

1 mo
Test Coverage
package jmri.jmrix.lenz;


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import jmri.SpeedStepMode;

 * Represents a single command or response on the XpressNet.
 * <p>
 * Content is represented with ints to avoid the problems with sign-extension
 * that bytes have, and because a Java char is actually a variable number of
 * bytes in Unicode.
 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright (C) 2002
 * @author Paul Bender Copyright (C) 2003-2010
public class XNetMessage extends jmri.jmrix.AbstractMRMessage implements Serializable {

    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_LI_BAUD = "XNetMessageRequestLIBaud";
    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_READ_DIRECT_V_36 = "XNetMessageRequestServiceModeReadDirectV36";
    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_WRITE_DIRECT_V_36 = "XNetMessageRequestServiceModeWriteDirectV36";
    private static final String FORWARD = "Forward";
    private static final String REVERSE = "Reverse";
    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_SPEED = "XNetMessageSetSpeed";
    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION = "XNetMessageSetDirection";
    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X = "XNetMessageSetFunctionGroupX";
    private static final String POWER_STATE_ON = "PowerStateOn";
    private static final String POWER_STATE_OFF = "PowerStateOff";
    private static final String SPEED_STEP_MODE_X = "SpeedStepModeX";
    private static final String X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY = "XNetMessageSetFunctionGroupXMomentary";
    private static final String FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS = "FunctionContinuous";
    private static final String FUNCTION_MOMENTARY = "FunctionMomentary";
    private static int _nRetries = 5;

    /* According to the specification, XpressNet has a maximum timing
     interval of 500 milliseconds during normal communications */
    protected static final int XNetProgrammingTimeout = 10000;
    private static int XNetMessageTimeout = 5000;

     * Create a new object, representing a specific-length message.
     * @param len Total bytes in message, including opcode and error-detection
     *            byte.  Valid values are 0 to 15 (0x0 to 0xF).
    public XNetMessage(int len) {
        if (len > 15 ) {  // only check upper bound. Lower bound checked in
                          // super call.
            log.error("Invalid length in ctor: {}", len);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid length in ctor: " + len);
        _nDataChars = len;

     * Create a new object, that is a copy of an existing message.
     * @param message an existing XpressNet message
    public XNetMessage(XNetMessage message) {

     * Create an XNetMessage from an XNetReply.
     * @param message existing XNetReply.
    public XNetMessage(XNetReply message) {
        for (int i = 0; i < message.getNumDataElements(); i++) {
            setElement(i, message.getElement(i));

     * Create an XNetMessage from a String containing bytes.
     * @param s string containing data bytes.
    public XNetMessage(String s) {
        // gather bytes in result
        byte[] b = jmri.util.StringUtil.bytesFromHexString(s);
        if (b.length == 0) {
            // no such thing as a zero-length message
            _nDataChars = 0;
            _dataChars = null;
        _nDataChars = b.length;
        _dataChars = new int[_nDataChars];
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            setElement(i, b[i]);

    // note that the opcode is part of the message, so we treat it
    // directly
    // WARNING: use this only with opcodes that have a variable number
    // of arguments following included. Otherwise, just use setElement
    public void setOpCode(int i) {
        if (i > 0xF || i < 0) {
            log.error("Opcode invalid: {}", i);
        setElement(0, ((i * 16) & 0xF0) | ((getNumDataElements() - 2) & 0xF));

    public int getOpCode() {
        return (getElement(0) / 16) & 0xF;

     * Get a String representation of the op code in hex.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String getOpCodeHex() {
        return "0x" + Integer.toHexString(getOpCode());

     * Check whether the message has a valid parity.
     * @return true if parity valid, else false.
    public boolean checkParity() {
        int len = getNumDataElements();
        int chksum = 0x00;  /* the seed */

        int loop;

        for (loop = 0; loop < len - 1; loop++) {  // calculate contents for data part
            chksum ^= getElement(loop);
        return ((chksum & 0xFF) == getElement(len - 1));

    public void setParity() {
        int len = getNumDataElements();
        int chksum = 0x00;  /* the seed */

        int loop;

        for (loop = 0; loop < len - 1; loop++) {  // calculate contents for data part
            chksum ^= getElement(loop);
        setElement(len - 1, chksum & 0xFF);

     * Get an integer representation of a BCD value.
     * @param n message element index.
     * @return integer of BCD.
    public Integer getElementBCD(int n) {
        return Integer.decode(Integer.toHexString(getElement(n)));

     * Get the message length.
     * @return message length.
    public int length() {
        return _nDataChars;

     * Set the default number of retries for an XpressNet message.
     * @param t number of retries to attempt
    public static void setXNetMessageRetries(int t) {
        _nRetries = t;

     * Set the default timeout for an XpressNet message.
     * @param t Timeout in milliseconds
    public static void setXNetMessageTimeout(int t) {
        XNetMessageTimeout = t;

     * Most messages are sent with a reply expected, but
     * we have a few that we treat as though the reply is always
     * a broadcast message, because the reply usually comes to us
     * that way.
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean replyExpected() {
        return !broadcastReply;

    private boolean broadcastReply = false;

     * Tell the traffic controller we expect this
     * message to have a broadcast reply.
    public void setBroadcastReply() {
        broadcastReply = true;

    // decode messages of a particular form
    // create messages of a particular form

     * Encapsulate an NMRA DCC packet in an XpressNet message.
     * <p>
     * On Current (v3.5) Lenz command stations, the Operations Mode
     *     Programming Request is implemented by sending a packet directly
     *     to the rails.  This packet is not checked by the XpressNet
     *     protocol, and is just the track packet with an added header
     *     byte.
     *     <p>
     *     NOTE: Lenz does not say this will work for anything but 5
     *     byte packets.
     * @param packet byte array containing packet data elements.
     * @return message to send DCC packet.
    public static XNetMessage getNMRAXNetMsg(byte[] packet) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(packet.length + 2);
        msg.setOpCode((XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_REQ & 0xF0) >> 4);
        msg.setElement(1, 0x30);
        for (int i = 0; i < packet.length; i++) {
            msg.setElement((i + 2), packet[i] & 0xff);
        return (msg);

     * The next group of routines are used by Feedback and/or turnout
     * control code.  These are used in multiple places within the code,
     * so they appear here.

     * Generate a message to change turnout state.
     * @param pNumber address number.
     * @param pClose true if set turnout closed.
     * @param pThrow true if set turnout thrown.
     * @param pOn accessory line true for on, false off.
     * @return message containing turnout command.
    public static XNetMessage getTurnoutCommandMsg(int pNumber, boolean pClose,
            boolean pThrow, boolean pOn) {
        XNetMessage l = new XNetMessage(4);
        l.setElement(0, XNetConstants.ACC_OPER_REQ);

        // compute address byte fields
        int hiadr = (pNumber - 1) / 4;
        int loadr = ((pNumber - 1) - hiadr * 4) * 2;
        // The MSB of the upper nibble is required to be set on
        // The rest of the upper nibble should be zeros.
        // The MSB of the lower nibble says weather or not the
        // accessory line should be "on" or "off"
        if (!pOn) {
            loadr |= 0x80;
        } else {
            loadr |= 0x88;
        // If we are sending a "throw" command, we set the LSB of the
        // lower nibble on, otherwise, we leave it "off".
        if (pThrow) {
            loadr |= 0x01;

        // we don't know how to command both states right now!
        if (pClose && pThrow) {
            log.error("XpressNet turnout logic can't handle both THROWN and CLOSED yet");
        // store and send
        l.setElement(1, hiadr);
        l.setElement(2, loadr);
        l.setParity(); // Set the parity bit

        return l;

     * Generate a message to receive the feedback information for an upper or
     * lower nibble of the feedback address in question.
     * @param pNumber feedback address.
     * @param pLowerNibble true for upper nibble, else false for lower.
     * @return feedback request message.
    public static XNetMessage getFeedbackRequestMsg(int pNumber,
            boolean pLowerNibble) {
        XNetMessage l = new XNetMessage(4);
        l.setBroadcastReply();  // we the message reply as a broadcast message.
        l.setElement(0, XNetConstants.ACC_INFO_REQ);

        // compute address byte field
        l.setElement(1, (pNumber - 1) / 4);
        // The MSB of the upper nibble is required to be set on
        // The rest of the upper nibble should be zeros.
        // The LSB of the lower nibble says weather or not the
        // information request is for the upper or lower nibble.
        if (pLowerNibble) {
            l.setElement(2, 0x80);
        } else {
            l.setElement(2, 0x81);
        l.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return l;

     * Next, we have some messages related to sending programming commands.

    public static XNetMessage getServiceModeResultsMsg() {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(3);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.SERVICE_MODE_CSRESULT);
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getExitProgModeMsg() {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(3);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.RESUME_OPS);
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getReadPagedCVMsg(int cv) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(4);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_REQUEST);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_PAGED);
        m.setElement(2, (0xff & cv));
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getReadDirectCVMsg(int cv) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(4);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_REQUEST);
        if (cv < 0x0100) /* Use the version 3.5 command for CVs <= 256 */ {
            m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV);
        } else if (cv == 0x0400) /* For CV1024, we need to send the version 3.6
         command for CVs 1 to 256, sending a 0 for the
         CV */ {
            m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV_V36);
        } else /* and the version 3.6 command for CVs > 256 */ {
            m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV_V36 | ((cv & 0x0300) >> 8));
        m.setElement(2, (0xff & cv));
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getWritePagedCVMsg(int cv, int val) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(5);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_REQUEST);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_PAGED);
        m.setElement(2, (0xff & cv));
        m.setElement(3, val);
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getWriteDirectCVMsg(int cv, int val) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(5);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_REQUEST);
        if (cv < 0x0100) /* Use the version 3.5 command for CVs <= 256 */ {
            m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV);
        } else if (cv == 0x0400) /* For CV1024, we need to send the version 3.6
         command for CVs 1 to 256, sending a 0 for the
         CV */ {
            m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV_V36);
        } else /* and the version 3.6 command for CVs > 256 */ {
            m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV_V36 | ((cv & 0x0300) >> 8));
        m.setElement(2, (0xff & cv));
        m.setElement(3, val);
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getReadRegisterMsg(int reg) {
        if (reg > 8) {
            log.error("register number too large: {}",reg);
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(4);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_REQUEST);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_REGISTER);
        m.setElement(2, (0x0f & reg));
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getWriteRegisterMsg(int reg, int val) {
        if (reg > 8) {
            log.error("register number too large: {}",reg);
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(5);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_REQUEST);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_REGISTER);
        m.setElement(2, (0x0f & reg));
        m.setElement(3, val);
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getWriteOpsModeCVMsg(int AH, int AL, int cv, int val) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(8);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_REQ);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_WRITE_REQ);
        m.setElement(2, AH);
        m.setElement(3, AL);
        /* Element 4 is 0xEC + the upper two  bits of the 10 bit CV address.
         NOTE: This is the track packet CV, not the human readable CV, so
         its value actually is one less than what we normally think of it as.*/
        int temp = (cv - 1) & 0x0300;
        temp = temp / 0x00FF;
        m.setElement(4, 0xEC + temp);
        /* Element 5 is the lower 8 bits of the cv */
        m.setElement(5, ((0x00ff & cv) - 1));
        m.setElement(6, val);
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getVerifyOpsModeCVMsg(int AH, int AL, int cv, int val) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(8);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_REQ);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_WRITE_REQ);
        m.setElement(2, AH);
        m.setElement(3, AL);
        /* Element 4 is 0xE4 + the upper two  bits of the 10 bit CV address.
         NOTE: This is the track packet CV, not the human readable CV, so
         its value actually is one less than what we normally think of it as.*/
        int temp = (cv - 1) & 0x0300;
        temp = temp / 0x00FF;
        m.setElement(4, 0xE4 + temp);
        /* Element 5 is the lower 8 bits of the cv */
        m.setElement(5, ((0x00ff & cv) - 1));
        m.setElement(6, val);
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getBitWriteOpsModeCVMsg(int AH, int AL, int cv, int bit, boolean value) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(8);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_REQ);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_WRITE_REQ);
        m.setElement(2, AH);
        m.setElement(3, AL);
        /* Element 4 is 0xE8 + the upper two  bits of the 10 bit CV address.
         NOTE: This is the track packet CV, not the human readable CV, so
         its value actually is one less than what we normally think of it as.*/
        int temp = (cv - 1) & 0x0300;
        temp = temp / 0x00FF;
        m.setElement(4, 0xE8 + temp);
        /* Element 5 is the lower 8 bits of the cv */
        m.setElement(5, ((0x00ff & cv) - 1));
        /* Since this is a bit write, Element 6 is:
         0xE0 +
         bit 3 is the value to write
         bit's 0-2 are the location of the bit we are changing */
        if (value) {
            m.setElement(6, ((0xe8) | (bit & 0xff)));
        } else // value == false
            m.setElement(6, ((0xe0) | (bit & 0xff)));
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

    public static XNetMessage getBitVerifyOpsModeCVMsg(int AH, int AL, int cv, int bit, boolean value) {
        XNetMessage m = new XNetMessage(8);
        m.setElement(0, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_REQ);
        m.setElement(1, XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_WRITE_REQ);
        m.setElement(2, AH);
        m.setElement(3, AL);
        /* Element 4 is 0xE8 + the upper two  bits of the 10 bit CV address.
         NOTE: This is the track packet CV, not the human readable CV, so
         its value actually is one less than what we normally think of it as.*/
        int temp = (cv - 1) & 0x0300;
        temp = temp / 0x00FF;
        m.setElement(4, 0xE8 + temp);
        /* Element 5 is the lower 8 bits of the cv */
        m.setElement(5, ((0x00ff & cv) - 1));
        /* Since this is a bit verify, Element 6 is:
         0xF0 +
         bit 3 is the value to write
         bit's 0-2 are the location of the bit we are changing */
        if (value) {
            m.setElement(6, ((0xf8) | (bit & 0xff)));
        } else // value == false
            m.setElement(6, ((0xf0) | (bit & 0xff)));
        m.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return m;

     * Next, we have routines to generate XpressNet Messages for building
     * and tearing down a consist or a double header.

     * Build a Double Header.
     * @param address1 the first address in the consist
     * @param address2 the second address in the consist.
     * @return message to build double header.
    public static XNetMessage getBuildDoubleHeaderMsg(int address1, int address2) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(7);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_DOUBLEHEAD);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_DOUBLEHEAD_BYTE2);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address1));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address1));
        msg.setElement(4, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address2));
        msg.setElement(5, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address2));
        return (msg);

     * Dissolve a Double Header.
     * @param address one of the two addresses in the Double Header
     * @return message to dissolve a double header.
    public static XNetMessage getDisolveDoubleHeaderMsg(int address) {
        // All we have to do is call getBuildDoubleHeaderMsg with the
        // second address as a zero
        return (getBuildDoubleHeaderMsg(address, 0));

     * Add a Single address to a specified Advanced consist.
     * @param consist the consist address (1-99)
     * @param address the locomotive address to add.
     * @param isNormalDir tells us if the locomotive is going forward when
     * the consist is going forward.
     * @return message to add address to consist.
    public static XNetMessage getAddLocoToConsistMsg(int consist, int address,
            boolean isNormalDir) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        if (isNormalDir) {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_ADD_MULTI_UNIT_REQ);
        } else {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_ADD_MULTI_UNIT_REQ | 0x01);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        msg.setElement(4, consist);
        return (msg);

     * Remove a Single address to a specified Advanced consist.
     * @param consist the consist address (1-99)
     * @param address the locomotive address to remove
     * @return message to remove single address from consist.
    public static XNetMessage getRemoveLocoFromConsistMsg(int consist, int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_REM_MULTI_UNIT_REQ);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        msg.setElement(4, consist);
        return (msg);

     * Next, we have routines to generate XpressNet Messages for search
     * and manipulation of the Command Station Database

     * Given a locomotive address, search the database for the next
     * member.
     * (if the Address is zero start at the beginning of the database).
     * @param address is the locomotive address
     * @param searchForward indicates to search the database Forward if
     * true, or backwards if False
     * @return message to request next address.
    public static XNetMessage getNextAddressOnStackMsg(int address, boolean searchForward) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(5);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ);
        if (searchForward) {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_STACK_SEARCH_FWD);
        } else {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_STACK_SEARCH_BKWD);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Given a consist address, search the database for the next Consist
     * address.
     * @param address is the consist address (in the range 1-99).
     * If the Address is zero start at the beginning of the database.
     * @param searchForward indicates to search the database Forward if
     * true, or backwards if false
     * @return message to get next consist address.
    public static XNetMessage getDBSearchMsgConsistAddress(int address, boolean searchForward) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(4);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_MULTI_UNIT_REQ);
        if (searchForward) {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.CS_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_FWD);
        } else {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.CS_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_BKWD);
        msg.setElement(2, address);
        return (msg);

     * Given a consist and a locomotive address, search the database for
     * the next Locomotive in the consist.
     * @param consist the consist address (1-99).
     * If the Consist Address is zero start at the begining of the database
     * @param address the locomotive address.
     * If the Address is zero start at the begining of the consist
     * @param searchForward indicates to search the database Forward if
     * true, or backwards if False
     * @return  message to request next loco in consist.
    public static XNetMessage getDBSearchMsgNextMULoco(int consist, int address, boolean searchForward) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_IN_MULTI_UNIT_SEARCH_REQ);
        if (searchForward) {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_IN_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_FORWARD);
        } else {
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_IN_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_BACKWARD);
        msg.setElement(2, consist);
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(4, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Given a locomotive address, delete it from the database .
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @return message to delete loco address from stack.
    public static XNetMessage getDeleteAddressOnStackMsg(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(5);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_STACK_DELETE);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Given a locomotive address, request its status .
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @return message to request loco status.
    public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveInfoRequestMsg(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(5);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_V3);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Given a locomotive address, request the function state (momentary status).
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @return momentary function state request request.
    public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveFunctionStatusMsg(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(5);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_FUNC);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Given a locomotive address, request the function on/off state
     * for functions 13-28
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @return function state request request f13-f28.
    public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveFunctionHighOnStatusMsg(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(5);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_FUNC_HI_ON);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Given a locomotive address, request the function state (momentary status)
     * for high functions (functions 13-28).
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @return momentary function state request request f13-f28.
    public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveFunctionHighMomStatusMsg(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(5);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_FUNC_HI_MOM);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        return (msg);

     * Generate an emergency stop for the specified address.
     * @param address the locomotive address
    public static XNetMessage getAddressedEmergencyStop(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(4);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.EMERGENCY_STOP);
        msg.setElement(1, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper
        // byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte
        //of the DCC address
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Speed and Direction Request message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param speedStepMode the speedstep mode see @jmri.DccThrottle
     *                       for possible values.
     * @param speed a normalized speed value (a floating point number between 0
     *              and 1).  A negative value indicates emergency stop.
     * @param isForward true for forward, false for reverse.
     * @return set speed and direction message.
    public static XNetMessage getSpeedAndDirectionMsg(int address,
            SpeedStepMode speedStepMode,
            float speed,
            boolean isForward) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        int element4value = 0;   /* this is for holding the speed and
         direction setting */

        if (speedStepMode == SpeedStepMode.NMRA_DCC_128) {
            // We're in 128 speed step mode
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_128);
            // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 4
            // Remember, the speed steps are identified as 0-127 (in
            // 128 step mode), not 1-128.
            int speedVal = java.lang.Math.round(speed * 126);
            // speed step 1 is reserved to indicate emergency stop,
            // so we need to step over speed step 1
            if (speedVal >= 1) {
                element4value = speedVal + 1;
        } else if (speedStepMode == SpeedStepMode.NMRA_DCC_28) {
            // We're in 28 speed step mode
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_28);
            // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 4
            int speedVal = java.lang.Math.round(speed * 28);
            // The first speed step used is actually at 4 for 28
            // speed step mode.
            if (speedVal >= 1) {
                speedVal += 3;
            // We have to re-arange the bits, since bit 4 is the LSB,
            // but other bits are in order from 0-3
            element4value = ((speedVal & 0x1e) >> 1)
                    + ((speedVal & 0x01) << 4);
        } else if (speedStepMode == SpeedStepMode.NMRA_DCC_27) {
            // We're in 27 speed step mode
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_27);
            // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 4
            int speedVal = java.lang.Math.round(speed * 27);
            // The first speed step used is actually at 4 for 27
            // speed step mode.
            if (speedVal >= 1) {
                speedVal += 3;
            // We have to re-arange the bits, since bit 4 is the LSB,
            // but other bits are in order from 0-3
            element4value = ((speedVal & 0x1e) >> 1)
                    + ((speedVal & 0x01) << 4);
        } else {
            // We're in 14 speed step mode
            msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_14);
            // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 4
            element4value = (int) (speed * 14);
            int speedVal = java.lang.Math.round(speed * 14);
            // The first speed step used is actually at 2 for 14
            // speed step mode.
            if (speedVal >= 1) {
                element4value += 1;
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte
        //of the DCC address
        if (isForward) {
            /* the direction bit is always the most significant bit */
            element4value += 128;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group One Operation Request message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f0 is true if f0 is on, false if f0 is off
     * @param f1 is true if f1 is on, false if f1 is off
     * @param f2 is true if f2 is on, false if f2 is off
     * @param f3 is true if f3 is on, false if f3 is off
     * @param f4 is true if f4 is on, false if f4 is off
     * @return set function group 1 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup1OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean f0,
            boolean f1,
            boolean f2,
            boolean f3,
            boolean f4) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP1);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f0) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (f1) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f2) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f3) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f4) {
            element4value += 8;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group One Set Momentary Functions message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f0 is true if f0 is momentary
     * @param f1 is true if f1 is momentary
     * @param f2 is true if f2 is momentary
     * @param f3 is true if f3 is momentary
     * @param f4 is true if f4 is momentary
     * @return set momentary function group 1 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup1SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean f0,
            boolean f1,
            boolean f2,
            boolean f3,
            boolean f4) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP1_MOMENTARY);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f0) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (f1) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f2) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f3) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f4) {
            element4value += 8;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Two Operation Request message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f5 is true if f5 is on, false if f5 is off
     * @param f6 is true if f6 is on, false if f6 is off
     * @param f7 is true if f7 is on, false if f7 is off
     * @param f8 is true if f8 is on, false if f8 is off
     * @return set function group 2 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup2OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean f5,
            boolean f6,
            boolean f7,
            boolean f8) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP2);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f5) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f6) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f7) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f8) {
            element4value += 8;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Two Set Momentary Functions message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f5 is true if f5 is momentary
     * @param f6 is true if f6 is momentary
     * @param f7 is true if f7 is momentary
     * @param f8 is true if f8 is momentary
     * @return set momentary function group 2 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup2SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean f5,
            boolean f6,
            boolean f7,
            boolean f8) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP2_MOMENTARY);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f5) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f6) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f7) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f8) {
            element4value += 8;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Three Operation Request message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f9 is true if f9 is on, false if f9 is off
     * @param f10 is true if f10 is on, false if f10 is off
     * @param f11 is true if f11 is on, false if f11 is off
     * @param f12 is true if f12 is on, false if f12 is off
     * @return set function group 3 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup3OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean f9,
            boolean f10,
            boolean f11,
            boolean f12) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP3);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f9) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f10) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f11) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f12) {
            element4value += 8;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Three Set Momentary Functions message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f9 is true if f9 is momentary
     * @param f10 is true if f10 is momentary
     * @param f11 is true if f11 is momentary
     * @param f12 is true if f12 is momentary
     * @return set momentary function group 3 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup3SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean f9,
            boolean f10,
            boolean f11,
            boolean f12) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP3_MOMENTARY);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f9) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f10) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f11) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f12) {
            element4value += 8;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Four Operation Request message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f13 is true if f13 is on, false if f13 is off
     * @param f14 is true if f14 is on, false if f14 is off
     * @param f15 is true if f15 is on, false if f15 is off
     * @param f16 is true if f18 is on, false if f16 is off
     * @param f17 is true if f17 is on, false if f17 is off
     * @param f18 is true if f18 is on, false if f18 is off
     * @param f19 is true if f19 is on, false if f19 is off
     * @param f20 is true if f20 is on, false if f20 is off
     * @return set function group 4 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup4OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean f13,
            boolean f14,
            boolean f15,
            boolean f16,
            boolean f17,
            boolean f18,
            boolean f19,
            boolean f20) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP4);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f13) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f14) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f15) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f16) {
            element4value += 8;
        if (f17) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (f18) {
            element4value += 32;
        if (f19) {
            element4value += 64;
        if (f20) {
            element4value += 128;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Four Set Momentary Function message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f13 is true if f13 is Momentary
     * @param f14 is true if f14 is Momentary
     * @param f15 is true if f15 is Momentary
     * @param f16 is true if f18 is Momentary
     * @param f17 is true if f17 is Momentary
     * @param f18 is true if f18 is Momentary
     * @param f19 is true if f19 is Momentary
     * @param f20 is true if f20 is Momentary
     * @return set momentary function group 4 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup4SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean f13,
            boolean f14,
            boolean f15,
            boolean f16,
            boolean f17,
            boolean f18,
            boolean f19,
            boolean f20) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP4_MOMENTARY);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f13) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f14) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f15) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f16) {
            element4value += 8;
        if (f17) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (f18) {
            element4value += 32;
        if (f19) {
            element4value += 64;
        if (f20) {
            element4value += 128;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Five Operation Request message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f21 is true if f21 is on, false if f21 is off
     * @param f22 is true if f22 is on, false if f22 is off
     * @param f23 is true if f23 is on, false if f23 is off
     * @param f24 is true if f24 is on, false if f24 is off
     * @param f25 is true if f25 is on, false if f25 is off
     * @param f26 is true if f26 is on, false if f26 is off
     * @param f27 is true if f27 is on, false if f27 is off
     * @param f28 is true if f28 is on, false if f28 is off
     * @return set function group 5 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup5OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean f21,
            boolean f22,
            boolean f23,
            boolean f24,
            boolean f25,
            boolean f26,
            boolean f27,
            boolean f28) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP5);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f21) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f22) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f23) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f24) {
            element4value += 8;
        if (f25) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (f26) {
            element4value += 32;
        if (f27) {
            element4value += 64;
        if (f28) {
            element4value += 128;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate a Function Group Five Set Momentary Function message.
     * @param address the locomotive address
     * @param f21 is true if f21 is momentary
     * @param f22 is true if f22 is momentary
     * @param f23 is true if f23 is momentary
     * @param f24 is true if f24 is momentary
     * @param f25 is true if f25 is momentary
     * @param f26 is true if f26 is momentary
     * @param f27 is true if f27 is momentary
     * @param f28 is true if f28 is momentary
     * @return set momentary function group 5 message.
    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup5SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean f21,
            boolean f22,
            boolean f23,
            boolean f24,
            boolean f25,
            boolean f26,
            boolean f27,
            boolean f28) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP5_MOMENTARY);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (f21) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (f22) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (f23) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (f24) {
            element4value += 8;
        if (f25) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (f26) {
            element4value += 32;
        if (f27) {
            element4value += 64;
        if (f28) {
            element4value += 128;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

    // Generate a Function Group Operation Request message for some specific case.
    private static XNetMessage getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(int address, int byte1,
            boolean fA,
            boolean fB,
            boolean fC,
            boolean fD,
            boolean fE,
            boolean fF,
            boolean fG,
            boolean fH) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(6);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ);
        msg.setElement(1, byte1);
        msg.setElement(2, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressHigh(address));
        // set to the upper byte of the  DCC address
        msg.setElement(3, LenzCommandStation.getDCCAddressLow(address));
        // set to the lower byte of the DCC address
        // Now, we need to figure out what to send in element 3
        int element4value = 0;
        if (fA) {
            element4value += 1;
        if (fB) {
            element4value += 2;
        if (fC) {
            element4value += 4;
        if (fD) {
            element4value += 8;
        if (fE) {
            element4value += 16;
        if (fF) {
            element4value += 32;
        if (fG) {
            element4value += 64;
        if (fH) {
            element4value += 128;
        msg.setElement(4, element4value);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup6OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP6,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup7OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP7,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup8OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP8,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup9OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP9,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup10OpsMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP10,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup6SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP6_MOMENTARY,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup7SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP7_MOMENTARY,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup8SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP8_MOMENTARY,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup9SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP9_MOMENTARY,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

    public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup10SetMomMsg(int address,
            boolean fA, boolean fB, boolean fC, boolean fD,
            boolean fE, boolean fF, boolean fG, boolean fH) {
        return getFunctionGroupNOpsMsg(address, XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP10_MOMENTARY,
            fA, fB, fC, fD, fE, fF, fG, fH);

     * Build a Resume operations Message.
     * @return resume message.
    public static XNetMessage getResumeOperationsMsg() {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(3);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.RESUME_OPS);
        return (msg);

     * Build an EmergencyOff Message.
     * @return emergency off message.
    public static XNetMessage getEmergencyOffMsg() {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(3);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.EMERGENCY_OFF);
        return (msg);

     * Build an EmergencyStop Message.
     * @return emergency stop message.
    public static XNetMessage getEmergencyStopMsg() {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(2);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.ALL_ESTOP);
        return (msg);

     * Generate the message to request the Command Station Hardware/Software
     * Version.
     * @return message to request CS hardware and software version.
    public static XNetMessage getCSVersionRequestMessage() {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(3);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.CS_VERSION);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate the message to request the Command Station Status.
     * @return message to request CS status.
    public static XNetMessage getCSStatusRequestMessage() {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(3);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.CS_STATUS);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate the message to set the Command Station to Auto or Manual restart
     * mode.
     * @param autoMode true if auto, false for manual.
     * @return message to set CS restart mode.
    public static XNetMessage getCSAutoStartMessage(boolean autoMode) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(4);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.CS_SET_POWERMODE);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.CS_SET_POWERMODE);
        if (autoMode) {
            msg.setElement(2, XNetConstants.CS_POWERMODE_AUTO);
        } else {
            msg.setElement(2, XNetConstants.CS_POWERMODE_MANUAL);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate the message to request the Computer Interface Hardware/Software
     * Version.
     * @return message to request interface hardware and software version.
    public static XNetMessage getLIVersionRequestMessage() {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(2);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LI_VERSION_REQUEST);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate the message to set or request the Computer Interface Address.
     * @param address Interface address (0-31). Send invalid address to request
     *                the address (32-255).
     * @return message to set or request interface address.
    public static XNetMessage getLIAddressRequestMsg(int address) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(4);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST_ADDRESS);
        msg.setElement(2, address);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

     * Generate the message to set or request the Computer Interface speed.
     * @param speed 1 is 19,200bps, 2 is 38,400bps, 3 is 57,600bps, 4 is
     *              115,200bps. Send invalid speed to request the current
     *              setting.
     * @return message for set / request interface speed.
    public static XNetMessage getLISpeedRequestMsg(int speed) {
        XNetMessage msg = new XNetMessage(4);
        msg.setElement(0, XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST);
        msg.setElement(1, XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST_BAUD);
        msg.setElement(2, speed);
        msg.setParity(); // Set the parity bit
        return msg;

    * Generate text translations of messages for use in the XpressNet monitor.
    * @return representation of the XNetMessage as a string.
   public String toMonitorString(){
        String text;
        /* Start decoding messages sent by the computer */
        /* Start with LI101F requests */
        if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.LI_VERSION_REQUEST) {
            text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestLIVersion");
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST) {
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST_ADDRESS:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestLIAddress", getElement(2));
                case XNetConstants.LI101_REQUEST_BAUD:
                    switch (getElement(2)) {
                        case 1:
                            text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_LI_BAUD,
                        case 2:
                            text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_LI_BAUD,
                        case 3:
                            text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_LI_BAUD,
                        case 4:
                            text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_LI_BAUD,
                            text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_LI_BAUD,
                    text = toString();
            /* Next, we have generic requests */
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.CS_REQUEST) {
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.EMERGENCY_OFF:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestEmergencyOff");
                case XNetConstants.RESUME_OPS:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestNormalOps");
                case XNetConstants.SERVICE_MODE_CSRESULT:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeResult");
                case XNetConstants.CS_VERSION:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestCSVersion");
                case XNetConstants.CS_STATUS:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestCSStatus");
                    text = toString();
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.CS_SET_POWERMODE
                && getElement(1) == XNetConstants.CS_SET_POWERMODE
                && getElement(2) == XNetConstants.CS_POWERMODE_AUTO) {
            text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestCSPowerModeAuto");
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.CS_SET_POWERMODE
                && getElement(1) == XNetConstants.CS_SET_POWERMODE
                && getElement(2) == XNetConstants.CS_POWERMODE_MANUAL) {
            text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestCSPowerModeManual");
            /* Next, we have Programming Requests */
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.PROG_READ_REQUEST) {
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_REGISTER:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeReadRegister",getElement(2));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeReadDirect",getElement(2));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_PAGED:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeReadPaged",getElement(2));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV_V36:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_READ_DIRECT_V_36,(getElement(2)== 0 ? 1024 : getElement(2)));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV_V36 + 1:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_READ_DIRECT_V_36,(256 + getElement(2)));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV_V36 + 2:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_READ_DIRECT_V_36,(512 + getElement(2)));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_READ_MODE_CV_V36 + 3:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_READ_DIRECT_V_36,(768 + getElement(2)));
                    text = toString();
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_REQUEST) {
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_REGISTER:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeWriteRegister",getElement(2),getElement(3));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeWriteDirect",getElement(2),getElement(3));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_PAGED:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestServiceModeWritePaged",getElement(2),getElement(3));
                case XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV_V36:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_WRITE_DIRECT_V_36,(getElement(2)== 0 ? 1024 : getElement(2)),getElement(3));
                case (XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV_V36 + 1):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_WRITE_DIRECT_V_36,(256 + getElement(2)),getElement(3));
                case (XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV_V36 + 2):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_WRITE_DIRECT_V_36,(512 + getElement(2)),getElement(3));
                case (XNetConstants.PROG_WRITE_MODE_CV_V36 + 3):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_REQUEST_SERVICE_MODE_WRITE_DIRECT_V_36,(768 + getElement(2)),getElement(3));
                    text = toString();
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_REQ) {
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.OPS_MODE_PROG_WRITE_REQ:
                    if ((getElement(4) & 0xEC) == 0xEC
                            || (getElement(4) & 0xE4) == 0xE4) {
                        String message = "";
                        if ((getElement(4) & 0xEC) == 0xEC) {
                            message ="XNetMessageOpsModeByteWrite";
                        } else if ((getElement(4) & 0xE4) == 0xE4) {
                            message ="XNetMessageOpsModeByteVerify";
                        text = Bundle.getMessage(message,
                               (1 + getElement(5) + ((getElement(4) & 0x03) << 8)),
                               LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                    } else if ((getElement(4) & 0xE8) == 0xE8) {
                        String message;
                        if ((getElement(6) & 0x10) == 0x10) {
                            message ="XNetMessageOpsModeBitVerify";
                        } else {
                            message ="XNetMessageOpsModeBitWrite";
                        text = Bundle.getMessage(message,
                                ((getElement(6) & 0x08) >> 3),
                                (1 + getElement(5) + ((getElement(4) & 0x03) << 8)),
                                (getElement(6) & 0x07),
                                LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                    text = toString();
            // Next, decode the locomotive operation requests
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.LOCO_OPER_REQ) {
            text = "Mobile Decoder Operations Request: ";
            int speed;
            String direction;
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_14:
                    if ((getElement(4) & 0x80) != 0) {
                        direction = Bundle.getMessage(FORWARD);
                    } else {
                        direction = Bundle.getMessage(REVERSE);
                    text = text
                            + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_SPEED,
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)))
                            + " " + (getElement(4) & 0x0f)
                            + " " + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION, direction);
                    text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(SPEED_STEP_MODE_X, 14) + ".";
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_27:
                    text = text
                            + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_SPEED,
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)))
                            + " ";
                    if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("LOCO_SPEED_27 {} {}", LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)), text);
                        // address printed as: "1234" = OK
                        // address printed as: "1,234" = WRONG
                            = (((getElement(4) & 0x10) >> 4)
                            + ((getElement(4) & 0x0F) << 1));
                    if (speed >= 3) {
                        speed -= 3;
                    text += speed;
                    if ((getElement(4) & 0x80) != 0) {
                        text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION, Bundle.getMessage(FORWARD));
                    } else {
                        text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION, Bundle.getMessage(REVERSE));
                    text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(SPEED_STEP_MODE_X, 27) + ".";
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_28:
                    text = text
                            + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_SPEED,
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)))
                            + " ";
                            = (((getElement(4) & 0x10) >> 4)
                            + ((getElement(4) & 0x0F) << 1));
                    if (speed >= 3) {
                        speed -= 3;
                    text += speed;
                    if ((getElement(4) & 0x80) != 0) {
                        text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION, Bundle.getMessage(FORWARD));
                    } else {
                        text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION, Bundle.getMessage(REVERSE));
                    text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(SPEED_STEP_MODE_X, 28) + ".";
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SPEED_128:
                    if ((getElement(4) & 0x80) != 0) {
                        direction = Bundle.getMessage(FORWARD);
                    } else {
                        direction = Bundle.getMessage(REVERSE);
                    text = text
                            + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_SPEED,
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)))
                            + " "
                            + (getElement(4) & 0x7F) + " " + Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_DIRECTION, direction);
                    text += " " + Bundle.getMessage(SPEED_STEP_MODE_X, 128) + ".";
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP1:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup1MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP2:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup2MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP3:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup3MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP4:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup4MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP5:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup5MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP6:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup6MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP7:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup7MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP8:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup8MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP9:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup9MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP10:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup10MonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP1_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup1MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP2_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup2MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP3_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup3MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP4_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup4MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP5_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup5MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP6_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup6MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP7_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup7MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP8_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup8MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP9_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup9MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_SET_FUNC_GROUP10_MOMENTARY:
                    text = text + buildSetFunctionGroup10MomentaryMonitorString();
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_ADD_MULTI_UNIT_REQ:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageAddToConsistDirNormalRequest",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)),
                case (XNetConstants.LOCO_ADD_MULTI_UNIT_REQ | 0x01):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageAddToConsistDirReverseRequest",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)),
                case (XNetConstants.LOCO_REM_MULTI_UNIT_REQ):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRemoveFromConsistRequest",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)),
                case (XNetConstants.LOCO_IN_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_FORWARD):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageSearchCSStackForwardNextMULoco",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(3), getElement(4)));
                case (XNetConstants.LOCO_IN_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_BACKWARD):
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageSearchCSStackBackwardNextMULoco",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(3), getElement(4)));
                    text = toString();
            // Emergency Stop a locomotive
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.EMERGENCY_STOP) {
            text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageAddressedEmergencyStopRequest",
              LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(1), getElement(2)));
            // Disolve or Establish a Double Header
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.LOCO_DOUBLEHEAD
                && getElement(1) == XNetConstants.LOCO_DOUBLEHEAD_BYTE2) {
            int loco1 = LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3));
            int loco2 = LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(4), getElement(5));
            if (loco2 == 0) {
                text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageDisolveDoubleHeaderRequest",loco1);
            } else {
                text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageBuildDoubleHeaderRequest",loco1,loco2);
            // Locomotive Status Request messages
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.LOCO_STATUS_REQ) {
            switch (getElement(1)) {
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_FUNC:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestLocoFunctionMomStatus",
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_FUNC_HI_ON:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestLocoFunctionHighStatus",
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_FUNC_HI_MOM:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestLocoFunctionHighMomStatus",
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_INFO_REQ_V3:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestLocoInfo",
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_STACK_SEARCH_FWD:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageSearchCSStackForward",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_STACK_SEARCH_BKWD:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageSearchCSStackBackward",
                           LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                case XNetConstants.LOCO_STACK_DELETE:
                    text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageDeleteAddressOnStack",
                            LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)));
                    text = toString();
        } else if(getElement(0) == XNetConstants.CS_MULTI_UNIT_REQ) {
            if (getElement(1) == XNetConstants.CS_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_FWD){
                text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageSearchCSStackForwardConsistAddress",
            } else if(getElement(1) == XNetConstants.CS_MULTI_UNIT_REQ_BKWD){
                text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageSearchCSStackBackwardConsistAddress",
            } else {
                    text = toString();
            // Accessory Info Request message
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.ACC_INFO_REQ) {
            String nibblekey=(((getElement(2) & 0x01) == 0x01) ? "FeedbackEncoderUpperNibble" : "FeedbackEncoderLowerNibble");
            text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageFeedbackRequest",
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.ACC_OPER_REQ) {
            String messageKey =(((getElement(2) & 0x08) == 0x08) ? "XNetMessageAccessoryDecoderOnRequest" : "XNetMessageAccessoryDecoderOffRequest");
            int baseaddress = getElement(1);
            int subaddress = ((getElement(2) & 0x06) >> 1);
            int address = (baseaddress * 4) + subaddress + 1;
            int output = (getElement(2) & 0x01);
            text = Bundle.getMessage(messageKey,address, baseaddress,subaddress,output);
        } else if (getElement(0) == XNetConstants.ALL_ESTOP) {
            text = Bundle.getMessage("XNetMessageRequestEmergencyStop");
        } else {
            text = toString();
        return text;

   private String buildSetFunctionGroup1MonitorString() {
       String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 1) +
               " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
       int element4 = getElement(4);
       if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
           text += "F0 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F0 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
           text += "F1 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F1 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
           text += "F2 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F2 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
           text += "F3 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F3 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
           text += "F4 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F4 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";

       return text;

   private String buildSetFunctionGroup2MonitorString(){
       String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 2) + " "
               + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
       int element4 = getElement(4);
       if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
           text += "F5 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F5 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
           text += "F6 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F6 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
           text += "F7 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F7 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
           text += "F8 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
       } else {
           text += "F8 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
       return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup3MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 3) + " "
                + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F9 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F9 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F10 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F10 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F11 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F11 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F12 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F12 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup4MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 4) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F13 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F13 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F14 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F14 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F15 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F15 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F16 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F16 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F17 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F17 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F18 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F18 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F19 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F19 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F20 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F20 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup5MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 5) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F21 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F21 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F22 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F22 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F23 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F23 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F24 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F24 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F25 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F25 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F26 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F26 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F27 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F27 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F28 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F28 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup6MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 6) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F29 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F29 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F30 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F30 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F31 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F31 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F32 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F32 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F33 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F33 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F34 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F34 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F35 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F35 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F36 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F36 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup7MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 7) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F37 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F37 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F38 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F38 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F39 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F39 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F40 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F40 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F41 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F41 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F42 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F42 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F43 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F43 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F44 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F44 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup8MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 8) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F45 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F45 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F46 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F46 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F47 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F47 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F48 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F48 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F49 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F49 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F50 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F50 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F51 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F51 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F52 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F52 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup9MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 9) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F53 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F53 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F54 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F54 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F55 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F55 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F56 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F56 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F57 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F57 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F58 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F58 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F59 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F59 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F60 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F60 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup10MonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X, 10) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) != 0) {
            text += "F61 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F61 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) != 0) {
            text += "F62 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F62 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) != 0) {
            text += "F63 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F63 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) != 0) {
            text += "F64 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F64 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) != 0) {
            text += "F65 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F65 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) != 0) {
            text += "F66 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F66 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) != 0) {
            text += "F67 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F67 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) != 0) {
            text += "F68 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_ON) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F68 " + Bundle.getMessage(POWER_STATE_OFF) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup1MomentaryMonitorString() {
            String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 1) + " "
                + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F0 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F0 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F1 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F1 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F2 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F2 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F3 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F3 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F4 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F4 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup2MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 2) + " "
                + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F5 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F5 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F6 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F6 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F7 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F7 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F8 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F8 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup3MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 3) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F9 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F9 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F10 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F10 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F11 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F11 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F12 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F12 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup4MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 4) + " "
                + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F13 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F13 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F14 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F14 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F15 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F15 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F16 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F16 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F17 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F17 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F18 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F18 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F19 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F19 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F20 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F20 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup5MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 5) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F21 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F21 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F22 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F22 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F23 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F23 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F24 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F24 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F25 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F25 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F26 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F26 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F27 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F27 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F28 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F28 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup6MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 6) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F29 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F29 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F30 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F30 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F31 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F31 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F32 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F32 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F33 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F33 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F34 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F34 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F35 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F35 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F36 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F36 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup7MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 7) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F37 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F37 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F38 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F38 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F39 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F39 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F40 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F40 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F41 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F41 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F42 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F42 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F43 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F43 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F44 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F44 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup8MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 8) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F45 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F45 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F46 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F46 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F47 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F47 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F48 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F48 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F49 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F49 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F50 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F50 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F51 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F51 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F52 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F52 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup9MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 9) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F53 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F53 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F54 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F54 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F55 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F55 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F56 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F56 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F57 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F57 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F58 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F58 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F59 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F59 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F60 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F60 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    private String buildSetFunctionGroup10MomentaryMonitorString() {
        String text = Bundle.getMessage(X_NET_MESSAGE_SET_FUNCTION_GROUP_X_MOMENTARY, 10) + " " + LenzCommandStation.calcLocoAddress(getElement(2), getElement(3)) + " ";
        int element4 = getElement(4);
        if ((element4 & 0x01) == 0) {
            text += "F61 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F61 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x02) == 0) {
            text += "F62 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F62 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x04) == 0) {
            text += "F63 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F63 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x08) == 0) {
            text += "F64 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F64 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x10) == 0) {
            text += "F65 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F65 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x20) == 0) {
            text += "F66 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F66 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x40) == 0) {
            text += "F67 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F67 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        if ((element4 & 0x80) == 0) {
            text += "F68 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_CONTINUOUS) + "; ";
        } else {
            text += "F68 " + Bundle.getMessage(FUNCTION_MOMENTARY) + "; ";
        return text;

    // initialize logging
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XNetMessage.class);
