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"""Clowder command controller class

.. codeauthor:: Joe DeCapo <joe@polka.cat>


from functools import wraps
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple

from clowder.util.console import CONSOLE
from clowder.util.format import Format
from clowder.util.tasks import Task, TaskPool
from clowder.util.util import sorted_tuple
from clowder.util.yaml import MissingYamlError, Yaml

import clowder.util.formatting as fmt
from clowder.log import LOG
from clowder.model import ClowderBase, Project, Section
from clowder.environment import ENVIRONMENT
from clowder.util.error import (

from .project_repo import ProjectRepo
from .source_controller import SOURCE_CONTROLLER

def print_clowder_name(func):
    """Print clowder name"""

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

        if CLOWDER_CONTROLLER.name is not None:
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def valid_clowder_yaml_required(func):
    """If clowder yaml file is invalid, print invalid yaml message and exit

    :raise AmbiguousYamlError:
    :raise MissingSourceError:
    :raise Exception:

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):

        if ENVIRONMENT.ambiguous_yaml_error is not None:
            raise ENVIRONMENT.ambiguous_yaml_error
        if ENVIRONMENT.missing_source_error is not None:
            raise ENVIRONMENT.missing_source_error
        if CLOWDER_CONTROLLER.error is not None:
            raise CLOWDER_CONTROLLER.error
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

class ClowderController:
    """Class encapsulating project information from clowder yaml for controlling clowder

    :ivar str Optional[name]: Clowder name
    :ivar Tuple[ProjectRepo, ...] projects: List of all ProjectRepos
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] project_names: All possible project names
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] upstream_names: All possible upstream names
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] project_upstream_names: All possible project and upstream names
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] project_paths: All possible project paths
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] project_groups: All possible project groups
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] project_choices: All possible project and group choices
    :ivar Tuple[str, ...] project_choices_with_default: All possible project and group choices, including 'default'
    :ivar Optional[Exception] error: Exception from failing to load clowder yaml file

    def __init__(self):
        """ClowderController __init__

        :raise MissingYamlError:

        self.error: Optional[Exception] = None


            if ENVIRONMENT.clowder_yaml is None:
                raise MissingYamlError(f"{Path('clowder.yml')} appears to be missing")
            yaml = Yaml(ENVIRONMENT.clowder_yaml, schema=ENVIRONMENT.clowder_schema)
            yaml_file = yaml.validate(relative_to=ENVIRONMENT.clowder_dir)
            self._clowder = ClowderBase(yaml_file)

            # Register all sources as we come across them
            defaults = self._clowder.defaults
            if defaults is not None and defaults.source is not None:

            sources = self._clowder.sources
            if sources is not None:
                for s in sources:

            projects = self._clowder.clowder.projects
            sections = self._clowder.clowder.sections
            if projects is None:
                projects = [p for s in sections for p in s.projects]

            for project in projects:
                if project.upstream is not None:
            # Validate all source names have a defined source with url

            self.projects = self._get_project_repos()
        except Exception as err:
            LOG.debug('Failed to init clowder controller')
            self.error = err

    def _get_project_repos(self) -> Tuple[ProjectRepo, ...]:
        defaults = self._clowder.defaults
        protocol = self._clowder.protocol

        class ProjectRepoTask(Task):
            def __init__(self, project: Project, section: Optional[Section] = None):
                self._project: Project = project
                self._section: Optional[Section] = section

            def run(self) -> ProjectRepo:
                return ProjectRepo(self._project, section=self._section, defaults=defaults, protocol=protocol)

        sections = self._clowder.clowder.sections
        if sections is None:
            tasks = [ProjectRepoTask(p) for p in self._clowder.clowder.projects]
            tasks = [ProjectRepoTask(p, s) for s in sections for p in s.projects]
        pool = TaskPool(jobs=len(tasks))
        project_repos = pool.run(tasks)

        return sorted_tuple(project_repos)

    def filter_projects(projects: Iterable[ProjectRepo],
                        project_names: Iterable[str],
                        exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) -> Tuple[ProjectRepo, ...]:
        """Filter projects based on given project or group names

        :param Iterable[ProjectRepo] projects: Projects to filter
        :param Iterable[str] project_names: Project names to match against
        :param Iterable[str] exclude: Project names to exclude
        :return: Projects in groups matching given names

        exclude = [] if exclude is None else exclude
        filtered_projects = []
        for name in project_names:
            filtered_projects += [p for p in projects if p.name not in exclude and name in p.groups]
        return sorted_tuple(filtered_projects, unique=True)

    def get_all_upstream_project_names(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        """Returns all project names containing upstreams

        :return: All project names containing upstreams

        return sorted_tuple([p.name for p in self.projects if p.upstream is not None])

    def get_formatted_project_names(projects: Iterable[ProjectRepo], padding: Optional[int] = None,
                                    color: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        """Returns all project paths/names output for specified projects

        :param Iterable[ProjectRepo] projects: Projects to get paths/names output of
        :param Optional[int] padding: Left adjust padding
        :param bool color: Whether to color output
        :return: All projects output

        return sorted_tuple([p.formatted_name(padding=padding, color=color) for p in projects])

    def get_timestamp(self, timestamp_project: str) -> str:
        """Return timestamp for project

        :param str timestamp_project: Project to get timestamp of current HEAD commit
        :return: Commit timestamp string
        :raise ClowderGitError:

        timestamp = None
        for project in self.projects:
            if project.name == timestamp_project:
                timestamp = project.repo.current_timestamp

        if timestamp is None:
            raise Exception("Failed to find timestamp")

        return timestamp

    def get_project_sha(self, project_id: int, short: bool = False) -> str:
        """Return current project commit sha

        :return: Current active commit sha
        :raise ProjectNotFoundError:

        for project in self.projects:
            if project_id == id(project):
                return project.repo.sha(short=short)

        raise ProjectNotFoundError(f"Project with id {project_id} not found")

    def get_yaml(self, resolved: bool = False) -> dict:
        """Return python object representation of model objects

        :param bool resolved: Whether to return resolved yaml
        :return: YAML python object

        return self._clowder.get_yaml(resolved=resolved)

    def project_has_local_branch(projects: Iterable[ProjectRepo], branch: str) -> bool:
        """Checks if given branch exists in any project

        :param Iterable[ProjectRepo] projects: Projects to check
        :param str branch: Branch to check for
        :return: True, if at least one branch exists

        return any([p.repo.has_local_branch(branch) for p in projects])

    def project_has_remote_branch(projects: Iterable[ProjectRepo], branch: str) -> bool:
        """Checks if given branch exists in any project

        :param Iterable[ProjectRepo] projects: Projects to check
        :param str branch: Branch to check for
        :return: True, if at least one branch exists

        return any([p.repo.has_remote_branch(branch, p.default_remote.name) for p in projects])

    def validate_projects_state(projects: Iterable[ProjectRepo], allow_missing: bool = True) -> None:
        """Validate state of all projects

        :param Iterable[ProjectRepo] projects: Projects to validate
        :param bool allow_missing: Whether to allow validation to succeed with missing repo
        :raise ProjectStatusError:

        for p in projects:
        if not all([p.repo.is_valid(allow_missing=allow_missing) for p in projects]):
            raise ProjectStatusError("Invalid project state")

    def validate_projects_exist(self) -> None:
        """Validate all projects exist on disk

        :raise ProjectStatusError:

        projects_exist = True
        for project in self.projects:
            if not project.repo.exists:
                # TODO: Make sure this prints correct output
                projects_exist = False

        if not projects_exist:
            command = Format.bold('clowder herd')
            raise ProjectStatusError(f"First run {command} to clone missing projects")

    def _initialize_properties(self) -> None:
        """Initialize all properties"""

        self.name: Optional[str] = None
        self.projects: Tuple[ProjectRepo, ...] = ()
        self.project_names: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
        self.upstream_names: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
        self.project_upstream_names: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
        self.project_paths: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
        self.project_groups: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
        self.project_choices: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
        self.project_choices_with_default: Tuple[str, ...] = ('default',)

    def _validate_project_paths(self) -> None:
        """Validate projects don't share share directories

        :raise DuplicatePathError:

        paths = [str(p.relative_path.resolve()) for p in self.projects]
        duplicate = fmt.check_for_duplicates(paths)
        if duplicate is not None:
            message = f"{Format.path(ENVIRONMENT.clowder_yaml.name)} appears to be invalid\n" \
                      f"{Format.path(ENVIRONMENT.clowder_yaml)}\n" \
                      f"Multiple projects with path '{duplicate}'"
            raise DuplicatePathError(message)

    def _update_properties(self) -> None:
        """Initialize all properties"""

        self.name: Optional[str] = self._clowder.name

        project_names = [str(p.name) for p in self.projects]
        self.project_names: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(project_names, unique=True)

        upstream_names = [str(p.upstream.name) for p in self.projects if p.upstream is not None]
        self.upstream_names: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(upstream_names, unique=True)

        self.project_upstream_names: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(project_names + upstream_names, unique=True)

        paths = [str(p.relative_path) for p in self.projects]
        self.project_paths: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(paths, unique=True)

        groups = [g for p in self.projects for g in p.groups]
        groups = [g for g in groups if g not in self.project_upstream_names and g not in self.project_paths]
        self.project_groups: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(groups, unique=True)

        choices = [g for p in self.projects for g in p.groups]
        self.project_choices: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(choices, unique=True)
        self.project_choices_with_default: Tuple[str, ...] = sorted_tuple(choices, unique=True)

        # Now that all the data is loaded, check that no projects share paths

CLOWDER_CONTROLLER: ClowderController = ClowderController()