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# Ride My Way
Ride-my App is a carpooling application that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join available ride offers.

## Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

### Prerequisites

A few requirements to install, run and test this project.

**Git** : Use git to git clone this project locally. [git](

### Installing
Type `git clone` in your terminal.
1. Install Python 3.6.5
3. cd to the root dir of this repo `cd ridemyway-api`.
4. Create a virtual env and `pip install -r requirements.txt`
5. Run the app with `python` or `python3`
6. Checkout the endpoints and test them with a tool like [POSTMAN](

## Heroku
This Flask API has been hosted and is live at Heroku here [RideMyWay](

### Deployment
[Check out this step by step guide on how to deploy this app to Heroku](


EndPoint | Functionality
-- | --
POST `/api/v1/rides` | Creates a new ride
GET `/api/v1/rides` | Fetches all available rides
GET `/api/v1/rides/<ride_id>` | Fetches a single ride
POST `/api/v1/auth/rides/<ride_id>/requests` | Creates a ride request

A Pivotal tracker board was used in planning and managing this project. The board is publicly available [here](

## Testing

Run `nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=ridemyway` to see the coverage and passing tests.
Manually test the endpoints with a tool like [POSTMAN]( on the endpoints provided above.

## Built With

- Python-3.6.5
- Flask-1.0.2

## Versioning

This project uses tags for release and versioning.
For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](

## Authors

* **Joshua Ondieki** - *Initial work* - [Joshua Ondieki](

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details

## Acknowledgments

* Andela for this wonderful learning opportunity
* Inspiration
* Andela21 Teammates and facilitators for their support.