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# eslint-formatter-git-log

> ESLint Formatter featuring Git Author, Date, and Hash

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## Table of Contents

- [🌩 Installation](#-installation)
- [🕹 Usage](#-usage)
- [👀 Examples](#-examples)
- [⚖️ Configuration](#️-configuration)
- [🙋🏽‍♂️ Getting Help](#♂️-getting-help)
- [👀 Other Projects](#-other-projects)
- [🤓 Author](#-author)

## 🌩 Installation

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-formatter-git-log

## 🕹 Usage

To use the default configuration, set ESLint's
option to `git-log` as follows:

eslint --format git-log './src/**/*.js'

## 👀 Examples

### Full Report

By default, a report of every Error or Warning in the Codebase is displayed:


### Personalised Reports

When an `emailRegExp` is provided such as `/you@yours.com/`, a report is shown
that relates only to changes you yourself have made.

1.  Create a file in your project which follows the structure below.

    const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

    module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
      emailRegExp: /you@yours.com/,

2.  Set ESLint's
    option to your customised version instead of `git-log`:

    eslint --format ./path/to/your/custom-formatter.js './src/**/*.js'


### Contributor Reports

To extend personalised reports to your Team, the Git Committer Email is needed.

#### `gitLogFormatter.getUserEmail()`

An optional helper is available at `gitLogFormatter.getUserEmail()` which reads
`git config user.email` and feeds it through `git check-mailmap`.

const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
  emailRegExp: new RegExp(gitLogFormatter.getUserEmail()),


Alternatively, if your Team each have their `$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL` Environment
Variable exported and reachable, then the following is enough.

const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
  emailRegExp: new RegExp(process.env.GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL),

#### References

- [First-time git setup](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup)
- [Setting your commit email address](https://help.github.com/en/articles/setting-your-commit-email-address)
- [Configure git to not guess `user.email`](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19821895/can-i-configure-git-so-it-does-not-guess-user-email-configuration-settings)
- [`git config`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config)
- [`git check-mailmap`](https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-check-mailmap)
- [`$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL`](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Environment-Variables)

## ⚖️ Configuration

This example lists every available option with its corresponding default value.
You don't need to provide a value for every configuration item, just the ones
you want to change.

const chalk = require('chalk');
const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
  // If set, only show result when Author Email matches this pattern
  emailRegExp: undefined,
  // Whitespace to insert between items when formatting
  gutter: '  ',
  // Translations for plain text used when formatting
  label: {
    error: 'error',
    warning: 'warning'
  // Increase if you have files with 1000s of lines
  locationColumnWidth: 8,
  // Which methods of https://github.com/chalk/chalk to use when formatting
  style: {
    // eg. "error"
    error: chalk.red,
    // eg. "/Users/guybrush/Dev/grogrates/src/index.js"
    filePath: chalk.underline,
    // eg. "warning"
    warning: chalk.yellow,
    // eg. "161:12"
    location: chalk.dim,
    // eg. "no-process-exit"
    rule: chalk.dim,
    // eg. "bda304e570"
    commit: chalk.magenta,
    // eg. "(1 year, 2 months ago)"
    date: chalk.greenBright,
    // eg. "<guybrush@threepwood.grog>"
    email: chalk.blueBright,

## 🙋🏽‍♂️ Getting Help

Get help with issues by creating a [Bug Report] or discuss ideas by opening a
[Feature Request].

[bug report]:
[feature request]:

## 👀 Other Projects

If you find my Open Source projects useful, please share them ❤️

- [**eslint-plugin-move-files**](https://github.com/JamieMason/eslint-plugin-move-files)<br>Move
  and rename files while keeping imports up to date
- [**eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow-functions**](https://github.com/JamieMason/eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow-functions)<br>Convert
  functions to arrow functions
- [**ImageOptim-CLI**](https://github.com/JamieMason/ImageOptim-CLI)<br>Automates
  ImageOptim, ImageAlpha, and JPEGmini for Mac to make batch optimisation of
  images part of your automated build process.
- [**Jasmine-Matchers**](https://github.com/JamieMason/Jasmine-Matchers)<br>Write
  Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers
- [**karma-benchmark**](https://github.com/JamieMason/karma-benchmark)<br>Run
  Benchmark.js over multiple Browsers, with CI compatible output
- [**self-help**](https://github.com/JamieMason/self-help#readme)<br>Interactive
  Q&A Guides for Web and the Command Line
- [**syncpack**](https://github.com/JamieMason/syncpack#readme)<br>Manage
  multiple package.json files, such as in Lerna Monorepos and Yarn Workspaces

## 🤓 Author

<img src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/acdf106ce071806278438d8c354adec8?s=100" align="left">

I'm [Jamie Mason] from [Leeds] in England, I began Web Design and Development in
1999 and have been Contracting and offering Consultancy as Fold Left Ltd
since 2012. Who I've worked with includes [Sky Sports], [Sky Bet], [Sky Poker],
The [Premier League], [William Hill], [Shell], [Betfair], and Football Clubs
including [Leeds United], [Spurs], [West Ham], [Arsenal], and more.

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[arsenal]: https://www.arsenal.com
[betfair]: https://www.betfair.com
[github]: https://github.com/JamieMason
[jamie mason]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiemasonleeds
[leeds united]: https://www.leedsunited.com/
[leeds]: https://www.instagram.com/visitleeds
[premier league]: https://www.premierleague.com
[shell]: https://www.shell.com
[sky bet]: https://www.skybet.com
[sky poker]: https://www.skypoker.com
[sky sports]: https://www.skysports.com
[spurs]: https://www.tottenhamhotspur.com
[twitter]: https://twitter.com/fold_left
[west ham]: https://www.whufc.com
[william hill]: https://www.williamhill.com