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# Eloquent STI (Single Table Inheritance)

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## Install

Via Composer

``` bash
$ composer require jaspaul/eloquent-sti

## Requirements

The following versions of PHP are supported by this version.

* PHP 7.2
* PHP 7.3
* PHP 7.4

## Usage


use Tests\Helpers\User;
use Tests\Helpers\Administrator;
use Jaspaul\EloquentSTI\Inheritable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use Inheritable;

     * Provides a map of types to resolve for this object. The format is:
     *     'user' => User::class,
     *     'administrator' => Administrator::class
     * @var array
    protected $types = [
        'user' => User::class,
        'administrator' => Administrator::class


class Administrator extends User

Now when you select users through the User model, they'll be returned with the associated type. For instance if you have a record in the users table with the type administrator, an Administrator object will be returned when you run `User::where('type', 'administrator')->first()`.