# The result type
Those of you familiar with [Rust]( will feel right at
home with the [`Result`][wom.Result] type this library implements. All requests
that go out over the network via the [`Client`][wom.Client] come back to you in
the form of a [`Result`][wom.Result]. The result can be one of two things:
an [`Ok`][wom.Ok] or an [`Err`][wom.Err].
Calling [`unwrap()`][wom.Result.unwrap] on an [`Err`][wom.Err] will raise an
Calling [`unwrap_err()`][wom.Result.unwrap_err] on an [`Ok`][wom.Ok] will raise
an exception.
## Correct usage
client = wom.Client(user_agent="@jonxslays")
await client.start()
result = await client.players.update_player("jonxslays")
if result.is_ok:
await client.close()
## Incorrect usage
client = wom.Client(user_agent="@jonxslays")
await client.start()
result = await client.players.update_player("eeeeeeeeeeeee")
print(result.unwrap()) # <-- Exception raised
# Raises UnwrapError because username should have been 12 characters or less
# .. Remember to close the client!