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Test Coverage
""" BcForms

:Author: Mike Zheng <xzheng20@colby.edu>
:Author: Jonathan Karr <karr@mssm.edu>
:Date: 2019-06-25
:Copyright: 2019, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

from bpforms import BondOrder, BondStereo
from bpforms.util import gen_genomic_viz
from ruamel import yaml
from wc_utils.util.chem import EmpiricalFormula, OpenBabelUtils
from wc_utils.util.chem.marvin import draw_molecule
import abc
import bpforms
import itertools
import lark
import openbabel
import os
import pkg_resources
import wc_utils.cache

# setup cache
cache_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/bcforms')
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
cache = wc_utils.cache.Cache(directory=cache_dir)

class Subunit(object):
    """ Subunit in a BcForm macromolecular complex

        id (:obj:`str`): id of the subunit
        stoichiometry (:obj:`int`): stoichiometry of the subunit
        structure (:obj:`bpforms.BpForm` or :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`, optional): structure of the subunit
        formula (:obj:`EmpiricalFormula`, optional): formula of the subunit
        mol_wt (:obj:`float`, optional): molecular weight of the subunit
        charge (:obj:`int`, optional): charge of the subunit

    def __init__(self, id, stoichiometry, structure=None, formula=None, mol_wt=None, charge=None):

            id (:obj:`str`): id of the subunit
            stoichiometry (:obj:`int`): stoichiometry of the subunit
            structure (:obj:`bpforms.BpForm` or :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`, optional): structure of the subunit
            formula (:obj:`EmpiricalFormula`, optional): formula of the subunit
            mol_wt (:obj:`float`, optional): molecular weight of the subunit
            charge (:obj:`int`, optional): charge of the subunit
        self.id = id
        self.stoichiometry = stoichiometry
        self.structure = structure
        if structure is None:
            self.formula = formula
            self.charge = charge
            if formula is None:
                self.mol_wt = mol_wt

    def id(self):
        """ Get the id of the subunit

            :obj:`str`: id of the subunit

        return self._id

    def id(self, value):
        """ Set the id of the subunit

            value (:obj:`str`): id of the subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`str`
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `str`')
        self._id = value

    def stoichiometry(self):
        """ Get the stoichiometry of the subunit

            :obj:`int`: stoichiometry of the subunit

        return self._stoichiometry

    def stoichiometry(self, value):
        """ Set the stoichiometry of the subunit

            value (:obj:`int`): stoichiometry of the subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int`
        if not isinstance(value, int):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `int`')
        self._stoichiometry = value

    def structure(self):
        """ Get the structure of the subunit

            :obj:`bpforms.BpForm` or :obj:`openbabel.OBMol` or None: structure of the subunit

        return self._structure

    def structure(self, value):
        """ Set the structure of the subunit

        * setting structure will automaticall set formula, mol_wt, charge

            value (:obj:`bpforms.BpForm` or :obj:`openbabel.OBMol` or :obj:`str` (SMILES-encoded string) or None): structure of the subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`bpforms.BpForm` or :obj:`openbabel.OBMol` or None
            :obj:`ValueError`: unable to convert smiles-encoded string to structure
        if not isinstance(value, bpforms.BpForm) and not isinstance(value, openbabel.OBMol) and not isinstance(value, str) and value is not None:
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `bpforms.BpForm` or `openbabel.OBMol` or None')

        if isinstance(value, str):
            ob_mol = openbabel.OBMol()
            conversion = openbabel.OBConversion()
            if not conversion.ReadString(ob_mol, value):
                raise ValueError('unable to convert smiles-encoded string to structure')
            self._structure = ob_mol
            self._structure = value

        if isinstance(self._structure, openbabel.OBMol):
            self._formula = OpenBabelUtils.get_formula(self._structure)
            self._mol_wt = self.formula.get_molecular_weight()
            self._charge = self._structure.GetTotalCharge()
        elif isinstance(self._structure, bpforms.BpForm):
            self._formula = self._structure.get_formula()
            self._mol_wt = self._structure.get_mol_wt()
            self._charge = self._structure.get_charge()

    def formula(self):
        """ Get the empirical formula of the subunit

            :obj:`EmpiricalFormula` or None: formula of the subunit

        return self._formula

    def formula(self, value):
        """ Set the formula of the subunit

            value (:obj:`EmpiricalFormula` or :obj:`str` (string representation of the formula) None): formula of the subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`EmpiricalFormula` or None
            :obj:`ValueError`: if formula already set by setting structure attribute
        if not isinstance(value, EmpiricalFormula) and not isinstance(value, str) and value is not None:
            raise ValueError(':obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`EmpiricalFormula` or :obj:`str` or None')

        if self.structure is not None:
            raise ValueError('formula already set by setting structure attribute')

        if isinstance(value, str):
            self._formula = EmpiricalFormula(value)
            self._formula = value

        if isinstance(self._formula, EmpiricalFormula):
            self._mol_wt = self._formula.get_molecular_weight()

    def mol_wt(self):
        """ Get the molecular weight of the subunit

            :obj:`float` or None: molecular weight of the subunit

        return self._mol_wt

    def mol_wt(self, value):
        """ Set the molecular weight of the subunit

            value (:obj:`float` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`None`): molecular weight of the subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`float` or :obj:`int` or None
            :obj:`ValueError`: if mol_wt already set by setting structure attribute or formula attribute
            :obj:`ValueError`: if mol_wt is not non-negative
        if not isinstance(value, float) and not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None:
            raise ValueError(':obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`float` or :obj:`int` or None')

        if self.formula is not None:
            raise ValueError('mol_wt already set by setting structure attribute or formula attribute')

        if isinstance(value, int):
            value = float(value)

        if isinstance(value, float):
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError('mol_wt must be non-negative')

        self._mol_wt = value

    def charge(self):
        """ Get the charge of the subunit

            :obj:`int` or None: charge of the subunit

        return self._charge

    def charge(self, value):
        """ Set the charge of the subunit

            value (:obj:`int` or :obj:`None`): charge of the subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int` or None
            :obj:`ValueError`: if charge already set by setting structure attribute
        if not isinstance(value, int) and value is not None:
            raise ValueError(':obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int` or None')

        if self.structure is not None:
            raise ValueError('charge already set by setting structure attribute')

        self._charge = value

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.stoichiometry) + ' * ' + self.id

    def is_equal(self, other):
        """ Check if two Subunits are semantically equal

        * Check id and stoichiometry; do not check structure yet

            other (:obj:`Subunit`): another Subunit

            :obj:`bool`: :obj:`True`, if the Subunits are semantically equal

        if self is other:
            return True
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
            return False

        attrs = ['id', 'stoichiometry']

        for attr in attrs:
            if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
                return False

        return True

    def get_formula(self, formula=None):
        """ Get the empirical formula

            formula (:obj:`EmpiricalFormula` or :obj:`None`): Subunit empirical formula per copy

            :obj:`EmpiricalFormula` or None: the empirical formula of the Subunit


        if formula is not None:
            self.formula = formula

        if self.formula is not None:
            return self.formula * self.stoichiometry

        return None

    def get_mol_wt(self, mol_wt=None):
        """ Get the molecular weight

            mol_wt (:obj:`float` or :obj:`None`): Subunit molecular weight per copy

            :obj:`float` or None: the molecular weight of the Subunit

        if mol_wt is not None:
            self.mol_wt = mol_wt

        if self.mol_wt is not None:
            return self.mol_wt * self.stoichiometry

        return None

    def get_charge(self, charge=None):
        """ Get the total charge

            charge (:obj:`int` or :obj:`None`): Subunit charge per copy

            :obj:`int` or None: the total charge of the Subunit

        if charge is not None:
            self.charge = charge

        if self.charge is not None:
            return self.charge * self.stoichiometry

        return None

    def get_structure(self):
        """ Get an Open Babel molecule of the structure

                * :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`: Open Babel molecule of the structure
                * :obj:`dict` of obj:`dict`: dictionary which maps :obj:`subunit_idx` to

            :obj:`ValueError`: Subunit structure is :obj:`None`

        if self.structure is None:
            raise ValueError('Structure is None')

        # join the subunits
        mol = openbabel.OBMol()

        subunit_atom_map = {}
        subunit_idx = 1
        for i in range(self.stoichiometry):

            # get structure
            atom_map = {}
            if isinstance(self.structure, openbabel.OBMol):
                structure = self.structure
                atom_map[1] = {}
                atom_map[1]['monomer'] = {}
                for i_atom in range(structure.NumAtoms()):
                    atom_map[1]['monomer'][i_atom+1] = i_atom+1
                # structure is a BpForm object
                structure, atom_map = self.structure.get_structure()

            num_atoms = structure.NumAtoms()
            total_atoms = sum(sum(len(y) for y in x.values()) for x in atom_map.values())
            # print(num_atoms, total_atoms)

            mol += structure
            for monomer in atom_map.values():
                for atom_type in monomer.values():
                    for i_atom, atom in atom_type.items():
                        atom_type[i_atom] = atom + num_atoms*(subunit_idx-1)

            subunit_atom_map[subunit_idx] = atom_map
            subunit_idx += 1

        return mol, subunit_atom_map

    def export(self, format='smiles', options=[]):
        """ Export the structure to string

            format (:obj:`str`, optional): export format
            options (:obj:`list`, optional): export options

            :obj:`str`: exported string representation of the structure

        if self.structure is None:
            return ''

        return OpenBabelUtils.export(self.get_structure()[0], format=format, options=options)

class Atom(object):
    """ Atom in a crosslink

        subunit (:obj:`str`): id of subunit
        subunit_idx (:obj:`int`): index of the subunit for homomers
        element (:obj:`str`): code of the element
        position (:obj:`int`): SMILES position of the atom within the compound
        monomer (:obj:`int`): index of parent monomer
        charge (:obj:`int`): charge of the atom
        component_type (:obj:`str`): type of component the atom belongs to:
            either 'monomer' or 'backbone'


    def __init__(self, subunit, element, position, monomer, charge=0, subunit_idx=None, component_type=None):

            subunit (:obj:`str`): id of subunit
            element (:obj:`str`): code of the element
            position (:obj:`int`): SMILES position of the atom within the compound
            monomer (:obj:`int`): index of parent monomer
            charge (:obj:`int`, optional): charge of the atom
            subunit_idx (:obj:`int`, optional): index of the subunit for homomers
            component_type (:obj:`str`, optional): type of component the atom belongs to:
                either 'monomer' or 'backbone'

        self.subunit = subunit
        self.subunit_idx = subunit_idx
        self.element = element
        self.position = position
        self.monomer = monomer
        self.charge = charge
        if component_type == 'm':
            self.component_type = 'monomer'
        elif component_type == 'b':
            self.component_type = 'backbone'
        elif component_type is None:
            self.component_type = 'monomer'
            self.component_type = component_type

    def subunit(self):
        """ Get the subunit that the atom belongs to

            :obj:`str`: subunit

        return self._subunit

    def subunit(self, value):
        """ Set the subunit that the atom belongs to

            value (:obj:`str`): subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`str`
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `str`')
        self._subunit = value

    def subunit_idx(self):
        """ Get the index of the homomer of the subunit that the atom belongs to

            :obj:`int`: subunit_idx or None

        return self._subunit_idx

    def subunit_idx(self, value):
        """ Set the index of the homomer of the subunit that the atom belongs to

            value (:obj:`int`): subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not None or a positive integer
        if value is not None and (not isinstance(value, int) or value < 1):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be a None or a positive integer')
        self._subunit_idx = value

    def element(self):
        """ Get the element of the atom

            :obj:`str`: element

        return self._element

    def element(self, value):
        """ Set the element of the atom

            value (:obj:`str`): element

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`str`
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `str`')
        self._element = value

    def position(self):
        """ Get the position of the atom in the compound

            :obj:`int`: position

        return self._position

    def position(self, value):
        """ Set the position of the atom in the compound

            value (:obj:`int`): position

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not a positive :obj:`int`
        if not isinstance(value, int) or value < 1:
            raise ValueError('`value` must be a positive integer')
        self._position = value

    def monomer(self):
        """ Get the position in the subunit of the monomer that the atom belongs to

            :obj:`int`: monomer position

        return self._monomer

    def monomer(self, value):
        """ Set the position in the subunit of the monomer that the atom belongs to

            value (:obj:`int`): monomer position

            :obj:`ValueError`: if `value` is not a positive integer
        if not isinstance(value, int) or value < 1:
            raise ValueError('`value` must be a positive integer')
        self._monomer = value

    def charge(self):
        """ Get the charge of the atom

            :obj:`int`: charge

        return self._charge

    def charge(self, value):
        """ Set the charge of the atom

            value (:obj:`int`): charge

            :obj:`ValueError`: if `value` is not an integer
        if not isinstance(value, int):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an integer')
        self._charge = value

    def component_type(self):
        """ Get the type of component the atom belongs to

            :obj:`str`: component type

        return self._component_type

    def component_type(self, value):
        """ Set the type of component the atom belongs to

            :obj:`ValueError`: component_type must be either 'monomer' or 'backbone'

        if value not in ['monomer', 'backbone']:
            raise ValueError('`component_type` must be either "monomer" or "backbone"')
            self._component_type = value

    def __str__(self):
        """ Generate a string representation

            :obj:`str`: string representation

        if self.charge == 0:
            charge = ''
            charge = '{:+d}'.format(self.charge)

        if self.subunit_idx is None:
            subunit_idx = ''
            subunit_idx = '(' + str(self.subunit_idx) + ')'
        return '{}{}-{}{}{}{}'.format(self.subunit, subunit_idx, self.monomer, self.element, self.position, charge)

    def is_equal(self, other):
        """ Check if two atoms are semantically equal (belong to the same subunit/monomer and
        have the same element, position, and charge)

            other (:obj:`Atom`): another atom

            :obj:`bool`: :obj:`True`, if the atoms are semantically equal

        if self is other:
            return True
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
            return False

        attrs = ['subunit', 'element', 'position', 'monomer', 'charge']

        for attr in attrs:
            if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
                return False

        self_subunit_idx = self.subunit_idx if self.subunit_idx is not None else 1
        other_subunit_idx = other.subunit_idx if other.subunit_idx is not None else 1
        if self_subunit_idx != other_subunit_idx:
            return False

        return True

class Crosslink(abc.ABC):
    """ Abstract class of a crosslink between subunits


    def get_l_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left bond atoms


    def get_r_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right bond atoms


    def get_l_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left displaced atoms


    def get_r_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right displaced atoms


    def get_order(self):
        """ Get the order

            :obj:`BondOrder`: order


    def get_stereo(self):
        """ Get the stereochemistry

            :obj:`BondStereo`: stereochemistry


    def __str__(self):
        """Generate a string representation

            :obj:`str`: string representation

    def is_equal(self, other):
        """ Check if two crosslinks are semantically equal (have the same bond atoms)

            other (:obj:`Crosslink`): another crosslink

            :obj:`bool`: :obj:`True`, if the crosslinks are semantically equal


        if self is other:
            return True
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__ and self.__class__.__bases__ != other.__class__.__bases__:
            return False

        attrs = ['l_bond_atoms', 'l_displaced_atoms', 'r_bond_atoms', 'r_displaced_atoms']

        for attr in attrs:
            self_atoms = getattr(self, 'get_'+attr)()
            other_atoms = getattr(other, 'get_'+attr)()
            if len(self_atoms) != len(other_atoms):
                return False
            for self_atom, other_atom in zip(self_atoms, other_atoms):
                if not self_atom.is_equal(other_atom):
                    return False

        if self.get_order() != other.get_order() or self.get_stereo() != other.get_stereo():
            return False

        return True

class InlineCrosslink(Crosslink):
    """ A crosslink between subunits defined inline

        l_bond_atoms (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): atoms from the left subunit that bond with the right subunit
        r_bond_atoms (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): atoms from the right subunit that bond with the left subunit
        l_displaced_atoms (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): atoms from the left subunit displaced by the crosslink
        r_displaced_atoms (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): atoms from the right subunit displaced by the crosslink
        order (:obj:`BondOrder`): order
        stereo (:obj:`BondStereo`): stereochemistry
        comments (:obj:`str`): comments

    def __init__(self, l_bond_atoms=None, r_bond_atoms=None, l_displaced_atoms=None, r_displaced_atoms=None,
                 order=BondOrder.single, stereo=None,

            l_bond_atoms (:obj:`list`): atoms from the left subunit that bond with the right subunit
            r_bond_atoms (:obj:`list`): atoms from the right subunit that bond with the left subunit
            l_displaced_atoms (:obj:`list`): atoms from the left subunit displaced by the crosslink
            r_displaced_atoms (:obj:`list`): atoms from the right subunit displaced by the crosslink
            order (:obj:`BondOrder`, optional): order
            stereo (:obj:`BondStereo`, optional): stereochemistry
            comments (:obj:`str`): comments
        if l_bond_atoms is None:
            self.l_bond_atoms = []
            self.l_bond_atoms = l_bond_atoms

        if r_bond_atoms is None:
            self.r_bond_atoms = []
            self.r_bond_atoms = r_bond_atoms

        if l_displaced_atoms is None:
            self.l_displaced_atoms = []
            self.l_displaced_atoms = l_displaced_atoms

        if r_bond_atoms is None:
            self.r_displaced_atoms = []
            self.r_displaced_atoms = r_bond_atoms

        self.order = order
        self.stereo = stereo

        self.comments = comments

    def l_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left bond atoms

        return self._l_bond_atoms

    def l_bond_atoms(self, value):
        """ Set the left bond atoms

            value (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): left bond atoms

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`list`

        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `list`')
        self._l_bond_atoms = value

    def r_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right bond atoms

        return self._r_bond_atoms

    def r_bond_atoms(self, value):
        """ Set the right bond atoms

            value (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): right bond atoms

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`list`

        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `list`')
        self._r_bond_atoms = value

    def l_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left displaced atoms

        return self._l_displaced_atoms

    def l_displaced_atoms(self, value):
        """ Set the left displaced atoms

            value (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): left displaced atoms

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`list`

        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `list`')
        self._l_displaced_atoms = value

    def r_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right displaced atoms

        return self._r_displaced_atoms

    def r_displaced_atoms(self, value):
        """ Set the right displaced atoms

            value (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`): right displaced atoms

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`list`

        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `list`')
        self._r_displaced_atoms = value

    def order(self):
        """ Get the order

            :obj:`BondOrder`: order
        return self._order

    def order(self, value):
        """ Set the order

            value (:obj:`BondOrder`): order

            :obj:`ValueError`: if `order` is not an instance of `BondOrder`
        if not isinstance(value, BondOrder):
            raise ValueError('`order` must be an instance of `BondOrder`')
        self._order = value

    def stereo(self):
        """ Get the stereochemistry

            :obj:`BondStereo`: stereochemistry
        return self._stereo

    def stereo(self, value):
        """ Set the stereo

            value (:obj:`BondStereo`): stereochemistry

            :obj:`ValueError`: if `stereo` is not an instance of `BondStereo`
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, BondStereo):
            raise ValueError('`stereo` must be an instance of `BondStereo` or `None`')
        self._stereo = value

    def comments(self):
        """ Get comments

            :obj:`str`: comments
        return self._comments

    def comments(self, value):
        """ Set comments

            value (:obj:`str`): comments

            :obj:`ValueError`: if value is not a str or None
        if value and not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`comments` must be a string or None')
        self._comments = value

    def __str__(self):
        """Generate a string representation

            :obj:`str`: string representation
        s = 'x-link: ['

        atom_types = ['l_bond_atoms', 'l_displaced_atoms', 'r_bond_atoms', 'r_displaced_atoms']
        for atom_type in atom_types:
            for atom in getattr(self, atom_type):
                s += ' {}: {} |'.format(atom_type[:-1].replace('_', '-'), str(atom))

        if self.order != BondOrder.single:
            s += ' order: "{}" |'.format(self.order.name)
        if self.stereo is not None:
            s += ' stereo: "{}" |'.format(self.stereo.name)

        if self.comments:
            s += ' comments: "{}" |'.format(self.comments.replace('"', '\\"'))

        s = s[:-1] + ']'
        return s

    def get_l_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left bond atoms

        return self.l_bond_atoms

    def get_r_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right bond atoms

        return self.r_bond_atoms

    def get_l_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left displaced atoms

        return self.l_displaced_atoms

    def get_r_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right displaced atoms

        return self.r_displaced_atoms

    def get_order(self):
        """ Get the order

            :obj:`BondOrder`: order
        return self.order

    def get_stereo(self):
        """ Get the stereochemistry

            :obj:`BondStereo`: stereochemistry
        return self.stereo

_xlink_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename('bpforms', 'xlink/xlink.yml')

@cache.memoize(typed=False, expire=30 * 24 * 60 * 60, filename_args=[0])
def parse_yaml(path):
    """ Read a YAML file

        path (:obj:`str`): path to YAML file which defines alphabet

        :obj:`object`: content of file
    yaml_reader = yaml.YAML()
    with open(path, 'rb') as file:
        return yaml_reader.load(file)

class OntologyCrosslink(Crosslink):
    """ A pre-defined crosslink between subunits

        type (:obj:`str`): type of the pre-defined crosslink
        l_subunit (:obj:`str`): name of the left subunit
        l_subunit_idx (:obj:`int`, optional): index of the left subunit, optional if only one copy of the subunit
        l_monomer (:obj:`int`): index of the monomer from the left subunit
        r_subunit (:obj:`str`): name of the left subunit
        r_subunit_idx (:obj:`int`, optional): index of the left subunit, optional if only one copy of the subunit
        r_monomer (:obj:`int`): index of the monomer from the right subunit
        xlink_details (:obj:`tuple`): detailed information about the abstracted crosslink

        _xlink_atom_parser (:obj:`lark.Lark`): lark grammar parser used to parse atom strings


    def __init__(self, type, l_subunit, l_monomer, r_subunit, r_monomer, l_subunit_idx=None, r_subunit_idx=None):

            type (:obj:`str`): type of the pre-defined crosslink
            l_subunit (:obj:`str`): name of the left subunit
            l_subunit_idx (:obj:`int`, optional): index of the left subunit, optional if only one copy of the subunit
            l_monomer (:obj:`int`): index of the monomer from the left subunit
            r_subunit (:obj:`str`): name of the left subunit
            r_subunit_idx (:obj:`int`, optional): index of the left subunit, optional if only one copy of the subunit
            r_monomer (:obj:`int`): index of the monomer from the right subunit


        self.type = type
        self.l_subunit = l_subunit
        self.l_subunit_idx = l_subunit_idx
        self.l_monomer = l_monomer
        self.r_subunit = r_subunit
        self.r_subunit_idx = r_subunit_idx
        self.r_monomer = r_monomer
        self.xlink_details = self.get_details()

    def type(self):
        """ Get the type of the abstracted crosslink

            :obj:`str`: type of the crosslink

        return self._type

    def type(self, value):
        """ Set the type of the abstracted crosslink

            value (:obj:`str`): type of the crosslink

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`str`

        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `str`')
        self._type = value

    def l_subunit(self):
        """ Get the name of the left subunit in the crosslink

            :obj:`str`: name of the left subunit

        return self._l_subunit

    def l_subunit(self, value):
        """ Set the name of the left subunit in the crosslink

            value (:obj:`str`): name of the left subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`str`

        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `str`')
        self._l_subunit = value

    def l_subunit_idx(self):
        """ Get the index of the left subunit in the crosslink

            :obj:`int`: index of the left subunit

        return self._l_subunit_idx

    def l_subunit_idx(self, value):
        """ Set the index of the left subunit in the crosslink

            value (:obj:`int` or None): index of the left subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int` or None

        if value is not None and (not isinstance(value, int) or value < 1):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `int` or None')
        self._l_subunit_idx = value

    def l_monomer(self):
        """ Get the index of the left monomer in the crosslink

            :obj:`int`: index of the left monomer

        return self._l_monomer

    def l_monomer(self, value):
        """ Set the index of the left monomer in the crosslink

            value (:obj:`int`): index of the left monomer

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int`

        if not isinstance(value, int):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `int`')
        self._l_monomer = value

    def r_subunit(self):
        """ Get the name of the right subunit in the crosslink

            :obj:`str`: name of the right subunit

        return self._r_subunit

    def r_subunit(self, value):
        """ Set the name of the right subunit in the crosslink

            value (:obj:`str`): name of the right subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`str`

        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `str`')
        self._r_subunit = value

    def r_subunit_idx(self):
        """ Get the index of the right subunit in the crosslink

            :obj:`int`: index of the right subunit

        return self._r_subunit_idx

    def r_subunit_idx(self, value):
        """ Set the index of the right subunit in the crosslink

            value (:obj:`int` or None): index of the right subunit

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int` or None

        if value is not None and (not isinstance(value, int) or value < 1):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `int` or None')
        self._r_subunit_idx = value

    def r_monomer(self):
        """ Get the index of the right monomer in the crosslink

            :obj:`int`: index of the right monomer

        return self._r_monomer

    def r_monomer(self, value):
        """ Set the index of the right monomer in the crosslink

            value (:obj:`int`): index of the right monomer

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`int`

        if not isinstance(value, int):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `int`')
        self._r_monomer = value

    _xlink_atom_parser = lark.Lark("""
        start: atom_element atom_position atom_charge?
        atom_element: /[A-Z][a-z]?/
        atom_position: /[0-9]+/
        atom_charge: /[\+\-][0-9]+/

    class ParseTreeTransformer(lark.Transformer):
        # Class that processes the parsetree

        def start(self, *args):
            atom_element = args[0][1]
            atom_position = args[1][1]
            if len(args) > 2:
                atom_charge = args[2][1]
                atom_charge = 0
            return atom_element, atom_position, atom_charge

        def atom_element(self, *args):
            return ('atom_element', args[0].value)

        def atom_position(self, *args):
            return ('atom_position', int(args[0].value))

        def atom_charge(self, *args):
            return ('atom_charge', int(args[0].value))

    def get_l_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left bond atoms

        atoms = []
        for atom in self.xlink_details[1]['l_bond_atoms']:
            tree = self._xlink_atom_parser.parse(atom)
            parse_tree_transformer = self.ParseTreeTransformer()
            element, position, charge = parse_tree_transformer.transform(tree)
            atom = Atom(subunit=self.l_subunit, element=element, position=position,
                        monomer=self.l_monomer, charge=charge, subunit_idx=self.l_subunit_idx)
        return atoms

    def get_r_bond_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right bond atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right bond atoms

        atoms = []
        for atom in self.xlink_details[1]['r_bond_atoms']:
            tree = self._xlink_atom_parser.parse(atom)
            parse_tree_transformer = self.ParseTreeTransformer()
            element, position, charge = parse_tree_transformer.transform(tree)
            atom = Atom(subunit=self.r_subunit, element=element, position=position,
                        monomer=self.r_monomer, charge=charge, subunit_idx=self.r_subunit_idx)
        return atoms

    def get_l_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the left displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: left displaced atoms

        atoms = []
        for atom in self.xlink_details[1]['l_displaced_atoms']:
            tree = self._xlink_atom_parser.parse(atom)
            parse_tree_transformer = self.ParseTreeTransformer()
            element, position, charge = parse_tree_transformer.transform(tree)
            atom = Atom(subunit=self.l_subunit, element=element, position=position,
                        monomer=self.l_monomer, charge=charge, subunit_idx=self.l_subunit_idx)
        return atoms

    def get_r_displaced_atoms(self):
        """ Get the right displaced atoms

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Atom`: right displaced atoms

        atoms = []
        for atom in self.xlink_details[1]['r_displaced_atoms']:
            tree = self._xlink_atom_parser.parse(atom)
            parse_tree_transformer = self.ParseTreeTransformer()
            element, position, charge = parse_tree_transformer.transform(tree)
            atom = Atom(subunit=self.r_subunit, element=element, position=position,
                        monomer=self.r_monomer, charge=charge, subunit_idx=self.r_subunit_idx)
        return atoms

    def get_order(self):
        """ Get the order

            :obj:`BondOrder`: order
        return BondOrder[self.xlink_details[1].get('order' , 'single')]

    def get_stereo(self):
        """ Get the stereochemistry

            :obj:`BondStereo`: stereochemistry
        val = self.xlink_details[1].get('stereo', None)
        if val is None:
            return None
            return BondStereo[val]

    def __str__(self):
        """Generate a string representation

            :obj:`str`: string representation
        s = 'x-link: [ type: {} |'.format(self.type)

        if self.l_subunit_idx is None:
            str_l_subunit_idx = ''
            str_l_subunit_idx = '({})'.format(self.l_subunit_idx)
        s += ' l: {}{}-{} |'.format(self.l_subunit, str_l_subunit_idx, self.l_monomer)

        if self.r_subunit_idx is None:
            str_r_subunit_idx = ''
            str_r_subunit_idx = '({})'.format(self.r_subunit_idx)
        s += ' r: {}{}-{} |'.format(self.r_subunit, str_r_subunit_idx, self.r_monomer)

        s = s[:-1]+']'
        return s

    def get_details(self):
        """ Get the full details of the crosslink in a dictionary

            :obj:`dict`: detailed information of the crosslink

            :obj:`KeyError`: Unknown abstracted crosslink type

        xlink_detail_dict = parse_yaml(_xlink_filename)
        for xlink_name, xlink_details in xlink_detail_dict.items():
            if self.type == xlink_name:
                return (xlink_name, xlink_details)
            if self.type in xlink_details['synonyms']:
                return (xlink_name, xlink_details)
            if 'name' in xlink_details and self.type == xlink_details['name']:
                return (xlink_name, xlink_details)

        raise KeyError('Unknown abstracted crosslink type')

class BcForm(object):
    """ A form of a macromolecular complex

        subunits (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Subunit`): subunit composition of the complex
        crosslinks (:obj:`list` :obj:`Crosslink`): crosslinks in the complex


    def __init__(self, subunits=None, crosslinks=None):

            subunits (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Subunit` or :obj:`BcForm`, optional): subunit composition of the complex
            crosslinks (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Crosslink`, optional): crosslinks in the complex

            _parser (:obj:`lark.Lark`): lark grammar parser used in `from_str`
        if subunits is None:
            self.subunits = []
            self.subunits = subunits

        if crosslinks is None:
            self.crosslinks = []
            self.crosslinks = crosslinks

    def subunits(self):
        """ Get the subunits

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Subunit` or :obj:`BcForm`: subunits

        return self._subunits

    def subunits(self, value):
        """ Set the subunits

            value (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Subunit` or :obj`BcForm`): subunits

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`list`

        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `list`')
        self._subunits = value

    def crosslinks(self):
        """ Get the crosslinks

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Crosslink`: crosslinks

        return self._crosslinks

    def crosslinks(self, value):
        """ Set the crosslinks

            value (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Crosslink`): crosslinks

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`value` is not an instance of :obj:`list`

        if not isinstance(value, list):
            raise ValueError('`value` must be an instance of `list`')
        self._crosslinks = value

    def __str__(self):
        """ Generate a string representation

            :obj:`str`: string representation of complex
        s = ''

        # subunits
        for subunit in self.subunits:
            s += str(subunit) + ' + '
        s = s[:-3]

        # crosslinks
        for crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            s += ' | ' + str(crosslink)

        # return string representation
        return s

    # read the grammar file
    _grammar_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename('bcforms', 'grammar.lark')

    with open(_grammar_filename, 'r') as file:
        _parser = lark.Lark(file.read())

    def from_str(self, string):
        """ Set a complex from a string representation

            string (:obj:`str`): string representation of a complex

            :obj:`BcForm`: structured BcForm representation of the string

        class ParseTreeTransformer(lark.Transformer):
            # Class that processes the parsetree

            def __init__(self, bc_form):
                super(ParseTreeTransformer, self).__init__()
                self.bc_form = bc_form

            def start(self, *args):
                self.bc_form.subunits = args[0]
                self.bc_form.crosslinks = []
                if len(args) > 2:
                    # exists global attr (crosslink)
                    self.bc_form.crosslinks = list(args[2::2])
                return self.bc_form

            # complex
            def complex(self, *args):
                return [Subunit(id=x['id'], stoichiometry=x['stoichiometry']) for x in args if type(x) == dict]

            def component(self, *args):
                component_dict = {}
                if len(args) < 2:
                    # handle the case where no explicit coefficient
                    component_dict['stoichiometry'] = 1
                    component_dict[args[0][0]] = args[0][1]
                    # handle the case where optional coefficient is explicitly put
                    component_dict[args[0][0]] = args[0][1]
                    component_dict[args[1][0]] = args[1][1]

                return component_dict

            def coefficient(self, *args):
                return ('stoichiometry', int(args[0].value))

            def subunit(self, *args):
                return ('id', args[0].value)

            # crosslinks
            def global_attr(self, *args):
                return args[0]

            def crosslink(self, *args):
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, Crosslink):
                        return arg

            # ontology-defined crosslink
            def onto_crosslink(self, *args):
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, lark.tree.Tree):
                        attr = arg.children[0][0]
                        val = arg.children[0][1]
                        if attr == 'type':
                            type = val
                        elif attr == 'l_monomer':
                            l_subunit = val[0]
                            l_subunit_idx = val[1]
                            l_monomer = val[2]
                        elif attr == 'r_monomer':
                            r_subunit = val[0]
                            r_subunit_idx = val[1]
                            r_monomer = val[2]
                bond = OntologyCrosslink(type=type,
                                         l_subunit=l_subunit, l_subunit_idx=l_subunit_idx, l_monomer=l_monomer,
                                         r_subunit=r_subunit, r_subunit_idx=r_subunit_idx, r_monomer=r_monomer)
                return bond

            def onto_crosslink_type(self, *args):
                return ('type', args[1].value)

            def onto_crosslink_monomer(self, *args):
                num_optional_args = 0
                monomer_type = args[0][1]
                subunit = args[2][1]
                if args[3][0] == 'subunit_idx':
                    subunit_idx = int(args[3][1])
                    subunit_idx = None
                    num_optional_args += 1
                monomer = int(args[4 - num_optional_args][1])
                return (monomer_type, (subunit, subunit_idx, monomer))

            def onto_crosslink_monomer_type(self, *args):
                return ('onto_crosslink_monomer_type', args[0] + '_monomer')

            # inline crosslink
            def inline_crosslink(self, *args):
                bond = InlineCrosslink()
                for arg in args:
                    if isinstance(arg, lark.tree.Tree):
                        attr, val = arg.children[0]
                        if attr in ['order', 'stereo', 'comments']:
                            setattr(bond, attr, val)
                            attr_val_list = getattr(bond, attr + "s")
                return bond

            def inline_crosslink_atom(self, *args):
                num_optional_args = 0
                atom_type = args[0][1]
                subunit = args[2][1]
                if args[3][0] == 'subunit_idx':
                    subunit_idx = int(args[3][1])
                    subunit_idx = None
                    num_optional_args += 1
                monomer = int(args[4-num_optional_args][1])
                element = args[5-num_optional_args][1]
                position = int(args[6-num_optional_args][1])
                if len(args) > 7-num_optional_args:
                    if args[7-num_optional_args][0] == 'atom_component_type':
                        atom_component_type = args[7-num_optional_args][1]
                        atom_component_type = None
                        num_optional_args += 1
                    atom_component_type = None
                if len(args) > 8-num_optional_args:
                    if args[8-num_optional_args][0] == 'atom_charge':
                        charge = int(args[8-num_optional_args][1])
                        charge = 0
                    charge = 0

                return (atom_type, Atom(subunit=subunit, subunit_idx=subunit_idx, element=element,
                                        position=position, monomer=monomer, charge=charge, component_type=atom_component_type))

            def inline_crosslink_atom_type(self, *args):
                return ('inline_crosslink_atom_type', args[0].value + '_' + args[1].value + '_atom')

            def inline_crosslink_order(self, *args):
                return ('order', BondOrder[args[-2].value])

            def inline_crosslink_stereo(self, *args):
                return ('stereo', BondStereo[args[-2].value])

            def inline_crosslink_comments(self, *args):
                return ('comments', args[1].value[1:-1])

            def monomer_position(self, *args):
                return ('monomer_position', int(args[0].value))

            def subunit_idx(self, *args):
                return ('subunit_idx', int(args[0].value[1:-1]))

            def atom_element(self, *args):
                return ('atom_element', args[0].value)

            def atom_position(self, *args):
                return ('atom_position', int(args[0].value))

            def atom_charge(self, *args):
                return ('atom_charge', args[0].value)

            def atom_component_type(self, *args):
                return ('atom_component_type', args[0].value)

        tree = self._parser.parse(string)
        # print(tree.pretty())
        parse_tree_transformer = ParseTreeTransformer(self)
        bc_form = parse_tree_transformer.transform(tree)
        return bc_form

    def from_set(self, subunits):
        """ Set the subunits from a list of subunits

        Note: this method does not support crosslinks

            subunits: (:obj:`list`): list representation of a complex. For example::

                    {'id': 'ABC_A', 'stoichiometry': 2},
                    {'id': 'ABC_B', 'stoichiometry': 3},

            :obj:`BcForm`: this complex

            :obj:`ValueError`: subunit has no 'id' key
            :obj:`ValueError`: subunit has no 'stoichiometry' key
        self.subunits = []
        self.crosslinks = []

        for subunit in subunits:
            new_subunit = {}

            # process id of subunit
            if 'id' in subunit:
                new_subunit['id'] = subunit['id']
                raise ValueError('`subunit` has no `id`')

            # process stoichiometry of subunit
            if 'stoichiometry' in subunit:
                new_subunit['stoichiometry'] = subunit['stoichiometry']
                raise ValueError('`subunit` has no `stoichiometry`')

            self.subunits.append(Subunit(id=new_subunit['id'], stoichiometry=new_subunit['stoichiometry']))


        return self

    def clean(self):
        """ Clean up the subunits and the crosslinks

        For example, convert `1 * a + 1 * a` to `2 * a`

        subunits_cleaned = []
        subunit_unique_ids = []
        for subunit in self.subunits:
            if isinstance(subunit, Subunit):
                id = subunit.id
                if id not in subunit_unique_ids:
                    next(subunit_cleaned for subunit_cleaned in subunits_cleaned if subunit_cleaned.id == id).stoichiometry += subunit.stoichiometry
            elif isinstance(subunit, BcForm):

        self.subunits = subunits_cleaned

    def get_formula(self, subunit_formulas=None):
        """ Get the empirical formula

        * If user wants to calculate formula of nested BcForm, where some subunits
          are BcForm objects, then the subunit BcForms must be able to calculate
          its own formula through structure

            subunit_formulas (:obj:`dict` or :obj:`None`): dictionary of subunit ids and empirical formulas

            :obj:`EmpiricalFormula`: the empirical formula of the BcForm

            :obj:`ValueError`: subunit formulas does not include all subunits
            :obj:`ValueError`: Not all subunits have defined formula

        formula = EmpiricalFormula()

        # subunits
        if subunit_formulas is None:
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if subunit.get_formula() is None:
                    raise ValueError('Not all subunits have defined formula')
                formula += subunit.get_formula()
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if isinstance(subunit, BcForm):
                    formula += subunit.get_formula()
                    if subunit.id not in subunit_formulas:
                        raise ValueError('subunit_formulas must include all subunits')
                        formula += subunit.get_formula(formula=subunit_formulas[subunit.id])

        # crosslinks
        for crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            for atom in itertools.chain(crosslink.get_l_displaced_atoms(), crosslink.get_r_displaced_atoms()):
                formula[atom.element] -= 1
        return formula

    def get_mol_wt(self, subunit_mol_wts=None):
        """ Get the molecular weight

        * If user wants to calculate molecular weight of nested BcForm, where
          some subunits are BcForm objects, then the subunit BcForms must be able
          to calculate its own molecular weight through structure

            subunit_formulas (:obj:`dict` or :obj:`None`): dictionary of subunit ids and molecular weights

            :obj:`float`: the molecular weight of the BcForm

            :obj:`ValueError`: subunit_mol_wts does not include all subunits
            :obj:`ValueError`: Not all subunits have defined molecular weight
        mol_wt = 0.0

        # subunits
        if subunit_mol_wts is None:
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if subunit.get_mol_wt() is None:
                    raise ValueError('Not all subunits have defined molecular weight')
                mol_wt += subunit.get_mol_wt()
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if isinstance(subunit, BcForm):
                    mol_wt += subunit.get_mol_wt()
                    if subunit.id not in subunit_mol_wts:
                        raise ValueError('subunit_mol_wts must include all subunits')
                        mol_wt += subunit.get_mol_wt(mol_wt=subunit_mol_wts[subunit.id])

        # crosslinks
        for crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            for atom in itertools.chain(crosslink.get_l_displaced_atoms(), crosslink.get_r_displaced_atoms()):
                mol_wt -= EmpiricalFormula(atom.element).get_molecular_weight()

        return mol_wt

    def get_charge(self, subunit_charges=None):
        """ Get the total charge

        * If user wants to calculate charge of nested BcForm, where
          some subunits are BcForm objects, then the subunit BcForms must be able
          to calculate its own charge through structure

            subunit_formulas (:obj:`dict` or :obj:`None`): dictionary of subunit ids and charges

            :obj:`int`: the total charge of the BcForm

            :obj:`ValueError`: subunit_charges does not include all subunits
            :obj:`ValueError`: Not all subunits have defined charge
        charge = 0

        # subunits
        if subunit_charges is None:
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if subunit.get_charge() is None:
                    raise ValueError('Not all subunits have defined charge')
                charge += subunit.get_charge()
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if isinstance(subunit, BcForm):
                    charge += subunit.get_charge()
                    if subunit.id not in subunit_charges:
                        raise ValueError('subunit_charges must include all subunits')
                        charge += subunit.get_charge(charge=subunit_charges[subunit.id])

        # crosslinks
        for crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            for atom in itertools.chain(crosslink.get_l_displaced_atoms(), crosslink.get_r_displaced_atoms()):
                charge -= atom.charge

        # return the total charge
        return charge

    def validate(self):
        """ Check if the BcForm is valid

        * Check if the crosslinking subunit is in the subunit list and if the `subunit_idx` is valid

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: list of errors, if any

        errors = []

        # crosslinks
        self_subunits_subunits = [subunit for subunit in self.subunits if isinstance(subunit, Subunit)]
        self_subunits_bcforms = [subunit for subunit in self.subunits if isinstance(subunit, BcForm)]

        atom_types = ['l_bond_atoms', 'l_displaced_atoms', 'r_bond_atoms', 'r_displaced_atoms']
        for i_crosslink, crosslink in enumerate(self.crosslinks):
            for atom_type in atom_types:
                for i_atom, atom in enumerate(getattr(crosslink, 'get_'+atom_type)()):
                    # check if subunit is present
                    if atom.subunit not in [subunit.id for subunit in self_subunits_subunits]:
                        errors.append("'{}[{}]' of crosslink {} must belong to a subunit in self.subunits".format(
                            atom_type, i_atom, i_crosslink + 1))
                    # check subunit index
                    elif atom.subunit_idx is None:
                        if next(subunit for subunit in self_subunits_subunits if subunit.id == atom.subunit).stoichiometry > 1:
                            errors.append("crosslink {} contains multiple subunit '{}', so the subunit_idx of atom '{}[{}]' cannot be None".format(
                                i_crosslink + 1, atom.subunit, atom_type, i_atom))
                    elif atom.subunit_idx > next(subunit for subunit in self_subunits_subunits if subunit.id == atom.subunit).stoichiometry:
                        errors.append("'{}[{}]' of crosslink {} must belong to a subunit whose index is "
                                      "valid in terms of the stoichiometry of the subunit".format(
                                          atom_type, i_atom, i_crosslink + 1))

        for self_subunits_bcform in self_subunits_bcforms:

        return errors

    def is_equal(self, other):
        """ Check if two complexes are semantically equal (same subunits and crosslinks)

            other (:obj:`BcForm`): another complex

            :obj:`bool`: :obj:`True`, if the complexes are semantically equal


        if self is other:
            return True
        if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
            return False

        # test subunits
        if len(self.subunits) != len(other.subunits):
            return False
        for self_subunit in self.subunits:
            found = False
            for other_subunit in other.subunits:
                if self_subunit.is_equal(other_subunit):
                    found = True
            if not found:
                return False

        # test crosslinks
        if len(self.crosslinks) != len(other.crosslinks):
            return False
        for self_crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            found = False
            for other_crosslink in other.crosslinks:
                if self_crosslink.is_equal(other_crosslink):
                    found = True
            if not found:
                return False

        return True

    def get_subunit_attribute(self, subunit_id, attribute):
        """ Set attribute (stoichiometry, structure) of subunit by id

            subunit_id (:obj:`str`): id of subunit
            attribute (:obj:`str`): attribute to set

            :obj:`int` for stoichiometry, :obj:`bpforms.BpForm`, :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`, or None for structure

            :obj:`ValueError`: No Subunit with subunit_id
            :obj:`ValueError`: Invalid attribute

        subunit = next((subunit for subunit in self.subunits if isinstance(subunit, Subunit) and subunit.id == subunit_id), None)
        if subunit is None:
            raise ValueError('No Subunit with subunit_id')

        if attribute not in ['stoichiometry', 'structure', 'formula', 'mol_wt', 'charge']:
            raise ValueError('Invalid attribute')

        return getattr(subunit, attribute)

    def set_subunit_attribute(self, subunit_id, attribute, value):
        """ Set attribute (stoichiometry, structure) of subunit by id

            subunit_id (:obj:`str`): id of subunit
            attribute (:obj:`str`): attribute to set
            value (:obj:`int` for stoichiometry, :obj:`bpforms.BpForm`, :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`, or None for structure): value

            :obj:`ValueError`: No Subunit with subunit_id
            :obj:`ValueError`: Invalid attribute

        subunit = next((subunit for subunit in self.subunits if isinstance(subunit, Subunit) and subunit.id == subunit_id), None)
        if subunit is None:
            raise ValueError('No Subunit with subunit_id')

        if attribute not in ['stoichiometry', 'structure', 'formula', 'mol_wt', 'charge']:
            raise ValueError('Invalid attribute')

        setattr(subunit, attribute, value)

    def get_structure(self):
        """ Get an Open Babel molecule of the structure

            :obj:`openbabel.OBMol`: Open Babel molecule of the structure
        mol = openbabel.OBMol()

        atom_maps = []
        n_atoms = [0]

        # subunits
        for i_subunit, subunit in enumerate(self.subunits):
            structure, atom_map = subunit.get_structure()
            mol += structure


            for subunit_map in atom_map.values():
                for monomer in subunit_map.values():
                    for atom_type in monomer.values():
                        for i_atom, atom in atom_type.items():
                            atom_type[i_atom] = atom+n_atoms[i_subunit]

        # print(atom_maps)

        for atom_map in atom_maps:
            for subunit_map in atom_map.values():
                for monomer in subunit_map.values():
                    for atom_type in monomer.values():
                        for i_atom, atom in atom_type.items():
                            atom_type[i_atom] = mol.GetAtom(atom)

        # mol.AddHydrogens()

        # print(atom_maps)
        # for i in range(mol.NumAtoms()):
        #     print(mol.GetAtom(i+1), mol.GetAtom(i+1).GetAtomicNum())

        bonding_hydrogens = []
        # crosslinks
        # get the atoms
        crosslinks_atoms = []
        for crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            crosslink_atoms = {}
            for atom_type in ['l_bond_atoms', 'r_bond_atoms', 'l_displaced_atoms', 'r_displaced_atoms']:
                crosslink_atoms[atom_type] = []
                for atom_md in getattr(crosslink, 'get_'+atom_type)():
                    i_subunit = [i for i in range(len(self.subunits)) if self.subunits[i].id == atom_md.subunit][0]
                    subunit_idx = 1 if atom_md.subunit_idx is None else atom_md.subunit_idx
                    atom = atom_maps[i_subunit][subunit_idx][atom_md.monomer][atom_md.component_type][atom_md.position]
                    if atom_md.element == 'H' and atom.GetAtomicNum() != 1:
                        atom = get_hydrogen_atom(atom, bonding_hydrogens, (i_subunit, subunit_idx -
                                                                           1, atom_md.monomer-1, atom_md.component_type))
                    crosslink_atoms[atom_type].append((atom, i_subunit, subunit_idx, atom_md.monomer, atom_md.position, atom_md.charge))

        # print(OpenBabelUtils.export(mol, format='smiles', options=[]))

        # make the crosslink bonds
        for crosslink, atoms in zip(self.crosslinks, crosslinks_atoms):

            for atom, i_subunit, subunit_idx, i_monomer, i_position, atom_charge in itertools.chain(atoms['l_displaced_atoms'], atoms['r_displaced_atoms']):
                if atom:
                    atom_2 = atom_maps[i_subunit][subunit_idx][i_monomer]['monomer'].get(i_position, None)
                    if atom_2 and atom_2.GetIdx() == atom.GetIdx():
                    assert mol.DeleteAtom(atom, True)

            for (l_atom, _, _, _, _, l_atom_charge), (r_atom, _, _, _, _, r_atom_charge) in zip(atoms['l_bond_atoms'], atoms['r_bond_atoms']):
                bond = openbabel.OBBond()
                stereo = crosslink.get_stereo()
                if stereo is None:
                elif stereo == BondStereo.wedge:
                elif stereo == BondStereo.hash:
                elif stereo == BondStereo.up:
                elif stereo == BondStereo.down:
                assert mol.AddBond(bond)

                if l_atom_charge:
                    l_atom.SetFormalCharge(l_atom.GetFormalCharge() + l_atom_charge)

                if r_atom_charge:
                    r_atom.SetFormalCharge(r_atom.GetFormalCharge() + r_atom_charge)

        for atom_map in atom_maps:
            for subunit_map in atom_map.values():
                for monomer in subunit_map.values():
                    for atom_type in monomer.values():
                        for i_atom, atom in atom_type.items():
                            if atom is not None:
                                atom_type[i_atom] = atom.GetIdx()

        return mol, atom_maps

    def export(self, format='smiles', options=[]):
        """ Export the structure to string

            format (:obj:`str`, optional): export format
            options (:obj:`list`, optional): export options

            :obj:`str`: exported string representation of the structure

        return OpenBabelUtils.export(self.get_structure()[0], format=format, options=options)

    def get_genomic_image(self, seq_features=None, width=1200, cols=2, nt_per_track=80, **kwargs):
        """ Get a genomic visualization of the :obj:`BpForm`

            seq_features (:obj:`dict`): list of features each
                represented by a dictionary with three keys

                * label (:obj:`str`): description of the type of feature
                * color (:obj:`str`): color
                * positions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`): list of position
                  ranges of the type of feature
            width (:obj:`int`, optional): width
            cols (:obj:`int`, optional): number of columns of polymers
            nt_per_track (:obj:`int`, optional): number of nucleotides per track

        The method also accepts the same arguments as 

            :obj:`str`: SVG image
        polymers = []
        polymer_labels = {}
        polymer_idxs = {}
        i_tot_subunit = 0
        for subunit in self.subunits:
            if isinstance(subunit.structure, bpforms.BpForm):
                for i_repeat in range(subunit.stoichiometry):
                    if subunit.stoichiometry == 1:
                        polymer_labels[i_tot_subunit] = subunit.id
                        polymer_labels[i_tot_subunit] = '{} ({})'.format(subunit.id, i_repeat + 1)
                    polymer_idxs[(subunit.id, i_repeat)] = len(polymer_idxs)
                    i_tot_subunit += 1

        inter_crosslinks = []
        for crosslink in self.crosslinks:
            if len(crosslink.get_l_bond_atoms()) >= 1:
                l = crosslink.get_l_bond_atoms()[0]
                r = crosslink.get_r_bond_atoms()[0]

                l_subunit = polymer_idxs[(l.subunit, l.subunit_idx - 1)]
                r_subunit = polymer_idxs[(r.subunit, r.subunit_idx - 1)]

                if isinstance(crosslink, OntologyCrosslink):
                    tooltip = crosslink.type
                    tooltip = None

                    l_bond_atoms=[Atom(str(l_subunit), l.element, l.position, l.monomer)],
                    r_bond_atoms=[Atom(str(r_subunit), r.element, r.position, r.monomer)],

        seq_features = seq_features or []
        flat_seq_features = []
        for seq_feature in seq_features:
            flat_seq_feature = {
                'label': seq_feature['label'],
                'color': seq_feature['color'],
                'positions': {},
            for subunit in self.subunits:
                if subunit.id in seq_feature['positions']:
                    for i_repeat in range(subunit.stoichiometry):
                        flat_seq_feature['positions'][polymer_idxs[(subunit.id, i_repeat)]] = \

        return gen_genomic_viz(polymers, inter_crosslinks=inter_crosslinks,
                               polymer_labels=polymer_labels, seq_features=flat_seq_features,
                               width=width, cols=cols, nt_per_track=nt_per_track,

def get_hydrogen_atom(parent_atom, bonding_hydrogens, i_monomer):
    """ Get a hydrogen atom attached to a parent atom
        parent_atom (:obj:`openbabel.OBAtom`): parent atom
        bonding_hydrogens (:obj:`list`): hydrogens that have already been gotten
        i_monomer (:obj:`int`): index of parent monomer in sequence
        :obj:`openbabel.OBAtom`: hydrogen atom
    for other_atom in openbabel.OBAtomAtomIter(parent_atom):
        if other_atom.GetAtomicNum() == 1:
            tmp = (i_monomer, other_atom.GetIdx())
            if tmp not in bonding_hydrogens:  # hydrogen
                return other_atom
    return None

def draw_xlink(xlink_name, include_all_hydrogens=False, remove_hydrogens=True, show_atom_nums=False,
               l_color=0x00ea4e, r_color=0x00adef, bond_color=0xea4200,
               width=300, height=200, atom_label_font_size=0.6,
               image_format='png', include_xml_header=False):
    """ Generate an image of a crosslink

        xlink_name (:obj:`str`): name of xlink
        include_all_hydrogens (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, show all hydrogens
        remove_hydrogens (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, remove all hydrogens
        show_atom_nums (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, show atom numbers
        l_color (:obj:`int`, optional): color of left monomer
        r_color (:obj:`int`, optional): color of right monomer
        bond_color (:obj:`int`, optional): color of crosslinking bond
        width (:obj:`int`, optional): width
        height (:obj:`int`, optional): height
        atom_label_font_size (:obj:`float`, optional): relative font size of atom labels
        image_format (:obj:`str`, optional): format of image
        include_xml_header (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include XML header for SVG image

        :obj:`object`: image
        :obj:`KeyError`: Unknown crosslink id
        :obj:`ValueError`: Unknown monomer alphabet
    xlink_detail_dict = parse_yaml(_xlink_filename)
    if xlink_name in xlink_detail_dict:
        xlink_details = xlink_detail_dict[xlink_name]
        raise KeyError('Unknown crosslink id')

    # create the bcform
    form = BcForm()

    l_monomer_alphabet = xlink_details['l_monomer_alphabet']
    if l_monomer_alphabet == 'protein':
        l_monomer = bpforms.ProteinForm().from_str(xlink_details['l_monomer'])
    elif l_monomer_alphabet == 'dna':
        l_monomer = bpforms.DnaForm().from_str(xlink_details['l_monomer'])
    elif l_monomer_alphabet == 'rna':
        l_monomer = bpforms.RnaForm().from_str(xlink_details['l_monomer'])
        raise ValueError('Unknown monomer alphabet')

    r_monomer_alphabet = xlink_details['r_monomer_alphabet']
    if r_monomer_alphabet == 'protein':
        r_monomer = bpforms.ProteinForm().from_str(xlink_details['r_monomer'])
    elif r_monomer_alphabet == 'dna':
        r_monomer = bpforms.DnaForm().from_str(xlink_details['r_monomer'])
    elif r_monomer_alphabet == 'rna':
        r_monomer = bpforms.RnaForm().from_str(xlink_details['r_monomer'])
        raise ValueError('Unknown monomer alphabet')

    form.subunits.append(Subunit(id='l', stoichiometry=1, structure=l_monomer))
    form.subunits.append(Subunit(id='r', stoichiometry=1, structure=r_monomer))
    form.crosslinks.append(OntologyCrosslink(type=xlink_name, l_subunit='l', l_monomer=1, r_subunit='r', r_monomer=1))

    structure, atom_maps = form.get_structure()

    el_table = openbabel.OBElementTable()

    atom_labels = []
    for i_atom in atom_maps[0][1][1]['monomer'].values():
        if structure.GetAtom(i_atom).GetAtomicNum() > 1:
        'position': i_atom,
        'element': el_table.GetSymbol(structure.GetAtom(i_atom).GetAtomicNum()),
        'label': xlink_details['l_monomer'],
        'color': l_color})

    for i_atom in atom_maps[1][1][1]['monomer'].values():
        if structure.GetAtom(i_atom).GetAtomicNum() > 1:
        'position': i_atom,
        'element': el_table.GetSymbol(structure.GetAtom(i_atom).GetAtomicNum()),
        'label': xlink_details['r_monomer'],
        'color': r_color})

    atom_sets = []
    for monomer_atom_map, color in zip(atom_maps, [l_color, r_color]):
        positions = []
        elements = []
        for i_atom in monomer_atom_map[1][1]['monomer'].values():
            atom = structure.GetAtom(i_atom)
            if atom:
        atom_sets.append({'positions': positions, 'elements': elements, 'color': color})

    i_l_atom = atom_maps[0][1][1]['monomer'][form.crosslinks[0].get_l_bond_atoms()[0].position]
    i_r_atom = atom_maps[1][1][1]['monomer'][form.crosslinks[0].get_r_bond_atoms()[0].position]

    bond_sets = [{
        'positions': [[i_l_atom, i_r_atom]],
        'elements': [[
        'color': bond_color,

    if include_all_hydrogens:

    if remove_hydrogens:
        atom_refs = {}
        for i_atom in range(1, structure.NumAtoms() + 1):
            atom_refs[i_atom] = structure.GetAtom(i_atom)


        atoms = [atom for atom in openbabel.OBMolAtomIter(structure)]

        for label in atom_labels:
            label['position'] = atom_refs[label['position']].GetIdx()

        for atom_set in atom_sets:
            atom_set['positions'] = [atom_refs[position].GetIdx() for position in atom_set['positions'] if atom_refs[position] in atoms]
            atom_set['elements'] = [el_table.GetSymbol(structure.GetAtom(position).GetAtomicNum()) for position in atom_set['positions']]

        for bond_set in bond_sets:
            bond_set['positions'] = [[atom_refs[position[0]].GetIdx(), atom_refs[position[1]].GetIdx()]
                                     for position in bond_set['positions']]

    cml = OpenBabelUtils.export(structure, 'cml')

    if not draw_molecule:
        raise ImportError("ChemAxon Marvin must be installed")
    return draw_molecule(cml, 'cml', image_format=image_format,
                         atom_labels=atom_labels, atom_label_font_size=atom_label_font_size,
                         atom_sets=atom_sets, bond_sets=bond_sets,
                         width=width, height=height, include_xml_header=include_xml_header)