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# Using the client

The [`Client`][wom.Client] class is used to interact with the WOM API. You use
the client to make requests via its difference service properties.

Services available on the client include:

- [`CompetitionService`][wom.CompetitionService] via `Client.competitions`
- [`DeltaService`][wom.DeltaService] via `Client.deltas`
- [`EfficiencyService`][wom.EfficiencyService] via `Client.efficiency`
- [`GroupService`][wom.GroupService] via `Client.groups`
- [`NameChangeService`][wom.NameChangeService] via `Client.name_changes`
- [`PlayerService`][wom.PlayerService] via `Client.players`
- [`RecordService`][wom.RecordService] via `Client.records`

## Instantiating the client

import wom

client = wom.Client(
    "api_abc123",  # The wom api key to use.

Api base url and user agent are both optional, but user agent is highly
encouraged. The client defaults to using the production wom api url.
If you are running a local instance of the wom api you can set the base url to
your instance.

!!! info

    You only need a single instance of the `Client` to make requests to WOM.
    If you feel like you need multiple `Client` instances you should reconsider
    the architecture of your application, and how you can reuse your existing
    `Client` resource. Some niche scenarios could warrant more than one
    `Client`, but these use cases aren't common for most users.

## Handling client resources

The wom [`Client`][wom.Client] uses an `aiohttp.ClientSession` under the hood,
so it is important that you call [`Client.start`][wom.Client.start] and
[`Client.close`][wom.Client.close] appropriately.

# ...continued from above

await client.start()

# Make requests here...

await client.close()

You will receive errors/warnings if you do not properly start the client
before using it, or close it before your program terminates.

## Example client usage

import asyncio

import wom

async def main() -> None:
    # Instantiate the client
    client = wom.Client()

    # Start the client
    await client.start()

    # You can also alter some client properties after instantiation

    # Oops that api key was bogus, lets remove it

    # Make requests with the client
    result = await client.groups.get_details(139)

    if result.is_ok:
        # The result is ok, so we can unwrap here
        details = result.unwrap()
        # Lets see what went wrong
        print(f"Error: {result.unwrap_err()}")

    # Close the client
    await client.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":
