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""" Stochastic simulation tutorial

:Author: Jonathan Karr <jonrkarr@gmail.com>
:Date: 2017-08-30
:Copyright: 2017, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

from matplotlib import colors
from matplotlib import pyplot
from numpy import linalg
from scipy import integrate
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib
import numpy
import os

OUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', 'docs', 'cell_modeling', 'simulation')
#:obj:`str`: directory to save graphs

class OdeSimulation(object):
    """ Represents an ODE simulation of mRNA and protein synthesis and degradation

        k_m (:obj:`float`): mRNA synthesis rate constant (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        k_n (:obj:`float`): protein synthesis rate constant (\ :sup:`-1`\  h\ :sup:`-1`)
        gamma_m (:obj:`float`): mRNA degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        gamma_n (:obj:`float`): protein degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        m_0 (:obj:`float`): initial mRNA number (molecules)
        n_0 (:obj:`float`): initial protein number (molecules)

    def __init__(self, k_m=5, k_n=20, gamma_m=numpy.log(2) * 60 / 3, gamma_n=numpy.log(2) / 10, m_0=1, n_0=98):
            k_m (:obj:`float`, optional): mRNA synthesis rate constant (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
            k_n (:obj:`float`, optional): protein synthesis rate constant (\ :sup:`-1`\  h\ :sup:`-1`)
            gamma_m (:obj:`float`, optional): mRNA degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
            gamma_n (:obj:`float`, optional): protein degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
            m_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial mRNA number (molecules)
            n_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial protein number (molecules)
        self.k_m = k_m
        self.k_n = k_n
        self.gamma_m = gamma_m
        self.gamma_n = gamma_n
        self.m_0 = m_0
        self.n_0 = n_0

    # reaction rates
    def r_m_syn(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the mRNA synthesis rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: mRNA synthesis rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return self.k_m

    def r_n_syn(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the protein synthesis rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: protein synthesis rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return m * self.k_n

    def r_m_deg(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the mRNA degradation rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: mRNA degradation rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return m * self.gamma_m

    def r_n_deg(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the protein degradation rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: protein degradation rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return n * self.gamma_n

    # species differentials
    def dm_dt(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the rate of change of mRNA

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: rate of change of mRNA (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return self.r_m_syn(m, n) - self.r_m_deg(m, n)

    def dn_dt(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the rate of change of proteins

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: rate of change of proteins (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return self.r_n_syn(m, n) - self.r_n_deg(m, n)

    # vector form
    def dx_dt(self, x):
        """ Calculate the rate of change of the system (mRNA and proteins)

            x (:obj:`numpy.array`): numbers of particles (tuple of mRNA and proteins numbers) (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: rate of change of the system (tuple of the rates of change of mRNA and proteins) (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        m = x[0]
        n = x[1]
        return numpy.array([self.dm_dt(m, n), self.dn_dt(m, n)])

    def x(self, m, n):
        """ Generate a vector of species numbers

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`numpy.array`: numbers of particles (tuple of mRNA and proteins numbers) (molecules)
        return numpy.array([m, n])

    def x_0(self):
        return numpy.array([self.m_0, self.n_0])
        # return (self.k_m - self.gamma_m * x[0], self.k_n * x[0] - self.gamma_n * x[1])

    def jacobian(self, x):
        """ Calculate the Jacobian of the system

            x (:obj:`numpy.array`): numbers of particles (tuple of mRNA and proteins numbers) (molecules)

            :obj:`numpy.array`: Jacobian (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return numpy.array([[-self.gamma_m, 0], [self.k_n, -self.gamma_n]])

    def plot_vector_field(self):
        """ Plot vector field

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure
        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)

        m, n = numpy.meshgrid(
            numpy.linspace(0, 3, 21),
            numpy.linspace(70, 130, 21))
        dm = numpy.array(list(map(self.dm_dt, m, n)))
        dn = numpy.array(list(map(self.dn_dt, m, n)))

        max_mag = numpy.max(numpy.power(dm, 2) + numpy.power(dn, 2))

        axes.quiver(m, n, dm / max_mag, dn / max_mag, pivot='mid')
        axes.set_xlim(m[0, (0, -1)])
        axes.set_ylim(n[(0, -1), 0])

        return fig

    def get_steady_state(self):
        """ Calculate the steady state

            :obj:`float`: steady-state mRNA number (molecules)
            :obj:`float`: steady-state protein number (molecules)
            :obj:`str`: stability of the steady state
        m = self.k_m / self.gamma_m
        n = self.k_n / self.gamma_n * self.k_m / self.gamma_m

        jacobian = self.jacobian(self.x(m, n))
        stability = self.get_steady_stability(jacobian)

        return (m, n, stability)

    def get_steady_stability(self, jacobian):
        """ Get the stability of a steady state

            jacobian (:obj:`numpy.ndarray`): jacobian of the model

            :obj:`str`: stability of the steady state
        w, _ = linalg.eig(jacobian)
        if numpy.all(numpy.imag(w) == 0):
            if numpy.all(w < 0):
                return 'stable sink'
            elif numpy.all(w > 0):
                return 'unstable source'
                return 'unstable saddle'
            if numpy.all(numpy.real(w) < 0):
                return 'stable spiral sink'
                return 'unstable spiral source'

    def simulate(self, t_0=0., t_end=100., t_step=1.):
        """ Run the simulation

            t_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial time (h)
            t_end (:obj:`float`, optional): end time (h)
            t_step (:obj:`float`, optional): period at which to record predicted mRNA and proteins (h)

                * :obj:`numpy.array`: simulation time (h)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted mRNA (molecules)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted proteins (molecules)
        assert ((t_end - t_0) / t_step % 1 == 0)
        t = numpy.linspace(t_0, t_end, int((t_end - t_0) / t_step) + 1)
        x = integrate.odeint(lambda x, t: self.dx_dt(x), self.x_0, t, Dfun=lambda x, t: self.jacobian(x))
        return (t, x[:, 0], x[:, 1])

    def plot_simulation_results(self, t, m, n):
        """ Plot simulation results

            t (:obj:`numpy.array`): simulation time (h)
            m (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted mRNA (molecules)
            n (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted proteins (molecules)

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure
        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)

        axes_m = axes
        axes_n = axes.twinx()

        axes_m.plot(t, m, 'g')
        axes_m.set_ylim([0.35, numpy.max(m)])
        axes_m.set_ylabel('mRNA', color='g')
        axes_m.tick_params('y', colors='g')

        axes_n.plot(t, n, 'b')
        axes_n.set_ylim([85, 105])
        axes_n.set_ylabel('Protein', color='b')
        axes_n.tick_params('y', colors='b')

        axes_m.set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
        axes_n.set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
        axes_m.set_xlabel('Time (h)')

        return fig

def deterministic_exercise():
    sim = OdeSimulation()

    # Write the system in vector form

    # Plot the vector field
    fig = sim.plot_vector_field()
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-deterministic-vector-field.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

    # Calculate the Jacobian

    # Calculate the critical point(s) and their stability
    m_ss, n_ss, stability = sim.get_steady_state()

    # Execute deterministic simulation
    t, m, n = sim.simulate(t_end=100, t_step=1)

    fig = sim.plot_simulation_results(t, m, n)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-deterministic-simulation.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

class CmeSimulation(object):
    """ Represents a CME simulation of mRNA and protein synthesis and degradation

        k_m (:obj:`float`): mRNA synthesis rate constant (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        k_n (:obj:`float`): protein synthesis rate constant (\ :sup:`-1`\  h\ :sup:`-1`)
        gamma_m (:obj:`float`): mRNA degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        gamma_n (:obj:`float`): protein degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        m_min (:obj:`int`): minimum mRNA copy number to simulate
        m_max (:obj:`int`): maximum protein copy number to simulate
        n_min (:obj:`int`): minimum mRNA copy number to simulate
        n_max (:obj:`int`): maximum protein copy number to simulate
        p_0 (:obj:`float`): matrix of initial probability of each combination of mRNA and protein number (dimensionless)

    def __init__(self,
                 k_m=5, k_n=20, gamma_m=numpy.log(2) * 60 / 3, gamma_n=numpy.log(2) / 10,
                 m_min=None, m_max=None, n_min=None, n_max=None,
            k_m (:obj:`float`, optional): mRNA synthesis rate constant (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
            k_n (:obj:`float`, optional): protein synthesis rate constant (\ :sup:`-1`\  h\ :sup:`-1`)
            gamma_m (:obj:`float`, optional): mRNA degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
            gamma_n (:obj:`float`, optional): protein degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
            m_min (:obj:`int`, optional): minimum mRNA copy number to simulate
            m_max (:obj:`int`, optional): maximum protein copy number to simulate
            n_min (:obj:`int`, optional): minimum mRNA copy number to simulate
            n_max (:obj:`int`, optional): maximum protein copy number to simulate
            p_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): matrix of initial probability of each (mRNA, protein) state (dimensionless)
        self.k_m = k_m
        self.k_n = k_n
        self.gamma_m = gamma_m
        self.gamma_n = gamma_n

        if m_min is None:
            m_min = int(max(0, numpy.floor(self.k_m / self.gamma_m - 4 * numpy.sqrt(self.k_m / self.gamma_m))))
        if m_max is None:
            m_max = int(numpy.ceil(self.k_m / self.gamma_m + 4 * numpy.sqrt(self.k_m / self.gamma_m)))
        if n_min is None:
            mean, var = stats.gamma.stats(self.k_m / self.gamma_n, scale=self.k_n / self.gamma_m)
            n_min = int(max(0, numpy.floor(mean - 4 * numpy.sqrt(var))))
        if n_max is None:
            mean, var = stats.gamma.stats(self.k_m / self.gamma_n, scale=self.k_n / self.gamma_m)
            n_max = int(numpy.ceil(mean + 4 * numpy.sqrt(var)))

        self.m_min = m_min
        self.m_max = m_max
        self.n_min = n_min
        self.n_max = n_max

        if p_0 is None:
            p_0 = numpy.zeros((m_max + 1, n_max + 1))
            p_0[0, 0] = 1
        self.p_0 = p_0

    def partial_vector_to_partial_matrix(self, vec):
        """ Convert a partial vector to a partial matrix

            vec (:obj:`numpy.array`): vector of size ((m_max - m_min + 1) * (n_max - n_min + 1), 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}

            :obj:`numpy.array`: matrix with size (m_max - m_min + 1, n_max - n_min + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}
        return vec.reshape((self.m_max - self.m_min + 1, self.n_max - self.n_min + 1))

    def partial_matrix_to_partial_vector(self, mat):
        """ Convert a partial matrix to a partial vector

            mat (:obj:`numpy.array`): matrix with size (m_max - m_min + 1, n_max - n_min + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}

            :obj:`numpy.array`: vector of size ((m_max - m_min + 1) * (n_max - n_min + 1), 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}
        return mat.flatten()

    def full_matrix_to_partial_matrix(self, full_matrix):
        """ Convert a full matrix to a partial vector

            full_matrix (:obj:`numpy.array`): matrix with size (m_max + 1, n_max + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {0 .. m_max} and protein = {0 .. n_max}

            :obj:`numpy.array`: matrix with size (m_max - m_min + 1, n_max - n_min + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}
        return full_matrix[self.m_min:, self.n_min:]

    def partial_matrix_to_full_matrix(self, partial_matrix):
        """ Convert a partial vector to a full matrix

            partial_matrix (:obj:`numpy.array`): matrix with size (m_max - m_min + 1, n_max - n_min + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}

            :obj:`numpy.array`: matrix with size (m_max + 1, n_max + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {0 .. m_max} and protein = {0 .. n_max}
        full_matrix = numpy.zeros((self.m_max + 1, self.n_max + 1))
        full_matrix[self.m_min:, self.n_min:] = partial_matrix
        return full_matrix

    def full_matrix_to_partial_vector(self, full_matrix):
        """ Convert a full matrix to a partial vector

            full_matrix (:obj:`numpy.array`): matrix with size (m_max + 1, n_max + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {0 .. m_max} and protein = {0 .. n_max}

            :obj:`numpy.array`: vector of size ((m_max - m_min + 1) * (n_max - n_min + 1), 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}
        part_matrix = self.full_matrix_to_partial_matrix(full_matrix)
        return self.partial_matrix_to_partial_vector(part_matrix)

    def partial_vector_to_full_matrix(self, partial_vector):
        """ Convert a partial vector to a full matrix

            partial_vector (:obj:`numpy.array`): vector of size ((m_max - m_min + 1) * (n_max - n_min + 1), 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}

            :obj:`numpy.array`: matrix with size (m_max + 1, n_max + 1) that represents
                mRNA = {0 .. m_max} and protein = {0 .. n_max}
        return self.partial_matrix_to_full_matrix(self.partial_vector_to_partial_matrix(partial_vector))

    def dp_dt(self, p_part_vec):
        """ Calculate the time derivative of the probability of each (mRNA, protein) state

            p_part_vec (:obj:`numpy.array`): vector of probability of each (mRNA, protein) state (dimensionless)

            :obj:`numpy.array`: vector of size ((m_max - m_min + 1) * (n_max - n_min + 1), 1) that represents
                mRNA = {m_min .. m_max} and protein = {n_min .. n_max}
        p_part_mat = self.partial_vector_to_partial_matrix(p_part_vec)

        dp_dt_part_mat = numpy.zeros(p_part_mat.shape)
        for i, m in enumerate(range(self.m_min, self.m_max + 1)):
            for j, n in enumerate(range(self.n_min, self.n_max + 1)):
                if m > self.m_min:
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i, j] += self.k_m * p_part_mat[i - 1, j]
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i - 1, j] -= self.k_m * p_part_mat[i - 1, j]

                if m < self.m_max:
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i, j] += self.gamma_m * (m + 1) * p_part_mat[i + 1, j]
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i + 1, j] -= self.gamma_m * (m + 1) * p_part_mat[i + 1, j]

                if n > self.n_min:
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i, j] += self.k_n * m * p_part_mat[i, j - 1]
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i, j - 1] -= self.k_n * m * p_part_mat[i, j - 1]

                if n < self.n_max:
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i, j] += self.gamma_n * (n + 1) * p_part_mat[i, j + 1]
                    dp_dt_part_mat[i, j + 1] -= self.gamma_n * (n + 1) * p_part_mat[i, j + 1]

        return self.partial_matrix_to_partial_vector(dp_dt_part_mat)

    def simulate(self, t_0=0., t_end=100., t_step=1.):
        """ Run the simulation

            t_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial time (h)
            t_end (:obj:`float`, optional): end time (h)
            t_step (:obj:`float`, optional): frequency at which to record predicted mRNA and proteins

                * :obj:`numpy.array`: simulation time (h)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted probability of each (mRNA, protein) state at each time point (dimensionless)
        assert ((t_end - t_0) / t_step % 1 == 0)

        t_eval = numpy.linspace(t_0, t_end, int((t_end - t_0) / t_step) + 1)

        result = integrate.solve_ivp(lambda t, p: self.dp_dt(p), (t_0, t_end),
                                    self.full_matrix_to_partial_vector(self.p_0), t_eval=t_eval,
                                    method='RK45', vectorized=True) # use RK45 to avoid segmentation fault caused by clash between jnius and LSODA
        assert result.success
        p = numpy.zeros((t_eval.size, self.p_0.shape[0], self.p_0.shape[1]))
        p[:, self.m_min:, self.n_min:] = numpy.transpose(
            result.y.reshape((self.m_max - self.m_min + 1, self.n_max - self.n_min + 1, t_eval.size)),
            (2, 0, 1))
        return (t_eval, p)

    def plot_simulation_results(self, t, p):
        """ Plot simulation results

            t (:obj:`numpy.array`): simulation time (h)
            p (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted probability of each (mRNA, protein) state at each time point (dimensionless)

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure
        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)

        # axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 0,  64], color='c', linestyle='-', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(0,  64))
        # axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 1,  64], color='c', linestyle=':', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(1,  64))
        axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 0,  98], color='r', linestyle='-', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(0,  98))
        axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 1,  98], color='r', linestyle=':', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(1,  98))
        axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 0, 101], color='g', linestyle='-', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(0, 101))
        axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 1, 101], color='g', linestyle=':', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(1, 101))
        axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 0, 104], color='b', linestyle='-', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(0, 104))
        axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 1, 104], color='b', linestyle=':', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(1, 104))
        # axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 0, 144], color='m', linestyle='-', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(0, 144))
        # axes.semilogy(t, p[:, 1, 144], color='m', linestyle=':', label='mRNA={}, Protein={}'.format(1, 144))

        axes.set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
        axes.set_xlabel('Time (h)')

        return fig

    def get_steady_state(self):
        """ Calculate the steady state probability distribution

            :obj:`numpy.array`: steay-state probability of each (mRNA, protein) state (dimensionless)
        part_mat_shape = (self.m_max - self.m_min + 1, self.n_max - self.n_min + 1)
        part_mat_size = part_mat_shape[0] * part_mat_shape[1]

        A = numpy.zeros((part_mat_size, part_mat_size))
        for i, m in enumerate(range(self.m_min, self.m_max + 1)):
            for j, n in enumerate(range(self.n_min, self.n_max + 1)):
                i_row = numpy.ravel_multi_index((i, j), part_mat_shape)

                if m > self.m_min:
                    i_col = numpy.ravel_multi_index((i - 1, j), part_mat_shape)
                    A[i_row, i_col] += self.k_m
                    A[i_col, i_col] -= self.k_m

                if m < self.m_max:
                    i_col = numpy.ravel_multi_index((i + 1, j), part_mat_shape)
                    A[i_row, i_col] += self.gamma_m * (m + 1)
                    A[i_col, i_col] -= self.gamma_m * (m + 1)

                if n > self.n_min:
                    i_col = numpy.ravel_multi_index((i, j - 1), part_mat_shape)
                    A[i_row, i_col] += self.k_n * m
                    A[i_col, i_col] -= self.k_n * m

                if n < self.n_max:
                    i_col = numpy.ravel_multi_index((i, j + 1), part_mat_shape)
                    A[i_row, i_col] += self.gamma_n * (n + 1)
                    A[i_col, i_col] -= self.gamma_n * (n + 1)

        # calculate null space
        u, s, vh = linalg.svd(A)
        atol = 1e-13
        rtol = 0
        tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0])
        nnz = (s >= tol).sum()
        p_part_vec = vh[nnz:].conj().T
        assert(p_part_vec.shape[1] == 1)
        assert(numpy.all(p_part_vec >= 0))
        p_part_vec = p_part_vec / numpy.sum(p_part_vec)
        return self.partial_vector_to_full_matrix(p_part_vec)

    def plot_probability_distribution(self, p):
        """ Plot steady state

            p (:obj:`numpy.array`): probability of each (mRNA, protein) state (dimensionless)

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure
        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)

        img = axes.imshow(numpy.flipud(self.full_matrix_to_partial_matrix(p).transpose()),
                          extent=(self.m_min - 0.5, self.m_max + 0.5, self.n_min - 0.5, self.n_max + 0.5),
        axes.set_xticks(numpy.arange(self.m_min, self.m_max + 1))
        axes.set_xlabel('mRNA (molecules)')
        axes.set_ylabel('Protein (molecules)')
        fig.colorbar(img, label='Probability')

        return fig

def probability_distribution_exercise():
    sim = CmeSimulation()

    # initial conditions
    sim.p_0[:] = 0
    sim.p_0[1, 98] = 1

    # Generate the master equation

    # Simulate the temporal dynamics
    t, p = sim.simulate(t_end=2., t_step=0.01)
    fig = sim.plot_simulation_results(t, p)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-probability-distribution-simulation.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

    # Calculate the steady state
    # calculate steady-state
    p_ss = sim.get_steady_state()

    # get mode
    mode_mn = numpy.argmax(p_ss.flatten())
    mode_m, mode_n = numpy.unravel_index(mode_mn, p_ss.shape)

    # plot
    fig = sim.plot_probability_distribution(p_ss)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-probability-distribution-steady-state.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

class SsaSimulation(object):
    """ Represents an SSA simulation of mRNA and protein synthesis and degradation

        k_m (:obj:`float`): mRNA synthesis rate constant (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        k_n (:obj:`float`): protein synthesis rate constant (\ :sup:`-1`\  h\ :sup:`-1`)
        gamma_m (:obj:`float`): mRNA degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        gamma_n (:obj:`float`): protein degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
        m_0 (:obj:`float`): initial mRNA number (molecules)
        n_0 (:obj:`float`): initial protein number (molecules)

    def __init__(self, k_m=5, k_n=20, gamma_m=numpy.log(2) * 60 / 3, gamma_n=numpy.log(2) / 10, m_0=1, n_0=98):
            k_m (:obj:`float`, optional): mRNA synthesis rate constant (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
            k_n (:obj:`float`, optional): protein synthesis rate constant (\ :sup:`-1`\  h\ :sup:`-1`)
            gamma_m (:obj:`float`, optional): mRNA degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
            gamma_n (:obj:`float`, optional): protein degradation rate constant (h\ :sup:`-1`)
            m_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial mRNA number (molecules)
            n_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial protein number (molecules)
        self.k_m = k_m
        self.k_n = k_n
        self.gamma_m = gamma_m
        self.gamma_n = gamma_n
        self.m_0 = m_0
        self.n_0 = n_0

    # reaction rates
    def r_m_syn(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the mRNA synthesis rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: mRNA synthesis rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return self.k_m

    def r_n_syn(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the protein synthesis rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: protein synthesis rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return m * self.k_n

    def r_m_deg(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the mRNA degradation rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: mRNA degradation rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return m * self.gamma_m

    def r_n_deg(self, m, n):
        """ Calculate the protein degradation rate

            m (:obj:`float`): mRNA number (molecules)
            n (:obj:`float`): protein number (molecules)

            :obj:`float`: protein degradation rate (molecules h\ :sup:`-1`)
        return n * self.gamma_n

    def sample_initial_conditions(self):
        """ Sample initial mRNA and protein copy numbers

                * :obj:`int`: initial mRNA copy number
                * :obj:`int`: initial protein copy number
        m = numpy.random.poisson(self.k_m / self.gamma_m)
        n = numpy.round(numpy.random.gamma(self.k_m / self.gamma_n, self.k_n / self.gamma_m))
        return (m, n)

    def simulate(self, t_0=0., t_end=100., t_step=1.):
        """ Run the simulation

            t_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial time (h)
            t_end (:obj:`float`, optional): end time (h)
            t_step (:obj:`float`, optional): frequency at which to record predicted mRNA and proteins

                * :obj:`numpy.array`: simulation time (h)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted mRNA (molecules)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted proteins (molecules)
        assert ((t_end - t_0) / t_step % 1 == 0)
        t_hist = numpy.linspace(t_0, t_end, int((t_end - t_0) / t_step) + 1)

        # data structure to store predicted copy numbers
        m_hist = numpy.full(t_hist.shape, self.m_0)
        n_hist = numpy.full(t_hist.shape, self.n_0)

        # initial conditions
        t = t_hist[0]
        m = self.m_0
        n = self.n_0

        # iterate over time
        while t < t_hist[-1]:
            # calculate reaction properties/rates
            propensities = numpy.array([
                self.r_m_syn(m, n),
                self.r_m_deg(m, n),
                self.r_n_syn(m, n),
                self.r_n_deg(m, n),
            total_propensity = numpy.sum(propensities)

            # select the length of the time step from an exponential distributuon
            dt = numpy.random.exponential(1. / total_propensity)

            # select the next reaction to fire
            i_reaction = numpy.random.choice(4, p=propensities / total_propensity)

            # update the time
            t += dt

            # update the copy numbers based on the selected reaction
            if i_reaction == 0:
                m += 1
            elif i_reaction == 1:
                m -= 1
            elif i_reaction == 2:
                n += 1
                n -= 1

            # store copy number history
            m_hist[t < t_hist] = m
            n_hist[t < t_hist] = n

        return (t_hist, m_hist, n_hist)

    def simulate_ensemble(self, n_trajectories=50, t_0=0., t_end=100., t_step=1.):
        """ Run multiple simulations

            n_trajectories (:obj:`int`, optional): number of simulation to run
            t_0 (:obj:`float`, optional): initial time (h)
            t_end (:obj:`float`, optional): end time (h)
            t_step (:obj:`float`, optional): frequency at which to record predicted mRNA and proteins

                * :obj:`numpy.array`: simulation time (h)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted mRNA (molecules)
                * :obj:`numpy.array`: predicted proteins (molecules)
        assert ((t_end - t_0) / t_step % 1 == 0)
        t = numpy.linspace(t_0, t_end, int((t_end - t_0) / t_step) + 1)
        m = numpy.zeros((t.size, n_trajectories))
        n = numpy.zeros((t.size, n_trajectories))
        for i_trajectory in range(n_trajectories):
            self.m_0, self.n_0 = self.sample_initial_conditions()
            _, m[:, i_trajectory], n[:, i_trajectory] = self.simulate(t_0=t_0, t_end=t_end, t_step=t_step)

        return (t, m, n)

    def plot_trajectories(self, t, m, n):
        """ Plot multiple trajectories

            t (:obj:`numpy.array`): simulation time (h)
            m (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted mRNA (molecules)
            n (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted proteins (molecules)

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure
        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)

        n_trajectories = m.shape[1]

        for i_trajectory in range(n_trajectories):
            if n_trajectories == 1:
                gray = 0.
                gray = 0.5 - 0.5 * i_trajectory / (n_trajectories - 1)
            axes[0].plot(t, m[:, i_trajectory], color=(gray, gray, gray))
            axes[1].plot(t, n[:, i_trajectory], color=(gray, gray, gray))

        axes[0].set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
        axes[1].set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))

        axes[0].set_ylim([0, numpy.max(m) + 1])
        axes[1].set_ylim([numpy.min(n) - 5, numpy.max(n) + 5])

        axes[1].set_xlabel('Time (h)')
        axes[0].set_ylabel('mRNA (molecules)')
        axes[1].set_ylabel('Protein (molecules)')

        return fig

    def plot_average_trajectory(self, t, m, n):
        """ Plot the average of multiple trajectories

            t (:obj:`numpy.array`): simulation time (h)
            m (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted mRNA (molecules)
            n (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted proteins (molecules)

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure

        m_percentiles = numpy.zeros((t.size, 7))
        n_percentiles = numpy.zeros((t.size, 7))
        for i, _ in enumerate(t):
            m_percentiles[i, :] = [
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 1),
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 5),
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 33.33),
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 50),
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 66.67),
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 95),
                numpy.percentile(m[i, :], 99),
            n_percentiles[i, :] = [
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 1),
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 5),
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 33.33),
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 50),
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 66.67),
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 95),
                numpy.percentile(n[i, :], 99),

        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)

        axes[0].plot(t, m_percentiles[:, 1], label=r'$-2 \sigma$')
        axes[0].plot(t, m_percentiles[:, 2], label=r'$-1 \sigma$')
        axes[0].plot(t, m_percentiles[:, 3], label=r'$0 \sigma$')
        axes[0].plot(t, m_percentiles[:, 4], label=r'$1 \sigma$')
        axes[0].plot(t, m_percentiles[:, 5], label=r'$2 \sigma$')

        axes[1].plot(t, n_percentiles[:, 1], label=r'$-2 \sigma$')
        axes[1].plot(t, n_percentiles[:, 2], label=r'$-1 \sigma$')
        axes[1].plot(t, n_percentiles[:, 3], label=r'$0 \sigma$')
        axes[1].plot(t, n_percentiles[:, 4], label=r'$1 \sigma$')
        axes[1].plot(t, n_percentiles[:, 5], label=r'$2 \sigma$')


        axes[0].set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))
        axes[1].set_xlim((t[0], t[-1]))

        axes[0].set_ylim([0, numpy.max(m) + 1])
        axes[1].set_ylim([numpy.min(n) - 5, numpy.max(n) + 5])

        axes[1].set_xlabel('Time (h)')
        axes[0].set_ylabel('mRNA (molecules)')
        axes[1].set_ylabel('Protein (molecules)')

        return fig

    def plot_mrna_protein_distribution(self, m, n):
        """ Plot the average of multiple trajectories

            m (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted mRNA (molecules)
            n (:obj:`numpy.array`): predicted proteins (molecules)

            :obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: figure
        fig, axes = pyplot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)

        kernel_m = stats.gaussian_kde(m.flatten())
        kernel_n = stats.gaussian_kde(n.flatten())
        m = range(int(numpy.min(m)), int(numpy.max(m)) + 1)
        n = range(int(numpy.min(n)), int(numpy.max(n)) + 1)
        p_m = kernel_m(m).T
        p_n = kernel_n(n).T
        p_m = p_m / numpy.sum(p_m)
        p_n = p_n / numpy.sum(p_n)

        axes[0].plot(m, p_m)
        axes[1].plot(n, p_n)

        axes[0].set_xlim((m[0], m[-1]))
        axes[1].set_xlim((n[0], n[-1]))

        axes[0].set_xlabel('mRNA (molecules)')
        axes[1].set_xlabel('Protein (molecules)')


        return fig

def trajectory_exercise():
    sim = SsaSimulation()

    # Implement SSA

    # Simulate one trajectory
    # seed random number generator

    # simulate
    t, m, n = sim.simulate_ensemble(1, t_end=5., t_step=0.001)

    # plot
    fig = sim.plot_trajectories(t, m, n)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-trajectory-simulation.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

    # Simulate several trajectories
    # simulate
    n_trajectories = 50
    t, m, n = sim.simulate_ensemble(n_trajectories, t_end=2., t_step=0.2)

    # plot
    fig = sim.plot_trajectories(t, m, n)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-trajectory-simulations.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

    # Plot the average of multiple trajectories
    fig = sim.plot_average_trajectory(t, m, n)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-trajectory-average.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')

    fig = sim.plot_mrna_protein_distribution(m, n)
    # fig.show()
    filename = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, 'mrna-and-protein-using-several-methods-trajectory-histogram.png')
    fig.savefig(filename, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')