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"""Module for the reward wrapper, hiding the original reward function and using a different one."""
from typing import Union, Tuple

import gym
import numpy as np

from irl_benchmark.irl.reward.reward_function import State
from irl_benchmark.irl.reward.reward_function import StateAction
from irl_benchmark.irl.reward.reward_function import StateActionState
from irl_benchmark.irl.reward.reward_function import BaseRewardFunction, \
    FeatureBasedRewardFunction, TabularRewardFunction

class RewardWrapper(gym.Wrapper):
    """Use a given reward function instead of the true reward provided by the environment.
    This is similar to gym.RewardWrapper, but in addition the true reward is stored to the
    info dictionary (fourth return value of step method) with key 'true_reward'."""

    def __init__(self, env: gym.Env, reward_function: BaseRewardFunction):

        env: gym.Env
            A gym environment (potentially already wrapped).
        reward_function: BaseRewardFunction
            The reward function to be used instead of the original reward.
        super(RewardWrapper, self).__init__(env)
        self.reward_function = reward_function
        self.current_state = None

    # pylint: disable=method-hidden
    def reset(self, **kwargs):
        """Call base class reset method and return initial state."""
        self.current_state = self.env.reset()
        return self.current_state

    # pylint: disable=method-hidden
    def step(self, action: Union[np.ndarray, int, float]
             ) -> Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, float, int], float, bool, dict]:
        """Call base class step method but replace reward with reward output by reward function.

        action: Union[np.ndarray, int, float]
            An action, suitable for wrapped environment.

        Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, float, int], float, bool, dict]
            Tuple with values for (state, reward, done, info).
            Normal return values of any gym step function. The reward value is replaced with
            the value output by the reward function given to the wrapper. The true reward is
            added as a field to the dictionary in the last element of the tuple
            with key 'true_reward'.
        # execute action:
        next_state, reward, terminated, info = self.env.step(action)

        # persist true reward in information:
        info['true_reward'] = reward

        # generate input for reward function:
        if isinstance(self.reward_function, FeatureBasedRewardFunction):
            # reward function can be called based on features
            reward = self.reward_function.reward_from_features(
        elif isinstance(self.reward_function, TabularRewardFunction):
            rew_input = self.get_reward_input_for(self.current_state, action,
            reward = self.reward_function.reward(rew_input).item()
            raise NotImplementedError()

        # remember which state we are in:
        self.current_state = next_state

        return next_state, reward, terminated, info

    def update_reward_parameters(self, reward_parameters):
        """Update the used reward function.

        Useful as IRL algorithms compute a new reward function
        in each iteration."""

    def get_reward_input_for(self, state: Union[np.ndarray, int, float],
                             action: Union[np.ndarray, int, float],
                             next_state: Union[np.ndarray, int, float]
                             ) -> Union[State, StateAction, StateActionState]:

        state: Union[np.ndarray, int, float
        action: Union[np.ndarray, int, float]
        next_state: Union[np.ndarray, int, float]

        Union[State, StateAction, StateActionState]
            The input converted to an adequate namedtuple.
        if self.reward_function.action_in_domain:
            if self.reward_function.next_state_in_domain:
                return StateActionState(
                    np.array([state]), np.array([action]),
                return StateAction(np.array([state]), np.array([action]))
            if not self.reward_function.action_in_domain \
                    and not self.reward_function.next_state_in_domain \
                    and next_state is not None:
                state = next_state
            return State(np.array([state]))