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Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const debug = require('debug')('adviser:rules');
Severity: Minor
Found in src/core/config/rules.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const fs = require('fs');
Severity: Minor
Found in src/core/errors/template-loader.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const chalk = require('chalk');
Severity: Minor
Found in src/core/formatters/base.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const chalk = require('chalk');
Severity: Minor
Found in src/core/formatters/summary.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'class' is reserved

class RuleContext {

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'class' is reserved

class RuleFeedback {

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: Unexpected token (

  getVersion() {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/package-info.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const React = require('react');
Severity: Minor
Found in docusaurus/website/pages/en/index.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const siteConfig = {
Severity: Minor
Found in docusaurus/website/siteConfig.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

Line length

Incidents that violate the Code of Conduct are extremely damaging to the project, and they will not be tolerated. The silver lining is that, in many cases, these incidents present a chance for the offenders, and the teams at large, to grow, learn, and become better.
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

Try to get as much of the incident in written form. The important information to gather include the following:
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

- If everyone is presently physically safe, involve the police or security only at a victim's request
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Line length

This Code of Conduct was adapted from both [Golang](https://golang.org/conduct) a the [Golang UK Conference](http://golanguk.com/conduct/).
Severity: Info
Found in CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by markdownlint

MD013 - Line length

Tags: line_length

Aliases: line-length Parameters: linelength, codeblocks, tables (number; default 80, boolean; default true)

This rule is triggered when there are lines that are longer than the configured line length (default: 80 characters). To fix this, split the line up into multiple lines.

This rule has an exception where there is no whitespace beyond the configured line length. This allows you to still include items such as long URLs without being forced to break them in the middle.

You also have the option to exclude this rule for code blocks and tables. To do this, set the code_blocks and/or tables parameters to false.

Code blocks are included in this rule by default since it is often a requirement for document readability, and tentatively compatible with code rules. Still, some languages do not lend themselves to short lines.

Header levels should only increment by one level at a time

### [0.7.9](https://github.com/Jam3/adviser/compare/v0.7.8...v0.7.9) (2022-10-14)
Severity: Info
Found in CHANGELOG.md by markdownlint

MD001 - Header levels should only increment by one level at a time

Tags: headers

Aliases: header-increment

This rule is triggered when you skip header levels in a markdown document, for example:

# Header 1

### Header 3

We skipped out a 2nd level header in this document

When using multiple header levels, nested headers should increase by only one level at a time:

# Header 1

## Header 2

### Header 3

#### Header 4

## Another Header 2

### Another Header 3

Multiple consecutive blank lines

Severity: Info
Found in CHANGELOG.md by markdownlint

MD012 - Multiple consecutive blank lines

Tags: whitespace, blank_lines

Aliases: no-multiple-blanks

This rule is triggered when there are multiple consecutive blank lines in the document:

Some text here

Some more text here

To fix this, delete the offending lines:

Some text here

Some more text here

Note: this rule will not be triggered if there are multiple consecutive blank lines inside code blocks.

Multiple consecutive blank lines

Severity: Info
Found in CHANGELOG.md by markdownlint

MD012 - Multiple consecutive blank lines

Tags: whitespace, blank_lines

Aliases: no-multiple-blanks

This rule is triggered when there are multiple consecutive blank lines in the document:

Some text here

Some more text here

To fix this, delete the offending lines:

Some text here

Some more text here

Note: this rule will not be triggered if there are multiple consecutive blank lines inside code blocks.

Multiple consecutive blank lines

Severity: Info
Found in CHANGELOG.md by markdownlint

MD012 - Multiple consecutive blank lines

Tags: whitespace, blank_lines

Aliases: no-multiple-blanks

This rule is triggered when there are multiple consecutive blank lines in the document:

Some text here

Some more text here

To fix this, delete the offending lines:

Some text here

Some more text here

Note: this rule will not be triggered if there are multiple consecutive blank lines inside code blocks.

Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

const plugins = require('../../src/core/config/plugins');
Severity: Minor
Found in __tests__/core/plugin.test.js by eslint

For more information visit Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

First header should be a top level header

## Describe the bug

MD002 - First header should be a top level header

Tags: headers

Aliases: first-header-h1

Parameters: level (number; default 1)

This rule is triggered when the first header in the document isn't a h1 header:

## This isn't a H1 header

### Another header

The first header in the document should be a h1 header:

# Start with a H1 header

## Then use a H2 for subsections

Multiple headers with the same content

### Features
Severity: Info
Found in CHANGELOG.md by markdownlint

MD024 - Multiple headers with the same content

Tags: headers

Aliases: no-duplicate-header

Parameters: allowdifferentnesting (boolean; default false)

This rule is triggered if there are multiple headers in the document that have the same text:

# Some text

## Some text

To fix this, ensure that the content of each header is different:

# Some text

## Some more text

Rationale: Some markdown parses generate anchors for headers based on the header name, and having headers with the same content can cause problems with this.

If the parameter allow_different_nesting is set to true, header duplication under different nesting is allowed, like it usually happens in change logs:

# Change log

## 2.0.0

### Bug fixes

### Features

## 1.0.0

### Bug fixes