@import (reference) "libs/constants.less";@import (reference) "libs/mixins.less"; #PRIVACY { position: relative; overflow: hidden; & h1 { padding-top: 50px; margin: 0; color: @text-color-white; text-transform: uppercase; .font-size(5); } & > div { margin: auto; max-width: 1200px; width: 100%; position: relative; } & span:nth-child(3) { margin: 20px 0 50px; text-align: justify; .font-size(2); }} @media screen and (max-width: @SCREEN_1800) { #PRIVACY > div { max-width: 1200px; }} @media screen and (max-width: @SCREEN_1500) { #PRIVACY > div { max-width: 1000px; }} @media screen and (max-width: @SCREEN_1400) { #PRIVACY { & > div { max-width: 900px; } }} @media screen and (max-width: @SCREEN_1200) { #PRIVACY { & > div { max-width: 800px; } }} @media screen and (max-width: @SCREEN_1100) { #PRIVACY { & > div { max-width: 600px; } }} @media screen and (max-width: @SCREEN_900) { #PRIVACY { & > div { width: 90%; margin: auto; } & h1 { padding-top: 135px; text-align: center; .font-size(6); } & span:nth-child(3) { .font-size(2); } }}