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4 hrs
Test Coverage
import commander, { program } from 'commander';
import * as path from 'path';
import { Params } from '..';
import Bridge from '../bridge';
import { version } from '../version.json';
import BinError from './errorhandler';

export type savedParams = {
  wait?: number
  bot?: string
export interface InterfaceCLI extends commander.Command {
  host?: string
  port?: number
  tls?: boolean
  insecure?: boolean
  bot?: string
  download?: string[]
  path?: string
  nickname?: string
  channel?: string[]
  retry?: number
  passivePort?: number
  ipv6?: boolean
  throttle?: number
  randomize?: boolean
  botNameMatch?: boolean
  queue?: RegExp
  timeout?: number
  wait?: number
  nickserv?: string
  quiet?: boolean
  saveProfile?: string
  deleteProfile?: string
  setProfile?: string
  listProfile?: string

export class BaseCommander {
  program: InterfaceCLI;

  constructor() {
    this.program = program;

  private parseProgram(): void {
      .option('-h, --host <server>', 'IRC server hostname \x1b[2m- required\x1b[0m')
      .option('--port <number>', 'IRC server port \x1b[2m- default: 6667\x1b[0m', (k:string) => BaseCommander.parseIfNotInt(k, 'port'))
      .option('-n, --nickname <nickname>', 'Your nickname \x1b[2m- default: xdccJS\x1b[0m')
      .option('--no-randomize', 'Disable nickname randomization \x1b[2m- default: randomize\x1b[0m')
      .option('-c, --channel <chans...>', 'Channel(s) to join \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('-p, --path <path>', 'Download path \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m', path.normalize)
      .option('-b, --bot <botname>', 'XDCC bot nickname \x1b[2m- required\x1b[0m')
      .option('-d, --download <packs...>', 'Packs to download \x1b[2m- required\x1b[0m')
      .option('--throttle <number>', 'Throttle download speed (KiB/s) \x1b[2m- default: disabled\x1b[0m', (k:string) => BaseCommander.parseIfNotInt(k, 'throttle'))
      .option('--nickserv <password>', 'Authenticate to NickServ \x1b[2m- default: disabled\x1b[0m')
      .option('--passive-port <number>', 'Port to use for passive dccs \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m', (k:string) => BaseCommander.parseIfNotInt(k, 'passive-port'))
      .option('--ipv6', 'Use IPv6, only required if bot use \x1b[1mboth\x1b[0m passive dcc and IPv6 \x1b[2m- default: disabled\x1b[0m', false)
      .option('-r, --retry <number>', 'Number of attempts before skipping pack \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m', (k:string) => BaseCommander.parseIfNotInt(k, 'retry'))
      .option('-t --timeout <number>', 'Time in seconds before a download is considered timed out \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m', (k:string) => BaseCommander.parseIfNotInt(k, 'timeout'))
        '-w, --wait <number>',
        'Time to wait before sending download request \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m',
        (k:string) => BaseCommander.parseIfNotInt(k, 'wait'),
      .option('--no-bot-name-match', 'Allow downloads from bot with nickname that doesn\'t match the request \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('--queue <RegExp>', 'Regex to determine if the bot queued the request \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m', BaseCommander.toRegex)
      .option('--tls', 'enable SSL/TLS \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('--no-insecure', 'Reject self-signed SSL/TLS certificates \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('--save-profile <string>', 'save current options as a profile \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('--delete-profile <string>', 'delete profile \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('--set-profile <string>', 'set profile as default \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('--list-profile', 'list all available profiles \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')
      .option('-q, --quiet', 'Disable console output \x1b[2m- optional\x1b[0m')

  private static parseIfNotInt(numstring: string, optName:'port' | 'throttle' | 'passive-port' | 'retry' | 'wait' | 'timeout'): number {
    const cannotBeLessThanZero = (optName === 'retry' || optName === 'throttle' || optName === 'wait' || optName === 'timeout');

    const notAnumber = Number.isNaN(parseInt(numstring, 10)) || Number.isNaN(parseFloat(numstring));
    if (notAnumber) throw new BinError(`%danger% option --${optName} must be a number`);

    if (cannotBeLessThanZero) {
      const number = parseFloat(numstring);
      if (number <= 0) throw new BinError(`%danger% option --${optName} cannot be less or equal 0`);
      return number;

    const number = parseInt(numstring, 10);
    if (number < 1025 || number > 65535) throw new BinError(`%danger% option --${optName} must be larger than 1024 and les than or equal 65536`);

    return number;

  private static toRegex(string: string): RegExp {
    // from https://stackoverflow.com/a/874742
    const flags = string.replace(/.*\/([gimy]*)$/, '$1');
    const pattern = string.replace(new RegExp(`^/(.*?)/${flags}$`), '$1');
    try {
      return new RegExp(pattern, flags);
    } catch (e) {
      throw new BinError('%danger% Invalid regex, eg. %grey%--queue /you\\shave\\sbeen\\squeued/gi');

  protected log(string: string, pad = 0): void {
    if (!this.program.quiet) console.error(''.padStart(pad) + Bridge.replace(string));

  protected xdccJSOPTS(): Params {
    if (!this.program.host) {
      if (this.program.saveProfile) throw new BinError('%danger% Saved profile must at least contain a host');
      throw new BinError('%danger% a hostname is required, eg. %grey%--host irc.server.net');
    if (this.program.nickserv) {
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof TypeError) {
          throw new BinError('%danger% option \'nickserv\' should only contain the password (no spaces), eg. %grey%--nickserv complex_password');

    return Bridge.checkParams({
      host: this.program.host,
      port: this.program.port,
      tls: {
        enable: this.program.tls || false,
        rejectUnauthorized: !this.program.insecure,
      nickname: this.program.nickname,
      chan: this.program.channel,
      path: this.program.path,
      retry: this.program.retry,
      randomizeNick: this.program.randomize,
      passivePort: [this.program.passivePort || 5001],
      verbose: !this.program.quiet,
      botNameMatch: !this.program.botNameMatch,
      queue: this.program.queue,
      timeout: this.program.timeout,
      nickServ: this.program.nickserv,

  protected hasProfileAction():boolean {
    if (this.program.deleteProfile) return true;
    if (this.program.saveProfile) return true;
    if (this.program.deleteProfile) return true;
    if (this.program.listProfile) return true;
    return false;

  protected xdccBINOPTS(isSaveProfile = false): [Params, savedParams] {
    if (isSaveProfile) {
      return [this.xdccJSOPTS(), { wait: this.program.wait, bot: this.program.bot }];
    if (!this.program.bot && !this.hasProfileAction()) {
      throw new BinError('%danger% Missing bot name, eg. %grey%--bot "XDCC|BOT"');
    return [this.xdccJSOPTS(), { wait: this.program.wait, bot: this.program.bot }];