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Script to grab the sender and subject of the selected
Mail message(s), and create new next action(s) with description
"Email [sender] about [subject]"

If you have Growl, it pops a notification up with the id of
the newly created action.

(* Edit appropriately for your setup *)
property myUsername : "<%= current_user.login %>"
property myToken : "<%= current_user.token %>"
property myContextID : <%= context.id %> (* <%= context.name %> *)

-- this string is used when the message subject is empty
property emptySubject : "No Subject Specified"

-- Get the selected email in Mail
tell application "Mail"
    set theSelection to the selection
    if the length of theSelection is less than 1 then
        display dialog "One or more messages must be selected." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
        repeat with theMessage in theSelection
            my importMessage(theMessage)
        end repeat
    end if
end tell

on importMessage(theMessage)
    -- Get the info from the email message
    tell application "Mail"
            set theSender to the sender of theMessage
            set theSubject to subject of theMessage
            if theSubject is equal to "" then set theSubject to emptySubject
            set theMessageId to message id of theMessage
            -- Construct the description string from the email info
            set myDesc to "Email " & theSender & " about " & theSubject
            -- Trim the string to 100 characters otherwise it won't validate
            if length of myDesc > 100 then
                set myDesc to characters 1 thru 100 of myDesc
            end if
            set myNote to "message://<" & theMessageId & ">"
        end try
    end tell
    -- Now send all that info to Tracks
    -- Edit the URL of your Tracks installation if necessary"
    tell application "<%= root_url %>backend/api"
        set returnValue to call xmlrpc {method name:"NewTodo", parameters:{myUsername, myToken, myContextID, myDesc, myNote}}
    end tell
    (* Growl support - comment out or delete this section if
       you don't have Growl *)
    tell application "GrowlHelperApp"
        set the allNotificationsList to ¬
            {"Tracks Notification"}
        -- Make a list of the notifications
        -- that will be enabled by default.
        -- Those not enabled by default can be enabled later
        -- in the 'Applications' tab of the growl prefpane.
        set the enabledNotificationsList to ¬
            {"Tracks Notification"}
        -- Register our script with growl.
        -- You can optionally (as here) set a default icon
        -- for this script's notifications.
        register as application ¬
            "Tracks Applescript" all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
            default notifications enabledNotificationsList ¬
            icon of application "Script Editor"
        set growlDescription to "Action with ID " & returnValue & " was created."
        notify with name "Tracks Notification" title "New action sent to Tracks" description growlDescription application name "Tracks Applescript" icon of application "Script Editor.app"
    end tell
    (* End of Growl section *)
end importMessage