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"""Module for maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning."""

from typing import Callable, Dict, List

import gym
import numpy as np

from irl_benchmark.config import IRL_CONFIG_DOMAINS, IRL_ALG_REQUIREMENTS
from irl_benchmark.irl.algorithms.base_algorithm import BaseIRLAlgorithm
from irl_benchmark.irl.feature.feature_wrapper import FeatureWrapper
from irl_benchmark.irl.reward.reward_wrapper import RewardWrapper
from irl_benchmark.metrics.base_metric import BaseMetric
from irl_benchmark.rl.algorithms.base_algorithm import BaseRLAlgorithm
from irl_benchmark.rl.model.model_wrapper import BaseWorldModelWrapper
from irl_benchmark.utils.wrapper import unwrap_env

class MaxEntIRL(BaseIRLAlgorithm):
    """Maximum Entropy IRL (Ziebart et al., 2008).

    Not to be confused with Maximum Entropy Deep IRL (Wulfmeier et al., 2016)
    or Maximum Causal Entropy IRL (Ziebart et al., 2010).

    def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, expert_trajs: List[Dict[str, list]],
                 rl_alg_factory: Callable[[gym.Env], BaseRLAlgorithm],
                 metrics: List[BaseMetric], config: dict):
        """See :class:`irl_benchmark.irl.algorithms.base_algorithm.BaseIRLAlgorithm`."""

        super(MaxEntIRL, self).__init__(env, expert_trajs, rl_alg_factory,
                                        metrics, config)
        # get transition matrix (with absorbing state)
        self.transition_matrix = unwrap_env(
            env, BaseWorldModelWrapper).get_transition_array()
        self.n_states, self.n_actions, _ = self.transition_matrix.shape

        # get map of features for all states:
        feature_wrapper = unwrap_env(env, FeatureWrapper)
        self.feat_map = feature_wrapper.feature_array()

    def expected_svf(self, policy: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Calculate the expected state visitation frequency for the trajectories
        under the given policy. Returns vector of state visitation frequencies.
        Uses self.transition_matrix.

        policy: np.ndarray
            The policy for which to calculate the expected SVF.

            Expected state visitation frequencies as a numpy array of shape (n_states,).
        # get the length of longest trajectory:
        longest_traj_len = 1  # init
        for traj in self.expert_trajs:
            longest_traj_len = max(longest_traj_len, len(traj['states']))

        # svf[state, time] is the frequency of visiting a state at some point of time
        svf = np.zeros((self.n_states, longest_traj_len))

        for traj in self.expert_trajs:
            svf[traj['states'][0], 0] += 1
        svf[:, 0] = svf[:, 0] / len(self.expert_trajs)

        for time in range(1, longest_traj_len):
            for state in range(self.n_states):
                total = 0
                for previous_state in range(self.n_states):
                    for action in range(self.n_actions):
                        total += svf[
                            previous_state, time - 1] * self.transition_matrix[
                                previous_state, action, state] * policy[
                                    previous_state, action]
                svf[state, time] = total
        # sum over all time steps and return SVF for each state:
        return np.sum(svf, axis=1)

    def train(self, no_irl_iterations: int,
              no_rl_episodes_per_irl_iteration: int,
              no_irl_episodes_per_irl_iteration: int):
        """Train algorithm. See abstract base class for parameter types."""

        # calculate feature expectations
        expert_feature_count = self.feature_count(self.expert_trajs, gamma=1.0)

        # start with an agent
        agent = self.rl_alg_factory(self.env)

        reward_wrapper = unwrap_env(self.env, RewardWrapper)
        theta = reward_wrapper.reward_function.parameters

        irl_iteration_counter = 0
        while irl_iteration_counter < no_irl_iterations:
            irl_iteration_counter += 1

            if self.config['verbose']:
                print('IRL ITERATION ' + str(irl_iteration_counter))
            # compute policy

            policy = agent.policy_array()

            # compute state visitation frequencies, discard absorbing state
            svf = self.expected_svf(policy)[:-1]

            # compute gradients
            grad = (expert_feature_count -

            # update params
            theta += self.config['lr'] * grad


            evaluation_input = {
                'irl_agent': agent,
                'irl_reward': reward_wrapper.reward_function

        return theta

    'verbose': {
        'type': bool,
        'default': True
    'lr': {
        'type': float,
        'default': 0.02,
        'min': 0.000001,
        'max': 50

    'requires_features': True,
    'requires_transitions': True,