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# Developer documentation

### Welcome!
If you are reading this document then you are interested in contributing to the IRL Benchmark project -- very happy to have you here! All contributions are welcome: ideas, documentation, code, patches, bug reports, etc.

### Code review and git 

We use pull requests and code reviews.
Recommended workflow:

1. Make sure your local master branch is up to date with remote master. (`git pull --rebase`)
2. Work directly on master
3. When you are done, commit your changes
4. Push your changes to remote branchname (`git push origin HEAD:branchname`)
5. Open a pull request on github
6. Make changes to your files based on reviews. Push these changes to the same branch, (`git push origin HEAD:branchname`)
7. When everything is working, "Squash and merge" your pull request on Github and celebrate the merge!
8. Click "Delete branch" on github to keep it clean (can be restored later)

### Deploying changes in documentation

Documentation is compiled from `.rst` files in `docs` and the python inline docstrings, and
then served with github pages.

To deploy any changes just make sure `ghp-import` is installed and run the deploy script in the `docs` folder:


(or an equivalent windows script)

Note that before deploying you should wait for someone to approve the pull request with your changes
to the documentation.