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Test Coverage
!!ObjTables schema='SBtab' type='Data' tableFormat='row' class='Quantity' name='Quantity' date='2020-07-18 12:15:02' objTablesVersion='1.0.5' ionicStrength='0.1' ionicStrengthUnit='mM' pH='7.0' temperature='298.15' temperatureUnit='kelvin' unit='kJ/mol',,,,,,
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-766.9,47.4,0,R00002,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-15.8,0.4,0,R00004,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-78.8,15.2,0,R00005,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00011,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-19.6,8.8,0,R00013,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00014,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-1.2,5.2,0,R00016,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00017,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-0.8,15.6,0,R00018,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,12.6,13.0,0,R00019,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00023,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-28.3,7.5,0,R00024,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00025,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-14.6,3.1,0,R00028,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00029,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00033,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00034,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00041,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00044,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00047,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00052,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00056,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00057,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00060,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00061,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00068,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00072,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00073,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00074,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00075,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00076,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00077,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00080,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00081,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00082,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00083,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00095,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00097,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00099,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00100,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00101,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00106,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00107,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00108,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00109,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00111,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00132,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00138,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-0.1,16.1,0,R00140,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00141,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00143,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00145,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00146,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00148,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00152,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00162,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00164,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00165,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00166,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00167,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00168,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00169,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00170,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00172,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00177,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00178,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00179,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00180,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-12.2,2.8,0,R00185,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-4.8,7.3,0,R00195,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00196,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00197,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00198,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-29.0,4.1,0,R00203,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-28.0,4.1,0,R00205,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,19.6,1.0,0,R00206,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-158.9,10.4,0,R00207,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-54.1,1.1,0,R00208,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-35.3,6.4,0,R00209,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-34.4,6.4,0,R00210,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-168.8,10.3,0,R00211,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,21.2,3.0,0,R00212,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00213,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,13.0,6.2,0,R00214,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,22.3,10.3,0,R00215,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,14.0,6.2,0,R00216,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-17.3,6.2,0,R00217,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00218,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-28.7,1.8,0,R00220,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-27.7,5.8,0,R00221,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-28.9,3.5,0,R00223,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-18.3,6.5,0,R00224,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-17.0,2.4,0,R00228,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,3.6,0.8,0,R00229,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-17.8,6.3,0,R00233,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-4.5,0.8,0,R00235,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00236,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,26.4,4.5,0,R00239,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,24.3,4.5,0,R00241,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-43.6,4.0,0,R00245,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,38.9,0.7,0,R00248,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-6.9,6.2,0,R00251,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-15.0,1.6,0,R00253,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-27.4,6.5,0,R00259,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-25.0,6.9,0,R00261,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-7.4,4.7,0,R00262,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00263,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-35.2,4.0,0,R00264,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-26.3,7.7,0,R00265,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-15.5,7.8,0,R00268,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,0.3,4.7,0,R00269,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-28.4,5.4,0,R00271,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-18.9,6.7,0,R00272,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-165.0,15.4,0,R00273,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-310.0,6.6,0,R00274,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00275,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-96.7,17.0,0,R00277,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-111.0,16.8,0,R00278,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-96.1,9.3,0,R00279,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00280,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00281,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00282,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00283,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00284,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-29.6,7.5,0,R00287,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,0.0,1.1,0,R00289,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00294,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00295,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00296,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00297,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00298,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-17.3,0.9,0,R00299,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-3.4,2.2,0,R00300,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-4.6,4.1,0,R00301,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-126.4,8.9,0,R00302,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00305,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-12.9,3.7,0,R00306,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-0.1,0.6,0,R00307,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-272.1,1.6,0,R00308,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00310,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00311,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00312,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00313,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00314,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00316,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-22.8,4.7,0,R00321,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00322,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-57.2,4.2,0,R00324,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,2.2,2.3,0,R00325,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00326,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-28.4,4.6,0,R00327,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-23.0,2.4,0,R00328,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00329,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-2.5,2.6,0,R00330,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00331,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-3.4,2.4,0,R00332,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00333,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00334,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00336,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-35.3,3.9,0,R00340,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-4.2,1.4,0,R00344,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,36.7,6.2,0,R00345,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-0.5,2.9,0,R00353,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-97.5,9.1,0,R00359,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-103.1,8.3,0,R00360,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00361,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,4.6,0.9,0,R00362,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,5.7,5.8,0,R00363,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00364,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,46.0,3.2,0,R00365,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-87.4,8.8,0,R00366,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00367,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-8.3,3.3,0,R00369,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,38.5,4.1,0,R00371,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,8.0,3.2,0,R00372,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,5.2,3.2,0,R00373,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00374,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,187.1,7.3,0,R00375,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00376,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,511.2,9.9,0,R00377,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,691.0,10.3,0,R00378,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00380,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00383,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00384,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00385,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00387,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00388,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00389,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00390,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00391,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00392,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00393,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00394,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00395,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,35.0,5.8,0,R00398,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,34.7,7.2,0,R00399,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-3.1,1.4,0,R00400,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,0.0,2.0,0,R00401,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00423,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00536,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00540,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00543,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00595,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00596,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00597,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00598,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00616,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00621,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00623,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00624,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00626,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00627,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00628,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00629,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00630,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00631,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00634,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00635,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00636,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00637,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00638,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00639,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00640,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00645,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00785,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00787,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00789,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00793,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00799,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00804,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00808,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00811,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00828,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00829,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00857,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00861,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00863,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00864,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R00865,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01006,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01009,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01028,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01029,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01030,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01031,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01032,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01033,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01075,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01076,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01077,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01078,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01117,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01119,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01120,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-20.7,30.9,0,R01187,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01189,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01190,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01231,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01232,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01235,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01236,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01237,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01239,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01243,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01253,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01259,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01260,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01261,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01262,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01263,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01264,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01317,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01339,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01340,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01342,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01343,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01344,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01346,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01347,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01350,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01494,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01495,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01497,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01594,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01595,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01596,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01599,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01602,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01609,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01611,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01613,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01619,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01623,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01624,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01625,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01626,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-9.8,17.9,0,R01635,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01636,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01650,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01675,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01676,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01681,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01682,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01683,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01684,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01685,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01686,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01687,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01697,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01700,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01701,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01702,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01706,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,15.9,4.8,0,R01759,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01779,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01780,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01794,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01795,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01797,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01798,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01799,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01800,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01801,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01802,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01803,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01812,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01813,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01814,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01815,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01816,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01834,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01835,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01841,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01842,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01854,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01855,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01856,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01862,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01892,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01930,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01931,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01973,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01995,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01996,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01997,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01998,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R01999,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02012,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,37.4,7.7,0,R02019,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02026,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02027,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02029,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02030,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02040,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02041,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02042,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02052,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02053,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02054,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02055,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02056,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02057,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02110,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02112,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02115,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02132,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02133,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02135,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02157,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02161,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02183,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02209,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02210,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02213,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02214,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02215,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02242,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02250,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02251,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02320,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02337,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02350,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02351,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02365,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02366,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02374,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02375,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02396,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02397,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02398,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02418,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02420,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02433,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02434,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02436,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02446,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02447,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02460,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02467,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02477,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02478,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02480,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02504,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02535,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02543,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02566,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02573,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02592,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02598,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02599,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02617,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02618,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02619,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02620,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02621,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02622,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02623,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02624,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02625,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02626,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02627,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02628,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02630,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02631,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02632,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02633,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,20.6,5.3,0,R02640,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02644,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02651,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02654,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02662,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02663,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02667,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02671,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02687,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02688,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02689,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02691,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02692,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02693,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02694,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02716,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02717,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02718,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02746,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02758,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02767,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02768,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02769,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02770,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02791,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02792,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02793,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02798,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02808,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02809,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02811,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02814,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02815,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02816,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02817,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02819,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02820,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02821,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02822,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02823,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02824,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02826,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02827,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02828,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02829,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02832,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02834,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02836,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02837,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02838,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02839,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02840,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02841,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02843,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02846,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02847,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02851,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02854,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02858,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02859,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02860,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02861,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02862,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02863,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02864,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02873,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02875,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02876,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02880,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02882,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02884,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02885,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02893,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02904,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02905,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02932,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02945,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02961,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02982,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02987,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R02995,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03009,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03016,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03017,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03024,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03039,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03044,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03062,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03063,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03064,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03066,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03067,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03072,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03073,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03075,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03076,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03087,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03109,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03110,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03111,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03112,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03121,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03122,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03130,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03135,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03136,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03137,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03138,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03143,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03146,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03147,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03149,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03150,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03151,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03166,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03167,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03168,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03173,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03174,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03175,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03176,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03185,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03186,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03189,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03190,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03195,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03197,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03199,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03200,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03201,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03202,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03203,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03206,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03212,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03213,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03214,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03215,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03216,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-69.1,11.2,0,R03217,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03218,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03219,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03220,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03222,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03224,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03226,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03227,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03228,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03229,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03230,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03231,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03232,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03258,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03259,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03263,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03267,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03268,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03270,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03271,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03272,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03273,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03274,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03284,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03289,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03327,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03329,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03332,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03334,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03345,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03356,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03361,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03362,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03378,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03397,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03398,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03399,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03405,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03406,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03407,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03408,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03409,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03411,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03417,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03424,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03425,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03437,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03438,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03455,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03456,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03468,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03469,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03474,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03475,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03476,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03486,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03488,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03489,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03490,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03491,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03492,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03504,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03507,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03511,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03512,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03513,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03514,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03515,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03516,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03517,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03518,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03519,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03523,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03524,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03526,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03527,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03528,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03529,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03533,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03536,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03542,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03548,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03549,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03564,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03565,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03571,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03575,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03585,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03588,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03589,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03590,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03591,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03592,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03593,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03594,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03595,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03596,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03597,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03599,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03601,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03603,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03607,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03609,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03610,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03611,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03613,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03614,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03615,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03617,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03618,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03623,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03624,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03625,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03626,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03629,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03632,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03633,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03642,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03643,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03645,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03646,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03647,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03648,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03650,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03651,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03652,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03654,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03655,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03656,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03657,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03658,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03659,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03660,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03661,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03662,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03663,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03664,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03665,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-76.8,47.3,0,R03674,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03675,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03677,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03681,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03682,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03683,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03684,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03685,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03686,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03687,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03689,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03691,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03698,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03702,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03704,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03712,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03713,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03714,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03721,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03722,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03723,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03724,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03725,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03726,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03740,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03742,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03744,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03745,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03746,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03749,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03754,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03755,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03756,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03763,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03770,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03771,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03784,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03788,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03789,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03799,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03806,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03807,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03813,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03814,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03815,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03816,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03817,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03818,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03831,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03832,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03833,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03836,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03838,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03840,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03842,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03845,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03848,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03849,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03861,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03862,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03876,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03877,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03913,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03914,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03915,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03916,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03923,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03924,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03934,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03939,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03940,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03947,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03948,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03950,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03951,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03963,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03971,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03973,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03974,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03975,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03977,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03978,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03979,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03980,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03981,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03982,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03983,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03984,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03986,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03987,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R03993,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,35.7,13.5,0,R04006,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04007,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04009,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04010,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04011,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04012,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04013,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04014,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04015,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04016,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04017,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04018,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04019,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04020,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04021,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04022,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04023,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04024,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04026,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04033,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04034,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04035,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04036,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04037,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04040,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04041,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04047,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04048,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04059,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04063,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04072,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04076,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04094,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04099,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04416,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04421,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04423,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04427,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04430,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04431,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04432,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04433,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04436,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04437,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04449,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04450,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04451,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04452,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04455,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04459,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04460,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04462,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04463,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04471,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04472,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04473,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04474,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04477,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04481,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04486,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04487,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04493,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04494,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04507,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04512,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04513,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04514,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04634,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04636,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04693,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04734,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04834,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04835,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04836,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04837,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04838,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04840,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04842,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04843,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04844,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04845,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04846,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04847,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04849,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04850,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04852,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04853,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04854,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04855,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04856,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04859,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04860,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04861,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04863,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04864,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04866,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04867,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04868,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04869,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04878,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04887,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04922,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04929,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04930,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04931,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04932,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04934,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04941,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04942,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04944,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04945,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04946,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R04962,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05074,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05075,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05081,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05121,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05132,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05153,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05165,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05183,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05211,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05212,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05213,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05214,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05215,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05216,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05217,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05218,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05219,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05220,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05221,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05222,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05223,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05224,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05225,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05226,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05227,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05228,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05230,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05260,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05269,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05277,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05278,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05279,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05281,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05285,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05287,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-34.7,20.1,0,R05293,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05294,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05302,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05303,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05304,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05320,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05369,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05370,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05371,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05372,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05380,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05385,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05386,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05387,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05392,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05393,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05394,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05395,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05396,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05397,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05401,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05402,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05403,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05408,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05409,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05421,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05447,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05448,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05449,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05455,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05456,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05459,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05462,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05477,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05485,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05490,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05491,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05492,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05497,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05498,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05499,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05501,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05504,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05505,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05512,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05520,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05533,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05534,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05535,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05536,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05559,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05560,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05561,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05565,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05567,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05568,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05569,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05570,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05574,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05578,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05579,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05580,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05584,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05639,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05640,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-371.4,46.2,0,R05650,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05651,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05652,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-73.5,63.3,0,R05656,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05657,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05674,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05676,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05690,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05691,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05692,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05693,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05694,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05704,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05711,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05712,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05713,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05734,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05738,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05741,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05742,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05744,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05746,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05747,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05748,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05781,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05782,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05826,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05830,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05835,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05836,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05849,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R05886,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06196,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06351,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06352,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06353,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06354,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06355,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06356,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06357,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06358,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06359,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06361,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06363,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06364,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06365,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06370,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06372,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06373,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-360.7,23.5,0,R06389,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-46.5,14.1,0,R06392,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06401,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06402,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06403,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06404,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06405,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06406,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06435,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06439,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06456,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06457,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06466,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06467,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06468,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06469,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06470,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06471,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06472,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06473,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06474,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06475,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06476,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06477,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06478,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06479,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06480,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06481,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06482,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06483,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06484,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06485,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06486,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06487,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06488,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06489,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06490,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06491,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06492,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06493,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06494,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06495,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06496,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06497,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06498,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06499,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06501,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06518,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06519,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-16.3,21.3,0,R06521,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06523,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06528,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06529,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-52.4,61.9,0,R06533,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06535,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06536,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06537,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06538,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06539,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06541,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06542,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06543,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06544,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06545,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06546,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06547,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06548,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06549,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06550,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06551,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06553,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06554,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06558,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06559,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06560,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06561,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06562,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06563,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06564,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-449.6,7.7,0,R06573,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06575,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06576,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06577,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06578,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06591,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06598,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06599,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06600,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-78.5,26.8,0,R06605,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06607,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06612,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06614,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-52.4,45.9,0,R06615,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06618,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06619,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06627,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06637,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06641,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06642,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06643,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06644,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06645,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-14.4,111.1,0,R06660,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06662,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06664,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06667,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06668,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06672,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06673,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06674,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06675,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-43.6,115.8,0,R06692,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06715,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06716,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06717,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06718,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06719,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06725,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06726,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06727,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06728,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06729,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06730,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06731,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06732,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06733,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06734,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06735,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06736,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06737,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06738,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,203.3,25.1,0,R06741,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06742,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06745,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06746,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06747,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06748,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06749,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06750,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06751,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06752,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06753,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06754,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06755,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06756,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06760,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06761,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06764,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06765,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06766,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06767,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06768,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06769,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06770,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06771,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06772,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06773,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06774,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06775,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06776,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06777,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06778,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06793,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06794,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06795,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06796,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06797,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06798,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06803,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06804,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06805,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06806,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06807,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06808,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06809,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06810,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06811,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06812,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06813,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06814,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06815,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06816,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06817,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06818,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06819,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06822,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06823,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06825,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06833,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06834,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06862,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06863,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06953,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06968,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06970,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06971,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06972,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06981,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06993,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06996,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06997,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06998,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R06999,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07023,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07025,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07026,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07030,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07035,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07040,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07043,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07062,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07085,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07094,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07095,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07096,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07097,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07100,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07101,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07102,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07103,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07104,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07105,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,25.6,27.2,0,R07111,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07112,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07113,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07115,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07116,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07117,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07119,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07128,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07132,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07137,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07138,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07142,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07149,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07154,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07155,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07156,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07158,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07163,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07167,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07170,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07174,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07179,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07180,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07186,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07187,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07192,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07193,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07200,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07206,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07207,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07215,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07230,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07232,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07233,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07242,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07258,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07259,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07278,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07287,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07288,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07289,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07293,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07299,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07311,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07327,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07328,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07332,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07336,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07349,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07350,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07351,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07352,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07356,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07358,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07359,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07361,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07368,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07372,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07373,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07374,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07375,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07376,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07377,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07379,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07380,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07381,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07382,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07383,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07384,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07385,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07386,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07387,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07388,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07390,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07398,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07401,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07402,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07431,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07450,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07452,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07453,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07455,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07460,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07461,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07462,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07463,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07464,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07465,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07466,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07467,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07468,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07469,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07470,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07471,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07472,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07473,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07474,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07476,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07477,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07478,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07479,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07481,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07482,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07483,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07484,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07485,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07486,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07487,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07488,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07489,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07490,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07491,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07492,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07493,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07494,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07495,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07497,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07501,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07507,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07577,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07670,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07683,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07684,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07685,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07722,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07724,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07725,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07730,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07731,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07732,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07733,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07734,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07735,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07736,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07746,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07747,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07763,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07764,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07765,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07768,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07769,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07770,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07771,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07772,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07773,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07774,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07780,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07781,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07782,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07783,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07784,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07785,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07786,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07787,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07788,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07789,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07790,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07792,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07795,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07798,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07837,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07838,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07855,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07861,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07864,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07865,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07868,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07869,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07870,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07874,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07877,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07878,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07879,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07880,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07883,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07884,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07885,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07886,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07901,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07905,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07906,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07907,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07908,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07909,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07910,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07911,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07912,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07913,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07914,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07915,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07921,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07922,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07923,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07924,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07925,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07927,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07928,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07930,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R07933,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08121,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08132,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08133,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08134,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08219,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08220,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08224,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08225,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08226,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08227,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08228,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08235,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08236,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08237,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08240,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08241,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08242,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08243,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08244,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08245,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08246,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08249,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08250,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08251,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08255,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08256,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08257,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08258,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08259,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08260,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08261,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08262,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08263,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08264,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08265,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08266,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08277,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08278,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08280,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08281,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08282,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08285,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08286,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08287,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08291,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08292,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08469,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08576,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08577,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08578,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08579,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08584,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08585,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08589,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08590,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08603,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08604,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08605,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08606,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08607,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08608,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08613,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08622,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08653,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08654,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08655,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08656,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08660,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08661,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08662,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08663,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08666,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08667,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08668,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08669,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08670,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08671,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08672,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08673,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08674,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08675,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08682,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08683,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08684,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08685,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08693,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08701,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08702,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08726,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08727,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08728,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08733,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08734,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08735,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08738,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08739,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08740,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08743,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08744,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08745,False
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,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-60.2,29.6,0,R08756,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08758,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08759,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08760,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08761,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08762,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08763,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08765,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08775,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08776,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08777,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08778,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08779,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08780,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08781,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08784,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08785,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08788,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08789,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08790,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08791,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08792,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08794,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08795,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08804,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08826,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08827,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08828,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08829,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08841,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08842,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08852,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08853,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08854,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08866,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08867,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08868,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08869,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08870,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08871,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08872,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08873,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08874,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08875,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08876,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08877,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08888,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08907,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08908,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08909,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08913,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08914,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08915,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08916,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08917,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08940,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08941,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08942,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08943,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08944,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08945,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08949,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08950,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08953,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08954,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08955,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08957,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08958,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08959,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08960,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08961,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08963,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08964,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08965,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08970,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08972,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08973,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08974,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08975,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08976,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08977,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08978,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08980,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08981,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08992,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R08995,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09034,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09038,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09048,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09049,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09050,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09055,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09056,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09057,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09058,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09059,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09153,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09154,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09155,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09169,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09170,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09171,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09172,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09173,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09174,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09175,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09176,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09177,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09178,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09179,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09180,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09181,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09201,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09202,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09203,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09204,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09206,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09210,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09211,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09212,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09213,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09214,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09215,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09216,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09217,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09218,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09219,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09220,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09221,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09223,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09232,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09233,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09234,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09236,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09241,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09243,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09260,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09261,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09311,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09341,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09342,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09343,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09344,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09345,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09346,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09351,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09352,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09353,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09355,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09356,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09358,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09359,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09366,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09367,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09368,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09369,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09370,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09371,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09372,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09373,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09374,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09375,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09376,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09377,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09381,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09382,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09383,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09384,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09385,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09386,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09387,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09395,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09396,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09399,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09400,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09404,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09405,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09406,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09407,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09408,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09409,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09410,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09411,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09412,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09413,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09414,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09415,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09417,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09421,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09423,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09424,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09425,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09426,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09427,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09428,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09430,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09431,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09523,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09571,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09574,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09578,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09582,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09583,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09598,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09599,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09609,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09613,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09614,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09630,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09639,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09659,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09662,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09663,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09673,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09678,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09679,False
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uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09692,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09693,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-45.3,10.8,0,R09694,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,13.1,12.3,0,R09695,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-32.2,9.7,0,R09696,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-58.3,6.7,0,R09697,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09698,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09699,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09700,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09701,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,4.5,16.3,0,R09702,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09703,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09704,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-0.1,14.2,0,R09705,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,0.0,11.0,0,R09706,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,39.4,28.2,0,R09707,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-3.1,15.8,0,R09708,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09709,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09710,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09711,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09712,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-144.4,52.1,0,R09713,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09714,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-169.8,49.3,0,R09715,False
uncertainty is too high,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,,,0,R09716,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,1.5,5.4,0,R09717,False
,standard Gibbs energy of reaction,-5.0,7.4,0,R09718,False