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# How to try these examples

Simply take one of the JSON urls below, add to Jasonette and play. You can learn more on how to use Jasonette [here](https://www.jasonette.com).


# ★ Jasonpedia
  - A tutorial demo of every Jasonette UI component and action. Try this first if you haven't yet.
  - JSON: [https://github.com/Jasonette/Jasonpedia](https://github.com/Jasonette/Jasonpedia)


  ![components demo](images/jasonpedia.png)


# ★ Instagram UI
  - An Instagram UI, completely written in JSON.
  - JSON: [https://github.com/Jasonette/Instagram-UI-example](https://github.com/Jasonette/Instagram-UI-example)


  ![components demo](images/instagram.gif)


# ★ Twitter UI
  - A Twitter UI, completely written in JSON.
  - JSON: [https://github.com/Jasonette/Twitter-UI-example](https://github.com/Jasonette/Twitter-UI-example)


  ![components demo](images/twitter.gif)


# ★ Kitty
  - A minimal [Product Hunt](http://www.producthunt.com) client. Makes use of the [HTML to JSON parsing](templates.md#html) feature. [[website](http://www.jasonette.com/kitty)]
  - JSON: [https://github.com/gliechtenstein/kitty.json](https://github.com/gliechtenstein/kitty.json)




# ★ Weather
  - Takes the device location, makes a network request to [openweathermap.org API](http://www.openweathermap.org), and then displays the result on the screen. Also uses `camera` as background display.
  - JSON: [http://www.jasonbase.com/things/1wn](http://www.jasonbase.com/things/1wn)




# ★ Eliza
  - Eliza chatbot app. Uses a simple node.js server as backend. If you want to install the backend on your own server, here's the [full source](https://github.com/Jasonette/eliza-example).
  - JSON: [http://fureliza.herokuapp.com](http://fureliza.herokuapp.com)




# ★ Photo upload example
  - Simple app to upload photos to S3. Uses a simple node.js server as backend. If you want to install the backend on your own server, here's the [full source](https://github.com/Jasonette/s3-upload-example).
  - JSON: [http://imagejason.herokuapp.com](http://imagejason.herokuapp.com)


  ![Photo upload](http://i.giphy.com/l0HlD1pF6PHF4Y3Pq.gif)


# ★ Microblog with user accounts
  - Simple microblog app to post messages, complete with user login. If you want to install the backend on your own server, here's the [full source and an instruction on how to build one from scratch](https://github.com/Jasonette/token-authentication-example).
  - JSON: [http://sessionjason.herokuapp.com](http://sessionjason.herokuapp.com)


signed out  |  signed in
![signed out](images/signed_out.png) | ![signed in](images/signed_in.png)
