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7 hrs
Test Coverage
 * MIT License (MIT) - Copyright (c) 2014 Johann Troendle
 * This file is part of <grunt-dock>.
var fs = require('fs'),
    path = require('path'),
    tar = require('tar-stream'),
    tarfs = require('tar-fs'),
    concat = require('concat-stream'),
    zlib = require('zlib'),
    async = require('async'),
    utils = require('./utils');

 * Build images.
 * Each image is a content associated with its tag name.
 * The content can be a regular file or whatever for Docker.
 * In case of a plain file, it will be tar + gz before sent
 * to Docker.
 * @param  {Object}   grunt   The Grunt Object
 * @param  {Object}   docker  The Dockerode connection
 * @param  {Object}   options The Grunt options
 * @param  {Function} done    The done function to call when finished
 * @param  {String}   tag     The image tag to work with or null
var buildCommands = function(grunt, docker, options, done, tag) {

  // Build image with tag and its data/options.
  // Call callback when done or error.
  var build = function(data, options, callback) {
    grunt.log.subhead('Building image [' + options.t + ']');

    docker.buildImage(data, options, function(err, stream) {

      if (err) {
        return callback(err);


      stream.on('data', function(data) {
        var jsonData = JSON.parse(data); && grunt.log.write(;
        jsonData.error &&;

      stream.on('error', callback);
      stream.on('end', function() {
        grunt.log.oklns('Build successfuly done.');

  var processDirectory = function(dirpath, buildOpts, callback) {
    grunt.log.debug('Packing directory [' + dirpath + ']');
    var pathentry = path.resolve(dirpath),
        dockerignore = pathentry + '/' +'.dockerignore',
        ignores = [];

    if (fs.existsSync(dockerignore) && fs.statSync(dockerignore)) {
      grunt.log.debug('Detected a .dockerignore file, will perform ignoring tests');
      ignores = fs.readFileSync(dockerignore).toString().split("\n");

    tarfs.pack(pathentry, {
      ignore: function(name) {
        var relativeName = name.replace(pathentry + '/', ''),
            ignore = utils.shouldIgnore(ignores, relativeName);

        if (ignore) {
          grunt.log.debug('Ignoring file [' + relativeName +']');
        return ignore;
      .pipe(concat(function (data) {
        build(data, buildOpts, callback);

  var processFile = function(filepath, buildOpts, callback) {
    var content;
    try {
      content = fs.readFileSync(filepath);
    } catch(e) {
      return done(e);
    var isTar = utils.isTarFile(filepath);
    switch(isTar) {
    case true:
      // The file is already a tar, build with it.
      build(content, buildOpts, callback);

    case false:
      // Compress the file before sending to docker
      var pack = tar.pack();
      pack.entry({ name:'Dockerfile' }, content);

        .pipe(concat(function(data) {
          build(data, buildOpts, callback);


  // Process an image.
  // Determine if dockerfile option is directory or file.
  var process = function(tag, image, callback) {

    if (!image.dockerfile) { return callback(new Error('Dockerfile is null.')) };

    // Create the options object for the build
    var imageOptions = image.options || {};
    var buildOpts = utils.merge({t: tag}, || {});

    var stats = fs.statSync(path.resolve(image.dockerfile));

    // Option 1: source is directory, pack it
    if (stats.isDirectory()) {
      processDirectory(image.dockerfile, buildOpts, callback);
    else if (stats.isFile()) {
      processFile(image.dockerfile, buildOpts, callback);
    else {
      return callback(new Error('Unsupported format.'));

  var i = 0;

  var tags = Object.keys(options.images);
  if (tag && tag !== 'default') {
    tags = [tag];

    function (callback) {
      i ++;
      var tag = tags[i-1];
      var image = options.images[tag];

      process(tag, image, callback);
    function () { return i < tags.length; },
    function (e) {
  ); // do while images

module.exports = buildCommands;