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"""Representation of clowder yaml project

.. codeauthor:: Joe DeCapo <joe@polka.cat>


from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
from typing import Optional, Set, TypeVar

import clowder.util.command as cmd
from clowder.util.format import Format
from clowder.util.git import Commit, ORIGIN, Protocol, Ref, Remote, RemoteTag, TrackingBranch

from clowder.log import LOG
from clowder.environment import ENVIRONMENT
from clowder.util.error import DuplicateRemoteError
from clowder.model import Defaults, Project, Source, Section

from .source_controller import SOURCE_CONTROLLER
from .resolved_git_settings import ResolvedGitSettings
from .resolved_upstream import ResolvedUpstream, GITHUB

T = TypeVar('T')

class ResolvedProject:
    """clowder yaml Project model class

    :ivar str name: Project name
    :ivar Path path: Project relative path
    :ivar Set[str] groups: Groups project belongs to
    :ivar str remote: Project remote name
    :ivar Source source: Project source
    :ivar ResolvedGitSettings git_settings: Custom git settings
    :ivar Optional[ResolvedUpstream] upstream: Project's associated upstream
    :ivar Optional[str] ref: Project git ref
    :ivar Optional[GitProtocol] default_protocol: Default git protocol to use

    def __init__(self, project: Project, defaults: Optional[Defaults] = None,
                 section: Optional[Section] = None, protocol: Optional[Protocol] = None):
        """Project __init__

        :param Project project: Project model instance
        :param Optional[Defaults] defaults: Defaults instance
        :param Optional[Section] section: Section instance
        :raise DuplicateRemoteError:

        project.resolved_project_id = id(self)
        self.name: str = project.name

        has_path = project.path is not None
        has_section = section is not None
        has_group_path = has_section and section.path is not None
        # TODO: Rename to relative_path and set self.relative_path to full_path
        self.relative_path: Path = section.path if has_group_path else Path()
        if has_path:
            self.relative_path: Path = self.relative_path / project.path
            self.relative_path: Path = self.relative_path / Path(self.name).name
        self.path: Path = ENVIRONMENT.clowder_dir / self.relative_path

        remote = self._get_property('remote', project, defaults, section, default=ORIGIN)
        self.default_remote: Remote = Remote(self.path, remote)
        self.git_settings: ResolvedGitSettings = ResolvedGitSettings.combine_settings(project, section, defaults)

        source = self._get_property('source', project, defaults, section, default=GITHUB)
        self.source: Source = SOURCE_CONTROLLER.get_source(source)

        self.default_protocol: Optional[Protocol] = None
        if self.source.protocol is not None:
            self.default_protocol: Optional[Protocol] = self.source.protocol
        elif protocol is not None:
            self.default_protocol: Optional[Protocol] = protocol

        self.upstream: Optional[ResolvedUpstream] = None
        if project.upstream is not None:
            self.upstream: Optional[ResolvedUpstream] = ResolvedUpstream(self.relative_path, project.upstream,
                                                                         defaults, section, protocol)
            if self.default_remote == self.upstream.remote:
                message = f"{Format.path(ENVIRONMENT.clowder_yaml.name)} appears to be invalid\n" \
                          f"{Format.path(ENVIRONMENT.clowder_yaml)}\n" \
                          f"upstream '{self.upstream.name}' and project '{self.name}' " \
                          f"have same remote name '{self.default_remote}'"
                raise DuplicateRemoteError(message)

        self.groups: Set[str] = {'all', self.name, str(self.relative_path)}
        if has_section:
            if section.groups is not None:
                self.groups.update({g for g in section.groups})
        if project.groups is not None:
        if 'notdefault' in self.groups:

        default_branch: Optional[str] = self._get_property('branch', project, defaults, section)
        default_tag: Optional[str] = self._get_property('tag', project, defaults, section)
        default_commit: Optional[str] = self._get_property('commit', project, defaults, section)
        self.default_branch: Optional[TrackingBranch] = None
        self.default_tag: Optional[RemoteTag] = None
        self.default_commit: Optional[Commit] = None
        if default_branch is not None:
            tracking_branch = TrackingBranch(self.path,
            self.default_branch: Optional[TrackingBranch] = tracking_branch
        elif default_tag is not None:
            self.default_tag: Optional[RemoteTag] = RemoteTag(self.path, default_tag, self.default_remote.name)
        elif default_commit is not None:
            self.default_commit: Optional[Commit] = Commit(self.path, default_commit)

    def __lt__(self, other: 'ResolvedProject') -> bool:
        return self.name.lower() < other.name.lower()

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, ResolvedProject):
            return False
        return self.name == other.name and self.path == other.path

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.name) ^ hash(self.path)

    def default_ref(self) -> Ref:
        if self.default_branch is not None:
            return self.default_branch
        elif self.default_tag is not None:
            return self.default_tag
        elif self.default_commit is not None:
            return self.default_commit
            Exception('Failed to return default ref')

    # def formatted_project_output(self) -> str:
    #     """Return formatted project path/name
    #     :return: Formatted string of full file path if cloned, otherwise project name
    #     """
    #     if existing_git_repo(self.path):
    #         return str(self.relative_path)
    #     return self.name

    def url(self) -> str:
        """Project url"""

        if self.source.protocol is not None:
            protocol = self.source.protocol
        elif SOURCE_CONTROLLER.protocol_override is not None:
            protocol = SOURCE_CONTROLLER.protocol_override
        elif self.default_protocol is not None:
            protocol = self.default_protocol
            protocol = SOURCE_CONTROLLER.get_default_protocol()

        return protocol.format_url(self.source.url, self.name)

    def _run_forall_command(self, command: str, env: dict, check: bool) -> None:
        """Run command or script in project directory

        :param str command: Command to run
        :param dict env: Environment variables
        :param bool check: Whether to exit if command returns a non-zero exit code

            cmd.run(command, self.path, env=env, print_command=True)
        except CalledProcessError as err:
            if check:
                LOG.error(f'Command failed: {command}')
            LOG.debug(f'Command failed: {command}', err)

    def _get_property(name: str, project: Project, defaults: Optional[Defaults], section: Optional[Section],
                      default: Optional[T] = None) -> Optional[T]:
        project_value = getattr(project, name)
        has_defaults = defaults is not None
        defaults_value = getattr(defaults, name) if has_defaults else None
        has_section = section is not None
        has_section_defaults = has_section and section.defaults is not None
        section_defaults_value = getattr(section.defaults, name) if has_section_defaults else None
        if project_value is not None:
            return project_value
        elif section_defaults_value is not None:
            return section_defaults_value
        elif defaults_value is not None:
            return defaults_value
        elif default is not None:
            return default
            return None