          <td class="data">Config Profiles</td>
          <td class="where">
            Select <a href="../setup/profiles.shtml">Config Profiles</a> in Preferences window
            under Edit pulldown
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">1</td>
          <td class="store">In subdirectories under Config File location.</td>

          <td class="type">System Preferences</td>
          <td class="data">Connections, Defaults, File Locations, Start Up Actions, etc.</td>
          <td class="where">Select different items in Preferences window under Edit pulldown</td>
          <td class="who">UC/US</td>
          <td class="cmd">1</td>
          <td class="store">In several files in the Settings Location.</td>

          <td class="type">MORE</td>
          <td class="data">MORE</td>
          <td class="where">
          <td class="who">
          <td class="cmd">1, 2, 3, 4(a), 4(b), 4(c), 5, 6?</td>
          <td class="store">

      <p><a href="#TopOfPage">[Go to top of page]</a>
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      <h2 id="catalpha">Category/Alphabetic Index</h2>

          <h3 id="layout">Layout elements:</h3>
          Describe the physical layout
            <li>Layout Editor (LE) Panel</li>
            <li>Control Panel Editor (CPE) Panel</li>

          <h3 id="roster">Roster information:</h3>
          Specify engine and other DCC controlled components
            <li>Roster main page</li>
            <li>Roster entry</li>
            <li>Roster group</li>

          <h3 id="opns">Operations elements:</h3>
          Additional information about the physical layout used for operational control of the railroad
            <li>Memory Variable</li>

        <h3 id="hardware">Hardware:</h3>
          Additional information about specific types of hardware

        <h3 id="pref">System preferences:</h3>
        Information used by JMRI to customize look, feel, and operation of the JMRI system

          <h3 id="other">Other:</h3>
            <li>Window size/position</li>

      <p><a href="#TopOfPage">[Go to top of page]</a>
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