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Test Coverage
1. Resources

Tracks is using
* github to host the git repository and manage git pull requests.
* Assembla to manage bugs and enhancement request.
* the mailing list to discuss features and development and interact with users

See README for links to the respective sites

Also see the Development pages on the wiki for details on installing, testing,
upgrading, etc.

2. Dependencies

The dependencies for Tracks are maintained using bundler. Before starting your
tracks instance, you'll need to run 'bundle install' to fetch all the

3. Testing

There are some pointers for setting up your Tracks copy for testing at

By default, tests are configured to run using sqlite3 in memory mode to
increase speed. You will need the sqlite3-ruby gem for this.

To avoid showing the migrations as tests are run, add the following to your
database.yml below 'database: ":memory:"':

  verbosity: quiet

If you want to run tests using another database, that's fine, too. Just change
your database.yml accordingly.

Running cucumber/selenium tests in :memory mode does not seem to work.

The rspec tests are not actively maintained.

See the wiki for more information on testing:

4. Contributing

See https://github.com/TracksApp/tracks/wiki/How-to-contribute