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Calculation of altitude profiles of flux tube integrated growth rates of the
Rayleigh Taylor instability using SAMI2 output for ion densities, and electron

Jonathon Smith (JS), 20 Sep 2018, Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import igrf12
import xarray as xr

m_e : electron mass in kg
q_e : electron charge coulombs
m_i : ion/neut mass (amu)
g_0 : gravity at earth's surface m/s**2
R_e : (km) Earth's radius
m_e = 9.1 * 10**(-31)
amu = 1.7 * 10**(-27)
q_e = 1.6 * 10**(-19)
m_i = {'H':1, 'He':4, 'N':14, 'O':16, 'N2':28, 'NO':30, 'O2':32, 'Ar':40}
sami_enumerate = {0:'H', 4:'He', 6:'N', 1:'O', 2:'NO', 5:'N2', 3:'O2'}
g_0 = 9.8
R_e = 6.38 * 10**3

class FluxTube():
    """flux tube integrated (fti) quantities
       all of these have the same shape that is the number of altitude bins by the
       number of time steps

    Object variables
        growth rate
        ratio of F region conductivity to total conductivity
        vertical exb drift
        neutral wind in the L direction
        gravity at apex altitude
        effective f region collision frequency
        g over nu
        altitude gradient in flux tube integrated electron density
        apex altitude
        electron density
        f region conductivity
        total flux tube integrated conductivity
    def __init__(self, sami_data, ft, max_alt, exb):
        sami_data : (xarray.core.dataset.Dataset)
            the sami model being used to calculate growth rates
        ft : (int)
            'flux tube' flux tube index for SAMI
        max_alt : (float)
            maximum altitude in km of the flux tube AKA apex altitude
        exb : (float)
            vertical drift at the apex altitude

        self.U = 0
        self.N = 0
        self.sig_total = 0
        self.sig_F = 0
        self.nu_ef = 0
        self.alt = max_alt
        self.V = exb
        self.g = g_e_L(sami_data, ft)
        self.gamma = 0
        self.sig_ratio = 0
        self.g_nu = 0
        self.K = 0
        self.R = 0

class FluxTubeCell():
    """one cell or bin of a flux tube from the sami model and all of its
       attributes are stored in an object for easy reference and use
       this includes all of the density values and the location coordinates
       to specify this cell
    def __init__(self, sami_data, ftl, ft, iyd, d_str, t_step):
        sami_data : (xarray.core.dataset.Dataset)
            the sami model being used to calculate growth rates
        ftl : (float)
            'flux tube length' index along the length of a flux tube for SAMI
        ft : (int)
            'flux tube' flux tube index for SAMI
        iyd : (int)
            'integer year day' year and day integer like yyyyddd
        d_str : (str)
            'date string' fromat %Y-%m-%d
        t_step : (int)
            'time step'
        lat, lat_2, lon, alt, alt_2 = ft_bin_loc(sami_data, ftl, ft)
        mag, atmos, hwm = run_models(sami_data, lat, lon, alt, ftl, ft,
                                     d_str, t_step)
        denis = sami_data.deni.values[ftl, ft, :, t_step]

        self.alt = alt
        self.len = ft_length(alt, alt_2, lat, lat_2)
        self.n_n, species = get_n_n(atmos)
        self.n_e = np.sum(denis)
        self.t_e = sami_data.te.values[ftl, ft, t_step]
        self.A = np.mean([m_i[i] for i in species])
        self.B = float( * 10**(-9) #convert nT output to T
        self.phi = (90 - float(mag.incl)) * math.pi / 180 #dip angle radians
        self.sig = sigma_tot(denis=denis, n_n=self.n_n, n_e=self.n_e, B=self.B,
                             A=self.A, T_e=self.t_e)
        self.wind = hwm / 10**2 #convert to m/s = 0
        for n_i in denis:
   += nu_i(n_i, self.n_n, self.A)
        self.r_local = r_local(denis, alt)

def ft_bin_loc(sami_data, ftl, ft):
    """returns the location and spatial extent of current bin

    sami_data : (xarray.core.dataset.Dataset)
        the sami model being used to calculate growth rates
    ftl : (float)
        'flux tube length' index along the length of a flux tube for SAMI
    ft : (int)
        'flux tube' flux tube index for SAMI
    lat = sami_data.glat.values[ftl, ft]
    lat_2 = sami_data.glat.values[ftl + 1, ft]
    lon = sami_data.glon.values[ftl, ft]
    alt = sami_data.zalt.values[ftl, ft]
    alt_2 = sami_data.zalt.values[ftl+1, ft]
    return lat, lat_2, lon, alt, alt_2

def format_dates(sami, t_step):
    '''returns the date in all the required formats for different packages

    sami : (sami2py.Model)
        the sami model being used to calculate growth rates
    t_step : (int)
        time step for the sami model object
    day =
    year = sami.year
    ut = sami.ut[t_step]
    iyd = int((year - (2000 if year > 1999 else 1900)) * 1000) + day
    d_time = datetime(year, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=day-1, seconds=ut*3600)
    d_str = d_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    return iyd, d_time, d_str

def ft_length(alt_1, alt_2, lat_1, lat_2):
    """law of cosines for determining linear extent of flux tube (ft) bin

    alt_1 : (float)
        altitude of current flux tube cell in km
    alt_2 : (float)
        altitude of next flux tube cell on same flux tube in km
    lat_1 : (float)
        latitude of current flux tube cell in degrees
    lat_2 : (float)
        latitude of next flux tube cell on same flux tube in degrees
    delta_lat = (lat_2-lat_1) * math.pi / 180
    alt_1 += R_e
    alt_2 += R_e
    lenkm = alt_1**2 + alt_2**2 - 2 * alt_1 * alt_2 * math.cos(delta_lat)
    return math.sqrt(lenkm) * 10**3

def nu_i(n_i, n_n, A):
    """approximate calculation of ion collision frequency from Kelley 89

    n_i : (float)
        ion density cm-3
    n_n : (float)
        neutral density cm-3
    A : (int)
        mean neutral molecular mass in atomic mass units
    return 2.6 * 10**(-9) * (n_i + n_n) * A**(-1/2)

def nu_e(n_n, n_e, T_e):
    """approximate calculation of electron collision frequency from Kelly 89

    n_n : (float)
        neutral density cm-3
    n_e : (float)
        electron density cm-3
    T_e : (float)
        electron temperature K
    nu_e_n = 5.4 * 10**(-10) * n_n * T_e**(1/2)
    nu_e_i = (34 + 4.18 * math.log(T_e**3 / n_e)) * n_e * T_e**(-3/2)
    return nu_e_n + nu_e_i

def g_e_L(sami_data, ft):
    """gravity at the bin altitude
       L is geocentric distance in earth radii
       the L shell at the local altitude not apex.

    sami_data : (xarray.dataset.Dataset)
        the sami model being used to calculate growth rates       
    ft : (int)
        'flux tube' flux tube index for SAMI
    apex_alt = np.amax(sami_data.zalt[:, ft])
    L = (apex_alt + R_e) / R_e
    return g_0 / L**2

def r_local(denis, alt):
    """Local recombination from Sultan eq 21 alpha*n_mol
       Risbeth & Garriott '69: Dissociative recombination is the principal
       E and F region loss mechansim.
       Huba '96: RTI not damped by recombination in F region
       n_mol is the concentration of molecular ions
       alpha = 2*10**(-7) according to Sultan '92
       alpha ~ 10**(-7) according to Risbeth & Garriott '69
    n_mol = 0
    if alt < 200:
        return 0
    for i, n_i in enumerate(denis):
        if i == 2 | i == 3 | i == 5:
            n_mol += n_i
    return n_mol*2*10**(-7)

def omega(B, particle):
    B : (float)
        total electron density cm-3       
    particle : (str)
        particle name to get the correct gyrofrequency
    if particle == 'electron':
        return q_e * B / m_e
        return q_e * B / (m_i[particle] * amu)

def sigma_tot(denis, n_n, n_e, B, A, T_e):
    """calculate thetotal Pedersen conductivity at location in mho/m

    denis : (list)
        ion densities from sami cm-3
    n_n : (float)
        total neutral density cm-3
    n_e : (float)
        total electron density cm-3
    B : (float)
        magnetic field in Teslas
    A : (float)
        average neutral density in amus
        electron temperature in Kelvin
    sig_tot = 0
    k_e = omega(B, 'electron') / nu_e(n_n, n_e, T_e)
    for i, n_i in enumerate(denis):
        if n_i > 0:
            k_i = omega(B, sami_enumerate[i]) / nu_i(n_i, n_n, A)
            sig_tot += n_i * k_i / (1 + k_i**2)
    sig_tot += n_e * k_e / (1 + k_e**2)
    return 10**6 * sig_tot * q_e / B

def get_n_n(nn):
    nn : (array)
        neutral number densities in cm-3
        there was an old note here that they were in m-3, but this was likely
        before this quantity was build into sami2py
    species = []
    n_n = 0
    for n in range(len(nn)):
        if nn[n] > 0:
            n_n += float(nn[n])
    return n_n, species

def calc_growth_rate(tube):
    """the growth rate equation from Sultan 96

    tube : (FluxTube)
        flux tube object

    Variables used
    sig_F_P : (float)
        flux tube integrated pedersen cond. F region in mho
    sig_total : (float)
        flux tube integrated pedersen cond. total in mho
    V_P : (float)
        flux tube integrated vertical drift or drift at apex altitude m/s
    U_L : (float)
        flux tube integrated neutral wind perp. B in L direction in m/s
    g_e : (float)
        gravtiy at apex altitude in m/s^2
    nu_eff : (float)
        collision frequency in s-1
    K_F : (float)
        altitude gradient in density in m-1
    sig_F_P = tube.sig_F
    sig_total = tube.sig_total
    V = tube.V
    U_L = tube.U
    g_e = tube.g
    nu_eff = tube.nu_ef
    K_F = tube.K
    R_T = tube.R

    gamma = sig_F_P / sig_total * (V - U_L + g_e/nu_eff) * K_F - R_T
    return gamma

def run_models(sami, lat, lon, alt, cell, flux_tube, d_str, t_step):
    '''run all required models to get quantities not contained in SAMI2
       vestigial inclusion of neutral density here from before SAMI2 offered it

    sami : (sami2py.Model)
        sami2 model output
    lat : (float)
        latitude where model is to be run
    lon : (float)
        longitude where model is to be run
    alt : (float)
        altitude where model is to be run
    cell : (int)
        index for the cell along the flux tube
    flux_tube : (int)
        index for the flux tube
    d_str : (string)
        string versionn of date
    t_step : (int)
        time step for sami2
    mag = igrf12.igrf(d_str, glat=lat, glon=lon, alt_km=alt)
    atmos = sami.denn.values[cell, flux_tube, :, t_step]
    #only the meridional component of wind is used as per Sultan1996
    hwm = sami.u4.values[cell, flux_tube, t_step]
    return mag, atmos, hwm

def eval_tubes(sami, exb, t_step=0):
    """calculate the flux tube integrated quantities for each flux tube needed
       for the growth rate calculation

    sami : (sami2py.Model)
        sami2py model object
    t_step : (int)
        array index for sami2py object timestep variable
    sami_data =
    iyd, d_time, d_str = format_dates(sami, t_step)
    nz = np.shape(sami_data.glat.values)[0]
    nf = np.shape(sami_data.glat.values)[1]
    tube_list = []
    for ft in range(nf):
        max_alt = np.amax(sami_data.zalt.values[:, ft])
        if max_alt <= 200:
        tube = FluxTube(sami_data, ft, max_alt, exb)
        for ftl in range(nz-1):
            ftc = FluxTubeCell(sami_data, ftl, ft, iyd, d_str, t_step)
            #Reimann sum values for total flux tube
            tube.U += ftc.wind * math.cos(ftc.phi) * ftc.len * ftc.sig
            #factor of 100 to convert ftc.len from m to cm
            tube.N += ftc.n_e * ftc.len * 10**2
            tube.sig_total += ftc.sig * ftc.len
            tube.R += ftc.r_local * ftc.n_e * ftc.len * 10**2
            #Reimann sum values for F region
            if ftc.alt > 200:
                tube.sig_F += ftc.sig * ftc.len
                tube.nu_ef += * ftc.n_e * ftc.len * 10**2

        #U is weighted by the total flux tube integrated Pedersen conductivity
        tube.U = tube.U / tube.sig_total
        tube.sig_ratio = tube.sig_F / tube.sig_total
        #nu_ef and R are weighted by the flux tube integrated electron density
        tube.nu_ef = tube.nu_ef / tube.N
        tube.R = tube.R / tube.N
        tube.g_nu = tube.g / tube.nu_ef
    return tube_list, d_time

def rt_growth_rate(sami, exb, t_step=0):
    """calculate flux tube integrated electron density altitude gradient
       and flux tube integrated growth rate. These are done together to avoid
       iterating over all of the flux tubes twice to do each of these
       calculations individually. Further this is because K cannot be
       calculated using this method in the eval_tubes function.

    sami_out : (sami2py.Model)
    exb : (float)
        vertical plasma drift at the apex of flux tube
    t_step : (int)
        time step for SAMI2
    tube_list, d_time = eval_tubes(sami, exb, t_step)
    nf = len(tube_list)
    calculate K by taking a simple gradient of N
    h1/N_e_1 are the values lower in altitude
    h2/N_e_2 are the values higher in altitude
    for ft in range(nf):
        if ft + 1 == nf:
            h1 = tube_list[ft - 1].alt
            h2 = tube_list[ft].alt
            N_e_1 = tube_list[ft - 1].N
            N_e_2 = tube_list[ft].N
            h1 = tube_list[ft].alt
            h2 = tube_list[ft + 1].alt
            N_e_1 = tube_list[ft].N
            N_e_2 = tube_list[ft + 1].N

        dN_e = (N_e_2 - N_e_1)
        dh = (h2 - h1) * 10**3
        K = (1 / N_e_1) * (dN_e / dh)
        tube_list[ft].K = K

        #with all the requisite variables calculate the growth rate
        gam = calc_growth_rate(tube_list[ft])
        tube_list[ft].gamma = gam
    return tube_list, d_time

def exb_calc(coefficients, ve01, t):
    coefficients : (array)
        10x2 array of Fourier coefficients
    ve01 : (float)
        flat offset for fourier function 0 by default
    t : (float)
        time in hours
    exb = ve01
    for i, term in enumerate(coefficients):
        a = term[0]
        b = term[1]
        exb += ((a * np.cos((i+1) * t * np.pi / 12))
              + (b * np.sin((i+1) * t * np.pi / 12)))
    return exb

def run_growth_calc(sami, coefficients=None, ve01=0):
    '''runs the growth rate calculation for a sami2 run. Requires external
       drift information until exb drifts from sami2 are an archived data prod.

    sami : (sami2py.Model)
        sami2py model object
    coefficients : (array)
        10x2 array of fourier coefficients describe the vertical drift function
    ve01: (float)
        offset or 0th term of fourier fit
    time_steps = len(sami.ut)
    rtgr_sets = []
    if coefficients is None:
        coefficients = np.zeros((10, 2))
    lon0 = sami.lon0
    for i in range(time_steps):
        t = sami.ut[i]
        lt = t + lon0/15
        lt = lt % 24
        exb = exb_calc(coefficients, ve01, lt)
        tube_list, t = rt_growth_rate(sami=sami, exb=exb, t_step=i)
        tubes = []
        tube_dict = {}
        for tube in tube_list:
        for k in tubes[0]:
            tube_dict[k] = list(q[k] for q in tubes)
        coords = [('alt', tube_dict['alt'])]
        tmp_dict = {}
        for key in tube_dict:
            if key == 'alt':
            tmp_dict[key] = xr.DataArray(tube_dict[key], coords)
    rtgr_arr = xr.concat(rtgr_sets, 'ut')
    rtgr_arr = rtgr_arr.assign_coords(ut=(sami.ut))
    rtgr_arr = rtgr_arr.expand_dims('lon')
    rtgr_arr = rtgr_arr.assign_coords(lon=([lon0]))
    return rtgr_arr