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The following is a brief guide to installing the `ObjTables` Python API and command line program. The `Dockerfile <https://github.com/KarrLab/obj_tables/blob/master/Dockerfile>`_ in the `ObjTables` Git repository contains detailed instructions for how to install `ObjTables` in Ubuntu Linux.


First, install the following third-party packages:

* `ChemAxon Marvin <https://chemaxon.com/products/marvin>`_ (optional): to calculate major protonation and tautomerization states

    * `Java <https://www.java.com>`_ >= 1.8

* `Git <https://git-scm.com/>`_ (optional): to revision schemas and datasets
* `Graphviz <https://www.graphviz.org/>`_ (optional): to generate UML diagrams of schemas
* `Open Babel <https://openbabel.org>`_  (optional): to represent and validate chemical structures
* `Pip <https://pip.pypa.io>`_ >= 18.0
* `Python <https://www.python.org>`_ >= 3.6
* `SSH <https://www.ssh.com/ssh>`_ (optional): to use Git with SSH to revision schemas and datasets

To use ChemAxon Marvin, set ``JAVA_HOME`` to the path to your Java virtual machine (JVM) and add Marvin to the Java class path::

   export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java
   export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/chemaxon/marvinsuite/lib/MarvinBeans.jar

Installing the latest release from PyPI
Second, we recommend that users run the following command to install the latest release of `ObjTables` from PyPI::

    pip install obj_tables

Installing the latest revision from GitHub
We recommend that developers use the following commands to install the latest revision of `ObjTables` and its dependencies from GitHub::

    pip install git+https://github.com/KarrLab/pkg_utils.git#egg=pkg_utils
    pip install git+https://github.com/KarrLab/wc_utils.git#egg=wc_utils[chem]
    pip install git+https://github.com/KarrLab/bpforms.git#egg=bpforms
    pip install git+https://github.com/KarrLab/bcforms.git#egg=bcforms
    pip install git+https://github.com/KarrLab/obj_tables.git#egg=obj_tables

Installing the optional features
`ObjTables` includes several optional features:

* `bio`: Biology attributes for sequences, sequence features, and frequency position matrices (:py:mod:`obj_tables.bio`)
* `chem`: Chemistry attributes for chemical formulas and structures (:py:mod:`obj_tables.chem`)
* `grammar`: Encoding/decoding objects and their relationships into and out of individual cells in tables  (:py:mod:`obj_tables.grammary`)
* `math`: Mathematics attributes for arrays, tables, and symbolic expressions (:py:mod:`obj_tables.math`)
* `web`: Web service (:py:mod:`obj_tables.web_service`)
* `revisioning`: Revisioning schemas and data sets with Git  (:py:mod:`obj_tables.migrate`)
* `sci`: Science attributes for units, quantities, uncertainty, ontology terms, and references (:py:mod:`obj_tables.sci`)
* `viz`: Methods to generate UML diagrams of schemas (:py:meth:`obj_tables.utils.viz_schema`)

These features can be installed by installing `ObjTables` with the desired options. For example, the ``bio`` and ``chem`` features can installed by running one of the following commands::

    pip install obj_tables[bio,chem]
    pip install git+https://github.com/KarrLab/obj_tables.git#egg=obj_tables[bio,chem]

Configuring access to GitHub
To use the revisioning and migration features, developers must configure `ObjTables` to access GitHub.

* Install the revisioning features by running ``pip install obj_tables[revisioning]``.
* `Generate an API token for GitHub <https://docs.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token>`_.
* Create the directory ``~/.wc/`` (Ubuntu: ``/home/<username>/.wc``, Windows: ``c:\Users\<username>\.wc\``).
* Create the file ``~./wc/wc_utils.cfg`` with the following content::

            github_api_token = <GitHub API token>

* Follow these steps to configure SSH access GitHub:

    * Follow these `instructions <https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent>`_ to generate an SSH key and add it to your GitHub account
    * Create the file ``~/.gitconfig`` (Ubuntu: ``/home/<username>/.gitconfig``, Windows: ``c:\Users\<username>\.gitconfig\``) with the following content::

        [url "ssh://git@github.com/"]
            insteadOf = https://github.com/