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  <img width="200" src="public/favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png" alt="YelpCamp logo">

# [YelpCamp](https://www.yelpcamp.app/)
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## 🧭 Folder/File Structure
(ignoring image and SEO files)
|-- README.md
|-- app.js
|-- globalConfig.json
|-- index.test.js
|-- jest-mongodb-config.js
|-- jest.config.js
|-- middleware
|   `-- index.js
|-- models
|   |-- campground.js
|   |-- comment.js
|   |-- review.js
|   `-- user.js
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- public
|   `-- stylesheets
|       |-- analytics.js
|       |-- main.css
|-- routes
|   |-- campgrounds.js
|   |-- comments.js
|   |-- index.js
|   `-- reviews.js
`-- views
    |-- campgrounds
    |   |-- edit.ejs
    |   |-- index.ejs
    |   |-- new.ejs
    |   `-- show.ejs
    |-- comments
    |   |-- edit.ejs
    |   `-- new.ejs
    |-- landing.ejs
    |-- login.ejs
    |-- partials
    |   |-- footer.ejs
    |   `-- header.ejs
    |-- register.ejs
    |-- reviews
    |   |-- edit.ejs
    |   |-- index.ejs
    |   `-- new.ejs
    `-- users
        `-- show.ejs

## 🚀 Getting Started
### To run this project on your system:
Create an .env file and add values to the following variables:
Make sure you have [MongoDB](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/) installed on your system
In a terminal window, initialize a MongoDB Database 
$ ./mongod
In a second terminal window, access the MongoDB Database with Mongoose
$ mongoose
In a third terminal window, install dependencies using npm:

$ npm install
And then run the application with
$ npm start
or for hot reloading (recommended)
$ nodemon app.js

## 📐 Tests
To run the tests:
$ npm test

## 📣 Acknowledgments
-    The skeleton of this project was based on [Colt Steele's YelpCamp](https://github.com/Colt/yelp-camp-refactored) during the Web Development Bootcamp.

## 🔒 License
Copyright Notice and Statement: currently not offering any license. Permission only to view and download.