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<h1 align="center" >ChemSharp</h1>
<h3 align="center">.NET Library for processing of chemistry related files. Powers <a href="">PorphyStruct</a>!</h3>

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### NuGet Packages

| | |
| `ChemSharp` | [![NuGet Badge](]( |
| `ChemSharp.Molecules` | [![NuGet Badge](]( |
| `ChemSharp.Molecules.Blazor` | [![NuGet Badge](]( |
| `ChemSharp.Molecules.HelixToolkit` | [![NuGet Badge](]( |
| `ChemSharp.Spectroscopy` | [![NuGet Badge](]( |
|`ChemSharp.UnitConversion` | [![NuGet Badge](]( |

<sup>CI Releases at: <a href="">GitHub Packages</a> </sup>

### Features

* Open and process Molecular files (see [Supported Filetypes](#molecule))
* Sum formula operations and elemental analysis calculation
* Using Elemental Data from
* Blazor view for molecules using three.js
* Open and process Spectroscopy related files (see [Supported Filetypes](#spectroscopy))
* Unit Conversion for (Energy, Magnetic Units, Mass)

### Basic Usage

#### Create Molecules

Molecules can be created in a lot of ways. The easiest way is to use MoleculeFactory.Create, which accepts a string

//Creates a molecule from cif file
const string path = "files/cif.cif";
var mol = Molecule.FromFile(path);

#### Create Spectra

Spectra can be created by using the Spectrum.FromFile Method.

//Creates an UV/Vis Spectrum
const string path = "files/uvvis.dsw";
var uvvis = Spectrum.FromFile(path);

### Supported Filetypes

* **Molecule**
    * **Import** (**XYZ**, **CIF** (crystallographic information file, CCDC), **MOL2** (TRIPOS Mol2), **PDB** (Protein
      Data Bank file), **MOL** (MDL MOL, ChemSpider), **CDXML** (Single Molecule only, 2D))
    * **Export** (XYZ, MOL2)

* **Spectroscopy**
    * **Import** (Varian/Agilient DSW, Bruker EMX SPC/PAR, Bruker TopSpin (fid, (1r/1i processed spectra), JCAMP-DX (
      acqus, procs, ...)), CSV)
    * **Export** (CSV)

#### Used Libraries:

* [MathNet.Numerics](

#### Compatibility

* .NET Standard 2.0, .NET Standard 2.1, .NET 5, .NET 6
* Blazor (see ChemSharp.Molecules.Blazor)
* <a href="">HelixToolkit</a> via
* Unity (see

### Used by (Highlights):

*  <img src="" alt="logo" height="16"/>  **[PorphyStruct](**
* <img src="" alt="logo" height="16"/>  **[CHN-Tool](**

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