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### Features :
***xdccJS is a complete implementation of the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XDCC">XDCC protocol</a> for nodejs***.  
It can also be used as a <a href="#command-line-interface">command-line</a> downloader !  
- Batch downloads : `1-3, 5, 32-35, 101`
- Resume file and auto-retry
- Pipes!
- [Passive DCC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Client-to-Client#Passive_DCC)
- Check [advanced examples](https://github.com/JiPaix/xdccJS/tree/master/examples) and see what else you can do

## Table of contents
- [API](#api)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [List of options](#options)
- [Download](#download)
    - [Download queue detection](#download-queue-detection)
    - [Jobs](#jobs)
    - [Events](#events)
    - [Piping](#pipes)
- [(Auto) disconnect from IRC](#disconnect)
- [Advanced IRC commands and middlewares](#advanced-irc-commands)
- [CLI](#command-line-interface)
  - [Installation](#installation-1)
  - [Options](#cli-options)
  - [Usage](#usage)
  - [Profiles](#profiles)
  - [Important notes](#fyi)

# Installation
## Getting started
There's three different way to import/require xdccJS depending on which environment it is running:
### CommonJS
const XDCC = require('xdccjs')
const xdccJS = new XDCC.default({/*..options..*/})
### Modules
import XDCC from 'xdccjs'
const xdccJS = new XDCC.default({/*..options..*/})
### TypeScript
import XDCC from 'xdccjs'
const xdccJS = new XDCC({/*..options..*/})
### Example
const XDCC = require('xdccjs')

const xdccJS = new XDCC.default({
  host: 'irc.server.net',
  port: 6667,
  chan: ['#welcome', '#fansub'],
  nickname: 'Leon',
  path: '/home/leon/downloads'

xdccJS.on('ready', () => {
  xdccJS.download('XDCC|BOT_RED', 5)
  xdccJS.download('XDCC|BOT_GREEN', '1-3, 55, 100-200')
  xdccJS.download('XDCC|BOT_BLUE', [12, 7, 10, 20])
  xdccJS.download('XDCC|BOT_ALPHA', ['5', '6'])
### Options
Every parameter is optional, except for `host`.

const opts = {
  host: 'irc.server.net', // IRC hostname                                                   - required
  port: 6660, // IRC port                                                                   - default: 6667
  tls: {
    enable: true, // Enable TLS Support                                                     - default: false
    rejectUnauthorized: true, // Reject self-signed certificates                            - default: false
  nickname: 'ItsMeJiPaix', // Nickname                                                      - default: xdccJS + random
  nickServ: 'complex_password', // Your NickServ password (no spaces)                       - default: undefined (disabled)
  chan: ['#candy', '#fruits'], // Array of channels                                         - default : [ ] (no chan)
  path: 'downloads', // Download path or 'false'                                            - default: false (which enables piping)
  retry: 2, // Nb of retries before skip                                                    - default: 1
  timeout: 50, // Nb of seconds before a download is considered timed out                   - default: 30
  verbose: true, // Display download progress and jobs status                               - default: false
  randomizeNick: false, // Add random numbers at end of nickname                            - default: true
  passivePort: [5000, 5001, 5002], // Array of port(s) to use with Passive DCC              - default: [5001]
  botNameMatch: false, // Block downloads if the bot's name does not match the request      - default: true
  throttle: 500, // Throttle download speed to n KiB/s                                       - default: undefined (disabled)
  queue: /soMething(.*)maTching/g //                                                        - default: undefined (disabled)
  // ^ Regex matching the bot's message when you're request is moved to a queue    

### Config
>xdccJS.**config( parameters?** : object **)**
change parameters during runtime  
If there's a file downloading `throttle` and `passivePort` won't be applied until the next download
  passivePort: [5000, 5001, 5002],
  throttle: 800,
  nickname: 'TrustMe',
  chan: ['#candy', '#fruits'], 
  path: 'download/subfolder',
  botNameMatch: false,
  retry: 5,
  timeout: 50,
  verbose: false,
  randomizeNick: true,
  queue: /soMething(.*)maTching/g

### Download
>xdccJS.**download( bot** : string, **packets** : string | number | number[] | string[], **options?**: { **ipv6?**: boolean ** **throttle?**: number } **)**  
`download()` is asynchronous and returns a `Job`  
`options` are optional, per job
`options.ipv6` parameter is only required when if a bot's is ipv6 **AND** uses passive DCC
xdccJS.on('ready', async () => {
  const blue = await xdccJS.download('XDCC|BLUE', '1-3, 8, 55')
  const yellow = await xdccJS.download('XDCC|YELLOW', 4)
  const red = await xdccJS.download('XDCC|RED', [12, 7, 10, 20])
  const purple = await xdccJS.download('XDCC|PURPLE', ['1', '3', '10', '20'])
#### Download queue detection
xdccJS will timeout any request after a certain amount of time when no file is sent (see [Options.timeout](#options)), Which is exactly what happens when a bot puts you into queue. 

To avoid this behavior you need to provide a [regex](https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_regexp.asp) matching the bot "queue message".  

If you are clueless about regexes try [regexlearn.com](https://regexlearn.com/learn/regex101) interactive tutorial.

const opts = {
  host: 'irc.server.com',
  timeout: 20 // defaut is 30
  queue: /request(.*)queued(.*)\d+\/\d+$/gi
  //=> excepted bot queue message: "Your request has been queued: position x/x"
const xdccJS = new XDCC(opts)

xdccJS.on('ready', async () =>{
  const queued = await xdccJS.download('BOT_WITH_LARGE_QUEUE', '1-5')
  //=> if the bot sends a message matching the regex, download won't fail
### Jobs
`Job`s are `download()` instances which are tied to the target nickname.  
calling `download()` multiple times for the same target will update current job.

xdccJS.on('ready', async () => {
  // jobs are automatically updated
  const botA_1 = await xdccJS.download('BOT-A', 1)
  const botA_2 = await xdccJS.download('BOT-A', 2)
  const botA_3 = await xdccJS.download('BOT-A', 3)
  // botA_1 === botA_2 === botA_3

  // but each "target" has its own job
  const botB_1 = await xdccJS.download('DIFFERENT_TARGET', 4)
  // botA_1 !== botB_1

  // once a job's done, its lifetime ends
  botA_1.on('done', async () => {
    const botA_5 = await xdccJS.download('BOT-A', 5)
    // botA_1 !== botA_5

  // Job options are overwritable
  await xdccJS.download('BOT-B', 1, { throttle: 500 })
  await xdccJS.download('BOT-B', 2, { throttle: 1000 })
  // => Both packets, 1 and 2, will be throttled at 1000 (latest)
#### You can also retrieve on going jobs

> xdccJS.**jobs( bot** : string | undefined **)**

// find job by botname
const job = await xdccJS.jobs('bot-name')

// retrieve all jobs at once
const arrayOfJobs = await xdccJS.jobs()
#### Jobs offer three options :
1. Get job progress status :
    let status = job1.show()
    let isdone = job1.isDone()
    //=> { name: 'a-bot', queue: [98], now: 62, success: ['file.txt'], failed: [50] }
    //=> false
2. Cancel a Job
3. Events to track progress (see [events documentation](#Events))
    job.on('downloaded', (fileInfo) => {
      //=> a file has been downloaded

    job.on('done', () => {
      //=> job has finished downloading all requested packages

    // more below..
### Events
**Most events are accessible both from xdccJS or a Job scope**

*FYI: those examples are for the sake of showing xdccJS capabilities, if you need download status to be displayed in a nice way just start xdccJS with parameter `verbose = true`*

> [**xdccJS**].on( **'ready'** ) : *xdccJS is ready to download*
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('ready', async () => {
      // download() here
> [**xdccJS** | **Job**].on( **'downloading'** ) : *Data is being received (a file is downloading)*
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('downloading', (fileInfo, received, percentage, eta) => {
      console.log(fileInfo) //=> { file: 'filename.pdf', filePath: '/path/to/filename.pdf', length: 5844849 }
      console.log(`downloading: '${fileInfo.file}'`) //=> downloading: 'your file.pdf'

    job.on('downloading', (fileInfo, received, percentage, eta) => {
      console.log(`${percentage}% - ${eta} ms remaining`) //=> 10.55% - 153500 ms remaining
> [**xdccJS** | **Job**].on( **'downloaded'** ) : *A file successfully downloaded*
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('downloaded', (fileInfo) => {
      console.log(fileInfo.filePath) //=> /home/user/xdccJS/downloads/myfile.pdf

    job.on('downloaded', (fileInfo) => {
      console.log('Job1 has downloaded:' + fileInfo.filePath)
      //=> Job1 has downloaded: /home/user/xdccJS/downloads/myfile.pdf
      //=> { file: 'filename.pdf', filePath: '/home/user/xdccJS/downloads/myfile.pdf', length: 5844849 }
> [**xdccJS** | **Job**].on( **'done'** ) : *A job has no remaining package in queue*
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('done', (job) => {
        //=> { name: 'a-bot', queue: [98], now: 62, success: ['file.txt'], failed: [50] }

    job.on('done', (job) => {
      console.log('Job2 is done!')
        //=> { name: 'a-bot', queue: [98], now: 62, success: ['file.txt'], failed: [50] }
> [**xdccJS** | **Job**].on( **'pipe'** ) : *A pipe is available (see [pipe documentation](#pipes)*)
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('pipe', (stream, fileInfo) => {
      //=> { file: 'filename.pdf', filePath: 'pipe', length: 5844849 }

    job.on('pipe', (stream, fileInfo) => {
      //=> { file: 'filename.pdf', filePath: 'pipe', length: 5844849 }
> [**xdccJS**].on( **'error'** ) : *Connection Errors*  
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('error', (err) => {
      err instanceof Error //=> true
      console.error(err.message) //=> UNREACHABLE HOST
> [**Job**].on( **'error'** ) : *Job interrupted/canceled or connexion with bot unreachable*  
- ```js
    job.on('error', (message, fileInfo) => {
      console.error(message) //=> timeout: no response from XDCC|BLUE
      console.log(fileInfo) //=> { file: 'filename.pdf', filePath: 'pipe', length: 5844849 }
> [**Job**].on( **'cancel'** ) : *Job canceled by user*  
- ```js
    job.on('cancel', (message) => {
      console.error(message) //=> "cancelled by user"
> [**xdccJS**].on( **'debug'** ) : *debug message*  
- ```js
    xdccJS.on('debug', (message) => {
### Pipes
In order to use pipes xdccJS need to be initialized with path option set to false
// This example will start vlc.exe then play the video while it's downloading.
const opts = {
  host: 'irc.server.net',
  path: false, 

const xdccJS = new XDCC(opts)

// Start VLC
const { spawn } = require('child_process')
const vlcPath = path.normalize('C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC\\vlc.exe')
const vlc = spawn(vlcPath, ['-'])

xdccJS.on('ready', async () => {
  const Job = await xdccJS.download('bot', 155)
  // send data to VLC that plays the file
  Job.on('pipe', stream => {
## Disconnect
// event triggered when all jobs are done.
xdccJS.on('can-quit', () => {
  xdccJS.quit() // this is how you disconnect from IRC
## Advanced IRC commands
**[@kiwiirc/irc-framework](https://github.com/kiwiirc/irc-framework) is embed into xdccJS**.  
Check their client API [documentation](https://github.com/kiwiirc/irc-framework/blob/master/docs/clientapi.md)

xdccJS.on('ready', () => {
  // change nickname
  // listen to kick events
  xdccJS.on('kick', (info) => {
    //=> do something..
An extended version of this example is available [here](/examples/irc-framework.js)
# Command-line Interface
## Installation
npm install xdccjs -g
## CLI Options
-V, --version              output the version number
-h, --host <server>        IRC server hostname - required
--port <number>            IRC server port - default: 6667
-n, --nickname <nickname>  Your nickname - default: xdccJS
--no-randomize             Disable nickname randomization - default: randomize
-c, --channel <chans...>   Channel(s) to join - optional
-p, --path <path>          Download path - optional
-b, --bot <botname>        XDCC bot nickname - required
-d, --download <packs...>  Packs to download - required
--throttle <number>        Throttle download speed (KiB/s) - default disabled
--nickserv <password>      Authenticate to NickServ - default: disabled
--passive-port <number>    Port to use for passive dccs - optional
--ipv6                     Use IPv6, only required if bot use both passive dcc and IPv6 - default: disabled
-r, --retry <number>       Number of attempts before skipping pack - optional
-t --timeout <number>      Time in seconds before a download is considered timed out - optional
-w, --wait <number>        Time to wait before sending download request - optional
--no-bot-name-match        Allow downloads from bot with nickname that doesn't match the request - optional
--queue <RegExp>           Regex to determine if the bot queued the request - optional
--tls                      enable SSL/TLS - optional
--no-insecure              Reject self-signed SSL/TLS certificates - optional
--save-profile <string>    save current options as a profile - optional
--delete-profile <string>  delete profile - optional
--set-profile <string>     set profile as default - optional
--list-profile             list all available profiles - optional
-q, --quiet                Disable console output - optional
--help                     display help for command
## Usage
xdccJS --host irc.server.net --bot "XDCC-BOT|BLUE" --download 1-5,100-105 --path "/home/user/downloads"
Alternatively, if you want to pipe the file just ommit the `--path` option  :  
xdccJS --host irc.server.net --bot "XDCC-BOT|RED" --download 110 | vlc -
**I recommend using double quotation marks between the `bot name` and `download path`** as they often both include unescaped characeters or whitespaces, **They are mandatory when using between `--queue`'s regex** (_see [examples below](#fyi)_)
## Profiles
You can use profiles to automatically load predefined options on startup
### How to use profiles
Save a predefined set of options:
# save a profile with name "my_profile"
xdccJS --save-profile "my_profile" --host "irc.server.net" --port "6669" --path "C:/Users/JiPaix/Desktop"
# use "my_profile" settings
xdccJS --bot "XDCC|BOT" --download "1132-1137"
You can override profile settings:
# use "my_profile" profile, change download path
xdccJS --bot "XDCC|BOT" --download "1132-1137" --path "/home/user/new/path"
If a profile provide at least a `--host` you can use the *lazy* mode:
xdccJS "/msg XDCC|BOT xdcc send 1132-1337" # quotes are important here
#### Save Profile
xdccJS --save-profile "my_profile" --host "irc.server.net" --port 6669 --path "C:/Users/username/Desktop"
Saved profile are automatically set as default.
#### Change default profile
xdccJS --set-profile "my_profile"
#### Delete profile
xdccJS --delete-profile "my_profile"
#### List available profiles
 xdcJS --list-profile 
## FYI
- hashtags for channels and packs are optional :
- ```bash
      --channel "#my-channel" --download "#132"
      # is the same as
      --channel "my-channel" --download "132" 
- given options prevails over the one provided by profiles :
- except for `--host`, which results in xdccJS ignoring the current profile
- example: 
        # current profile has --wait 5, but this time you need --wait 50
        xdccJS --bot "mybot" --download "125-130" --wait 50
        # ignores ALL profile options
        xdccJS --host "irc.mywnewserver.org"
- options `--bot` and `--path` often contains special characters and/or whitespaces :
- ```bash
      # this wont work
      --path /home/user/my folder --bot XDCC|BOT --download 123-125
      # fixed
      --path "/home/user/my folder" --bot "XDCC|BOT" --download 123-125 
- an example with `--queue` regex:
- ```bash
      xdccJS --host "irc.server.com" --bot "SOME_BOT" --download "1-100" --queue "/request(.*)queued(.*)\d+\/\d+$/gi"
      # excepted bot queue message: "Your request has been queued: position x/x"
- see [why is queue important](#download-queue-detection)

## Documentation
Full documentation is available <a href="https://jipaix.github.io/xdccJS/classes/default.html">here</a>