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/* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members */
/* eslint-disable lines-between-class-members */
/* eslint-disable no-redeclare */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* lines-between-class-members */
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference */
/// <reference path="./@types/irc-framework.ts"/>
import { Client, MessageEventArgs } from 'irc-framework';
import packageJson from '../package.json';

export type ParamsIRC = {
   * IRC server's hostname
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.host = 'irc.server.net'
   * ```
  host: string
   * IRC server PORT
   * @default `6667`
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.port = 6669
   * ```
  port: number
   * Nickname to use on IRC
   * @default `'xdccJS' + randomInt`
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.nickname = 'JiPaix'
   * ```
  nickname: string
   * Real name to use on IRC
   * @default `xdccJS`
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.gecos = 'JiPaix'
   * ```
  gecos: string
   * Version of the IRC client
   * @default `'xdccJS' + packageJson.version`
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.version = 'mIRC 6.35'
   * ```
  version: string
   * Username to use on IRC
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.username = 'JiPaix'
   * ```
  username: string
   * Channel(s) to join
   * @remark Hashtags are optional
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.chan = '#wee'
   * // can also be an array
   * params.chan = ['#wee', '#happy']
   * // in both cases # are optional
   * params.chan = 'weee'
   * params.chan = ['#wee', 'happy']
   * ```
  chan: string[]
   * Add Random numbers to nickname
   * @default: `true`
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.randomizeNick = false
   * ```
  randomizeNick: boolean
   * Display information regarding your download in console
   * @default `false`
   * @example
   * ```js
   * params.verbose = true
   * ```
  verbose: boolean
   * Time before a download is considered timed out in seconds
   * @default `30`
  timeout: number
   * TLS/SSL
  tls: {
      * Enable TLS/SSL
      * @default `false`
      * @example
      * ```js
      * params.tls = { enable: true }
      * ```
     enable: boolean,
      * (optional) Reject self-signed certificates
      * @default `false`
      * @example
      * ```js
      * params.tls = { enable: true, rejectUnauthorized: true }
      * ```
     rejectUnauthorized?: boolean
    * NickServ password
    * @example
    * ```js
    * params.nickServ = 'my_password'
   nickServ?: string

export default class Connect extends Client {
  protected chan: string[];

  protected verbose: boolean;

  protected host: string;

  protected nickname: string;

  protected originalNickname: string;

  protected nickRandomized: boolean;

  protected port: number;

  protected connectionTimeout!:ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;

  protected tls: {
    enable: boolean,
    rejectUnauthorized?: boolean

  protected timeout: number;

  private nickservPassword?: string;
  protected gecos: string;
  protected version: string;
  protected username: string;

  constructor(params: ParamsIRC) {
    this.gecos = params.gecos;
    this.version = params.version;
    this.nickname = params.nickname;
    this.username = params.username;
    this.originalNickname = this.nickname;
    this.nickRandomized = params.randomizeNick;
    this.nickservPassword = params.nickServ;
    if (this.nickservPassword) Connect.identifyCheck(this.nickservPassword);
    if (this.nickRandomized || this.nickservPassword) {
      this.nickname = Connect.nickRandomizer(this.nickname);

    this.host = params.host;
    this.port = params.port;
    this.tls = params.tls;
    this.timeout = params.timeout * 1000;
    this.verbose = params.verbose;
    this.chan = params.chan;
      host: this.host,
      port: this.port,
      nick: this.nickname,
      username: params.username,
      gecos: params.gecos || 'xdccJS',
      version: params.version || `xdccJS ${packageJson.version}`,
      auto_reconnect_max_wait: 0,
      auto_reconnect_max_retries: 0,
      ssl: this.tls.enable,
      rejectUnauthorized: this.tls.rejectUnauthorized,
      debug: true,
    this.on('debug', (msg) => {
      const lookout = ['socketError() ', 'socketTimeout() '];
      lookout.forEach((err) => {
        if (msg.includes(err)) {
          const index = msg.indexOf(err);
          const { length } = err;
          this.emit('error', new Error(msg.substring(index + length)));

  private onConnect(): void {
    this.on('connected', async () => {
      this.emit('debug', 'IRC:: CONNECTED');
      this.chan.forEach((chan) => this.join(chan));
      this.print(`%success% connected to : %bold%%yellow%${this.host}`);
      if (this.nickservPassword) {
        try {
          this.print('%info% identifying to %yellow%NickServ', 2);
          await this.nickServAuth();
          if (!this.nickRandomized) this.nickname = this.originalNickname;
          this.emit('debug', 'IRC:: NICKSERV_IDENT_OK');
        } catch (e) {
          if (e instanceof Error) {
            this.emit('debug', `IRC:: NICKSERV_IDENT_ERROR @ ${e.message}`);
            this.print(`%danger% failed: %red%${e.message}`, 2);
      this.print(`%success% joined: [ %yellow%${this.chan.join(' ')}%reset% ]`, 2);

  private nickServAuth():Promise<void> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let error = '';
      let timeout = setTimeout(() => {});

      const noticeListener = (ev: MessageEventArgs) => {
        if (ev.nick.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'nickserv') {
          if (ev.message.includes('isn\'t registered') || ev.message.includes('incorrect')) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
            this.turnOff(noticeListener, rawListener, timeout);
            reject(new Error(`${ev.message}`));
          error = ev.message;

      const rawListener = (ev: { from_server: boolean, line: string}) => {
        if (ev.from_server) {
          const line = ev.line.toLocaleLowerCase();
          if (line.includes('logged in')) {
            this.turnOff(noticeListener, rawListener, timeout);

      this.on('raw', rawListener);
      this.on('notice', noticeListener);

      timeout = setTimeout(() => {
        this.off('raw', rawListener);
        this.off('notice', noticeListener);
        reject(new Error(`%danger% NickServ authentication failed: ${error.length ? error : 'unknown error'}`));
      }, this.timeout);

      this.say('NickServ', `identify ${this.originalNickname} ${this.nickservPassword}`);

  static nickRandomizer(nick: string): string {
    let newNick = nick;
    if (nick) {
      if (nick.length > 6) {
        newNick = nick.substr(0, 6);
    } else {
      newNick = 'xdccJS';
    return newNick + Math.floor(Math.random() * 999) + 1;

  private turnOff(
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    rawListener: (arg:MessageEventArgs) => void,
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    noticeListener: (arg: { from_server: boolean, line: string}) => void,
    timeout?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>,
  ): void {
    this.off('raw', rawListener);
    this.off('notice', noticeListener);
    if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);

  static chanCheck(chan?: string | string[]): string[] {
    if (typeof chan === 'string') {
      return [Connect.chanHashtag(chan)];
    } if (Array.isArray(chan)) {
      return chan.map((ch) => Connect.chanHashtag(ch));
    } if (!chan) {
      return [];
    const err = new TypeError();
    err.name = `${err.name} [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]`;
    err.message = 'unexpected type of \'chan\': \'string | string[] | false\' was expected\'';
    throw err;

  static identifyCheck(identify: unknown) {
    if (typeof identify !== 'string') {
      const err = new TypeError();
      err.name = `${err.name} [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]`;
      err.message = 'unexpected type of \'nickServ\': \'string\' was expected\'';
      throw err;

    if (identify.split(' ').length > 1) {
      const err = new TypeError();
      err.name = `${err.name} [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]`;
      err.message = 'parameter \'nickServ\': should only contain the password (no spaces)';
      throw err;

  private static chanHashtag(chan: string): string {
    if (chan.charAt(0) === '#') {
      return chan;
    return `#${chan}`;

  static replace(string: string): string {
    return (
        .replace(/%bold%/g, '\x1b[1m')
        .replace(/%red%/g, '\x1b[31m')
        .replace(/%cyan%/g, '\x1b[36m')
        .replace(/%green%/g, '\x1b[32m')
        .replace(/%magenta%/g, '\x1B[35m')
        .replace(/%blue%/g, '\x1B[34m')
        .replace(/%reset%/g, '\x1b[0m')
        .replace(/%grey%/g, '\x1b[90m')
        .replace(/%yellow%/g, '\x1b[33m')
        .replace(/%RGB(\S*)%/g, '\x1B[38;2;$1m')
        .replace(/%danger%/g, '\x1b[1m\x1b[31m[X]\x1b[0m')
        .replace(/%info%/g, '\x1b[1m\x1b[36m[i]\x1b[0m')
        .replace(/%success%/g, '\x1b[1m\x1b[32m>\x1b[0m')}\x1b[0m`

  static is<T>(opts: { name: string, variable: T, type: 'string'|'number'|'boolean'|'object'}): T
  static is<T>(opts: { name: string, variable: T, type: 'string'|'number'|'boolean'|'object'}, condition: boolean, conditionError: string): T
  static is<T, D>(opts: { name: string, variable: T, type: D }): D
  // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
  static is<T, D>(opts: { name: string, variable: T, type: D, condition: boolean, conditionError: string }): D
  static is<T, D>(opts: { name: string, variable: T, type: 'string'|'number'|'boolean'|'object'| D }, condition?: boolean, conditionError?: string): T | D {
    const { name, variable, type } = opts;

    if (typeof condition !== 'undefined' && !condition) {
      const err = new TypeError(`condition for '${name}' aren't met: ${conditionError || variable}'`);
      err.name += ' [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]';
      throw err;

    if (type === 'string' || type === 'number' || type === 'boolean' || type === 'object') {
    // eslint-disable-next-line valid-typeof
      if (type === typeof variable) return variable;
      const err = new TypeError(`unexpected type of '${name}': a ${type} was expected but got '${typeof variable}'`);
      err.name += ' [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]';
      throw err;

    if (typeof type === typeof variable) return variable;

    return type;

  protected print(string: string, padding = 0): void {
    let newString = Connect.replace(string);
    if (padding > 0) {
      newString = ''.padStart(padding) + newString;
    if (this.verbose) {