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Test Coverage
    "Name": "Hydrogen",
    "Symbol": "H",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas",
    "AtomicWeight": 1.00784,
    "AtomicNumber": 1,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 1,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "1s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": 1,
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 31,
    "AtomicRadius": 31,
    "VdWRadius": 120,
    "CAS": "12385-13-6"
    "Name": "Helium",
    "Symbol": "He",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas, exhibiting a gray, cloudy glow (or reddish-orange if an especially high voltage is used) when placed in an electric field",
    "AtomicWeight": 4.002602,
    "AtomicNumber": 2,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 1,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "1s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": 2,
    "CovalentRadius": 28,
    "AtomicRadius": 31,
    "VdWRadius": 140,
    "CAS": "7440-59-7"
    "Name": "Lithium",
    "Symbol": "Li",
    "Appearance": "silvery-white",
    "AtomicWeight": 6.938,
    "AtomicNumber": 3,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 0.98,
    "CovalentRadius": 128,
    "AtomicRadius": 152,
    "VdWRadius": 182,
    "CAS": "7439-93-2"
    "Name": "Beryllium",
    "Symbol": "Be",
    "Appearance": "white-gray metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 9.0121831,
    "AtomicNumber": 4,
    "Group": 2,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.57,
    "CovalentRadius": 96,
    "AtomicRadius": 112,
    "VdWRadius": 153,
    "CAS": "7440-41-7"
    "Name": "Boron",
    "Symbol": "B",
    "Appearance": "black-brown",
    "AtomicWeight": 10.806,
    "AtomicNumber": 5,
    "Group": 13,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2 2p1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 3",
    "Electronegativity": 2.04,
    "CovalentRadius": 84,
    "AtomicRadius": 90,
    "VdWRadius": 192,
    "CAS": "7440-42-8"
    "Name": "Carbon",
    "Symbol": "C",
    "Appearance": "graphite: black, metallic-lookingdiamond: clear",
    "AtomicWeight": 12.0096,
    "AtomicNumber": 6,
    "Group": 14,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2 2p2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 4",
    "Electronegativity": 2.55,
    "CovalentRadius": 77,
    "AtomicRadius": 67,
    "VdWRadius": 170,
    "CAS": "7782-42-5"
    "Name": "Nitrogen",
    "Symbol": "N",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas, liquid or solid",
    "AtomicWeight": 14.00643,
    "AtomicNumber": 7,
    "Group": 15,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2 2p3",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 5",
    "Electronegativity": 3.04,
    "CovalentRadius": 71,
    "AtomicRadius": 56,
    "VdWRadius": 155,
    "CAS": "17778-88-0"
    "Name": "Oxygen",
    "Symbol": "O",
    "Appearance": "gas: colorlessliquid and solid: pale blue",
    "AtomicWeight": 15.99903,
    "AtomicNumber": 8,
    "Group": 16,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2 2p4",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 6",
    "Electronegativity": 3.44,
    "CovalentRadius": 66,
    "AtomicRadius": 60,
    "VdWRadius": 152,
    "CAS": "7782-44-7"
    "Name": "Fluorine",
    "Symbol": "F",
    "Appearance": "gas: very pale yellowliquid: bright yellowsolid: alpha is opaque, beta is transparent",
    "AtomicWeight": 18.998403163,
    "AtomicNumber": 9,
    "Group": 17,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2 2p5[2]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 7",
    "Electronegativity": 3.98,
    "CovalentRadius": 64,
    "AtomicRadius": 50,
    "VdWRadius": 135,
    "CAS": "7782-41-4"
    "Name": "Neon",
    "Symbol": "Ne",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas exhibiting an orange-red glow when placed in an electric field",
    "AtomicWeight": 20.1797,
    "AtomicNumber": 10,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 2,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[He] 2s2 2p6",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8",
    "CovalentRadius": 58,
    "AtomicRadius": 38,
    "VdWRadius": 154,
    "CAS": "7440-01-9"
    "Name": "Sodium",
    "Symbol": "Na",
    "Appearance": "silvery white metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 22.98976928,
    "AtomicNumber": 11,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 0.93,
    "CovalentRadius": 166,
    "AtomicRadius": 186,
    "VdWRadius": 227,
    "CAS": "7440-23-5"
    "Name": "Magnesium",
    "Symbol": "Mg",
    "Appearance": "shiny grey solid",
    "AtomicWeight": 24.304,
    "AtomicNumber": 12,
    "Group": 2,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.31,
    "CovalentRadius": 141,
    "AtomicRadius": 160,
    "VdWRadius": 173,
    "CAS": "7439-95-4"
    "Name": "Aluminium",
    "Symbol": "Al",
    "Appearance": "silvery gray metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 26.9815384,
    "AtomicNumber": 13,
    "Group": 13,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2 3p1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 3",
    "Electronegativity": 1.61,
    "CovalentRadius": 121,
    "AtomicRadius": 143,
    "VdWRadius": 184,
    "CAS": "7429-90-5"
    "Name": "Silicon",
    "Symbol": "Si",
    "Appearance": "crystalline, reflective with bluish-tinged faces",
    "AtomicWeight": 28.084,
    "AtomicNumber": 14,
    "Group": 14,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2 3p2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 4",
    "Electronegativity": 1.9,
    "CovalentRadius": 111,
    "AtomicRadius": 111,
    "VdWRadius": 210,
    "CAS": "7440-21-3"
    "Name": "Phosphorus",
    "Symbol": "P",
    "Appearance": "waxy white, yellow, red, violet, black metallic-looking",
    "AtomicWeight": 30.973761998,
    "AtomicNumber": 15,
    "Group": 15,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2 3p3",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 5",
    "Electronegativity": 2.19,
    "CovalentRadius": 107,
    "AtomicRadius": 100,
    "VdWRadius": 180,
    "CAS": "7723-14-0"
    "Name": "Sulfur",
    "Symbol": "S",
    "Appearance": "lemon yellow sintered microcrystals",
    "AtomicWeight": 32.059,
    "AtomicNumber": 16,
    "Group": 16,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2 3p4",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 6",
    "Electronegativity": 2.58,
    "CovalentRadius": 105,
    "AtomicRadius": 100,
    "VdWRadius": 180,
    "CAS": "7704-34-9"
    "Name": "Chlorine",
    "Symbol": "Cl",
    "Appearance": "pale yellow-green gas",
    "AtomicWeight": 35.446,
    "AtomicNumber": 17,
    "Group": 17,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2 3p5",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 7",
    "Electronegativity": 3.16,
    "CovalentRadius": 102,
    "AtomicRadius": 100,
    "VdWRadius": 175,
    "CAS": "7782-50-5"
    "Name": "Argon",
    "Symbol": "Ar",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas exhibiting a lilac/violet glow when placed in an electric field",
    "AtomicWeight": 39.792,
    "AtomicNumber": 18,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 3,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ne] 3s2 3p6",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 8",
    "CovalentRadius": 106,
    "AtomicRadius": 71,
    "VdWRadius": 188,
    "CAS": "7440-37-1"
    "Name": "Potassium",
    "Symbol": "K",
    "Appearance": "silvery gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 39.0983,
    "AtomicNumber": 19,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 4s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 8, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 0.82,
    "CovalentRadius": 203,
    "AtomicRadius": 227,
    "VdWRadius": 275,
    "CAS": "7440-09-7"
    "Name": "Calcium",
    "Symbol": "Ca",
    "Appearance": "dull gray, silver; with a pale yellow tint[1]",
    "AtomicWeight": 40.078,
    "AtomicNumber": 20,
    "Group": 2,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1,
    "CovalentRadius": 176,
    "AtomicRadius": 197,
    "VdWRadius": 231,
    "CAS": "7440-70-2"
    "Name": "Scandium",
    "Symbol": "Sc",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 44.955908,
    "AtomicNumber": 21,
    "Group": 3,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d1 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.36,
    "CovalentRadius": 170,
    "AtomicRadius": 162,
    "VdWRadius": 211,
    "CAS": "7440-20-2"
    "Name": "Titanium",
    "Symbol": "Ti",
    "Appearance": "silvery grey-white metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 47.867,
    "AtomicNumber": 22,
    "Group": 4,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d2 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 10, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.54,
    "CovalentRadius": 160,
    "AtomicRadius": 147,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-32-6"
    "Name": "Vanadium",
    "Symbol": "V",
    "Appearance": "blue-silver-grey metal",
    "AtomicWeight": 50.9415,
    "AtomicNumber": 23,
    "Group": 5,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d3 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 11, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.63,
    "CovalentRadius": 153,
    "AtomicRadius": 134,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-62-2"
    "Name": "Chromium",
    "Symbol": "Cr",
    "Appearance": "silvery metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 51.9961,
    "AtomicNumber": 24,
    "Group": 6,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d5 4s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 13, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 1.66,
    "CovalentRadius": 139,
    "AtomicRadius": 128,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-47-3"
    "Name": "Manganese",
    "Symbol": "Mn",
    "Appearance": "silvery metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 54.938043,
    "AtomicNumber": 25,
    "Group": 7,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d5 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 13, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.55,
    "CovalentRadius": 139,
    "AtomicRadius": 127,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-96-5"
    "Name": "Iron",
    "Symbol": "Fe",
    "Appearance": "lustrous metallic with a grayish tinge",
    "AtomicWeight": 55.845,
    "AtomicNumber": 26,
    "Group": 8,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d6 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 14, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.83,
    "CovalentRadius": 132,
    "AtomicRadius": 126,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-89-6"
    "Name": "Cobalt",
    "Symbol": "Co",
    "Appearance": "hard lustrous bluish gray metal",
    "AtomicWeight": 58.933194,
    "AtomicNumber": 27,
    "Group": 9,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d7 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 15, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.88,
    "CovalentRadius": 126,
    "AtomicRadius": 125,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-48-4"
    "Name": "Nickel",
    "Symbol": "Ni",
    "Appearance": "lustrous, metallic, and silver with a gold tinge",
    "AtomicWeight": 58.6934,
    "AtomicNumber": 28,
    "Group": 10,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d8 4s2 or [Ar] 3d9 4s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 16, 2 or 2, 8, 17, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 1.91,
    "CovalentRadius": 124,
    "AtomicRadius": 124,
    "VdWRadius": 163,
    "CAS": "7440-02-0"
    "Name": "Copper",
    "Symbol": "Cu",
    "Appearance": "red-orange metallic luster",
    "AtomicWeight": 63.546,
    "AtomicNumber": 29,
    "Group": 11,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 1.9,
    "CovalentRadius": 132,
    "AtomicRadius": 128,
    "VdWRadius": 140,
    "CAS": "7440-50-8"
    "Name": "Zinc",
    "Symbol": "Zn",
    "Appearance": "silver-gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 65.38,
    "AtomicNumber": 30,
    "Group": 12,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.65,
    "CovalentRadius": 122,
    "AtomicRadius": 134,
    "VdWRadius": 139,
    "CAS": "7440-66-6"
    "Name": "Gallium",
    "Symbol": "Ga",
    "Appearance": "silvery blue",
    "AtomicWeight": 69.723,
    "AtomicNumber": 31,
    "Group": 13,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 3",
    "Electronegativity": 1.81,
    "CovalentRadius": 122,
    "AtomicRadius": 135,
    "VdWRadius": 187,
    "CAS": "7440-55-3"
    "Name": "Germanium",
    "Symbol": "Ge",
    "Appearance": "grayish-white",
    "AtomicWeight": 72.63,
    "AtomicNumber": 32,
    "Group": 14,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 4",
    "Electronegativity": 2.01,
    "CovalentRadius": 122,
    "AtomicRadius": 122,
    "VdWRadius": 211,
    "CAS": "7440-56-4"
    "Name": "Arsenic",
    "Symbol": "As",
    "Appearance": "metallic grey",
    "AtomicWeight": 74.921595,
    "AtomicNumber": 33,
    "Group": 15,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p3",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 5",
    "Electronegativity": 2.18,
    "CovalentRadius": 119,
    "AtomicRadius": 119,
    "VdWRadius": 185,
    "CAS": "7440-38-2"
    "Name": "Selenium",
    "Symbol": "Se",
    "Appearance": "grey metallic-looking, red, and vitreous black (not pictured) allotropes",
    "AtomicWeight": 78.971,
    "AtomicNumber": 34,
    "Group": 16,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p4",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 6",
    "Electronegativity": 2.55,
    "CovalentRadius": 120,
    "AtomicRadius": 120,
    "VdWRadius": 190,
    "CAS": "7782-49-2"
    "Name": "Bromine",
    "Symbol": "Br",
    "Appearance": "reddish-brown",
    "AtomicWeight": 79.901,
    "AtomicNumber": 35,
    "Group": 17,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p5",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 7",
    "Electronegativity": 2.96,
    "CovalentRadius": 120,
    "AtomicRadius": 120,
    "VdWRadius": 185,
    "CAS": "7726-95-6"
    "Name": "Krypton",
    "Symbol": "Kr",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas, exhibiting a whitish glow in an electric field",
    "AtomicWeight": 83.798,
    "AtomicNumber": 36,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 4,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p6",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 8",
    "Electronegativity": 3,
    "CovalentRadius": 116,
    "AtomicRadius": 88,
    "VdWRadius": 202,
    "CAS": "7439-90-9"
    "Name": "Rubidium",
    "Symbol": "Rb",
    "Appearance": "grey white",
    "AtomicWeight": 85.4678,
    "AtomicNumber": 37,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 5s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 8, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 0.82,
    "CovalentRadius": 220,
    "AtomicRadius": 248,
    "VdWRadius": 303,
    "CAS": "7440-17-7"
    "Name": "Strontium",
    "Symbol": "Sr",
    "Appearance": "silvery white metallic; with a pale yellow tint[1]",
    "AtomicWeight": 87.62,
    "AtomicNumber": 38,
    "Group": 2,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 5s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 0.95,
    "CovalentRadius": 195,
    "AtomicRadius": 215,
    "VdWRadius": 249,
    "CAS": "7440-24-6"
    "Name": "Yttrium",
    "Symbol": "Y",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 88.90584,
    "AtomicNumber": 39,
    "Group": 3,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d1 5s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.22,
    "CovalentRadius": 190,
    "AtomicRadius": 180,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-65-5"
    "Name": "Zirconium",
    "Symbol": "Zr",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 91.224,
    "AtomicNumber": 40,
    "Group": 4,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d2 5s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 10, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.33,
    "CovalentRadius": 175,
    "AtomicRadius": 160,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-67-7"
    "Name": "Niobium",
    "Symbol": "Nb",
    "Appearance": "gray metallic, bluish when oxidized",
    "AtomicWeight": 92.90637,
    "AtomicNumber": 41,
    "Group": 5,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d4 5s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 12, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 1.6,
    "CovalentRadius": 164,
    "AtomicRadius": 146,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-03-1"
    "Name": "Molybdenum",
    "Symbol": "Mo",
    "Appearance": "gray metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 95.95,
    "AtomicNumber": 42,
    "Group": 6,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d5 5s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 13, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 2.16,
    "CovalentRadius": 154,
    "AtomicRadius": 139,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-98-7"
    "Name": "Technetium",
    "Symbol": "Tc",
    "Appearance": "shiny gray metal",
    "AtomicWeight": 97,
    "AtomicNumber": 43,
    "Group": 7,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d5 5s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 13, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.9,
    "CovalentRadius": 147,
    "AtomicRadius": 136,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-26-8"
    "Name": "Ruthenium",
    "Symbol": "Ru",
    "Appearance": "silvery white metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 101.07,
    "AtomicNumber": 44,
    "Group": 8,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d7 5s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 15, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 146,
    "AtomicRadius": 134,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-18-8"
    "Name": "Rhodium",
    "Symbol": "Rh",
    "Appearance": "silvery white metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 102.90549,
    "AtomicNumber": 45,
    "Group": 9,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d8 5s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 16, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 2.28,
    "CovalentRadius": 142,
    "AtomicRadius": 134,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-16-6"
    "Name": "Palladium",
    "Symbol": "Pd",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 106.42,
    "AtomicNumber": 46,
    "Group": 10,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18",
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 139,
    "AtomicRadius": 137,
    "VdWRadius": 163,
    "CAS": "7440-05-3"
    "Name": "Silver",
    "Symbol": "Ag",
    "Appearance": "lustrous white metal",
    "AtomicWeight": 107.8682,
    "AtomicNumber": 47,
    "Group": 11,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 1.93,
    "CovalentRadius": 145,
    "AtomicRadius": 144,
    "VdWRadius": 172,
    "CAS": "7440-22-4"
    "Name": "Cadmium",
    "Symbol": "Cd",
    "Appearance": "silvery bluish-gray metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 112.414,
    "AtomicNumber": 48,
    "Group": 12,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.69,
    "CovalentRadius": 144,
    "AtomicRadius": 151,
    "VdWRadius": 158,
    "CAS": "7440-43-9"
    "Name": "Indium",
    "Symbol": "In",
    "Appearance": "silvery lustrous gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 114.818,
    "AtomicNumber": 49,
    "Group": 13,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 3",
    "Electronegativity": 1.78,
    "CovalentRadius": 142,
    "AtomicRadius": 167,
    "VdWRadius": 193,
    "CAS": "7440-74-6"
    "Name": "Tin",
    "Symbol": "Sn",
    "Appearance": "silvery-white (beta, β) or gray (alpha, α)",
    "AtomicWeight": 118.71,
    "AtomicNumber": 50,
    "Group": 14,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 4",
    "Electronegativity": 1.96,
    "CovalentRadius": 139,
    "AtomicRadius": 140,
    "VdWRadius": 217,
    "CAS": "7440-31-5"
    "Name": "Antimony",
    "Symbol": "Sb",
    "Appearance": "silvery lustrous gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 121.76,
    "AtomicNumber": 51,
    "Group": 15,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p3",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 5",
    "Electronegativity": 2.05,
    "CovalentRadius": 139,
    "AtomicRadius": 140,
    "VdWRadius": 206,
    "CAS": "7440-36-0"
    "Name": "Tellurium",
    "Symbol": "Te",
    "Appearance": "silvery lustrous gray (crystalline),brown-black powder (amorphous)",
    "AtomicWeight": 127.6,
    "AtomicNumber": 52,
    "Group": 16,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p4",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 6",
    "Electronegativity": 2.1,
    "CovalentRadius": 138,
    "AtomicRadius": 140,
    "VdWRadius": 206,
    "CAS": "13494-80-9"
    "Name": "Iodine",
    "Symbol": "I",
    "Appearance": "lustrous metallic gray solid, black/violet liquid, violet gas",
    "AtomicWeight": 126.90447,
    "AtomicNumber": 53,
    "Group": 17,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p5",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 7",
    "Electronegativity": 2.66,
    "CovalentRadius": 139,
    "AtomicRadius": 140,
    "VdWRadius": 198,
    "CAS": "7553-56-2"
    "Name": "Xenon",
    "Symbol": "Xe",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas, exhibiting a blue glow when placed in an electric field",
    "AtomicWeight": 131.293,
    "AtomicNumber": 54,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 5,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 8",
    "Electronegativity": 2.6,
    "CovalentRadius": 140,
    "AtomicRadius": 108,
    "VdWRadius": 216,
    "CAS": "7440-63-3"
    "Name": "Caesium",
    "Symbol": "Cs",
    "Appearance": "pale gold",
    "AtomicWeight": 132.90545196,
    "AtomicNumber": 55,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 6s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 8, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 0.79,
    "CovalentRadius": 244,
    "AtomicRadius": 265,
    "VdWRadius": 343,
    "CAS": "7440-46-2"
    "Name": "Barium",
    "Symbol": "Ba",
    "Appearance": "silvery gray; with a pale yellow tint[1]",
    "AtomicWeight": 137.327,
    "AtomicNumber": 56,
    "Group": 2,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 0.89,
    "CovalentRadius": 215,
    "AtomicRadius": 222,
    "VdWRadius": 268,
    "CAS": "7440-39-3"
    "Name": "Lanthanum",
    "Symbol": "La",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 138.90547,
    "AtomicNumber": 57,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 5d1 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 18, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.1,
    "CovalentRadius": 207,
    "AtomicRadius": 187,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-91-0"
    "Name": "Cerium",
    "Symbol": "Ce",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 140.116,
    "AtomicNumber": 58,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2[2]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 19, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.12,
    "CovalentRadius": 204,
    "AtomicRadius": 181,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-45-1"
    "Name": "Praseodymium",
    "Symbol": "Pr",
    "Appearance": "grayish white",
    "AtomicWeight": 140.90766,
    "AtomicNumber": 59,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f3 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 21, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.13,
    "CovalentRadius": 203,
    "AtomicRadius": 182,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-10-0"
    "Name": "Neodymium",
    "Symbol": "Nd",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 144.242,
    "AtomicNumber": 60,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f4 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 22, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.14,
    "CovalentRadius": 201,
    "AtomicRadius": 181,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-00-8"
    "Name": "Promethium",
    "Symbol": "Pm",
    "Appearance": "metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 145,
    "AtomicNumber": 61,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f5 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 23, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.13,
    "CovalentRadius": 199,
    "AtomicRadius": 183,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-12-2"
    "Name": "Samarium",
    "Symbol": "Sm",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 150.36,
    "AtomicNumber": 62,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f6 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 24, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.17,
    "CovalentRadius": 198,
    "AtomicRadius": 180,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-19-9"
    "Name": "Europium",
    "Symbol": "Eu",
    "Appearance": "silvery white, with a pale yellow tint;[1] but rarely seen without oxide discoloration",
    "AtomicWeight": 151.964,
    "AtomicNumber": 63,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f7 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 25, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 198,
    "AtomicRadius": 180,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-53-1"
    "Name": "Gadolinium",
    "Symbol": "Gd",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 157.25,
    "AtomicNumber": 64,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f7 5d1 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 25, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 196,
    "AtomicRadius": 180,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-54-2"
    "Name": "Terbium",
    "Symbol": "Tb",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 158.925354,
    "AtomicNumber": 65,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f9 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 27, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 194,
    "AtomicRadius": 177,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-27-9"
    "Name": "Dysprosium",
    "Symbol": "Dy",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 162.5,
    "AtomicNumber": 66,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f10 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 28, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.22,
    "CovalentRadius": 192,
    "AtomicRadius": 178,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7429-91-6"
    "Name": "Holmium",
    "Symbol": "Ho",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 164.930328,
    "AtomicNumber": 67,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f11 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 29, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.23,
    "CovalentRadius": 192,
    "AtomicRadius": 176,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-60-0"
    "Name": "Erbium",
    "Symbol": "Er",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 167.259,
    "AtomicNumber": 68,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f12 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 30, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.24,
    "CovalentRadius": 189,
    "AtomicRadius": 176,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-52-0"
    "Name": "Thulium",
    "Symbol": "Tm",
    "Appearance": "silvery gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 168.934218,
    "AtomicNumber": 69,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f13 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 31, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.25,
    "CovalentRadius": 190,
    "AtomicRadius": 176,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-30-4"
    "Name": "Ytterbium",
    "Symbol": "Yb",
    "Appearance": "silvery white; with a pale yellow tint[1]",
    "AtomicWeight": 173.045,
    "AtomicNumber": 70,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.1,
    "CovalentRadius": 187,
    "AtomicRadius": 176,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-64-4"
    "Name": "Lutetium",
    "Symbol": "Lu",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 174.9668,
    "AtomicNumber": 71,
    "Group": 3,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d1 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.27,
    "CovalentRadius": 187,
    "AtomicRadius": 174,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-94-3"
    "Name": "Hafnium",
    "Symbol": "Hf",
    "Appearance": "steel gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 178.486,
    "AtomicNumber": 72,
    "Group": 4,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d2 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 10, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 175,
    "AtomicRadius": 159,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-58-6"
    "Name": "Tantalum",
    "Symbol": "Ta",
    "Appearance": "gray blue",
    "AtomicWeight": 180.94788,
    "AtomicNumber": 73,
    "Group": 5,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d3 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 11, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.5,
    "CovalentRadius": 170,
    "AtomicRadius": 146,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-25-7"
    "Name": "Tungsten",
    "Symbol": "W",
    "Appearance": "grayish white, lustrous",
    "AtomicWeight": 183.84,
    "AtomicNumber": 74,
    "Group": 6,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d4 6s2[2]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 12, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 2.36,
    "CovalentRadius": 162,
    "AtomicRadius": 139,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-33-7"
    "Name": "Rhenium",
    "Symbol": "Re",
    "Appearance": "silvery-grayish",
    "AtomicWeight": 186.207,
    "AtomicNumber": 75,
    "Group": 7,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d5 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 13, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.9,
    "CovalentRadius": 151,
    "AtomicRadius": 137,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-15-5"
    "Name": "Osmium",
    "Symbol": "Os",
    "Appearance": "silvery, blue cast",
    "AtomicWeight": 190.23,
    "AtomicNumber": 76,
    "Group": 8,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d6 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 14, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 144,
    "AtomicRadius": 135,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-04-2"
    "Name": "Iridium",
    "Symbol": "Ir",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 192.217,
    "AtomicNumber": 77,
    "Group": 9,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d7 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 15, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 141,
    "AtomicRadius": 136,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-88-5"
    "Name": "Platinum",
    "Symbol": "Pt",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 195.084,
    "AtomicNumber": 78,
    "Group": 10,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d9 6s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 17, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 2.28,
    "CovalentRadius": 136,
    "AtomicRadius": 139,
    "VdWRadius": 175,
    "CAS": "7440-06-4"
    "Name": "Gold",
    "Symbol": "Au",
    "Appearance": "metallic yellow",
    "AtomicWeight": 196.96657,
    "AtomicNumber": 79,
    "Group": 11,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 2.54,
    "CovalentRadius": 136,
    "AtomicRadius": 144,
    "VdWRadius": 166,
    "CAS": "7440-57-5"
    "Name": "Mercury",
    "Symbol": "Hg",
    "Appearance": "shiny, silvery liquid",
    "AtomicWeight": 200.592,
    "AtomicNumber": 80,
    "Group": 12,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 2,
    "CovalentRadius": 132,
    "AtomicRadius": 151,
    "VdWRadius": 155,
    "CAS": "7439-97-6"
    "Name": "Thallium",
    "Symbol": "Tl",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 204.382,
    "AtomicNumber": 81,
    "Group": 13,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 3",
    "Electronegativity": 1.62,
    "CovalentRadius": 145,
    "AtomicRadius": 170,
    "VdWRadius": 196,
    "CAS": "7440-28-0"
    "Name": "Lead",
    "Symbol": "Pb",
    "Appearance": "metallic gray",
    "AtomicWeight": 207.2,
    "AtomicNumber": 82,
    "Group": 14,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 4",
    "Electronegativity": 1.87,
    "CovalentRadius": 146,
    "AtomicRadius": 175,
    "VdWRadius": 202,
    "CAS": "7439-92-1"
    "Name": "Bismuth",
    "Symbol": "Bi",
    "Appearance": "lustrous brownish silver",
    "AtomicWeight": 208.9804,
    "AtomicNumber": 83,
    "Group": 15,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 5",
    "Electronegativity": 2.02,
    "CovalentRadius": 148,
    "AtomicRadius": 156,
    "VdWRadius": 207,
    "CAS": "7440-69-9"
    "Name": "Polonium",
    "Symbol": "Po",
    "Appearance": "silvery",
    "AtomicWeight": 209,
    "AtomicNumber": 84,
    "Group": 16,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p4",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 6",
    "Electronegativity": 2,
    "CovalentRadius": 140,
    "AtomicRadius": 168,
    "VdWRadius": 197,
    "CAS": "7440-08-6"
    "Name": "Astatine",
    "Symbol": "At",
    "Appearance": "unknown, probably metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 210,
    "AtomicNumber": 85,
    "Group": 17,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p5",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 7",
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 150,
    "AtomicRadius": 127,
    "VdWRadius": 202,
    "CAS": "7440-68-8"
    "Name": "Radon",
    "Symbol": "Rn",
    "Appearance": "colorless gas",
    "AtomicWeight": 222,
    "AtomicNumber": 86,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 6,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p6",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8",
    "Electronegativity": 2.2,
    "CovalentRadius": 150,
    "AtomicRadius": 120,
    "VdWRadius": 220,
    "CAS": "10043-92-2"
    "Name": "Francium",
    "Symbol": "Fr",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 223,
    "AtomicNumber": 87,
    "Group": 1,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 7s1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 1",
    "Electronegativity": 0.79,
    "CovalentRadius": 260,
    "AtomicRadius": 210,
    "VdWRadius": 348,
    "CAS": "7440-73-5"
    "Name": "Radium",
    "Symbol": "Ra",
    "Appearance": "silvery white metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 226,
    "AtomicNumber": 88,
    "Group": 2,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "s-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 0.9,
    "CovalentRadius": 221,
    "AtomicRadius": 215,
    "VdWRadius": 283,
    "CAS": "7440-14-4"
    "Name": "Actinium",
    "Symbol": "Ac",
    "Appearance": "silvery-white, glowing with an eerie blue light;[1] sometimes with a golden cast[2]",
    "AtomicWeight": 227,
    "AtomicNumber": 89,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 6d1 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.1,
    "CovalentRadius": 215,
    "AtomicRadius": 195,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-34-8"
    "Name": "Thorium",
    "Symbol": "Th",
    "Appearance": "silvery, often with black tarnish",
    "AtomicWeight": 232.0377,
    "AtomicNumber": 90,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 6d2 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 10, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 206,
    "AtomicRadius": 179,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-29-1"
    "Name": "Protactinium",
    "Symbol": "Pa",
    "Appearance": "bright, silvery metallic luster",
    "AtomicWeight": 231.03588,
    "AtomicNumber": 91,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f2 6d1 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 20, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.5,
    "CovalentRadius": 200,
    "AtomicRadius": 163,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-13-3"
    "Name": "Uranium",
    "Symbol": "U",
    "Appearance": "silvery gray metallic; corrodes to a spalling black oxide coat in air",
    "AtomicWeight": 238.02891,
    "AtomicNumber": 92,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f3 6d1 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 21, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.38,
    "CovalentRadius": 196,
    "AtomicRadius": 156,
    "VdWRadius": 186,
    "CAS": "7440-61-1"
    "Name": "Neptunium",
    "Symbol": "Np",
    "Appearance": "silvery metallic",
    "AtomicWeight": 237,
    "AtomicNumber": 93,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f4 6d1 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 22, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.36,
    "CovalentRadius": 190,
    "AtomicRadius": 155,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7439-99-8"
    "Name": "Plutonium",
    "Symbol": "Pu",
    "Appearance": "silvery white, tarnishing to dark gray in air",
    "AtomicWeight": 244,
    "AtomicNumber": 94,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f6 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 24, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.28,
    "CovalentRadius": 187,
    "AtomicRadius": 159,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-07-5"
    "Name": "Americium",
    "Symbol": "Am",
    "Appearance": "silvery white",
    "AtomicWeight": 243,
    "AtomicNumber": 95,
    "Group": 3,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f7 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 25, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 180,
    "AtomicRadius": 173,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-35-9"
    "Name": "Curium",
    "Symbol": "Cm",
    "Appearance": "silvery metallic, glows purple in the dark",
    "AtomicWeight": 247,
    "AtomicNumber": 96,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f7 6d1 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 25, 9, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 169,
    "AtomicRadius": 174,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-51-9"
    "Name": "Berkelium",
    "Symbol": "Bk",
    "Appearance": "silvery",
    "AtomicWeight": 247,
    "AtomicNumber": 97,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f9 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 27, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 168,
    "AtomicRadius": 170,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-40-6"
    "Name": "Californium",
    "Symbol": "Cf",
    "Appearance": "silvery",
    "AtomicWeight": 251,
    "AtomicNumber": 98,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f10 7s2[1]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 28, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 168,
    "AtomicRadius": 168,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-71-3"
    "Name": "Einsteinium",
    "Symbol": "Es",
    "Appearance": "silvery; glows blue in the dark",
    "AtomicWeight": 252,
    "AtomicNumber": 99,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f11 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 29, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 165,
    "AtomicRadius": 165,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7429-92-7"
    "Name": "Fermium",
    "Symbol": "Fm",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 257,
    "AtomicNumber": 100,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f12 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 30, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 167,
    "AtomicRadius": 167,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-72-4"
    "Name": "Mendelevium",
    "Symbol": "Md",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 258,
    "AtomicNumber": 101,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f13 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 31, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 173,
    "AtomicRadius": 173,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "7440-11-1"
    "Name": "Nobelium",
    "Symbol": "No",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 259,
    "AtomicNumber": 102,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "f-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 7s2",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 8, 2",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 176,
    "AtomicRadius": 176,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "10028-14-5"
    "Name": "Lawrencium",
    "Symbol": "Lr",
    "Appearance": "silvery (predicted)[1]",
    "AtomicWeight": 266,
    "AtomicNumber": 103,
    "Group": 3,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 7s2 7p1",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 8, 3",
    "Electronegativity": 1.3,
    "CovalentRadius": 161,
    "AtomicRadius": 161,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "22537-19-5"
    "Name": "Rutherfordium",
    "Symbol": "Rf",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 267,
    "AtomicNumber": 104,
    "Group": 4,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d2 7s2[1][2]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 10, 2",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 157,
    "AtomicRadius": 150,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "53850-36-5"
    "Name": "Dubnium",
    "Symbol": "Db",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 268,
    "AtomicNumber": 105,
    "Group": 5,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d3 7s2[3]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 11, 2",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 149,
    "AtomicRadius": 139,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "53850-35-4"
    "Name": "Seaborgium",
    "Symbol": "Sg",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 269,
    "AtomicNumber": 106,
    "Group": 6,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d4 7s2[1]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 12, 2",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 143,
    "AtomicRadius": 132,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54038-81-2"
    "Name": "Bohrium",
    "Symbol": "Bh",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 270,
    "AtomicNumber": 107,
    "Group": 7,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d5 7s2[1][2]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 13, 2",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 141,
    "AtomicRadius": 128,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54037-14-8"
    "Name": "Hassium",
    "Symbol": "Hs",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 269,
    "AtomicNumber": 108,
    "Group": 8,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d6 7s2[4]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 14, 2",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 134,
    "AtomicRadius": 126,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54037-57-9"
    "Name": "Meitnerium",
    "Symbol": "Mt",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 278,
    "AtomicNumber": 109,
    "Group": 9,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d7 7s2 (predicted)[3][4]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 15, 2 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 129,
    "AtomicRadius": 128,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54038-01-6"
    "Name": "Darmstadtium",
    "Symbol": "Ds",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 281,
    "AtomicNumber": 110,
    "Group": 10,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d8 7s2 (predicted)[3]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 16, 2 (predicted)[3]",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 128,
    "AtomicRadius": 132,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54083-77-1"
    "Name": "Roentgenium",
    "Symbol": "Rg",
    "Appearance": "silvery (predicted)[1]",
    "AtomicWeight": 282,
    "AtomicNumber": 111,
    "Group": 11,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d9 7s2 (predicted)[1][2]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 17, 2 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 121,
    "AtomicRadius": 138,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54386-24-2"
    "Name": "Copernicium",
    "Symbol": "Cn",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 285,
    "AtomicNumber": 112,
    "Group": 12,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "d-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 (predicted)[1]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 2 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 122,
    "AtomicRadius": 147,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54084-26-3"
    "Name": "Nihonium",
    "Symbol": "Nh",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 286,
    "AtomicNumber": 113,
    "Group": 13,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p1 (predicted)[1]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 3 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 172,
    "AtomicRadius": 170,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54084-70-7"
    "Name": "Flerovium",
    "Symbol": "Fl",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 289,
    "AtomicNumber": 114,
    "Group": 14,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p2 (predicted)[3]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 4 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 171,
    "AtomicRadius": 180,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54085-16-4"
    "Name": "Moscovium",
    "Symbol": "Mc",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 290,
    "AtomicNumber": 115,
    "Group": 15,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p3 (predicted)[1]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 5 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 156,
    "AtomicRadius": 187,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54085-64-2"
    "Name": "Livermorium",
    "Symbol": "Lv",
    "Appearance": "",
    "AtomicWeight": 293,
    "AtomicNumber": 116,
    "Group": 16,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p4 (predicted)[1]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 6 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 162,
    "AtomicRadius": 183,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54100-71-9"
    "Name": "Tennessine",
    "Symbol": "Ts",
    "Appearance": "semimetallic (predicted)[2]",
    "AtomicWeight": 294,
    "AtomicNumber": 117,
    "Group": 17,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p5 (predicted)[3]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 7 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 156,
    "AtomicRadius": 138,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54101-14-3"
    "Name": "Oganesson",
    "Symbol": "Og",
    "Appearance": "metallic (predicted)",
    "AtomicWeight": 294,
    "AtomicNumber": 118,
    "Group": 18,
    "Period": 7,
    "Block": "p-block",
    "Category": "",
    "ElectronConfiguration": "[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p6 (predicted)[3][4]",
    "ElectronsPerShell": "2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 8 (predicted)",
    "Electronegativity": null,
    "CovalentRadius": 157,
    "AtomicRadius": 157,
    "VdWRadius": null,
    "CAS": "54144-19-3"