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from karr_lab_aws_manager.elasticsearch_kl import query_builder as es_query_builder
import numpy as np
import math
import json
import requests

class FTX(es_query_builder.QueryBuilder):

    def __init__(self, profile_name=None, credential_path=None,
                config_path=None, elastic_path=None,
                cache_dir=None, service_name='es', max_entries=float('inf'), verbose=False):
        super().__init__(profile_name=profile_name, credential_path=credential_path,
                config_path=config_path, elastic_path=elastic_path,
                cache_dir=cache_dir, service_name=service_name, max_entries=max_entries, verbose=verbose)

    def simple_query_string(self, query_message, index, **kwargs):
        ''' Perform simple_query_string in elasticsearch
                query_message (:obj:`str`): simple string for querying
                index (:obj:`str`): comma separated string to indicate indices in which query will be done
                **size (:obj:`int`): number of hits to be returned
                **from_ (:obj:`int`): starting offset (default: 0)
                **scroll (:obj:`str`): specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search
        body = self.build_simple_query_string_body(query_message, **kwargs)
        from_ = kwargs.get('from_', 0)
        size = kwargs.get('size', 10)
        es = self.build_es()
        r = es.search(index=index, body=json.dumps(body), from_=from_, size=size, explain=False,
        return r

    def bool_query(self, query_message, index, must=None, should=None, must_not=None, _filter=None, 
                   minimum_should_match=0, **kwargs):
        ''' Perform boolean query in elasticsearch
                query_message (:obj:`str`): simple string for querying
                index (:obj:`str`): comma separated string to indicate indices in which query will be done.
                must (:obj:`list` or :obj:`dict`, optional): Body for must. Defaults to None.
                _filter (:obj:`list` or :obj:`dict`, optional): Body for filter. Defaults to None.
                should (:obj:`list` or :obj:`dict`, optional): Body for should. Defaults to None.
                must_not (:obj:`list` or :obj:`dict`, optional): Body for must_not. Defaults to None.
                minimum_should_match (:obj:`int`): Specify the number or percentage of should clauses returned documents must match. Defaults to 0.
                **size (:obj:`int`): number of hits to be returned
                **from_ (:obj:`int`): starting offset (default: 0)
                **scroll (:obj:`str`): specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search
        simple_str_query_body = self.build_simple_query_string_body(query_message, **kwargs)
        part_must = simple_str_query_body['query']
        if must is None:
            must = part_must
        elif isinstance(must, dict):
            must = [must].append(part_must)
        body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must, should=should, _filter=_filter, must_not=must_not,
        from_ = kwargs.get('from_', 0)
        size = kwargs.get('size', 10)
        es = self.build_es()
        r = es.search(index=index, body=json.dumps(body), from_=from_, size=size, explain=False)
        return r

    def get_index_in_page(self, r, index):
        """Get indices in current hits page
            r (:obj:`dict`): ftx search result
            index (:obj:`list`): list of string of indices.

            (:obj:`dict`): obj of index hits {'index_0': [], 'index_1': []}
        result = {}
        for item in index:
            result[item] = []
        hits = r['hits']['hits']
        if hits == []:
            return result
            for hit in hits:
                if hit['_index'] in index:
                    hit['_source']['_score'] = hit['_score']
            return result

    def get_num_source(self, q, q_index, index, fields=['name', 'synonyms'], 
                        count=10, from_=0, batch_size=100):
        """Extract a count number of source (ecmdb, ymdb, metabolite_meta, etc) index
        from ftx search result
            q (:obj:`str`): ftx query message
            q_index (:obj:`str`): comma separated string to indicate indices in which query will be done
            index (:obj:`set`): set of index of interest (source collections)
            fields (:obj:`list`, optional): list of fields to query. Defaults to ['name', 'synonyms']
            count (:obj:`int`, optional): number of records required. Defaults to 0.
            from_ (:obj:`int`, optional): page start. Defaults to 0.
            batch_size (:obj:`int`, optional): ftx query page size. Defaults to 100.

            (:obj:`list`): list of hits of index
        result = []
        r_0 = self.simple_query_string(q, q_index, from_=from_, size=batch_size, fields=fields)
        total = r_0['hits']['total']['value']
        if total < count:
            count = total
        from_list = np.arange(from_, total, batch_size).tolist()
        iteration = 0
        while len(result) < count:
            r = self.simple_query_string(q, q_index, from_=from_list[iteration], size=batch_size, fields=fields)
            hits = r['hits']['hits']
            for hit in hits:
                if len(result) >= count:
                elif hit['_index'] in index:
            iteration += 1
        return result

    def get_single_index_count(self, q, index, num, 
                               excludes=[], includes=[],
        """Get single index up to num hits
            q (:obj:`str`): query message
            index (:obj:`str`): index in which query will be performed
            num (:obj:`int`): number of hits needed
            includes(:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of fields to be included in the data returned.
            excludes(:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of fields to be excluded from the data returned.

            (:obj:`dict`): obj of index hits {'index': []}
        result = {}
        result[index] = []
        _source = {}
        if excludes != []:
            _source["includes"] = includes
        if includes != []:
            _source["excludes"] = excludes
        body = self.build_simple_query_string_body(q, _source=_source, **kwargs)
        from_ = kwargs.get('from_', 0)
        r = self.build_es().search(index=index, body=body, size=num, from_=from_)
        hits = r['hits']['hits']
        result[index+'_total'] = r['hits']['total']
        if hits == []:
            result[index] = []
            return result
            for hit in hits:
                hit['_source']['_score'] = hit['_score']
            return result

    def get_index_ko_count(self, q, num, agg_field="frontend_gene_aggregate", index='protein', **kwargs):
        """Get protein index with different ko_number field for up to num hits.
            q (:obj:`str`): query message.
            num (:obj:`int`): number of hits needed.
            agg_field (:obj:`str`): field to be aggregated.
            index (:obj:`str`): name of index.
            **from_ (:obj:`int`): starting offset (default: 0).

            (:obj:`dict`): obj of index hits {'index': []}
        result = {}
        must_not = {"bool": {
                        "must_not": {
                            "exists": {
                                "field": agg_field
        aggregation = {
                        "top_kos": {
                            "terms": {
                                "field": agg_field,
                                "order": {
                                    "top_hit": "desc"
                                "missing": "N/A",
                                "size": num,                                
                            "aggs": {
                                "top_ko": {
                                    "top_hits": {'_source': {'includes': ['ko_number', 'ko_name', 'protein_name', 'definition', agg_field,
                                                                          'species_name', "orthodb_name", "orthodb_id", "uniprot_id"]}, 'size': 1}
                                "top_hit" : {
                                    "max": {
                                        "script": {
                                            "source": "_score"
        result[index] = []
        sqs_body = self.build_simple_query_string_body(q, **kwargs)
        must = sqs_body['query']
        # body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must, must_not=must_not)
        body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must)
        body['aggs'] = aggregation
        body['size'] = 0
        from_ = kwargs.get('from_', 0)
        r = self.build_es().search(index=index, body=body, size=num, from_=from_)
        return r['aggregations']
        # hits = r['hits']['hits']
        # if hits == []:
        #     result[index] = []
        #     return result
        # else:
        #     for hit in hits:
        #         hit['_source']['_score'] = hit['_score']
        #         result[index].append(hit['_source'])
        #     return result

    def get_genes_ko_count(self, q, num, agg_field="ko_number", **kwargs):
        """Get protein index with different ko_number field for up to num hits,
        provided at least one of the proteins under ko_number has abundance info.
            q (:obj:`str`): query message.
            num (:obj:`int`): number of hits needed.
            agg_field (:obj:`str`): field to be aggregated.
            **from_ (:obj:`int`): starting offset (default: 0).

            (:obj:`dict`): obj of index hits {'index': []}
        result = {}
        index = 'genes'
        must_not = {"bool": {
                        "must_not": {
                            "exists": {
                                "field": agg_field
        aggregation = {
                        "top_kos": {
                            "terms": {
                                "field": agg_field,
                                "order": {
                                    "top_hit": "desc"
                                "missing": "N/A",
                                "size": kwargs.get('from_', 0) + num                                
                            "aggs": {
                                "top_ko": {
                                    "top_hits": {'_source': {'includes': ['ko_number', 'ko_name', 'protein_name', 'definition', agg_field,
                                                                          'species_name']}, "size": 1}
                                "top_hit" : {
                                    "max": {
                                        "script": {
                                            "source": "_score"
                                "score_bucket_sort": {
                                        "sort": [{"top_hit.value": {"order": "desc"}}],
                                        "size": num,
                                        "from": kwargs.get('from_', 0)
                        "total_buckets": {'cardinality': {'field': agg_field, "missing": "N/A"}}
        result[index] = []
        sqs_body = self.build_simple_query_string_body(q, **kwargs)
        must = sqs_body['query']
        must = [must]
        # must.append({"exists": {"field": "abundances"}})
        # body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must, must_not=must_not)
        body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must)
        body['aggs'] = aggregation
        body['size'] = 0
        r = self.build_es().search(index=index, body=body)
        r_all = self.get_index_ko_count(q, num * 2, agg_field=agg_field, index=index, **kwargs)
        ko_abundance = set()
        ko_all = set()
        for i, s in enumerate(r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets']):
            r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets'][i]['key'] = [s['key'][i:i+6] for i in range(0, len(s['key']), 6)]    
        for bucket_abundance in r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets']:
        for bucket_all in r_all['top_kos']['buckets']:
        intersects = ko_abundance.intersection(ko_all)
        for s in r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets']:
            ko_str = s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'][agg_field]   # ko_str can be "K01234,K12345"
            # if ko_str in intersects and ko_str != 'nan':
            if ko_str != None:
                # s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['abundances'] = True
                s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'][agg_field] = [ko_str[i:i+6] for i in range(0, len(ko_str), 6)]
                # s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['abundances'] = False
                s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'][agg_field] = ["N/A"]
        return r['aggregations']

    def get_rxn_oi(self, query_message, minimum_should_match=0, from_=0,
        """Get reaction where at km or kcat exists.
            query_message (:obj:`str`): query message.
            minimum_should_match (:obj:`int`): specify the number or percentage of should clauses returned documents must match. Defaults to 0.
            from_ (:obj:`int`): es offset. Defaults to 0.
            size (:obj:`int`): es return size. Defaults to 10.
        result = {}
        should = [{"term": {"parameter.observed_name": "Km"}},
                  {"term": {"parameter.observed_name": "kcat"}}]
        r = self.bool_query(query_message, 'sabio_rk', should=should, minimum_should_match=minimum_should_match,
                            from_=from_, size=size)
        hits = r['hits']['hits']
        result['sabio_rk_total'] = r['hits']['total']
        result['sabio_rk'] = []
        if hits == []:
            return result
            for hit in hits:
                hit['_source']['_score'] = hit['_score']
            return result

    def get_genes_orthodb_count(self, q, num, agg_field="orthodb_id.keyword", **kwargs):
        """Get protein index with different ko_number field for up to num hits,
        provided at least one of the proteins under orthodb_id has abundance info.
            q (:obj:`str`): query message.
            num (:obj:`int`): number of hits needed.
            agg_field (:obj:`str`): field to be aggregated.
            **from_ (:obj:`int`): starting offset (default: 0).

            (:obj:`dict`): obj of index hits {'index': []}
        result = {}
        index = 'genes'
        must_not = {"bool": {
                        "must_not": {
                            "exists": {
                                "field": agg_field
        aggregation = {
                        "top_kos": {
                            "terms": {
                                "field": agg_field,
                                "order": {
                                    "top_hit": "desc"
                                "missing": "N/A",
                                "size": kwargs.get('from_', 0) + num                                
                            "aggs": {
                                "top_ko": {
                                    "top_hits": {'_source': {'includes': ['orthodb_id', 'orthodb_name', 'protein_name', 'definition', agg_field,
                                                                          'species_name', "uniprot_id"]}, "size": 1}
                                "top_hit" : {
                                    "max": {
                                        "script": {
                                            "source": "_score"
                                "score_bucket_sort": {
                                        "sort": [{"top_hit.value": {"order": "desc"}}],
                                        "size": num,
                                        "from": kwargs.get('from_', 0)
                        "total_buckets": {'cardinality': {'field': agg_field, "missing": "N/A"}}
        result[index] = []
        sqs_body = self.build_simple_query_string_body(q, **kwargs)
        must = sqs_body['query']
        must = [must]
        # must.append({"exists": {"field": "abundances"}})
        # body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must, must_not=must_not)
        body = self.build_bool_query_body(must=must)
        body['aggs'] = aggregation
        body['size'] = 0
        r = self.build_es().search(index=index, body=body)
        r_all = self.get_index_ko_count(q, num * 2, agg_field=agg_field, index=index, **kwargs)
        ko_abundance = set()
        ko_all = set()
        # for i, s in enumerate(r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets']):
        #     r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets'][i]['key'] = [s['key'][i:i+6] for i in range(0, len(s['key']), 6)]    
        for bucket_abundance in r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets']:
        for bucket_all in r_all['top_kos']['buckets']:
        intersects = ko_abundance.intersection(ko_all)
        for s in r['aggregations']['top_kos']['buckets']:
            ko_str = s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'].get(agg_field)   # ko_str can be "K01234,K12345"
            # if ko_str in intersects and ko_str != 'nan':
            if ko_str is None:
            #     # s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['abundances'] = True
            #     s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'][agg_field] = [ko_str[i:i+6] for i in range(0, len(ko_str), 6)]
            # else:
                # s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['abundances'] = False
                s['top_ko']['hits']['hits'][0]['_source'][agg_field] = ["N/A"]
        return r['aggregations']