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# Ansible Role: Installs Java 8 JDK or Server JRE

Java 8 JDK installation on Linux.

Travis status:   [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8)
Code Climate status: [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8)
Test Coverage status: [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8/coverage)

## Table of Contents

1. [Requirements][Requirements]
2. [Installation][Installation]
3. [Role Variables][Role Variables]
4. [Dependencies][Dependencies]
5. [Example Playbook][Example Playbook]
6. [Licensing][Licensing]
7. [Author Information][Author Information]
8. [Support][Support]
9. [Contributing][Contributing]
10. [Donation][Donation]

## Requirements


## Installation

    ansible-galaxy install kami911.java-oracle-jdk8

## Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`):

    force_java_install: False

Force to install Java on already installed system.

    java_installer_force_overwrite: False

Force to overwrite Java installer.

    java_installer_keep: False

Do not delete Java installer.

    java_installer_local: False

Install local (form Ansible host) JDK/Server JRE instead of downloading on target machine.

    java_type: jdk

Type of Java installer - JDK is: jdk, and Server JRE is: server-jre

    java_version: 8

Java major version.

    java_update: 201

Java minor version.

    java_build: "09"

Java micro version.

    java_platform: linux-x64

Java platform to install.

    java_bins: [ 'javah', 'javap', 'jmap', 'extcheck', 'pack200', 'jrunscript', 'jinfo', 'jcontrol', 'jmc', 'keytool', 'schemagen', 'jjs', 'jvisualvm', 'policytool', 'rmid', 'wsgen', 'javaws', 'javadoc

Update alternatives on these binaries.

    java_bins_priority: 9

Alternatives priority on these binaries.

    java_usr_folder: /usr/java

Location of installed Java home.

    java_latest_folder: /usr/java/latest

Where to link the latest folder.

    java_download_base_url: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk

Download link of Java installers.

## Dependencies


## Example Playbook

    - hosts: all
        - java-oracle-jdk8

## Licensing

The lactransformer application and documantations are licensed under the terms of
the MIT / BSD, you will find a copy of this license in the
[LICENSE](LICENSE) file included in the source package.

## Author Information

This role was created in 2016-2018 by Kálmán Szalai - KAMI

## Support

If you have any question, do not hesitate and drop me a line.
If you found a bug, or have a feature request, you can [fill an issue](https://github.com/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8/issues).

### Using as a submudule of an AWX playbook

#### Add as a submodule

git submodule add --force git@github.com:KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8.git roles/java-oracle-jdk8

#### Update as sumodule

Update only this submodule

git submodule update --remote roles/java-oracle-jdk8/

Update all submodules:

git submodule foreach git pull origin master

## Contributing

There are many ways to contribute to ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8 -- whether it be sending patches,
testing, reporting bugs, or reviewing and updating the documentation. Every
contribution is appreciated!

Please continue reading in the [contributing chapter](CONTRIBUTING.md).

### Fork me on Github





Add a new remote `upstream` with this repository as value.

git remote add upstream https://github.com/KAMI911/ansible-role-java-oracle-jdk8.git

You can pull updates to your fork's master branch:

git fetch --all
git pull upstream HEAD

## Donation

If you find this useful, please consider a donation:


<!-- TOC URLs -->
[Requirements]: #requirements
[Installation]: #installation
[Role Variables]: #role_variables
[Dependencies]: #dependencies
[Example Playbook]: #example_playbook
[Licensing]: #licensing
[Author Information]: #author_information
[Support]: #support
[Contributing]: #contributing
[Donation]: #donation