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# WebHelper
A Generic Httpd Configuration Helper

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## Installation

For a global installation via Composer, run:

```composer global require jamesrezo/webhelper=dev-master```

Then, copy ```app/config/parameters.yml.dist``` into ```~/.config/webhelper/parameters.yml```

Make sure you have `~/.composer/vendor/bin/` or `~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/` in your path. 

## Usage

```wh generate <webserver> <directive1>..<directiveN>```

* `<webserver>` means actually **apache** and an optional version (see below)
* `<directive>` can be a list of any configuration directive known by the webserver (for now *alias*, *vhost* and *directory*)

> Well, <webserver> syntax is weird... 
> There is the webserver *name* and optionally the webserver *version*, separated with a colon (`:`).
> * name is required, could be apache, nginx, lighttpd, openlightspeed or whatever this helper can find in its repository.
> * version is optional but useful when configuration syntax changes as the webserver evolves.
> * apache means the lowest version of Apache webserver
> * apache:2 means any 2.x version of Apache webserver
> * apache:2.2.16 means... Yes! Apache/2.2.16 precisely.
> * apache:2.4 means any 2.4.x version of Apache webserver...

This will output some text that you'll put into a httpd server configuration file.

## Contributions

...are welcome, of course ;-)