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{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block body %}
<div class="c">
  <header class="mb3">
    <h1 class="tc mb0">Tele.push</h1>
    <h5 class="tc">Simplest way to push texts to you via Telegram.</h5>
  <div class="row mt3">
    <div class="10 col card tc b-tgc">
      <p>Welcom, {{first_name}}. You <code>key</code> is <code class="clickselect">{{sendkey}}</code>.</p>
      <p>Please keep it secret. Anyone with this key can send you messages via Telegram.</p>
        <code>POST</code> or <code>GET</code> <code class="clickselect">{{ config['WEBSITE_URL'] + url_for('send') }}</code> with your <code>key</code> and <code>text</code>.
  <div class="row mt3">
    <div class="10 col card b-tgc">
      <p>Send message</p>
      <form action="{{ config['WEBSITE_URL'] + url_for('send') }}" class="card">
        <input type="hidden" name="key" value="{{sendkey}}">
        <div class="row">
          <label for="text">Message</label>
          <textarea name="text" id="text" placeholder="Type here" class="card w-100 bs-bb"></textarea>
        <div class="row">
            <button class="btn b-info info" type="submit">Send</button>
  <div class="row mt3 mb3">
    <div class="10 col card tc b-tgc">
        <a href="#" class="btn bg-error white">Reset your key</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn bg-info white">Host your own instance</a>
        <a href="/logout" class="btn bg-info white">Logout</a>
{% endblock %}