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# Tickerizer

Use Tickerizer to extract company names and stock symbols from content strings.

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## Update - version 1.0.0
This gem has been updated to remove dependency on the open-calais gem and to support the new enhanced Open Calais API.

## Requirements

An OpenCalais account is required to make use of this gem. Create your account and request an API key at http://new.opencalais.com/opencalais-api/

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tickerizer'

And then execute:
$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tickerizer

## Configuration
Provide your OpenCalais API Key in familiar config block fashion
Tickerizer.configure do |config|
    config.license_id = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

## Usage

### Extracting Company Information

Provide a string of content to Tickerizer's extract method and it will return an array containing the company references found.

content = "Ford CEO Alan Mulally is reportedly among the names being discussed by Microsoft's board of directors as a successor to Steve Ballmer, who'll be retiring within a year. Would such a move make sense for Microsoft?"

companies = Tickerizer.extract(content)

#=> [{:name=>"Microsoft", :relevance=>0.667, :ticker=>"MSFT", :symbol=>"MSFT.OQ"}, {:name=>"Ford", :relevance=>0.476, :ticker=>"F", :symbol=>"F.N"}]

Results are ordered by their semantic relevance to the content string. Therefore, it is trivial to retrieve a "primary ticker" (most relevant) for the provided content string

#=> "MSFT"