

3 mos
Test Coverage
# YetAnotherAutoTrain.py -- Data driven automatic train
# Use a list of actions to automatically run a train.
# v1.3 -- Add line numbers to the compiler error messages.
# v1.4 -- Add a master controller that can be used to terminate all of the threads.
# v1.5 -- Add signal mast and signal head options.
# v1.6 -- Add "Loop" to separate one time startup actions from the main loop.
#         Add "Repeat" to separate one time finish/clieanup actions from the main loop.
#         Add "Set route" to invoke a JMRI Route.
#         Add "Print" to send text to the Script output or system console.
# v2.0 -- Add nested If/Else/Endif support.
#         Add GoSub, Sub and EndSub to support sub routines.
#         Convert execution flow from multiple "execute" and "skip" modes to treating the token list as program addresses.
# v2.1 -- Add support to trigger Dispatcher automatic trains.
#         Add an optional source for the trainList.  The train list statements can be in the TrainList.txt file located in
#           the yaat directory in the user files location:  preference:yaat/TrainList.txt
# v2.2 -- Add the ability to use "compiled" trains.
#         Add the ability to create custom extensions.
# v2.3 -- Add Set turntable position command.
# Author:  Dave Sand copyright (c) 2018 - 2023

# The following help content is also available at https://jmri.org/help/en/html/scripthelp/yaat/YAAT.shtml

# Action Phrase Descriptions:
#       <?? | ??> represent choices
#       <????> require values, normally names or numbers
#       Brackets, [], are optional phrases
#       Text and names are case sensitive.
# Start when sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
#       An optional action that defers running the train until the condition has been satisfied.
#       This can also be used to pause a train between runs.
# Assign <long | short> address <dccaddr>[ as <train name>[ in <blockname>]]
#       If a block name is supplied, the optional train name will be used for block tracking
# Loop
#       Marks the end of the one time start up actions, such as the throttle assignment, positioning a train before
#       starting repeating actions, etc.
# Print <message text>
#       Display a message in the script output window or the system console log.  Useful for debugging.
# Set speed to <0 to 1.0>
# Set direction to <forward | reverse>
# Set function key <0 to 28> <on | off>[, wait <n> seconds]
#       Set the function key on or off.  The number can be from 0 to 28.
#       If seconds is greater than zero, the opposite action will be
#       performed after the number of seconds has passed.
# Set turnout <turnout name> <closed | thrown>[, wait <n> seconds]
#       The process will wait for up to 5 seconds for turnout feedback.
#       If seconds is entered and greater than zero, a wait allows the turnout command to complete, capacitors to recharge, etc.
# Set sensor <sensor name> <active | inactive>
#       Can be used to pass status to other trains
# Set block <block name> <occupied | unoccupied | reserved | free>
#       The occupied and unoccupied states are used to simulate train movement.  It works best if a simulation sensor
#       is used in conjunction with an If statement.
#       Reserved and free control the alternate track color.
# Set route <route name>
# Wait for <n> seconds
#       Wait until the time has expired.  Normally used for station stops.
# Wait for sensor <sensor name> to become <active | inactive>
# Wait for block <block name> to become <occupied | unoccupied | reserved | free>
# Wait for signal head <head name> to [not] show <appearance name> [or ...]
#       The appearance names are language specific.  Use the signal head table to get the available appearance names.
# Wait for signal mast <mast name> to [not] display <aspect name> [or ...]
#       Use the signal mast table to get the valid aspect names.  Remember that the names vary based on signal mast type.
# Wait while signal mast <mast name> speed is less than <aspect name> speed
#       Use the signal mast table to get the valid aspect names.  Remember that the names vary based on signal mast type.
# Repeat if sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
#       Skip the remaining steps and start over.  Use the same sensor as Stop with the opposite test.
#       This provides a cleanup section before Stop.
#       Requires that a "Loop" action was included in the action list.
# Stop if sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
#       This action needs to be the last one in the list.
#       If the sensor state matches, the throttle will be released and the script stopped.
#       If it does not, the script will do the sequence of actions again.
#       If the Stop action is missing, the script will run forever, until the script thread is killed, or JMRI is stopped.

# -- If / Else / Endif support --
#   The "If" and "Endif" actions are required.  The "Else" action is optional and is used to separate the true and false actions.
#   Nesting is supported (Inspired by Bill Fitch).
# If sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
# If block <block name> is <occupied | unoccupied | reserved | free>
# If signal head <head name> does [not] show <appearance> [or ...]
# If signal mast <mast name> does [not] display <aspect> [or ...]
# If speed for signal mast <mast name> is <eq | ne | lt | gt | le | ge> <speed name>
#       For information on speed names, look at the JMRI install location: xml/signals/signalSpeeds.xml
# Else
# Endif

# -- GoSub / Sub / EndSub support (Inspired by Bill Fitch) --
#    The sub routines are placed at the end of an embedded list or text file.  The sub routines cannot
#    be nested, but a sub routine can call another sub routine.  The sub routine name cannot have spaces.
#    Control returns to the statement after the CallSub when the sub routine is finished.
# CallSub <subname>
# Sub <subname>
# EndSub <subname>

# -- Dispatcher Support (Created by Bill Fitch)
# Dispatch using file <traininfo.xml>[, type <USER, value <dccAddress> | ROSTER, value <roster entry name> | OPERATIONS, value <train name>>]
#   The Dispatcher train info filename is required.
#   The optional USER, ROSTER and OPERATIONS keywords can override the train info content.
#   Examples:
#     Dispatch using file routefrom1-2.xml   (uses the train info xml file set up by "Save Train info" in "Create New Train" in dispatcher)
#     Dispatch using file routefrom1-2.xml, type USER, value 3   (uses train with dcc address 3 instead of the train in the xml file
#     Dispatch using file routefrom1-2.xml, type ROSTER, value diesel104   (uses diesel104 from roster instead of the train in the xml file)
#   The <traininfo.xml> file will have been generated by dispatcher prior to running YAAT and will have been placed in
#   preference:dispatcher/traininfo by dispatcher.  Note: "preference:" is the keyword for the user files location.

# -- Compiled Trains
#   If the saveYAATcompiles option is true, a compiled train will be used instead of doing the compile step.
#   A compiled train is located at the preference:yaatp/<trainname> directory.  When YAAT is started, the date/time for
#   each train source file is checked.  If it is greater than the compiled train, if any, the compile will occur.  Otherwise the
#   compiled version will be loaded.  Embedded trains are always compiled.

# -- Custom Extensions
#   An extension is a separate Python file that contains additional actions.
#   Each action requires a "do<name>" method (def) and a "compile<name>" method (def).
#   The format of an action name is verb_noun, such as Set_memory...  The typical space for built-in actions is replaced with an underscore.
#   The custom actions are added to the customExtensions dictionary.  The key is the file and the data is a list of actions.

# Usage
#   Copy the script from the JMRI install location to your user files location.  See "Help >> Locations".
#   Change the log level from 0 to 1 through 4 if log output is desired.  4 provides maximun detail.
#   Optionally enter a valid sensor name in the statusSensor variable.  This is used to provide feedback to JMRI.
#   Optionally enter a valid sensor name in the masterSensor variable.  This is used to stop all threads.
#   Define the actions for each train.  The actions can be embedded in the script or placed in an external file.
#      External file:  Create a text file with one action per line.  Blank lines and lines starting with a comment character, #, are ok.
#                      Add the train name and file name to the "trainList".  The file name can be the complete
#                      path or the file name can include a keyword for the location, such as "preference:"
#                      which is replaced by the path to the user files location at run time.
#      File of files:  In addition to modifying the script's trainList, it is possible to create a text file that
#                      has the same format as the trainList.  If the file exists, its contents will be added to the
#                      trainList.  The file is located in the yaat directory in the user files location.  The filename is
#                      TrainList.txt.  This file is optional.
#      Embedded: The actions are added to a Python list.  Each action is enclosed in single or double quotes
#                and end with a comma at the end of the line.  The embedded method requires a unique block
#                of code at the end of the script for each embedded action list.

import io
import os
from time import time
import pickle

import java
import jmri
import re
from javax.swing import JOptionPane

logLevel = 1        # 0 for no output, 4 for the most detail.
statusSensor = 'Run Script'   # Optional sensor to notify JMRI if any threads are active
masterSensor = 'YAAT Master'  # If the optional sensor becomes active, all of the threads will be stopped
saveYAATcompiles = False      # Load/Save compiled trains

trainList = {}
trainList['Train 12'] = 'preference:Train 12.txt'
trainList['Train 16'] = 'preference:Train 16.txt'
trainList['Signal Test'] = 'preference:Signal Test.txt'
trainList['IfSubLoop'] = 'preference:If Sub Loop Test.txt'

# trainList['RT Train 1'] = 'preference:RT Train 1.txt'  # Loaded using trainFile
# trainList['RT Train 2'] = 'preference:RT Train 2.txt'  # Loaded using trainFile

# Add train list entries from an optional text file located in the yaat directory
trainFile = jmri.util.FileUtil.getExternalFilename('preference:yaat/TrainList.txt')
    with open(trainFile) as file:
except IOError:
    pass    # Ignore file errors since this file is optional

# Provide the ability to add custom compile and do definitions to the YAAT environment.
customExtensions = {}
# file name, action name...
customExtensions['preference:Memory.py'] = ['Copy_memory', 'If_memory', 'Set_memory']

BackAndForth = [
'Start when sensor BF-Start is active',
'Set block BF-Left occupied',
'Assign short address 63 as Shuttle in BF-Left',

'Set turntable TUR1 on panel YAAT Demo to ray 1',

# Test custom extension
# 'Set_memory M-Test-Memory',
'Set_memory Test Memory to 123',

# Set APB sensors
'Set sensor BF-APB-EB active',
'Set sensor BF-APB-WB inactive',

'Wait for 5 seconds',

# Move east
'Set function key 0 on',
'Set direction to forward',
'Set speed to .5',

'If sensor SimMode is active',
    # Simulate train movement
    'Set block BF-Middle occupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',
    'Set block BF-Left unoccupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',
    'Set block BF-Right occupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',
    'Set block BF-Middle unoccupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',

# Station Stop
'Wait for sensor BF-Right to become active',
'Set speed to 0',
'Set function key 0 off',

# Set APB sensors
'Set sensor BF-APB-EB   inactive',
'Set sensor BF-APB-WB   active',

'Wait for 5 seconds',

# Move west
'Set_memory Test Memory to 321',
'Set function key 0 on',
'Set direction to reverse',
'Set speed to .5',

'If sensor SimMode is active',
    # Simulate train movement
    'Set block BF-Middle occupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',
    'Set block BF-Right unoccupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',
    'Set block BF-Left occupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',
    'Set block BF-Middle unoccupied',
    'Wait for 1 second',

# Station Stop
'Wait for sensor BF-Left to become active',
# Gradual stop - Tweak as necessary for block length and train performance
'Set speed to .4',
'Wait for 1 second',
'Set speed to .3',
'Wait for 1 second',
'Set speed to .2',
'Wait for 1 second',
'Set speed to .1',
'Wait for 1 second',
'Set speed to 0',
'Wait for 1 second',
'Set function key 0 off',

'Stop if sensor BF-Stop is active'

class YetAnotherAutoTrain(jmri.jmrit.automat.AbstractAutomaton):
    threadCount = 0

    def init(self):
        self.throttle = None
        YetAnotherAutoTrain.threadCount += 1

    def setup(self, actionList, compileNeeded, fileName):
        self.actionTokens = []
        self.compileMessages = []
        self.lineNumber = 0
        self.threadName = self.getName()

        # Note:  The Loop, CallSub, Sub, If, Else and Endif addresses are actually the statement after the key word.

        self.progAddr = 0
        self.loopAddr = -1

        self.ifList = {}            # The list of if statements.  The key is the "If" program address.
                                    #    The value is a tuple with program addresses for Else, and Endif.
                                    #    The Else address can be zero.
        self.ifStack = []           # The active "If" program addresses.

        self.subList = {}           # The program address for each sub, keyed using the sub name
        self.subStack = []          # The active return program addresses

        if compileNeeded:
            if logLevel > 1: print 'Compile train {}'.format(self.threadName)


            if saveYAATcompiles and fileName != '':
                pickleList = []
                file = open(fileName, 'wb')
                pickle.dump(pickleList, file)

            if logLevel > 1: print 'Use the pickle file for train {}'.format(self.threadName)

            file = open(fileName, 'rb')
            pickleList = pickle.load(file)
            self.actionTokens = pickleList[0]
            self.ifList = pickleList[1]
            self.subList = pickleList[2]
            self.loopAddr = pickleList[3]

        if logLevel > 2:
            for ifKey in self.ifList.keys():
                elseAddr, endAddr = self.ifList[ifKey]
                print "if = {}, else = {}, endif = {}".format(ifKey, elseAddr, endAddr)

        if len(self.ifStack) > 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Missing Endif(s)'.format(self.threadName))

        if len(self.subStack) > 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Missing EndSub(s)'.format(self.threadName))

        if len(self.compileMessages) > 1:
            YetAnotherAutoTrain.threadCount -= 1
            if YetAnotherAutoTrain.threadCount < 1:
                statSensor = sensors.getSensor(statusSensor)
                if statSensor is not None:
            return False
        if len(self.actionTokens) == 0:
            self.displayMessage('{} - The action list is empty, terminating'.format(self.threadName))
            return False

        return True

    def handle(self):
        if logLevel > 0: print '{} - Start YAAT Program'.format(self.threadName)
        while True:
            if logLevel > 2: print '\nprogAddr = {}'.format(self.progAddr)
            if self.progAddr >= len(self.actionTokens):
                self.progAddr = 0
            action = self.actionTokens[self.progAddr]
            self.progAddr += 1

            if len(action) == 0:
                self.displayMessage('Empty Action row')

            if logLevel > 2: print '{} - Action: {}'.format(self.threadName, action)
            actionKey = action[0]

            if actionKey == 'Assign':
            elif actionKey == 'CallSub':
            elif actionKey == 'Dispatch':
            elif actionKey == 'Else':
                ifKey = self.ifStack.pop()
                elseAddr, endIfAddr = self.ifList[ifKey]
                self.progAddr = endIfAddr
                continue        # End True block
            elif actionKey == 'Endif':
                ifKey = self.ifStack.pop()
                continue       # End Else block
            elif actionKey == 'EndSub':
            elif actionKey == 'IfBlock':
            elif actionKey == 'IfSensor':
            elif actionKey == 'IfHead':
            elif actionKey == 'IfMast':
            elif actionKey == 'IfSpeed':
            elif actionKey == 'Loop':
            elif actionKey == 'Print':
            elif actionKey == 'Repeat':
                if self.doRepeat(action):
                    self.progAddr = self.loopAddr
            elif actionKey == 'SetBlock':
            elif actionKey == 'SetDirection':
            elif actionKey == 'SetFKey':
            elif actionKey == 'SetRoute':
            elif actionKey == 'SetSensor':
            elif actionKey == 'SetSpeed':
            elif actionKey == 'SetTurnout':
            elif actionKey == 'SetTurntable':
            elif actionKey == 'Start':
            elif actionKey == 'Stop':
                if not self.doStop(action):
                    if logLevel > 0: print '>> Stop YAAT for {} <<'.format(self.threadName)
                    YetAnotherAutoTrain.threadCount -= 1
                    if YetAnotherAutoTrain.threadCount == 0:
                        statSensor = sensors.getSensor(statusSensor)
                        if statSensor is not None:
            elif actionKey == 'Sub':
                self.progAddr = 0
            elif actionKey == 'WaitBlock':
            elif actionKey == 'WaitSensor':
            elif actionKey == 'WaitHead':
            elif actionKey == 'WaitMast':
            elif actionKey == 'WaitSpeed':
            elif actionKey == 'WaitTime':
                self.waitMsec(action[1])    # Direct execution
                if actionKey in extensionList:
                    eval('do{}(self, action)'.format(actionKey))
                    self.displayMessage('Action, {}, is not valid'.format(actionKey))
        if logLevel > 0: print '{} -  End YAAT Program'.format(self.threadName)
        return False

    # ------ Perform token commands ------
    def doAssign(self, action):
        if self.throttle != None:
            return  # Throttle already assigned.  Normal for subsequent loops
        act, dccAddress, addrType, trainName, startBlock = action
        if addrType == 'long':
            dccLong = True
        elif addrType == 'short':
            dccLong = False
            self.displayMessage('{} - DCC address length, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, addrType))
        self.throttle = self.getThrottle(dccAddress, dccLong)
        if self.throttle == None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Unable to assign a throttle.\nCheck the system log for errors.\nScript stopping.'.format(self.threadName))
        if trainName != '' and startBlock != '':
            layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(startBlock)
            if layoutBlock is not None:

    def doCallSub(self, action):
        act, subName = action
        if not subName in self.subList:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sub routine {} not found'.format(self.threadName, subName))
        subAddress = self.subList[subName]
        returnAddress = self.progAddr
        self.progAddr = subAddress

    def doDispatch(self, action):
        act, dispFile, dispType, dispValue = action
        dispFrame = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.dispatcher.DispatcherFrame)
        x = dispFrame.loadTrainFromTrainInfo(dispFile, dispType, dispValue)
        if x != 0:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Dispatcher failed to start, reason code = {}'.format(self.threadName, x))

    def doEndSub(self, action):
        returnAddress = self.subStack.pop()
        self.progAddr = returnAddress

    def doIfBlock(self, action):
        act, blockName, blockState = action
        layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
        if layoutBlock is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Layout block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, blockName))
        sensor = layoutBlock.getOccupancySensor()
        if sensor is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor for layout block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, blockName))
        if blockState == 'occupied':
            currentState = True if sensor.getKnownState() == ACTIVE else False
        elif blockState == 'unoccupied':
            currentState = True if sensor.getKnownState() == INACTIVE else False
        elif blockState == 'reserved':
            currentState = True if layoutBlock.getUseExtraColor() else False
        elif blockState == 'free':
            currentState = True if not layoutBlock.getUseExtraColor() else False
            self.displayMessage('{} - block state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, blockState))

    def doIfSensor(self, action):
        act, sensorName, sensorState = action
        sensor = sensors.getSensor(sensorName)
        if sensor is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor {} not found'.format(self.threadName, sensorName))
        if sensorState == 'active':
            currentState = True if sensor.getKnownState() == ACTIVE else False
        elif sensorState == 'inactive':
            currentState = True if sensor.getKnownState() == INACTIVE else False
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, sensorState))

    def doIfHead(self, action):
        act, headName, stateList, notOption = action
        head = signals.getSignalHead(headName)
        if head is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Signal head {} not found'.format(self.threadName, headName))
        currentAppearance = head.getAppearance()
        checkState = False
        if notOption:
            if currentAppearance not in stateList:
                checkState = True
            if currentAppearance in stateList:
                checkState = True

    def doIfMast(self, action):
        act, mastName, aspectList, notOption = action
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Signal mast {} not found'.format(self.threadName, mastName))
        currentAspect = mast.getAspect()
        checkState = False
        if notOption:
            if currentAspect not in aspectList:
                checkState = True
            if currentAspect in aspectList:
                checkState = True

    def doIfSpeed(self, action):
        act, mastName, operator, speedName = action
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Signal mast {} not found'.format(self.threadName, mastName))
        checkState = False
        signalSystem = mast.getSignalSystem()
        speedMap = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.implementation.SignalSpeedMap)
        checkSpeed = speedMap.getSpeed(speedName)
        aspectName = mast.getAspect()
        if aspectName is not None:
            aspectSpeedName = speedMap.getAspectSpeed(aspectName, signalSystem)
            currentSpeed = speedMap.getSpeed(aspectSpeedName)
            if operator == 'eq':
                if currentSpeed == checkSpeed: checkState = True
            elif operator == 'ne':
                if currentSpeed != checkSpeed: checkState = True
            elif operator == 'gt':
                if currentSpeed > checkSpeed: checkState = True
            elif operator == 'lt':
                if currentSpeed < checkSpeed: checkState = True
            elif operator == 'ge':
                if currentSpeed >= checkSpeed: checkState = True
            elif operator == 'le':
                if currentSpeed <= checkSpeed: checkState = True
                self.displayMessage('{} - Invalid operator: {}'.format(self.threadName, operator))
            self.displayMessage('{} - Aspect for signal mast {} not found'.format(self.threadName, mastName))

    def doPrint(self, action):
        act, printText = action
        print '{} - {}'.format(self.threadName, printText)

    def doRepeat(self, action):
        act, repeatName, repeatState = action
        sensor = sensors.getSensor(repeatName)
        if repeatState == 'active':
            chkState = ACTIVE
        elif repeatState == 'inactive':
            chkState = INACTIVE
            self.displayMessage('{} - Repeat sensor state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, repeatState))
            return False
        return sensor.getKnownState() == chkState

    def doSetBlock(self, action):
        act, blockName, blockState = action
        layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
        if layoutBlock is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Layout block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, blockName))
        if blockState in ['occupied', 'unoccupied']:
            sensor = layoutBlock.getOccupancySensor()
            if sensor is None:
                self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor for layout block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, blockName))
            if blockState == 'occupied':
        useExtra = False    # Default to free
        if blockState == 'reserved':
            useExtra = True

    def doSetDirection(self, action):
        if self.throttle == None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Cannot set a direction until a throttle has been assigned'.format(self.threadName))
        act, direction = action
        if direction == 'forward':
            dirForward = True
        elif direction == 'reverse':
            dirForward = False
            self.displayMessage('{} - Direction value, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, direction))

    def doSetFKey(self, action):
        if self.throttle == None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Cannot set a function key until a throttle has been assigned'.format(self.threadName))
        act, keyNum, keyState, keyDuration = action
        if keyState == 'on':
            keyOn = True
            keyOff = False
        elif keyState == 'off':
            keyOn = False
            keyOff = True
            self.displayMessage('{} - Key state value, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, keyState))
        if keyDuration == 0:
            self.setKey(keyNum, keyOn)
            self.setKey(keyNum, keyOn)
            self.setKey(keyNum, keyOff)

    def doSetRoute(self, action):
        act, routeName = action
        route = routes.getRoute(routeName)
        if route is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Route {} not found'.format(self.threadName, routeName))

    def doSetSensor(self, action):
        act, sensorName, sensorState = action
        sensor = sensors.getSensor(sensorName)
        if sensor is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor {} not found'.format(self.threadName, sensorName))
        if sensorState == 'active':
            newState = ACTIVE
        elif sensorState == 'inactive':
            newState = INACTIVE
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, sensorState))

    def doSetSpeed(self, action):
        if self.throttle == None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Cannot set the speed until a throttle has been assigned'.format(self.threadName))
        act, newSpeed = action

    def doSetTurnout(self, action):
        act, turnoutName, turnoutState, turnoutDelay = action
        turnout = turnouts.getTurnout(turnoutName)
        if turnout is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Turnout {} not found'.format(self.threadName, turnoutName))
        if turnoutState == 'closed':
            newState = CLOSED
        elif turnoutState == 'thrown':
            newState = THROWN
            self.displayMessage('{} - Turnout state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, turnoutState))
        # Wait up to 5 seconds for feedback
        for i in range(0, 20):
            if turnout.getKnownState() == newState:
            if logLevel > 2: print 'Turnout feedback loop: {}'.format(i)

    def doSetTurntable(self, action):
        act, turntableName, panelName, rayIndex = action
        editorManager = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.display.EditorManager)
        for layout in editorManager.getAll(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor):
            if layout.getTitle() == panelName:
                for turntable in layout.getLayoutTurntableViews():
                    if turntable.getId() == turntableName:
                        for raytrack in turntable.getRayTrackList():
                            if raytrack.getConnectionIndex() == rayIndex:
                        self.displayMessage.append('{} - Turntable error: the ray index, {}, is not found'.format(self.threadName, rayIndex))
                self.displayMessage.append('{} - Turntable error : the turntable name, {}, is not found'.format(self.threadName, turntableName))
        self.displayMessage.append('{} - Turntable error: the layout name, {}, is not found'.format(self.threadName, panelName))

    def doStart(self, action):
        act, startName, startState = action
        sensor = sensors.getSensor(startName)
        if startState == 'active':
        elif startState == 'inactive':
            self.displayMessage('{} - Start sensor state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, startState))

    def doStop(self, action):
        act, stopName, stopState = action
        sensor = sensors.getSensor(stopName)
        if stopState == 'active':
            chkState = ACTIVE
        elif stopState == 'inactive':
            chkState = INACTIVE
            self.displayMessage('{} - Stop sensor state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, stopState))
        if sensor.getKnownState() == chkState:
            # Release throttle
            if self.throttle is not None:
            return False
        return True

    def doWaitBlock(self, action):
        act, blockName, blockState = action
        layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
        if layoutBlock is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Layout block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, blockName))
        if blockState in ['occupied', 'unoccupied']:
            # Block sensor changes limited to simulation mode
            sensor = layoutBlock.getOccupancySensor()
            if sensor is None:
                self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor for layout block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, blockName))
            if blockState == 'occupied':
        # wait for free - no sensor available so do it the hard way
        while layoutBlock.getUseExtraColor():

    def doWaitSensor(self, action):
        act, sensorName, sensorState = action
        sensor = sensors.getSensor(sensorName)
        if sensor is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor {} not found'.format(self.threadName, sensorName))
        if sensorState == 'active':
        elif sensorState == 'inactive':
            self.displayMessage('{} - Sensor state, {}, is not valid'.format(self.threadName, sensorState))

    def doWaitHead(self, action):
        act, headName, stateList, notOption = action
        head = signals.getSignalHead(headName)
        if head is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Signal head {} not found'.format(self.threadName, headName))
        while True:
            currentAppearance = head.getAppearance()
            if notOption:
                if currentAppearance not in stateList:
                if currentAppearance in stateList:

    def doWaitMast(self, action):
        act, mastName, aspectList, notOption = action
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Signal mast {} not found'.format(self.threadName, mastName))
        while True:
            currentAspect = mast.getAspect()
            if notOption:
                if currentAspect not in aspectList:
                if currentAspect in aspectList:

    def doWaitSpeed(self, action):
        act, mastName, aspectSpeed = action
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.displayMessage('{} - Signal mast {} not found'.format(self.threadName, mastName))
        signalSystem = mast.getSignalSystem()
        speedMap = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.implementation.SignalSpeedMap)
        while True:
            aspectName = mast.getAspect()
            if aspectName is not None:
                speedName = speedMap.getAspectSpeed(aspectName, signalSystem)
                currentSpeed = speedMap.getSpeed(speedName)
                print aspectName, speedName, currentSpeed
                if currentSpeed >= aspectSpeed:

    def setKey(self, keyNum, keyOn):
        if logLevel > 2: print "{} - Function key = {}, On = {}".format(self.threadName, keyNum, keyOn)
        command = 'self.throttle.setF' + str(keyNum)
        if keyOn:
            command += '(True)'
            command += '(False)'

    # ------ General Functions ------
    def displayMessage(self, msg):
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(None, msg, 'YAAT Error', JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE)

    def createIf(self):
        key = len(self.actionTokens)
        self.ifList[key] = (0, 0)

    def pushIfState(self, state):
        key = self.progAddr
        if not key in self.ifList:
            self.displayMessage('{} - ifList entry not found for key {}'.format(self.threadName, key))
        elseAddr, endIfAddr = self.ifList[key]
        if state:                           # Condition is true, execute the first or only block
            if elseAddr != 0:               # Condition is false, jump to the Else address and execute the Else block
                self.progAddr = elseAddr
                self.progAddr = endIfAddr   # Condition is false with no Else, jump to the Endif address

    # ------ Convert the text phrases to tokens ------
    def compile(self, actionList):
        self.compileMessages.append('---- {} Compiler Errors ----'.format(self.threadName))
        for line in actionList:
            self.lineNumber += 1
            words = line.split()
            if len(words) == 0:
            if words[0][:1] == '#':
            if words[0] == 'Assign':
            elif words[0] == 'CallSub':
            elif words[0] == 'Dispatch':
            elif words[0] == 'Else':
            elif words[0] == 'Endif':
            elif words[0] == 'EndSub':
            elif words[0] == 'If' and words[1] == 'block':
            elif words[0] == 'If' and words[1] == 'sensor':
            elif words[0] == 'If' and words[1] == 'signal' and words[2] == 'head':
            elif words[0] == 'If' and words[1] == 'signal' and words[2] == 'mast':
            elif words[0] == 'If' and words[1] == 'speed' and words[4] == 'mast':
            elif words[0] == 'Loop':
            elif words[0] == 'Print':
            elif words[0] == 'Repeat':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'block':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'direction':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'function':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'route':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'sensor':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'speed':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'turnout':
            elif words[0] == 'Set' and words[1] == 'turntable':
            elif words[0] == 'Start':
            elif words[0] == 'Stop':
            elif words[0] == 'Sub':
            elif words[0] == 'Wait' and words[1] == 'for' and words[2] == 'block':
            elif words[0] == 'Wait' and words[1] == 'for' and words[2] == 'sensor':
            elif words[0] == 'Wait' and words[1] == 'for' and words[3] == 'head':
            elif words[0] == 'Wait' and words[1] == 'for' and words[3] == 'mast':
            elif words[0] == 'Wait' and words[1] == 'while' and words[2] == 'signal':
            elif words[0] == 'Wait' and words[1] == 'for' and (words[3] == 'seconds' or words[3] == 'second'):
                if words[0] in extensionList:
                    eval('compile{}(self, line)'.format(words[0]))
                    self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))

    def compileAssign(self, line):
        # Assign <long | short> address <dccaddr> [[ as <train name>] in <blockname>]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        words = line.split()
        flds = 2
        regex = '\s*Assign\s+(long|short)\s+address\s+(\d+)'
        if 'as' in words:
            regex += '\s+as\s+(.+\S)'
            flds += 1
            if 'in' in words:
                regex += '\s+in\s+(.+\S)'
                flds += 1
        pattern = re.compile(regex)
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != flds:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        grps = result[0]
        addrSize = grps[0]
            num = int(grps[1])
        except ValueError:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Assign error at line {}: the DCC address, {}, is not a number'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, grps[1]))
        addrNum = num
        trainName = '' if flds < 3 else grps[2]
        blockName = '' if flds < 4 else grps[3]
        if blockName != '':
            layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
            if layoutBlock is None:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Assign error at line {}: start block "{}" does not exist'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['Assign', addrNum, addrSize, trainName, blockName])

    def compileCallSub(self, line):
        # CallSub <subname>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*CallSub\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if len(result) == 0: # or len(result[0]) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        self.actionTokens.append(['CallSub', result[0]])

    def compileDispatch(self, line):
        # Dispatch using file <traininfo.xml>[, type <USER, value <dccAddress> | ROSTER, value <roster entry name> | OPERATIONS, value <train name>>]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)

        regex = '\s*Dispatch\s+using\s+file\s+(.+?\S)($|,\s+type\s+(USER|ROSTER|OPERATIONS),\s+value\s+(.+))'
        pattern = re.compile(regex)
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 4:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))

        grps = result[0]
        dispFile = grps[0]
        dispType = grps[2]
        dispValue = grps[3]

        if len(dispType) == 0:
            dispType = 'NONE'
            dispValue = ''

        # Validate type values
        if dispType == 'USER':
                num = int(dispValue)
            except ValueError:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Value error at line {}: the DCC address, {}, is not a number'
                        .format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, dispValue))

        elif dispType == 'ROSTER':
            rosterEntry = jmri.jmrit.roster.Roster.getDefault().getEntryForId(dispValue)
            if rosterEntry is None:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Value error at line {}: the roster entry, {}, does not exist'
                        .format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, dispValue))

        elif dispType == 'OPERATIONS':
            opsTrain = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.operations.trains.TrainManager).getTrainByName(dispValue)
            if opsTrain is None:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Value error at line {}: the operations train, {}, does not exist'
                        .format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, dispValue))

        self.actionTokens.append(['Dispatch', dispFile, dispType, dispValue])

    def compileElse(self, line):
        # Else
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)

        if len(self.ifStack) == 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Else error at line {}: There is no matching If statement'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        key = self.ifStack[len(self.ifStack) - 1] # Get the current if key
        elseAddr, endAddr = self.ifList[key]        # And the Else and Endif addresses
        elseAddr = len(self.actionTokens) + 1       # Update the Else address
        self.ifList[key] = (elseAddr, endAddr)      # Update the list


    def compileEndIf(self, line):
        # Endif
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)

        if len(self.ifStack) == 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - EndIf error at line {}: There is no matching If statement'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        key = self.ifStack.pop()                   # Get the current if key
        elseAddr, endAddr = self.ifList[key]       # And the If, Else and Endif indexes
        endAddr = len(self.actionTokens) + 1       # Update the EndIf index
        self.ifList[key] = (elseAddr, endAddr)     # Update the list


    def compileEndSub(self, line):
        # EndSub <subname>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*EndSub\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0: # or len(result[0]) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        self.actionTokens.append(['EndSub', result[0]])

    def compileIfBlock(self, line):
        # If block <block name> is <occupied | unoccupied | reserved | free>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*If\s+block\s+(.+\S)\s+is\s+(occupied|unoccupied|reserved|free)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        blockName, blockState = result[0]
        layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
        if layoutBlock is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Block error at line {}: block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        if layoutBlock.getOccupancySensor() is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Block error at line {}: occupancy sensor for block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['IfBlock', blockName, blockState])

    def compileIfSensor(self, line):
        # If sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*If\s+sensor\s+(.+\S)\s+is\s+(active|inactive)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        sensorName, sensorState = result[0]
        if sensors.getSensor(sensorName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If sensor error at line {}: sensor {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, sensorName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['IfSensor', sensorName, sensorState])

    def compileIfSignalHead(self, line):
        # If signal head <head name> does [not] show <appearance> [or ...]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*If\s+signal\s+head\s+(.+\S)\s+does\s+(not\s)?show\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 3:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        headName, optionalNot, headStates = result[0]
        head = signals.getSignalHead(headName)
        if head is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If signal head error at line {}: head "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, headName))
        notOption = False
        if optionalNot == 'not ':
            notOption = True
        stateList = headStates.split(' or ')
        stateMap = {}
        for stateNumber in head.getValidStates():
            stateName = head.getAppearanceName(stateNumber)
            stateMap[stateName] = stateNumber
        stateNums = []
        for state in stateList:
            state = state.strip()
            if state in stateMap:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - If signal head error at line {}: "{}" is not a valid appearance'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, state))
        if len(stateNums) == 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If signal head error at line {}: no signal head states found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        if logLevel > 2: print 'IfHead', headName, stateNums, notOption
        self.actionTokens.append(['IfHead', headName, stateNums, notOption])

    def compileIfSignalMast(self, line):
        # If signal mast <mast name> does [not] display <aspect> [or ...]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*If\s+signal\s+mast\s+(.+\S)\s+does\s+(not\s+)?display\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 3:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        mastName, optionalNot, mastStates = result[0]
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If signal mast error at line {}: mast "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, mastName))
        notOption = False
        if optionalNot == 'not ':
            notOption = True
        aspectList = mastStates.split(' or ')
        aspectMap = mast.getValidAspects()
        aspectNames = []
        for aspect in aspectList:
            aspect = aspect.strip()
            if aspect in aspectMap:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - If signal mast error at line {}: "{}" is not a valid aspect'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, aspect))
        if len(aspectNames) == 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If signal mast error at line {}: no valid signal mast aspects found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        if logLevel > 2: print 'IfMast', mastName, aspectNames, notOption
        self.actionTokens.append(['IfMast', mastName, aspectNames, notOption])

    def compileIfSignalSpeed(self, line):
        # If speed for signal mast <mast name> is <eq | ne | lt | gt | le | ge> <speed name>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*If\s+speed\s+for\s+signal\s+mast\s+(.+\S)\s+is\s+(eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le)\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 3:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        mastName, operator, speedName = result[0]
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If mast speed error at line {}: mast "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, mastName))
        speedMap = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.implementation.SignalSpeedMap)
        if speedMap is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If mast speed error at line {}: Unexpected error: get SpeedMap'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        speedNameList = speedMap.getValidSpeedNames()
        if speedNameList is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If mast speed error at line {}: Unexpected error: getValidSpeedNames'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        if speedName not in speedNameList:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - If mast speed error at line {}: "{}" is not a valid speed name'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, speedName))
        if logLevel > 2: print 'IfSpeed', mastName, operator, speedName
        self.actionTokens.append(['IfSpeed', mastName, operator, speedName])

    def compileLoop(self, line):
        # Loop
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        if self.loopAddr != -1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Loop error at line {}: Duplicate Loop statement, only 1 allowed'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        self.loopAddr = len(self.actionTokens)
        print 'loopAddr = {}'.format(self.loopAddr)

    def compilePrint(self, line):
        # Print message text
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Print\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0: # or len(result[0]) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        self.actionTokens.append(['Print', result[0]])

    def compileRepeat(self, line):
        # Repeat if sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        if self.loopAddr == -1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Repeat error at line {}: A Loop point has not been defined'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Repeat\s+if\s+sensor\s+(.+\S)\s+is\s+(active|inactive)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        sensorName, sensorState = result[0]
        if sensors.getSensor(sensorName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Repeat error at line {}: sensor {} does not exist'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, sensorName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['Repeat', sensorName, sensorState])

    def compileSetBlock(self, line):
        # Set block <block name> <occupied | unoccupied | reserved | free>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Set\s+block\s+(.+\S)\s+(occupied|unoccupied|reserved|free)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        blockName, blockState = result[0]
        layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
        if layoutBlock is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Block error at line {}: block "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        if layoutBlock.getOccupancySensor() is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Block error at line {}: occupancy sensor for block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['SetBlock', blockName, blockState])

    def compileSetDirection(self, line):
        # Set direction to <forward | reverse>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Set\s+direction\s+to\s+(forward|reverse)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        self.actionTokens.append(['SetDirection', result[0]])

    def compileSetFKey(self, line):
        # Set function key <n> <on | off>[, wait <n> seconds]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        words = line.split()
        flds = 2
        regex = '\s*Set\s+function\s+key\s+(\d+)\s+(on|off)'
        if 'wait' in words:
            regex += ', wait (\d+) second'
            flds += 1
        pattern = re.compile(regex)
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != flds:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        grps = result[0]
            keyNum = int(grps[0])
        except ValueError:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Function key error at line {}: the key value, {}, is not an integer'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, grps[0]))
            if keyNum < 0 or keyNum > 28:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Function key error at line {}: the key value, {}, is not in the range 0-28'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, grps[0]))
        keyState = grps[1]
        if flds ==2:
            keyWait = 0
                keyWait = float(grps[2])
            except ValueError:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Function key error at line {}: the wait time, {}, is not a number'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, grps[2]))
        self.actionTokens.append(['SetFKey', keyNum, keyState, int(keyWait * 1000)])

    def compileSetRoute(self,line):
        # Set route <route name>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Set\s+route\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0: # or len(result[0]) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        routeName = result[0]
        if routes.getRoute(routeName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Route error at line {}: route "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, routeName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['SetRoute', routeName])

    def compileSetSensor(self, line):
        # Set sensor <sensor name> <active | inactive>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Set\s+sensor\s+(.+\S)\s+(active|inactive)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        sensorName, sensorState = result[0]
        if sensors.getSensor(sensorName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Sensor error at line {}: sensor "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, sensorName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['SetSensor', sensorName, sensorState])

    def compileSetSpeed(self, line):
        # Set speed to <0 to 1.0>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Set\s+speed\s+to\s+(\S+)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
            num = float(result[0])
        except ValueError:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Train speed error at line {}: the speed, {}, is not a number'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, result[0]))
            if num < 0.0:
                num = 0.0
            if num > 1.0:
                num = 1.0
            self.actionTokens.append(['SetSpeed', num])

    def compileSetTurnout(self, line):
        # Set turnout <turnout name> <closed | thrown>[, wait <n> seconds]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        words = line.split()
        flds = 2
        regex = '\s*Set\s+turnout\s+(.+\S)\s+(closed|thrown)'
        if 'wait' in words:
            regex += ', wait (\d+) second'
            flds += 1
        pattern = re.compile(regex)
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != flds:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        grps = result[0]
        turnoutName = grps[0]
        turnoutState = grps[1]
        turnoutWait = 0 if flds < 3 else grps[2]
        if turnouts.getTurnout(turnoutName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Turnout error at line {}: turnout {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, grps[0]))
            num = float(turnoutWait)
        except ValueError:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Turnout error at line {}: the wait time, {}, is not a number'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, turnoutWait))
            self.actionTokens.append(['SetTurnout', turnoutName, turnoutState, int(num * 1000)])

    def compileSetTurntable(self, line):
        # Set turntable <turntable name> on panel <panel name> to ray <#>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        words = line.split()
        flds = 3
        regex = '\s*Set\s+turntable\s+(.+)\s+on\s+panel\s(.+)\sto\s+ray\s(\d+)'

        pattern = re.compile(regex)
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != flds:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        grps = result[0]
        turntableName = grps[0]
        panelName = grps[1]
        rayIndex = grps[2]

            num = int(rayIndex)
        except ValueError:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Turntable error at line {}: the ray index, {}, is not a number'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, turnoutWait))

        editorManager = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.jmrit.display.EditorManager)
        for layout in editorManager.getAll(jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditor):
            if layout.getTitle() == panelName:
                for turntable in layout.getLayoutTurntableViews():
                    if turntable.getId() == turntableName:
                        for raytrack in turntable.getRayTrackList():
                            if raytrack.getConnectionIndex() == num:
                                self.actionTokens.append(['SetTurntable', turntableName, panelName, num])
                        self.compileMessages.append('{} - Turntable error at line {}: the ray index, {}, is not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, num))
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Turntable error at line {}: the turntable name, {}, is not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, turntableName))
        self.compileMessages.append('{} - Turntable error at line {}: the layout name, {}, is not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, panelName))

    def compileStart(self, line):
        # Start when sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Start\s+when\s+sensor\s+(.+\S)\s+is\s+(active|inactive)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(line))
        sensorName, sensorState = result[0]
        if sensors.getSensor(sensorName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Start error at line {}: sensor {} does not exist'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, sensorName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['Start', sensorName, sensorState])

    def compileStop(self, line):
        # Stop if sensor <sensor name> is <active | inactive>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Stop\s+if\s+sensor\s+(.+\S)\s+is\s+(active|inactive)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        sensorName, sensorState = result[0]
        if sensors.getSensor(sensorName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Stop error at line {}: sensor {} does not exist'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, sensorName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['Stop', sensorName, sensorState])

    def compileSub(self, line):
        # Sub <subname>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Sub\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0: # or len(result[0]) != 1:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        self.actionTokens.append(['Sub', result[0]])
        self.subList[result[0]] = len(self.actionTokens)

    def compileWaitBlock(self, line):
        # Wait for block <block name> to become <occupied | unoccupied | free>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Wait\s+for\s+block\s+(.+\S)\s+to\s+become\s+(occupied|unoccupied|free)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        blockName, blockState = result[0]
        layoutBlock = layoutblocks.getLayoutBlock(blockName)
        if layoutBlock is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait block error at line {}: block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        if layoutBlock.getOccupancySensor() is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait block error at line {}: occupancy sensor for block {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, blockName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['WaitBlock', blockName, blockState])

    def compileWaitSensor(self, line):
        # Wait for sensor <sensor name> to become <active | inactive>
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Wait\s+for\s+sensor\s+(.+\S)\s+to\s+become\s+(active|inactive)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        sensorName, sensorState = result[0]
        if sensors.getSensor(sensorName) is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait sensor error at line {}: sensor {} not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, sensorName))
        self.actionTokens.append(['WaitSensor', sensorName, sensorState])

    def compileWaitTime(self, timeValue):
        # Wait for <n> seconds
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - time value = {}'.format(self.threadName, timeValue)
            num = float(timeValue)
        except ValueError:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait time error at line {}: the wait time, {}, is not a number'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, timeValue))
            self.actionTokens.append(['WaitTime', int(num * 1000)])

    def compileSignalHead(self, line):
        # Wait for signal head <head name> to [not] show <appearance name> [or ...]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Wait\s+for\s+signal\s+head\s+(.+\S)\s+to\s+(not\s)?show\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 3:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        headName, optionalNot, headStates = result[0]
        head = signals.getSignalHead(headName)
        if head is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait signal head error at line {}: head "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, headName))
        notOption = False
        if optionalNot == 'not ':
            notOption = True
        stateList = headStates.split(' or ')
        stateMap = {}
        for stateNumber in head.getValidStates():
            stateName = head.getAppearanceName(stateNumber)
            stateMap[stateName] = stateNumber
        stateNums = []
        for state in stateList:
            state = state.strip()
            if state in stateMap:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait signal head error at line {}: "{}" is not a valid appearance'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, state))
        if len(stateNums) == 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait signal head error at line {}: no signal head states found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        if logLevel > 2: print 'WaitHead', headName, stateNums, notOption
        self.actionTokens.append(['WaitHead', headName, stateNums, notOption])

    def compileSignalMast(self, line):
        # Wait for signal mast <mast name> to [not] display <aspect name> [or ...]
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Wait\s+for\s+signal\s+mast\s+(.+\S)\s+to\s+(not\s)?display\s+(.+\S)')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 3:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        mastName, optionalNot, mastStates = result[0]
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait signal mast error at line {}: mast "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, mastName))
        notOption = False
        if optionalNot == 'not ':
            notOption = True
        aspectList = mastStates.split(' or ')
        aspectMap = mast.getValidAspects()
        aspectNames = []
        for aspect in aspectList:
            aspect = aspect.strip()
            if aspect in aspectMap:
                self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait signal mast error at line {}: "{}" is not a valid aspect'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, aspect))
        if len(aspectNames) == 0:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait signal mast error at line {}: no valid signal mast aspects found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        if logLevel > 2: print 'WaitMast', mastName, aspectNames, notOption
        self.actionTokens.append(['WaitMast', mastName, aspectNames, notOption])

    def compileSignalSpeed(self, line):
        # Wait while signal mast <mast name> speed is less than <aspect name> speed
        if logLevel > 2: print '  {} - {}'.format(self.threadName, line)
        pattern = re.compile('\s*Wait\s+while\s+signal\s+mast\s+(.+\S)\s+speed\s+is\s+less\s+than\s+(.+\S)\s+speed')
        result = re.findall(pattern, line)
        if logLevel > 3: print '    {} - result = {}'.format(self.threadName, result)
        if len(result) == 0 or len(result[0]) != 2:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Syntax error at line {}: {}'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, line))
        mastName, aspectName = result[0]
        mast = masts.getSignalMast(mastName)
        if mast is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait mast speed error at line {}: mast "{}" not found'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, mastName))
        aspectMap = mast.getValidAspects()
        if aspectName not in aspectMap:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait mast speed error at line {}: "{}" is not a valid aspect'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber, aspectName))
        signalSystem = mast.getSignalSystem()
        if signalSystem is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait mast speed error at line {}: Unexpected error: getSignalSystem'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        speedMap = jmri.InstanceManager.getDefault(jmri.implementation.SignalSpeedMap)
        if speedMap is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait mast speed error at line {}: Unexpected error: get SpeedMap'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        speedName = speedMap.getAspectSpeed(aspectName, signalSystem)
        if speedName is None:
            self.compileMessages.append('{} - Wait mast speed error at line {}: Unexpected error: getAspectSpeed'.format(self.threadName, self.lineNumber))
        aspectSpeed = speedMap.getSpeed(speedName)
        if logLevel > 2: print 'WaitSpeed', mastName, aspectName, speedName, aspectSpeed
        self.actionTokens.append(['WaitSpeed', mastName, aspectSpeed])

# End of class YetAnotherAutoTrain

class YAATMaster(jmri.jmrit.automat.AbstractAutomaton):
    def init(self):
        if logLevel > 0: print 'Create Master Thread'

    def setup(self):
        self.mSensor = sensors.getSensor(masterSensor)
        if self.mSensor is None:
            return False
        return True

    def handle(self):
        for thread in instanceList:
            if thread is not None:
                if thread.isRunning():
                    if logLevel > 0: print 'Stop "{}" thread'.format(thread.getName())
        return False;

# End of class YAATMaster

# Check if a compile is needed.  The compile content is store in a file using the Python pickle process.
# True if save option not active or source modification time is greater than the pickle file time.
def compileRequired(fullPath):
    # Always true when the compile option is not active
    if not saveYAATcompiles: return (True, '')

    # Create the yaatp directory if necessary
    pickleLocation = jmri.util.FileUtil.getUserFilesPath() + 'yaatp'

    sourceTime = 0
    pickleTime = 0
    sourceName = os.path.basename(fullPath)
    fullPickleLocation = pickleLocation + os.sep + sourceName

    if os.path.exists(fullPath):
        sourceTime = os.path.getmtime(fullPath)
    if os.path.exists(fullPickleLocation):
        pickleTime = os.path.getmtime(fullPickleLocation)

    if logLevel > 1: print 'Source file = {}, source time = {}, compile time = {}'.format(sourceName, sourceTime, pickleTime)
    return (sourceTime > pickleTime, fullPickleLocation)

print 'YAAT v2.3'
startTime = time()

# Process custom extensions
extensionList = []
for fileName in customExtensions.keys():
    extensionList += customExtensions[fileName]     # Add the list of actions in the file

# Process text file train definitions.
instanceList = []   # List of file based instances
for trainName, fileName in trainList.iteritems():
    fullName = fileName
    if jmri.util.FileUtil.isPortableFilename(fileName):
        fullName = jmri.util.FileUtil.getExternalFilename(fileName)
    compileNeeded, pickleName = compileRequired(fullName)
    trainLines = []
    if compileNeeded:
        with open(fullName) as file:
            trainLines = [line.strip() for line in file]

    idx = len(instanceList)
    instanceList.append(YetAnotherAutoTrain())          # Add a new instance
    instanceList[idx].setName(trainName)                # Set the instance name
    if instanceList[idx].setup(trainLines, compileNeeded, pickleName):   # Compile the train actions
        instanceList[idx].start()                       # Compile was successful

endTime = time()
if logLevel > 1: print "\nTiming"
if logLevel > 1: print ("  Load duration: {}").format(endTime - startTime)

# Process embedded train definitions
# Repeat for each embedded definition

idx = len(instanceList)
instanceList.append(YetAnotherAutoTrain())  # Add a new instance
instanceList[idx].setName('Back and Forth') # <<<< this is the name of the Python list
if instanceList[idx].setup(BackAndForth, True, ''):   # <<<< Compile the train actions using the embedded list
    instanceList[idx].start()               # Compile was successful

# Keep last -- create the master thread
master = YAATMaster()
if master.setup():
    master.setName('YAAT Master')