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""" Reading/writing schema objects to/from files

* Comma separated values (.csv)
* XLSX (.xlsx)
* JavaScript Object Notation (.json)
* Tab separated values (.tsv)
* Yet Another Markup Language (.yaml, .yml)

:Author: Jonathan Karr <karr@mssm.edu>
:Author: Arthur Goldberg <Arthur.Goldberg@mssm.edu>
:Date: 2019-09-19
:Copyright: 2016-2019, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

import abc
import collections
import copy
import glob
import importlib
import inspect
import json
import obj_tables
import os
import pandas
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import wc_utils.workbook.io
import yaml
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import compress
from natsort import natsorted, ns
from os.path import basename, splitext
from warnings import warn
from obj_tables import utils
from obj_tables.core import (Model, Attribute, BaseRelatedAttribute, RelatedAttribute, Validator, TableFormat,
                             InvalidObject, xlsx_col_name,
                             InvalidAttribute, ObjTablesWarning,
                             SCHEMA_TABLE_TYPE, SCHEMA_SHEET_NAME,
                             TOC_TABLE_TYPE, TOC_SHEET_NAME)
from wc_utils.util.list import transpose, det_dedupe, dict_by_class
from wc_utils.util.misc import quote
from wc_utils.util.string import indent_forest
from wc_utils.workbook.core import get_column_letter
from wc_utils.workbook.io import WorksheetStyle, Hyperlink, WorksheetValidation, WorksheetValidationOrientation

class WriterBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """ Interface for classes which write model objects to file(s)

        MODELS (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`): default types of models to export and the order in which
            to export them

    MODELS = ()

    def run(self, path, objects, schema_name=None, doc_metadata=None, model_metadata=None, models=None,
            get_related=True, include_all_attributes=True, validate=True,
            title=None, description=None, keywords=None, version=None, language=None, creator=None,
            write_toc=True, write_schema=False, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
            extra_entries=0, group_objects_by_model=True, data_repo_metadata=False, schema_package=None,
        """ Write a list of model classes to an XLSX file, with one worksheet for each model, or to
            a set of .csv or .tsv files, with one file for each model.

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)
            objects (:obj:`Model` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): object or list of objects
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            model_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary that maps models to dictionary with their metadata to
                be saved to header row (e.g., ``!!ObjTables ...``)
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models
            get_related (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write object and all related objects
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data
            title (:obj:`str`, optional): title
            description (:obj:`str`, optional): description
            keywords (:obj:`str`, optional): keywords
            version (:obj:`str`, optional): version
            language (:obj:`str`, optional): language
            creator (:obj:`str`, optional): creator
            write_toc (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with table of contents
            write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with schema
            write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
            write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group objects by model
            data_repo_metadata (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, try to write metadata information
                about the file's Git repo; a warning will be generated if the repo repo is not
                current with origin, except for the file
            schema_package (:obj:`str`, optional): the package which defines the `ObjTables` schema
                used by the file; if not :obj:`None`, try to write metadata information about the
                the schema's Git repository: the repo must be current with origin
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        pass  # pragma: no cover

    def make_metadata_objects(self, data_repo_metadata, path, schema_package):
        """ Make models that store Git repository metadata

        Metadata models can only be created from suitable Git repos.
        Failures to obtain metadata are reported as warnings that do not interfeer with writing
        data files.

            data_repo_metadata (:obj:`bool`): if :obj:`True`, try to obtain metadata information
                about the Git repo containing :obj:`path`; the repo must be current with origin, except
                for the file at :obj:`path`
            path (:obj:`str`): path of the file(s) that will be written
            schema_package (:obj:`str`, optional): the package which defines the `ObjTables` schema
                used by the file; if not :obj:`None`, try to obtain metadata information about the
                the schema's Git repository from a package on :obj:`sys.path`: the repo must be current
                with its origin

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`: metadata objects(s) created
        metadata_objects = []
        if data_repo_metadata:
            from wc_utils.util import git

            # create DataRepoMetadata instance
                data_repo_metadata_obj = utils.DataRepoMetadata()
                unsuitable_changes = utils.set_git_repo_metadata_from_path(data_repo_metadata_obj,
                if unsuitable_changes:
                    warn("Git repo metadata for data repo was obtained; "
                         "Ensure that the data file '{}' doesn't depend on these changes in the git "
                         "repo containing it:\n{}".format(path, '\n'.join(unsuitable_changes)), IoWarning)

            except ValueError as e:
                warn("Cannot obtain git repo metadata for data repo containing: '{}':\n{}".format(
                    path, str(e)), IoWarning)

        if schema_package:
            from wc_utils.util import git

            # create SchemaRepoMetadata instance
                schema_repo_metadata = utils.SchemaRepoMetadata()
                spec = importlib.util.find_spec(schema_package)
                if not spec:
                    raise ValueError("package '{}' not found".format(schema_package))
                unsuitable_changes = utils.set_git_repo_metadata_from_path(schema_repo_metadata,
                if unsuitable_changes:
                    raise ValueError("Cannot gather metadata for schema repo from Git repo "
                                     "containing '{}':\n{}".format(path, '\n'.join(unsuitable_changes)))
            except ValueError as e:
                warn("Cannot obtain git repo metadata for schema repo '{}' used by data file: '{}':\n{}".format(
                    schema_package, path, str(e)), IoWarning)

        return metadata_objects

class JsonWriter(WriterBase):
    """ Write model objects to a JSON or YAML file """

    def run(self, path, objects, schema_name=None, doc_metadata=None, model_metadata=None,
            models=None, get_related=True, include_all_attributes=True,
            validate=True, title=None, description=None, keywords=None, version=None, language=None, creator=None,
            write_toc=False, write_schema=False, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
            extra_entries=0, group_objects_by_model=True,
            data_repo_metadata=False, schema_package=None, protected=False):
        """ Write a list of model classes to a JSON or YAML file

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)
            objects (:obj:`Model` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): object or list of objects
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            model_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary that maps models to dictionary with their metadata to
                be saved to header row (e.g., ``!!ObjTables ...``)
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models
            get_related (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write object and all related objects
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data
            title (:obj:`str`, optional): title
            description (:obj:`str`, optional): description
            keywords (:obj:`str`, optional): keywords
            version (:obj:`str`, optional): version
            language (:obj:`str`, optional): language
            creator (:obj:`str`, optional): creator
            write_toc (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with table of contents
            write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with schema
            write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
            write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group objects by model
            data_repo_metadata (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, try to write metadata information
                about the file's Git repo; the repo must be current with origin, except for the file
            schema_package (:obj:`str`, optional): the package which defines the `ObjTables` schema
                used by the file; if not :obj:`None`, try to write metadata information about the
                the schema's Git repository: the repo must be current with origin
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet

            :obj:`ValueError`: if model names are not unique or output format is not supported
        doc_metadata = doc_metadata or {}
        model_metadata = model_metadata or {}

        if models is None:
            models = self.MODELS
        if isinstance(models, (list, tuple)):
            models = list(models)
            models = [models]

        if not include_all_attributes:
            warn('`include_all_attributes=False` has no effect', IoWarning)

        # validate
        if objects and validate:
            error = Validator().run(objects, get_related=get_related)
            if error:
                warn('Some data will not be written because objects are not valid:\n  {}'.format(
                    str(error).replace('\n', '\n  ').rstrip()), IoWarning)

        # create metadata objects
        metadata_objects = self.make_metadata_objects(data_repo_metadata, path, schema_package)
        if metadata_objects:
            # put metadata instances at start of objects
            if isinstance(objects, Model):
                objects = [objects]
            objects = metadata_objects + objects

        # group objects by type
        if group_objects_by_model:
            all_models = set(models)
            if isinstance(objects, Model):
                objects = [objects]

            grouped_objects = {}
            for obj in objects:
                if obj.__class__.__name__ not in grouped_objects:
                    grouped_objects[obj.__class__.__name__] = []

            all_models = models + sorted(all_models - set(models), key=lambda model: model.__name__)
            objects = collections.OrderedDict((model.__name__, grouped_objects.get(model.__name__, [])) for model in all_models)

        # encode to json
        all_models = set(models)
        json_objects = Model.to_dict(objects, all_models)

        # add model metadata to JSON
        l_case_format = 'objTables'
        version = obj_tables.__version__

        json_objects['_documentMetadata'] = copy.copy(doc_metadata)
        if schema_name:
            json_objects['_documentMetadata']['schema'] = schema_name
        json_objects['_documentMetadata'][l_case_format + 'Version'] = version
        if 'date' not in json_objects['_documentMetadata']:
            now = datetime.now()
            json_objects['_documentMetadata']['date'] = '{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(
                now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

        json_objects['_classMetadata'] = {}
        for model in all_models:
            model_attrs = json_objects['_classMetadata'][model.__name__] = copy.copy(model_metadata.get(model, {}))

            if 'schema' in model_attrs:
            if 'type' in model_attrs:
            if 'tableFormat' in model_attrs:
            model_attrs['class'] = model.__name__
            model_attrs['name'] = model.Meta.verbose_name_plural
            if model.Meta.description:
                model_attrs['description'] = model.Meta.description
            if l_case_format + 'Version' in model_attrs:
                model_attrs.pop(l_case_format + 'Version')
            if 'date' in model_attrs:

        # save plain Python object to JSON or YAML
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()
        with open(path, 'w') as file:
            if ext == '.json':
                json.dump(json_objects, file)
            elif ext in ['.yaml', '.yml']:
                yaml.dump(json_objects, file, default_flow_style=False)
                raise ValueError('Unsupported format {}'.format(ext))

class WorkbookWriter(WriterBase):
    """ Write model objects to an XLSX file or CSV or TSV file(s)

    def run(self, path, objects, schema_name=None, doc_metadata=None, model_metadata=None,
            models=None, get_related=True, include_all_attributes=True, validate=True,
            title=None, description=None, keywords=None, version=None, language=None, creator=None,
            write_toc=True, write_schema=False, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
            extra_entries=0, group_objects_by_model=True, data_repo_metadata=False, schema_package=None,
        """ Write a list of model instances to an XLSX file, with one worksheet for each model class,
            or to a set of .csv or .tsv files, with one file for each model class

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)
            objects (:obj:`Model` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): :obj:`Model` instance or list of :obj:`Model` instances
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            model_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary that maps models to dictionary with their metadata to
                be saved to header row (e.g., ``!!ObjTables ...``)
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models in the order that they should
                appear as worksheets; all models which are not in :obj:`models` will
                follow in alphabetical order
            get_related (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write :obj:`objects` and all their related objects
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data
            title (:obj:`str`, optional): title
            description (:obj:`str`, optional): description
            keywords (:obj:`str`, optional): keywords
            version (:obj:`str`, optional): version
            language (:obj:`str`, optional): language
            creator (:obj:`str`, optional): creator
            write_toc (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with table of contents
            write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with schema
            write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
            write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group objects by model
            data_repo_metadata (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, try to write metadata information
                about the file's Git repo; the repo must be current with origin, except for the file
            schema_package (:obj:`str`, optional): the package which defines the `ObjTables` schema
                used by the file; if not :obj:`None`, try to write metadata information about the
                the schema's Git repository: the repo must be current with origin
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet

            :obj:`ValueError`: if no model is provided or a class cannot be serialized
        if objects is None:
            objects = []
        elif not isinstance(objects, (list, tuple)):
            objects = [objects]

        doc_metadata = doc_metadata or {}
        model_metadata = model_metadata or {}
        if 'date' not in doc_metadata:
            doc_metadata = copy.copy(doc_metadata)
            now = datetime.now()
            doc_metadata['date'] = '{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(
                now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
        date = doc_metadata['date']

        # get related objects
        all_objects = objects
        if get_related:
            all_objects = Model.get_all_related(objects)

        if validate:
            error = Validator().run(all_objects)
            if error:
                warn('Some data will not be written because objects are not valid:\n  {}'.format(
                    str(error).replace('\n', '\n  ').rstrip()), IoWarning)

        # create metadata objects
        metadata_objects = self.make_metadata_objects(data_repo_metadata, path, schema_package)
        if metadata_objects:

            # put metadata models at start of model list
            models = [obj.__class__ for obj in metadata_objects] + list(models)

        # group objects by class
        grouped_objects = dict_by_class(all_objects)

        # check that at least one model was provided
        if models is None:
            models = self.MODELS
        if isinstance(models, (list, tuple)):
            models = list(models)
            models = [models]
        for model in grouped_objects.keys():
            if model not in models:

        models = list(filter(lambda model: model.Meta.table_format not in [
                      TableFormat.cell, TableFormat.multiple_cells], models))

        if not models:
            raise ValueError('At least one `Model` must be provided')

        # check that models can be unambiguously mapped to worksheets
        sheet_names = []
        for model in models:
            if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:

        # check that models are serializble
        for cls in grouped_objects.keys():
            if not cls.is_serializable():
                module = cls.__module__ + '.'
                if module.startswith('schema_'):
                    module = ''
                raise ValueError(('Class {}{} cannot be serialized. '
                                  'Check that each of the related classes has a primary attribute and '
                                  'that the values of this attribute must be unique.'
                                  ).format(module, cls.__name__))

        # get neglected models
        unordered_models = natsorted(set(grouped_objects.keys()).difference(set(models)),
                                     lambda model: model.Meta.verbose_name, alg=ns.IGNORECASE)

        # initialize workbook
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        writer_cls = wc_utils.workbook.io.get_writer(ext)
        writer = writer_cls(path,
                            title=title, description=description, keywords=keywords,
                            version=version, language=language, creator=creator)

        # add table of contents to workbook
        all_models = models + unordered_models
        if write_toc:
            self.write_toc(writer, all_models, schema_name, date, doc_metadata,
                           grouped_objects, write_schema=write_schema, protected=protected)
            doc_metadata = None
        if write_schema:
            self.write_schema(writer, all_models, schema_name, date, doc_metadata, protected=protected)
            doc_metadata = None

        # add sheets to workbook
        sheet_models = list(filter(lambda model: model.Meta.table_format not in [
            TableFormat.cell, TableFormat.multiple_cells], all_models))
        encoded = {}
        if doc_metadata is not None:
            doc_metadata_model = sheet_models[0]
            doc_metadata_model = None
        for model in sheet_models:
            if model in grouped_objects:
                objects = grouped_objects[model]
                objects = []

            self.write_model(writer, model, objects, schema_name, date, doc_metadata, doc_metadata_model, model_metadata.get(model, {}),
                             sheet_models, include_all_attributes=include_all_attributes, encoded=encoded,
                             write_empty_models=write_empty_models, write_empty_cols=write_empty_cols,
                             extra_entries=extra_entries, protected=protected)
            doc_metadata = None

        # finalize workbook

    def write_schema(self, writer, models, name, date, doc_metadata, protected=True):
        """ Write a worksheet with a schema

            writer (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Writer`): io writer
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models in the order that they should
                appear in the table of contents
            name (:obj:`str`): name
            date (:obj:`str`): date
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        if isinstance(writer, wc_utils.workbook.io.ExcelWriter):
            sheet_name = '!!' + SCHEMA_SHEET_NAME
            sheet_name = SCHEMA_SHEET_NAME

        format = 'ObjTables'
        l_case_format = 'objTables'
        table_type = SCHEMA_TABLE_TYPE
        version = obj_tables.__version__

        content = []

        if doc_metadata is not None:
            content.append([format_doc_metadata(name, doc_metadata)])

        model_metadata_strs = ["!!{}".format(format),
                               "description='Table/model and column/attribute definitions'",
                               "{}Version='{}'".format(l_case_format, version),
        if name:
            model_metadata_strs.insert(3, "name='{}'".format(name))
        content.append([' '.join(model_metadata_strs)])

        headings = ['!Name', '!Type', '!Parent', '!Format', '!Verbose name', '!Verbose name plural', '!Description']

        related_models = set()
        for model in models:
        related_models -= set(models)
        related_models = sorted(related_models, key=lambda model: model.__name__)
        all_models = models + related_models

        model_attr_defs = []
        hyperlinks = []
        for i_model, model in enumerate(all_models):
                model.Meta.verbose_name or None,
                model.Meta.verbose_name_plural or None,
                model.Meta.description or None,
            if model.Meta.table_format in [TableFormat.row, TableFormat.column]:
                if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
                    ws_name = model.Meta.verbose_name_plural
                    ws_name = model.Meta.verbose_name
                hyperlinks.append(Hyperlink(len(model_attr_defs) + 1, 0,
                                            tip='Click to view {}'.format(ws_name.lower())))

            for attr in model.Meta.attributes.values():
                    attr.verbose_name or None,
                    attr.description or None,

            # add empty row
            if i_model < len(all_models) - 1:

        content += model_attr_defs

        style = WorksheetStyle(
            title_rows=1 + (doc_metadata is not None),

        writer.write_worksheet(sheet_name, content, style=style, protected=protected)

    def write_toc(self, writer, models, schema_name, date, doc_metadata, grouped_objects, write_schema=False, protected=True):
        """ Write a worksheet with a table of contents

            writer (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Writer`): io writer
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models in the order that they should
                appear in the table of contents
            schema_name (:obj:`str`): schema name
            date (:obj:`str`): date
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            grouped_objects (:obj:`dict`): dictionary which maps models
                to lists of instances of each model
            write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional row for worksheet with schema
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        if isinstance(writer, wc_utils.workbook.io.ExcelWriter):
            sheet_name = '!!' + TOC_SHEET_NAME
            sheet_name = TOC_SHEET_NAME
        table_type = TOC_TABLE_TYPE
        format = 'ObjTables'
        l_case_format = 'objTables'
        version = obj_tables.__version__

        content = []

        if doc_metadata is not None:
            content.append([format_doc_metadata(schema_name, doc_metadata)])

        model_metadata_strs = ["!!{}".format(format),
                               "description='Table of contents'",
                               "{}Version='{}'".format(l_case_format, version),
        if schema_name:
            model_metadata_strs.insert(1, "schema='{}'".format(schema_name))
        content.append([' '.join(model_metadata_strs)])

        headings = ['!Table', '!Description', '!Number of objects']

        hyperlinks = []

        if write_schema:
            content.append(['Schema', 'Table/model and column/attribute definitions', None])
            hyperlinks.append(Hyperlink(len(content) - 1, 0,
                                        tip='Click to view schema'))

        for i_model, model in enumerate(models):
            if model.Meta.table_format in [TableFormat.cell, TableFormat.multiple_cells]:

            if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
                ws_name = model.Meta.verbose_name_plural
                ws_name = model.Meta.verbose_name
            hyperlinks.append(Hyperlink(len(content), 0,
                                        tip='Click to view {}'.format(ws_name.lower())))

            count_val = len(grouped_objects.get(model, []))

        style = WorksheetStyle(
            title_rows=1 + (doc_metadata is not None),

        writer.write_worksheet(sheet_name, content, style=style, protected=protected)

    def write_model(self, writer, model, objects, schema_name, date, doc_metadata, doc_metadata_model, model_metadata, sheet_models,
                    include_all_attributes=True, encoded=None, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
                    extra_entries=0, protected=True):
        """ Write a list of model objects to a file

            writer (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Writer`): io writer
            model (:obj:`type`): model
            objects (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): list of instances of :obj:`Model`
            schema_name (:obj:`str`): schema name
            date (:obj:`str`): date
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            doc_metadata_model (:obj:`type`): model whose worksheet contains the document metadata
            model_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of model metadata
            sheet_models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): models encoded as separate sheets
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes
                including those not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            encoded (:obj:`dict`, optional): objects that have already been encoded and their assigned JSON identifiers
            write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
            write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        if not write_empty_models and not objects:

        attrs, _, headings, merge_ranges, field_validations, metadata_headings = get_fields(
            model, schema_name, date, doc_metadata, doc_metadata_model, model_metadata,

        # objects

        data = []
        for obj in objects:
            # comments
            for comment in obj._comments:
                data.append(['%/ ' + comment + ' /%'])

            # properties
            obj_data = []
            for attr in attrs:
                val = getattr(obj, attr.name)
                if isinstance(attr, RelatedAttribute):
                    if attr.related_class.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.multiple_cells:
                        sub_attrs = get_ordered_attributes(attr.related_class, include_all_attributes=include_all_attributes)
                        for sub_attr in sub_attrs:
                            if val:
                                sub_val = getattr(val, sub_attr.name)
                                if isinstance(sub_attr, RelatedAttribute):
                                    obj_data.append(sub_attr.serialize(sub_val, encoded=encoded))
                        obj_data.append(attr.serialize(getattr(obj, attr.name), encoded=encoded))
                    obj_data.append(attr.serialize(getattr(obj, attr.name)))

        # optionally, remove empty columns
        if not write_empty_cols:
            # find empty columns
            are_cols_empty = [True] * len(headings[0])
            for row in data:
                if len(row) == 1 and isinstance(row[0], str) and row[0].startswith('%/') and row[0].endswith('/%'):
                for i_col, cell in enumerate(row):
                    if cell not in ['', None]:
                        are_cols_empty[i_col] = False

            # remove empty columns
            reversed_enum_are_cols_empty = list(reversed(list(enumerate(are_cols_empty))))

            for rows in [headings, data]:
                for row in rows:
                    if len(row) == 1 and isinstance(row[0], str) and row[0].startswith('%/') and row[0].endswith('/%'):

                    for i_col, is_col_empty in reversed_enum_are_cols_empty:
                        if is_col_empty:

            merges = [None] * len(are_cols_empty)
            for i_merge, merge_range in enumerate(merge_ranges):
                merge_ranges[i_merge] = list(merge_range)
                _, start_col, _, end_col = merge_range
                for i_col in range(start_col, end_col + 1):
                    merges[i_col] = i_merge

            for i_col, is_col_empty in reversed_enum_are_cols_empty:
                if is_col_empty:

            for merge_range in merge_ranges:
                merge_range[1] = None
                merge_range[3] = None

            for i_col, i_merge in enumerate(merges):
                if i_merge is not None:
                    if merge_ranges[i_merge][1] is None:
                        merge_ranges[i_merge][1] = i_col
                        merge_ranges[i_merge][3] = i_col
                    merge_ranges[i_merge][1] = min(merge_ranges[i_merge][1], i_col)
                    merge_ranges[i_merge][3] = max(merge_ranges[i_merge][3], i_col)

            for merge_range in reversed(merge_ranges):
                if merge_range[1] is None:

        # validations
        if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.column:
            field_validations = [None] * len(metadata_headings) + field_validations
        validation = WorksheetValidation(orientation=WorksheetValidationOrientation[model.Meta.table_format.name],

        # write sheet for model to file
        self.write_sheet(writer, model, data, headings, metadata_headings, validation,
                         extra_entries=extra_entries, merge_ranges=merge_ranges, protected=protected)

    def write_sheet(self, writer, model, data, headings, metadata_headings, validation,
                    extra_entries=0, merge_ranges=None, protected=True):
        """ Write data to sheet

            writer (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Writer`): io writer
            model (:obj:`type`): model
            data (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`object`): list of list of cell values
            headings (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of list of row headings validations
            metadata_headings (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): model metadata (name, description)
                to print at the top of the worksheet
            validation (:obj:`WorksheetValidation`): validation
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            merge_ranges (:obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple`): list of ranges of cells to merge
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        style = self.create_worksheet_style(model, extra_entries=extra_entries)
        if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
            sheet_name = model.Meta.verbose_name_plural
            row_headings = []
            column_headings = headings
            style.auto_filter = True
            style.title_rows = len(metadata_headings)
            style.head_rows = len(column_headings)
            if merge_ranges:
                style.merge_ranges = merge_ranges
                style.merge_ranges = []
            sheet_name = model.Meta.verbose_name
            data = transpose(data)
            style.auto_filter = False
            row_headings = headings
            column_headings = []
            style.title_rows = len(metadata_headings)
            style.head_rows = 0
            style.head_columns = len(row_headings)
            if merge_ranges:
                n = len(metadata_headings)
                style.merge_ranges = [(start_col + n, start_row - n, end_col + n, end_row - n)
                                      for start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col in merge_ranges]
                style.merge_ranges = []

        # merge data, headings
        for i_row, row_heading in enumerate(transpose(row_headings)):
            if i_row < len(data):
                row = data[i_row]
                row = []

            for val in reversed(row_heading):
                row.insert(0, val)

        for _ in row_headings:
            for column_heading in column_headings:
                    0, None)  # pragma: no cover # unreachable because row_headings and column_headings cannot both be non-empty

        content = metadata_headings + column_headings + data

        # write content to worksheet
        if isinstance(writer, wc_utils.workbook.io.ExcelWriter):
            sheet_name = '!!' + sheet_name
        writer.write_worksheet(sheet_name, content, style=style, validation=validation, protected=protected)

    def create_worksheet_style(model, extra_entries=0):
        """ Create worksheet style for model

            model (:obj:`type`): model class
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display

            :obj:`WorksheetStyle`: worksheet style
        style = WorksheetStyle(

        if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
            style.extra_rows = extra_entries
            style.extra_columns = extra_entries

        return style

class PandasWriter(WorkbookWriter):
    """ Write model instances to a dictionary of :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`

        _data_frames (:obj:`dict`): dictionary that maps models (:obj:`Model`)
            to their instances (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`)

    def __init__(self):
        self._data_frames = None

    def run(self, objects, schema_name=None, models=None, get_related=True,
            include_all_attributes=True, validate=True,
        """ Write model instances to a dictionary of :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`

            objects (:obj:`Model` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): object or list of objects
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models in the order that they should
                appear as worksheets; all models which are not in :obj:`models` will
                follow in alphabetical order
            get_related (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write :obj:`objects` and all their related objects
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet

            :obj:`dict`: dictionary that maps models (:obj:`Model`) to their
                instances (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`)
        self._data_frames = {}
        super(PandasWriter, self).run('*.csv', objects,
                                      write_toc=False, write_schema=False,
        return self._data_frames

    def write_sheet(self, writer, model, data, headings, metadata_headings, validation,
                    extra_entries=0, merge_ranges=None, protected=False):
        """ Write data to sheet

            writer (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Writer`): io writer
            model (:obj:`type`): model
            data (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`object`): list of list of cell values
            headings (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of list of row headingsvalidations
            metadata_headings (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): model metadata (name, description)
                to print at the top of the worksheet
            validation (:obj:`WorksheetValidation`): validation
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            merge_ranges (:obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple`): list of ranges of cells to merge
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        if len(headings) == 1:
            columns = []
            for h in headings[0]:
            for row in headings:
                for i_cell, cell in enumerate(row):
                    if cell:
                        row[i_cell] = cell[1:]
            columns = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples(transpose(headings))

        self._data_frames[model] = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)

class MultiSeparatedValuesWriter(WriterBase):
    """ Write model objects to a single text file which contains multiple
    comma or tab-separated tables.

    def run(self, path, objects, schema_name=None, doc_metadata=None, model_metadata=None,
            models=None, get_related=True, include_all_attributes=True, validate=True,
            title=None, description=None, keywords=None, version=None, language=None, creator=None,
            write_toc=True, write_schema=False, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
            extra_entries=0, group_objects_by_model=True, data_repo_metadata=False, schema_package=None,
        """ Write model objects to a single text file which contains multiple
        comma or tab-separated tables.

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)
            objects (:obj:`Model` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): :obj:`Model` instance or list of :obj:`Model` instances
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            model_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary that maps models to dictionary with their metadata to
                be saved to header row (e.g., ``!!ObjTables ...``)
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models in the order that they should
                appear as worksheets; all models which are not in :obj:`models` will
                follow in alphabetical order
            get_related (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write :obj:`objects` and all their related objects
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data
            title (:obj:`str`, optional): title
            description (:obj:`str`, optional): description
            keywords (:obj:`str`, optional): keywords
            version (:obj:`str`, optional): version
            language (:obj:`str`, optional): language
            creator (:obj:`str`, optional): creator
            write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with schema
            write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
            write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
            write_toc (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with table of contents
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group objects by model
            data_repo_metadata (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, try to write metadata information
                about the file's Git repo; the repo must be current with origin, except for the file
            schema_package (:obj:`str`, optional): the package which defines the `ObjTables` schema
                used by the file; if not :obj:`None`, try to write metadata information about the
                the schema's Git repository: the repo must be current with origin
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet

            :obj:`ValueError`: if no model is provided or a class cannot be serialized
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()

        doc_metadata = doc_metadata or {}
        if 'date' not in doc_metadata:
            doc_metadata = copy.copy(doc_metadata)
            now = datetime.now()
            doc_metadata['date'] = '{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(
                now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)

        tmp_dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        tmp_paths = os.path.join(tmp_dirname, '*' + ext)
                             language=language, creator=creator,

        with open(path, 'w') as out_file:
            out_file.write(format_doc_metadata(schema_name, doc_metadata))

            all_tmp_paths = list(glob.glob(tmp_paths))
            sorted_tmp_paths = [
                os.path.join(tmp_dirname, TOC_SHEET_NAME + ext),
                os.path.join(tmp_dirname, SCHEMA_SHEET_NAME + ext),
            for model in models:
                if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
                    sorted_tmp_paths.append(os.path.join(tmp_dirname, model.Meta.verbose_name_plural + ext))
                elif model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.column:
                    sorted_tmp_paths.append(os.path.join(tmp_dirname, model.Meta.verbose_name + ext))
            for path in list(sorted_tmp_paths):
                if path not in all_tmp_paths:
            sorted_tmp_paths += sorted(set(all_tmp_paths) - set(sorted_tmp_paths))

            for i_path, tmp_path in enumerate(sorted_tmp_paths):
                with open(tmp_path, 'r') as in_file:
                    for line in in_file:
                        if not line.startswith('!!!'):
                if i_path < len(all_tmp_paths) - 1:


class Writer(WriterBase):
    """ Write a list of model objects to file(s) """

    def get_writer(path):
        """ Get writer

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)

            :obj:`type`: writer class

            :obj:`ValueError`: if extension is not supported
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()
        if ext in ['.csv', '.tsv'] and '*' not in path:
            return MultiSeparatedValuesWriter
        elif ext in ['.csv', '.tsv', '.xlsx']:
            return WorkbookWriter
        elif ext in ['.json', '.yaml', '.yml']:
            return JsonWriter
            raise ValueError('Invalid export format: {}'.format(ext))

    def run(self, path, objects, schema_name=None, doc_metadata=None, model_metadata=None,
            models=None, get_related=True, include_all_attributes=True, validate=True,
            title=None, description=None, keywords=None, version=None, language=None, creator=None,
            write_toc=True, write_schema=False, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
            extra_entries=0, group_objects_by_model=True, data_repo_metadata=False, schema_package=None,
        """ Write a list of model classes to an XLSX file, with one worksheet for each model, or to
            a set of .csv or .tsv files, with one file for each model.

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)
            objects (:obj:`Model` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`): object or list of objects
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
            model_metadata (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary that maps models to dictionary with their metadata to
                be saved to header row (e.g., ``!!ObjTables ...``)
            models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): models in the order that they should
                appear as worksheets; all models which are not in :obj:`models` will
                follow in alphabetical order
            get_related (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write :obj:`objects` and all related objects
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data
            title (:obj:`str`, optional): title
            description (:obj:`str`, optional): description
            keywords (:obj:`str`, optional): keywords
            version (:obj:`str`, optional): version
            language (:obj:`str`, optional): language
            creator (:obj:`str`, optional): creator
            write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with schema
            write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
            write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
            write_toc (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with table of contents
            extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group objects by model
            data_repo_metadata (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, try to write metadata information
                about the file's Git repo; the repo must be current with origin, except for the file
            schema_package (:obj:`str`, optional): the package which defines the `ObjTables` schema
                used by the file; if not :obj:`None`, try to write metadata information about the
                the schema's Git repository: the repo must be current with origin
            protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
        Writer = self.get_writer(path)
        Writer().run(path, objects, schema_name=schema_name,
                     doc_metadata=doc_metadata, model_metadata=model_metadata,
                     models=models, get_related=get_related,
                     include_all_attributes=include_all_attributes, validate=validate,
                     title=title, description=description, keywords=keywords,
                     language=language, creator=creator,
                     write_toc=write_toc, write_schema=write_schema,
                     write_empty_cols=write_empty_cols, extra_entries=extra_entries,
                     data_repo_metadata=data_repo_metadata, schema_package=schema_package,

class ReaderBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """ Interface for classes which write model objects to file(s)

        _doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of document metadata read from header row
                (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
        _model_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary which maps models (:obj:`Model`) to dictionaries of
            metadata read from a document (e.g., `!!ObjTables date='...' ...`)

        MODELS (:obj:`tuple` of :obj:`type`): default types of models to export and the order in which
            to export them

    MODELS = ()

    def __init__(self):
        self._doc_metadata = None
        self._model_metadata = None

    def run(self, path, schema_name=None, models=None,
            ignore_missing_models=False, ignore_extra_models=False,
            include_all_attributes=True, ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
            ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True,
            group_objects_by_model=True, validate=True):
        """ Read a list of model objects from file(s) and, optionally, validate them

            path (:obj:`str`): path to file(s)
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            models (:obj:`types.TypeType` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`types.TypeType`, optional): type
                of object to read or list of types of objects to read
            allow_multiple_sheets_per_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, allow multiple sheets per model
            ignore_missing_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a worksheet/
                file is missing for one or more models
            ignore_extra_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True` and all :obj:`models` are found, ignore
                other worksheets or files
            ignore_sheet_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the sheets to be provided
                in the canonical order
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a
                worksheet/file doesn't contain all of attributes in a model in :obj:`models`
            ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if
                attributes in the data are not in the model
            ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided
                in the canonical order
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group decoded objects by their
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data

            :obj:`dict`: model objects grouped by :obj:`Model` class
        pass  # pragma: no cover

class JsonReader(ReaderBase):
    """ Read model objects from a JSON or YAML file """

    def run(self, path, schema_name=None, models=None,
            ignore_missing_models=False, ignore_extra_models=False,
            include_all_attributes=True, ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
            ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True,
            group_objects_by_model=True, validate=True):
        """ Read model objects from file(s) and, optionally, validate them

            path (:obj:`str`): path to file(s)
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            models (:obj:`types.TypeType` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`types.TypeType`, optional): type or list
                of type of objects to read
            allow_multiple_sheets_per_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, allow multiple sheets per model
            ignore_missing_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a worksheet/
                file is missing for one or more models
            ignore_extra_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True` and all :obj:`models` are found, ignore
                other worksheets or files
            ignore_sheet_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the sheets to be provided
                in the canonical order
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a
                worksheet/file doesn't contain all of attributes in a model in :obj:`models`
            ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if
                attributes in the data are not in the model
            ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided
                in the canonical order
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group decoded objects by their
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data

            :obj:`dict`: model objects grouped by :obj:`Model` class

            :obj:`ValueError`: if the input format is not supported, model names are not unique, or the
                data is invalid
        # cast models to list
        if models is None:
            models = self.MODELS
        if not isinstance(models, (list, tuple)):
            models = [models]

        # read the JSON into standard Python objects (ints, floats, strings, lists, dicts, etc.)
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()
        with open(path, 'r') as file:
            if ext == '.json':
                json_objs = json.load(file)
            elif ext in ['.yaml', '.yml']:
                json_objs = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

                raise ValueError('Unsupported format {}'.format(ext))

        # read the objects
        if group_objects_by_model:
            output_format = 'dict'
            output_format = 'list'

        objs = Model.from_dict(json_objs, models, ignore_extra_models=ignore_extra_models, validate=validate,

        # read the metadata
        self._doc_metadata = {}
        self._model_metadata = {}
        if isinstance(json_objs, dict):
            self._doc_metadata = json_objs.get('_documentMetadata', {})
            assert not schema_name or self._doc_metadata.get('schema', schema_name) == schema_name, \
                "Schema must be '{}'".format(schema_name)

            all_models = set(models)
            for model in list(all_models):
            model_names = {model.__name__: model for model in all_models}
            self._model_metadata = {}
            for model_name, model_metadata in json_objs.get('_classMetadata', {}).items():
                model = model_names[model_name]
                self._model_metadata[model] = model_metadata

        # return the objects
        return objs

class WorkbookReader(ReaderBase):
    """ Read model objects from an XLSX file or CSV and TSV files """

    DOC_METADATA_PATTERN = r"^!!!ObjTables( +(.*?)=('((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)'|\"((?:[^\"\\]|\\.)*)\"))* *$"
    MODEL_METADATA_PATTERN = r"^!!ObjTables( +(.*?)=('((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)'|\"((?:[^\"\\]|\\.)*)\"))* *$"

    def run(self, path, schema_name=None, models=None,
            ignore_missing_models=False, ignore_extra_models=False,
            include_all_attributes=True, ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
            ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True,
            group_objects_by_model=True, validate=True):
        """ Read a list of model objects from file(s) and, optionally, validate them

        File(s) may be a single XLSX workbook with multiple worksheets or a set of delimeter
        separated files encoded by a single path with a glob pattern.

            path (:obj:`str`): path to file(s)
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            models (:obj:`types.TypeType` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`types.TypeType`, optional): type or list
                of type of objects to read
            allow_multiple_sheets_per_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, allow multiple sheets per model
            ignore_missing_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a worksheet/
                file is missing for one or more models
            ignore_extra_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True` and all :obj:`models` are found, ignore
                other worksheets or files
            ignore_sheet_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the sheets to be provided
                in the canonical order
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a
                worksheet/file doesn't contain all of attributes in a model in :obj:`models`
            ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if
                attributes in the data are not in the model
            ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided
                in the canonical order
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group decoded objects by their
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data

            :obj:`obj`: if :obj:`group_objects_by_model` set returns :obj:`dict`: of model objects grouped by :obj:`Model` class;
                else returns :obj:`list`: of all model objects

            :obj:`ValueError`: if

                * Sheets cannot be unambiguously mapped to models
                * The file(s) indicated by :obj:`path` is missing a sheet for a model and
                  :obj:`ignore_missing_models` is :obj:`False`
                * The file(s) indicated by :obj:`path` contains extra sheets that don't correspond to one
                  of :obj:`models` and :obj:`ignore_extra_models` is :obj:`False`
                * The worksheets are file(s) indicated by :obj:`path` are not in the canonical order and
                  :obj:`ignore_sheet_order` is :obj:`False`
                * Some models are not serializable
                * The data contains parsing errors found by :obj:`read_model`
        # detect extension
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()

        # initialize reader
        reader_cls = wc_utils.workbook.io.get_reader(ext)
        reader = reader_cls(path)

        # initialize reading
        self._doc_metadata = {}
        self._model_metadata = {}

        # check that at least one model is defined
        if models is None:
            models = self.MODELS
        if not isinstance(models, (list, tuple)):
            models = [models]

        # map sheet names to model names
        sheet_names = reader.get_sheet_names()

        model_name_to_sheet_name = collections.OrderedDict()
        sheet_name_to_model_name = collections.OrderedDict()
        for sheet_name in sheet_names:
            if ext == '.xlsx' and not sheet_name.startswith('!!'):

            data = reader.read_worksheet(sheet_name)
            doc_metadata, model_metadata, _ = self.read_worksheet_metadata(sheet_name, data)
            assert not schema_name or doc_metadata.get('schema', schema_name) == schema_name, \
                "Schema must be '{}'".format(schema_name)
            assert not schema_name or model_metadata.get('schema', schema_name) == schema_name, \
                "Schema must be '{}'".format(schema_name)
            if model_metadata['type'] != DOC_TABLE_TYPE:
            assert 'class' in model_metadata, 'Metadata for sheet "{}" must define the class.'.format(sheet_name)
            if model_metadata['class'] not in model_name_to_sheet_name:
                model_name_to_sheet_name[model_metadata['class']] = []
            sheet_name_to_model_name[sheet_name] = model_metadata['class']

        # drop metadata models unless they're requested
        ignore_model_names = []
        for metadata_model in (utils.DataRepoMetadata, utils.SchemaRepoMetadata):
            if metadata_model not in models:

        for ignore_model_name in ignore_model_names:
            model_name_to_sheet_name.pop(ignore_model_name, None)

        # build maps between sheet names and models
        model_name_to_model = {model.__name__: model for model in models}

        model_to_sheet_name = collections.OrderedDict()
        for model_name, sheet_names in model_name_to_sheet_name.items():
            model = model_name_to_model.get(model_name, None)
            if model:
                model_to_sheet_name[model] = sheet_names

        sheet_name_to_model = collections.OrderedDict()
        for sheet_name, model_name in sheet_name_to_model_name.items():
            sheet_name_to_model[sheet_name] = model_name_to_model.get(model_name, None)

        # optionally, check that each model has only 1 sheet
        if not allow_multiple_sheets_per_model:
            multiply_defined_models = []
            for model_name, sheet_names in model_name_to_sheet_name.items():
                if len(sheet_names) > 1:
            if multiply_defined_models:
                raise ValueError("Models '{}' should only have one table".format(
                    "', '".join(sorted(multiply_defined_models))))

        # optionally, check every models is defined
        if not ignore_missing_models:
            missing_models = []
            for model in models:
                if not inspect.isabstract(model) and \
                        model.Meta.table_format in [TableFormat.row, TableFormat.column] and \
                        model not in model_to_sheet_name:

            if missing_models:
                raise ValueError("Models '{}' must be defined".format(
                    "', '".join(sorted(missing_models))))

        # optionally, check no extra sheets are defined
        if not ignore_extra_models:
            extra_sheet_names = []
            for sheet_name, model in sheet_name_to_model.items():
                if not model:

            if ext == '.xlsx':
                prefix = '!!'
                prefix = ''
            extra_sheet_names = set(extra_sheet_names) - set([prefix + TOC_SHEET_NAME, prefix + SCHEMA_SHEET_NAME])
            if ext == '.xlsx':
                extra_sheet_names = [n[2:] for n in extra_sheet_names]

            if extra_sheet_names:
                raise ValueError("No matching models for worksheets with TableIds '{}' in {}".format(
                    "', '".join(sorted(extra_sheet_names)), os.path.basename(path)))

        # optionally, check the models are defined in the canonical order
        if ext == '.xlsx' and not ignore_sheet_order:
            expected_model_order = []
            for model in models:
                if model in model_to_sheet_name:

            if expected_model_order != list(model_to_sheet_name.keys()):
                raise ValueError('The sheets must be provided in this order:\n  {}'.format(
                    '\n  '.join(model.__name__ for model in expected_model_order)))

        # check that models are valid
        for model in models:

        # check that models are serializable
        for model in models:
            if not model.is_serializable():
                module = model.__module__ + '.'
                if module.startswith('schema_'):
                    module = ''
                raise ValueError(('Class {}{} cannot be serialized. '
                                  'Check that each of the related classes has a primary attribute and '
                                  'that the values of this attribute must be unique.'
                                  ).format(module, model.__name__))

        # read objects
        attributes = {}
        data = {}
        errors = {}
        objects = {}
        for model, sheet_names in model_to_sheet_name.items():
            attributes[model] = {}
            data[model] = {}
            objects[model] = {}

            for sheet_name in sheet_names:
                sheet_attributes, sheet_data, sheet_errors, sheet_objects = self.read_model(
                    reader, sheet_name, schema_name, model,

                if sheet_data:
                    attributes[model][sheet_name] = sheet_attributes
                    data[model][sheet_name] = sheet_data
                    objects[model][sheet_name] = sheet_objects

                if sheet_errors:
                    if model not in errors:
                        errors[model] = {}
                    errors[model][sheet_name] = sheet_errors

        if errors:
            forest = ["The data cannot be loaded because '{}' contains error(s):".format(basename(path))]
            for model, model_errors in errors.items():
                for sheet_errors in model_errors.values():
            raise ValueError(indent_forest(forest))

        # merge metadata across all tables of each model
        unmerged_model_metadata = self._model_metadata
        merged_model_metadata = {}
        errors = []
        for model, model_metadata in unmerged_model_metadata.items():
            merged_model_metadata[model] = {}
            for sheet_name, sheet_metadata in model_metadata.items():
                # ignore sheet-specific metadata
                if 'id' in sheet_metadata:

                # merge metadata across sheets
                for key, val in sheet_metadata.items():
                    if key in merged_model_metadata[model]:
                        if merged_model_metadata[model][key] != val:
                            errors.append('Attribute "{}" for model "{}" is not consistent'.format(
                                key, model.__name__, ))
                        merged_model_metadata[model][key] = val
        self._model_metadata = merged_model_metadata

        if errors:
            forest = ["The data cannot be loaded because '{}' contains error(s):".format(basename(path))]
            forest.append([['Model metadata must be consistent across each table:']])
            raise ValueError(indent_forest(forest))

        # for models with multiple tables, add a comment to the first instance from each table to indicate the table separations
        for model, model_objects in objects.items():
            if len(model_objects) > 1:
                for sheet_name, sheet_objects in model_objects.items():
                    sheet_objects[0]._comments.append('Source sheet: {}'.format(sheet_name))

        # link objects
        objects_by_primary_attribute = {}
        for model, model_objects in objects.items():
            objects_by_primary_attribute[model] = {}
            for sheet_objects in model_objects.values():
                for obj in sheet_objects:
                    primary_attr = obj.get_primary_attribute()
                    objects_by_primary_attribute[model][primary_attr] = obj

        decoded = {}
        errors = {}
        for model, model_objects in objects.items():
            for sheet_name in model_objects.keys():
                sheet_errors = self.link_model(model, attributes[model][sheet_name], data[model][sheet_name], objects[model][sheet_name],
                                               objects_by_primary_attribute, decoded=decoded)
            if sheet_errors:
                if model not in errors:
                    errors[model] = {}
                errors[model][sheet_name] = sheet_errors

        if errors:
            forest = ["The data cannot be loaded because '{}' contains error(s):".format(basename(path))]
            for model, model_errors in errors.items():
                for sheet_errors in model_errors.values():
            raise ValueError(indent_forest(forest))

        # convert to sets
        all_objects = {}
        for model, model_objects in objects.items():
            all_objects[model] = []
            for sheet_objects in model_objects.values():
        objects = all_objects

        for model in models:
            if model not in objects:
                objects[model] = []

        for model, model_objects in objects_by_primary_attribute.items():
            if model not in objects:
                objects[model] = []
            objects[model] = det_dedupe(objects[model] + list(model_objects.values()))

        # validate
        all_objects = []
        for model in models:

        if validate:
            errors = Validator().validate(all_objects)
            if errors:
                raise ValueError(
                    indent_forest(['The data cannot be loaded because it fails to validate:', [errors]]))

        # return
        if group_objects_by_model:
            return objects
            if all_objects:
                return all_objects
                return None

    def read_model(self, reader, sheet_name, schema_name, model, include_all_attributes=True,
                   ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
                   ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True,
        """ Instantiate a list of objects from data in a table in a file

            reader (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Reader`): reader
            sheet_name (:obj:`str`): sheet name
            schema_name (:obj:`str`): schema name
            model (:obj:`type`): the model describing the objects' schema
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if the worksheet/files
                don't have all of attributes in the model
            ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if attributes
                in the data are not in the model
            ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided in the
                canonical order
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data


                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`Attribute`: attribute order of :obj:`data`
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`object`: a two-dimensional nested list of object data
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: a list of parsing errors
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`: constructed model objects
        _, ext = splitext(reader.path)
        ext = ext.lower()

        # get worksheet
        exp_attrs, exp_sub_attrs, exp_headings, _, _, _ = get_fields(
            model, schema_name, '', {}, None, {}, include_all_attributes=include_all_attributes)
        if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
            data, _, headings, top_comments = self.read_sheet(model, reader, sheet_name,
            data, headings, _, top_comments = self.read_sheet(model, reader, sheet_name,
            data = transpose(data)

        if len(exp_headings) == 1:
            group_headings = [None] * len(headings[-1])
            group_headings = headings[0]

        attr_headings = headings[-1]

        # prohibit duplicate headers
        header_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        for group_heading, attr_heading in zip(group_headings, attr_headings):
            if group_heading is None:
                g = None
                g = group_heading.lower()

            if attr_heading is None:
            lower_attr_heading = attr_heading.lower()

            header_map[(g, lower_attr_heading)] += 1
        duplicate_headers = [x for x, y in header_map.items() if y > 1]
        if duplicate_headers:
            errors = []
            for dup_group, dup in duplicate_headers:
                errors.append("{}:'{}': Duplicate, case insensitive, headers: {}: {}".format(
                    basename(reader.path), sheet_name, dup_group, dup))
            return ([], [], errors, [])

        # acquire attributes by header order
        sub_attrs = []
        good_columns = []
        errors = []
        for idx, (group_heading, attr_heading) in enumerate(zip(group_headings, attr_headings), start=1):
            if not attr_heading or not attr_heading.startswith('!'):
            if group_heading:
                group_heading = group_heading[1:]
            if attr_heading:
                attr_heading = attr_heading[1:]

            group_attr, attr = utils.get_attribute_by_name(model, group_heading, attr_heading, case_insensitive=True)
            if not attr:
                group_attr, attr = utils.get_attribute_by_name(
                    model, group_heading, attr_heading, case_insensitive=True, verbose_name=True)

            if attr is None:
                if ignore_extra_attributes:
                    row, col, hdr_entries = self.header_row_col_names(idx, ext, model.Meta.table_format)
                    errors.append("Header '{}' in row {}, col {} does not match any attribute".format(
                        attr_heading, row, col))
                sub_attrs.append((group_attr, attr))


        if errors:
            return ([], [], errors, [])

        # optionally, check that all attributes have column headings
        if not ignore_missing_attributes:
            missing_sub_attrs = set(exp_sub_attrs).difference(set(sub_attrs))
            if missing_sub_attrs:
                msgs = []
                for missing_group_attr, missing_attr in missing_sub_attrs:
                    if missing_group_attr:
                        msgs.append(missing_group_attr.name + '.' + missing_attr.name)
                error = 'The following attributes must be defined:\n  {}'.format('\n  '.join(msgs))
                return ([], [], [error], [])

        # optionally, check that the attributes are defined in the canonical order
        if not ignore_attribute_order:
            canonical_sub_attrs = list(filter(lambda sub_attr: sub_attr in sub_attrs, exp_sub_attrs))
            if sub_attrs != canonical_sub_attrs:
                if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
                    table_format = 'columns'
                    table_format = 'rows'

                if len(exp_headings) == 1:
                    if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
                        msgs = ['{}1: {}'.format(get_column_letter(i + 1), a) for i, a in enumerate(exp_headings[0])]
                        msgs = ['A{}: {}'.format(i + 1, a) for i, a in enumerate(exp_headings[0])]
                    if model.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.row:
                        msgs = ['{}1: {}\n  {}2: {}'.format(get_column_letter(i + 1), g or '', get_column_letter(i + 1), a)
                                for i, (g, a) in enumerate(zip(exp_headings[0], exp_headings[1]))]
                        msgs = ['A{}: {}\n  B{}: {}'.format(i + 1, g or '', i + 1, a)
                                for i, (g, a) in enumerate(zip(exp_headings[0], exp_headings[1]))]

                error = "The {} of worksheet '{}' must be defined in this order:\n  {}".format(
                    table_format, sheet_name, '\n  '.join(msgs))
                return ([], [], [error], [])

        # save model location in file
        attribute_seq = []
        for group_heading, attr_heading in zip(group_headings, attr_headings):
            if not attr_heading or not attr_heading.startswith('!'):
            if group_heading:
                group_heading = group_heading[1:]
            if attr_heading:
                attr_heading = attr_heading[1:]

            group_attr, attr = utils.get_attribute_by_name(model, group_heading, attr_heading, case_insensitive=True)
            if not attr:
                group_attr, attr = utils.get_attribute_by_name(
                    model, group_heading, attr_heading, case_insensitive=True, verbose_name=True)
            if attr is None:
            elif group_attr is None:
                attribute_seq.append(group_attr.name + '.' + attr.name)

        # group comments with objects
        objs_comments = []
        obj_comments = top_comments
        for row in list(data):
            if row and isinstance(row[0], str) and \
                    row[0].startswith('%/') and row[0].endswith('/%') and \
                    not any(row[1:]):
                obj_comments = []
        if obj_comments:
            assert objs_comments, 'Each comment must be associated with a row.'

        # load the data into objects
        objects = []
        errors = []

        source_table_id = self._model_metadata[model][sheet_name].get('id', None)
        for row_num, (obj_data, obj_comments) in enumerate(zip(data, objs_comments), start=2):
            obj = model()
            obj._comments = obj_comments

            # save object location in file
            obj.set_source(reader.path, sheet_name, attribute_seq, row_num, table_id=source_table_id)

            obj_errors = []
            obj_data = list(compress(obj_data, good_columns))

            for (group_attr, sub_attr), attr_value in zip(sub_attrs, obj_data):
                    if not group_attr and not isinstance(sub_attr, RelatedAttribute):
                        value, deserialize_error = sub_attr.deserialize(attr_value)
                        validation_error = sub_attr.validate(sub_attr.__class__, value)
                        if deserialize_error or validation_error:
                            if deserialize_error:
                                deserialize_error.set_location_and_value(utils.source_report(obj, sub_attr.name),
                            if validation_error:
                                validation_error.set_location_and_value(utils.source_report(obj, sub_attr.name),
                        setattr(obj, sub_attr.name, value)

                except Exception as e:
                    error = InvalidAttribute(sub_attr, ["{}".format(e)])
                    error.set_location_and_value(utils.source_report(obj, sub_attr.name), attr_value)

            if obj_errors:
                errors.append(InvalidObject(obj, obj_errors))


        if not validate:
            errors = []
        return (sub_attrs, data, errors, objects)

    def read_sheet(self, model, reader, sheet_name, num_row_heading_columns=0, num_column_heading_rows=0,
                   ignore_empty_rows=False, ignore_empty_cols=False):
        """ Read worksheet or file into a two-dimensional list

            model (:obj:`type`): the model describing the objects' schema
            reader (:obj:`wc_utils.workbook.io.Reader`): reader
            sheet_name (:obj:`str`): worksheet name
            num_row_heading_columns (:obj:`int`, optional): number of columns of row headings
            num_column_heading_rows (:obj:`int`, optional): number of rows of column headings
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            ignore_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty columns


                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`list`: two-dimensional list of table values
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`list`: row headings
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`list`: column_headings
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: comments above column headings

            :obj:`ValueError`: if worksheet doesn't have header rows or columns
        data = reader.read_worksheet(sheet_name)

        # strip out rows with table name and description
        doc_metadata, model_metadata, top_comments = self.read_worksheet_metadata(sheet_name, data)

        if model not in self._model_metadata:
            self._model_metadata[model] = {}
        self._model_metadata[model][sheet_name] = model_metadata
        assert model_metadata['type'] == DOC_TABLE_TYPE, \
            "Type '{}' must be '{}'.".format(model_metadata['type'], DOC_TABLE_TYPE)
        assert 'tableFormat' not in model_metadata or model_metadata['tableFormat'] == model.Meta.table_format.name, \
            "Format of table '{}' must be undefined or '{}'.".format(model.Meta.verbose_name_plural, model.Meta.table_format.name)

        if len(data) < min(1, num_column_heading_rows):
            raise ValueError("Worksheet '{}' must have {} header row(s)".format(
                sheet_name, min(1, num_column_heading_rows)))

        if (num_row_heading_columns > 0 and len(data) == 0) or len(data[0]) < num_row_heading_columns:
            raise ValueError("Worksheet '{}' must have {} header column(s)".format(
                sheet_name, num_row_heading_columns))

        # separate header rows
        column_headings = []
        for i_row in range(num_column_heading_rows):
            if data and data[0] and any(isinstance(cell, str) and cell.startswith('!') for cell in data[0]):
                column_heading = data.pop(0)
                for i_cell, cell in enumerate(column_heading):
                    if isinstance(cell, str):
                        cell = cell.strip()
                        column_heading[i_cell] = cell
            elif column_headings:
                column_headings.insert(0, [None] * len(column_headings[0]))
                raise ValueError("Worksheet '{}' must have {} header rows(s)".format(sheet_name, num_row_heading_columns))

        # separate header columns
        row_headings = []
        for i_col in range(num_row_heading_columns):
            row_heading = []
            for row in data:
                cell = row.pop(0)
                if isinstance(cell, str):
                    cell = cell.strip()

            for column_heading in column_headings:
                column_heading.pop(0)  # pragma: no cover # unreachable because row_headings and column_headings cannot both be non-empty

        # remove empty rows and columns
        def remove_empty_rows(data):
            for row in list(data):
                empty = True
                for cell in row:
                    if cell not in ['', None]:
                        empty = False
                if empty:

        if ignore_empty_rows:

        if ignore_empty_cols:
            data = transpose(data)
            data = transpose(data)

        return (data, row_headings, column_headings, top_comments)

    def read_worksheet_metadata(cls, sheet_name, rows):
        """ Read worksheet metadata

            sheet_name (:obj:`str`): sheet name
            rows (:obj:`list`): rows


                * :obj:`dict`: dictionary of document properties
                * :obj:`dict`: dictionary of model properties
                * :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: comments
        format = 'ObjTables'
        # version = obj_tables.__version__

        doc_metadata_headings = []
        model_metadata_headings = []
        comments = []
        for row in list(rows):
            if not row or all(cell in ['', None] for cell in row):
            elif row and isinstance(row[0], str) and \
                    row[0].startswith('%/') and row[0].endswith('/%') and \
                    not any(row[1:]):
                comment = row[0][2:-2].strip()
                if comment:
            elif row and isinstance(row[0], str) and row[0].startswith('!!!'):
                if row[0].startswith('!!!' + format):
            elif row and isinstance(row[0], str) and row[0].startswith('!!'):
                if row[0].startswith('!!' + format):

        assert len(doc_metadata_headings) <= 1, \
            'document metadata in sheet "{}" must consist of a list of key-value pairs.'.format(sheet_name)
        assert len(model_metadata_headings) == 1 and model_metadata_headings[0].startswith('!!'), \
            'Sheet "{}" must contain metadata consisting of a list of key-value pairs.'.format(sheet_name)
        assert len(model_metadata_headings) == 1, \
            'Model metadata in sheet "{}" must consist of a list of key-value pairs.'.format(sheet_name)

        if doc_metadata_headings:
            doc_metadata_heading = doc_metadata_headings[0]
            assert re.match(cls.DOC_METADATA_PATTERN, doc_metadata_heading), \
                'Document metadata for sheet "{}" must consist of a list of key-value pairs.'.format(sheet_name)
            doc_metadata_heading = ''

        model_metadata_heading = model_metadata_headings[0]
        assert re.match(cls.MODEL_METADATA_PATTERN, model_metadata_heading), \
            'Model metadata for sheet "{}" must consist of a list of key-value pairs.'.format(sheet_name)

        doc_metadata = cls.parse_worksheet_heading_metadata(doc_metadata_heading, sheet_name=sheet_name)
        model_metadata = cls.parse_worksheet_heading_metadata(model_metadata_heading, sheet_name=sheet_name)
        # assert metadata.get(format + 'Version') == version, '{}Version for sheet "{}" must be {}'.format(
        #    format, sheet_name, version)

        return (doc_metadata, model_metadata, comments)

    def parse_worksheet_heading_metadata(cls, heading, sheet_name=None):
        """ Parse key-value pairs of metadata from heading

            heading (:obj:`str`): heading with key-value pairs of metadata
            sheet_name (:obj:`str`, optional): sheet name

            :obj:`dict`: dictionary of document metadata

            :obj:`ValueError`: if a key is repeated
        results = re.findall(r" +(.*?)=('((?:[^'\\]|\\.)*)'|\"((?:[^\"\\]|\\.)*)\")",
        metadata = {}
        for key, val, _, _ in results:
            val = val[1:-1]
            if key in metadata:
                raise ValueError('"{}" metadata {}cannot be repeated.'.format(
                    key, (f'for sheet "{sheet_name}" ' if sheet_name else '')))

            metadata[key] = val

        return metadata

    def merge_doc_metadata(self, metadata):
        """ Merge metadata into document metadata

            metadata (:obj:`dict`): meta data

            :obj:`ValueError`: if the meta data conflicts with existing document
        for key, val in metadata.items():
            if key in self._doc_metadata and self._doc_metadata[key] != val:
                raise ValueError('Tables must have consistent document metadata for key "{}"'.format(key))
            self._doc_metadata[key] = val

    def link_model(self, model, attributes, data, objects, objects_by_primary_attribute, decoded=None):
        """ Construct object graph

            model (:obj:`Model`): an :obj:`obj_tables.core.Model`
            attributes (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Attribute`): attribute order of :obj:`data`
            data (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`object`): nested list of object data
            objects (:obj:`list`): list of model objects in order of :obj:`data`
            objects_by_primary_attribute (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of model objects grouped by model
            decoded (:obj:`dict`, optional): dictionary of objects that have already been decoded

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`: list of parsing errors

        errors = []
        for obj_data, obj in zip(data, objects):
            for (group_attr, sub_attr), attr_value in zip(attributes, obj_data):
                if group_attr is None and isinstance(sub_attr, BaseRelatedAttribute):
                    value, error = sub_attr.deserialize(attr_value, objects_by_primary_attribute, decoded=decoded)
                    if error:
                        error.set_location_and_value(utils.source_report(obj, sub_attr.name), attr_value)
                        setattr(obj, sub_attr.name, value)

                elif group_attr and attr_value not in [None, '']:
                    if isinstance(sub_attr, BaseRelatedAttribute):
                        value, error = sub_attr.deserialize(attr_value, objects_by_primary_attribute, decoded=decoded)
                        value, error = sub_attr.deserialize(attr_value)

                    if error:
                        error.set_location_and_value(utils.source_report(obj, group_attr.name + '.' + sub_attr.name), attr_value)
                        sub_obj = getattr(obj, group_attr.name)
                        if not sub_obj:
                            sub_obj = group_attr.related_class()
                            setattr(obj, group_attr.name, sub_obj)
                        setattr(sub_obj, sub_attr.name, value)

            for attr in model.Meta.attributes.values():
                if isinstance(attr, RelatedAttribute) and attr.related_class.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.multiple_cells:
                    val = getattr(obj, attr.name)
                    if val:
                        if attr.related_class not in objects_by_primary_attribute:
                            objects_by_primary_attribute[attr.related_class] = {}
                        serialized_val = val.serialize()
                        same_val = objects_by_primary_attribute[attr.related_class].get(serialized_val, None)
                        if same_val:
                            for sub_attr in attr.related_class.Meta.attributes.values():
                                sub_val = getattr(val, sub_attr.name)
                                if isinstance(sub_val, list):
                                    setattr(val, sub_attr.name, [])
                                    setattr(val, sub_attr.name, None)

                            setattr(obj, attr.name, same_val)
                            objects_by_primary_attribute[attr.related_class][serialized_val] = val

        return errors

    def header_row_col_names(cls, index, file_ext, table_format):
        """ Determine row and column names for header entries.

            index (:obj:`int`): index in header sequence
            file_ext (:obj:`str`): extension for model file
            table_format (:obj:`TableFormat`): orientation of the stored table

            :obj:`tuple` of row, column, header_entries
        if table_format == TableFormat.row:
            row, col, hdr_entries = (1, index, 'column')
            row, col, hdr_entries = (index, 1, 'row')
        if 'xlsx' in file_ext:
            col = xlsx_col_name(col)
        return (row, col, hdr_entries)

    def get_model_sheet_name(cls, sheet_names, model):
        """ Get the name of the worksheet/file which corresponds to a model

            sheet_names (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): names of the sheets in the workbook/files
            model (:obj:`Model`): model

            :obj:`str`: name of sheet corresponding to the model or :obj:`None` if there is no sheet for the model

            :obj:`ValueError`: if the model matches more than one sheet
        used_sheet_names = []
        possible_sheet_names = cls.get_possible_model_sheet_names(model)
        for sheet_name in sheet_names:
            for possible_sheet_name in possible_sheet_names:
                if sheet_name.lower() == possible_sheet_name.lower():

        used_sheet_names = det_dedupe(used_sheet_names)
        if len(used_sheet_names) == 1:
            return used_sheet_names[0]
        if len(used_sheet_names) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Model {} matches multiple sheets'.format(model.__name__))
        return None

    def get_possible_model_sheet_names(cls, model):
        """ Return set of possible sheet names for a model

            model (:obj:`Model`): Model

            :obj:`set`: set of possible sheet names for a model
        return set(['!!' + model.__name__,
                    '!!' + model.Meta.verbose_name,
                    '!!' + model.Meta.verbose_name_plural])

class MultiSeparatedValuesReader(ReaderBase):
    """ Read a list of model objects from a single text file which contains
    multiple comma or tab-separated files

    def run(self, path, schema_name=None, models=None,
            ignore_missing_models=False, ignore_extra_models=False,
            include_all_attributes=True, ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
            ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True,
            group_objects_by_model=True, validate=True):
        """ Read a list of model objects from a single text file which contains
        multiple comma or tab-separated files

            path (:obj:`str`): path to file(s)
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            models (:obj:`types.TypeType` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`types.TypeType`, optional): type or list
                of type of objects to read
            allow_multiple_sheets_per_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, allow multiple sheets per model
            ignore_missing_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a worksheet/
                file is missing for one or more models
            ignore_extra_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True` and all :obj:`models` are found, ignore
                other worksheets or files
            ignore_sheet_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the sheets to be provided
                in the canonical order
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a
                worksheet/file doesn't contain all of attributes in a model in :obj:`models`
            ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if
                attributes in the data are not in the model
            ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided
                in the canonical order
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group decoded objects by their
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data

            :obj:`obj`: if :obj:`group_objects_by_model` set returns :obj:`dict`: of model objects grouped by :obj:`Model` class;
                else returns :obj:`list`: of all model objects

            :obj:`ValueError`: if :obj:`path` contains a glob pattern
        tmp_dirname = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()
        reader_cls = wc_utils.workbook.io.get_reader(ext)
        reader = reader_cls(path)

        i_sheet = 0
        i_sheet_start = 0
        i_sheet_class = {}
        last_sheet_metadata = None

        data = reader.read_worksheet('')

        if data and data[0] and isinstance(data[0][0], str):
            match = re.match(WorkbookReader.DOC_METADATA_PATTERN, data[0][0])
            if match:
                self._doc_metadata = WorkbookReader.parse_worksheet_heading_metadata(

        sheet_class = None
        sheet_id = None
        for i_row, row in enumerate(data):
            if row and isinstance(row[0], str):
                match = re.match(WorkbookReader.MODEL_METADATA_PATTERN, row[0])
                if match:
                    if i_sheet > 0:
                                          last_sheet_metadata, tmp_dirname, sheet_id, ext)
                    last_sheet_metadata = WorkbookReader.parse_worksheet_heading_metadata(
                        row[0], sheet_name=str(i_sheet + 1))
                    sheet_class = last_sheet_metadata.get('type', '') + '-' + last_sheet_metadata.get('class', '')
                    if sheet_class not in i_sheet_class:
                        i_sheet_class[sheet_class] = 0
                    sheet_id = str(i_sheet_class[sheet_class] + 1)
                    i_sheet_class[sheet_class] += 1
                    i_sheet += 1
                    i_sheet_start = i_row
                    if last_sheet_metadata.get('id', None):
                        sheet_id = last_sheet_metadata['id']

        if last_sheet_metadata is None:
            raise ValueError(path + ' must contain at least one table')
                          last_sheet_metadata, tmp_dirname, sheet_id, ext)

        wb_reader = WorkbookReader()
        objs = wb_reader.run(os.path.join(tmp_dirname, '*' + ext),
        self._model_metadata = wb_reader._model_metadata


        return objs

    def _write_model(data, metadata, dirname, sheet_id, ext):
        """ Write a model to a file

            data (:obj:`Worksheet`): instances of model represented as a table
            metadata (:obj:`dict`): metadata for model
            dirname (:obj:`str`): directory to save model
            sheet_id (:obj:`str`): sheet id
            ext (:obj:`str`): extension
        if metadata['type'] == DOC_TABLE_TYPE:
            filename = metadata['class']
            if sheet_id:
                filename += '-' + sheet_id
            tmp_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename + ext)
            wc_utils.workbook.io.write(tmp_path, {'': data})

class Reader(ReaderBase):
    def get_reader(path):
        """ Get the IO class whose :obj:`run` method can read the file(s) at :obj:`path`

            path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)

            :obj:`type`: reader class

            :obj:`ValueError`: if extension is not supported
        path = str(path)
        _, ext = splitext(path)
        ext = ext.lower()
        if ext in ['.csv', '.tsv'] and '*' not in path:
            return MultiSeparatedValuesReader
        elif ext in ['.csv', '.tsv', '.xlsx']:
            return WorkbookReader
        elif ext in ['.json', '.yaml', '.yml']:
            return JsonReader
            raise ValueError('Invalid export format: {}'.format(ext))

    def run(self, path, schema_name=None, models=None,
            ignore_missing_models=False, ignore_extra_models=False,
            include_all_attributes=True, ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
            ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True,
            group_objects_by_model=True, validate=True):
        """ Read a list of model objects from file(s) and, optionally, validate them

            path (:obj:`str`): path to file(s)
            schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
            models (:obj:`types.TypeType` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`types.TypeType`, optional): type
                of object to read or list of types of objects to read
            allow_multiple_sheets_per_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, allow multiple sheets per model
            ignore_missing_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a worksheet/
                file is missing for one or more models
            ignore_extra_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True` and all :obj:`models` are found, ignore
                other worksheets or files
            ignore_sheet_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the sheets to be provided
                in the canonical order
            include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
                not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
            ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a
                worksheet/file doesn't contain all of attributes in a model in :obj:`models`
            ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if
                attributes in the data are not in the model
            ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided
                in the canonical order
            ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
            group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group decoded objects by their
            validate (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, validate the data

            :obj:`obj`: if :obj:`group_objects_by_model` is set returns :obj:`dict`: model objects grouped
                by :obj:`Model` class, otherwise returns :obj:`list`: of model objects
        Reader = self.get_reader(path)
        reader = Reader()
        result = reader.run(path,
        self._doc_metadata = reader._doc_metadata
        self._model_metadata = reader._model_metadata
        return result

def convert(source, destination, schema_name=None, models=None,
            ignore_missing_models=False, ignore_extra_models=False,
            include_all_attributes=True, ignore_missing_attributes=False, ignore_extra_attributes=False,
            ignore_attribute_order=False, ignore_empty_rows=True, protected=True):
    """ Convert among comma-separated (.csv), XLSX (.xlsx), JavaScript Object Notation (.json),
    tab-separated (.tsv), and Yet Another Markup Language (.yaml, .yml) formats

        source (:obj:`str`): path to source file
        destination (:obj:`str`): path to save converted file
        schema_name (:obj:`str`, optional): schema name
        models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`type`): list of models
        allow_multiple_sheets_per_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, allow multiple sheets per model
        ignore_missing_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a worksheet/
            file is missing for one or more models
        ignore_extra_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True` and all :obj:`models` are found, ignore
            other worksheets or files
        ignore_sheet_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the sheets to be provided
            in the canonical order
        include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
            not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
        ignore_missing_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`False`, report an error if a
            worksheet/file doesn't contain all of attributes in a model in :obj:`models`
        ignore_extra_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not report errors if
            attributes in the data are not in the model
        ignore_attribute_order (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, do not require the attributes to be provided
            in the canonical order
        ignore_empty_rows (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, ignore empty rows
        protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
    reader = Reader.get_reader(source)()
    writer = Writer.get_writer(destination)()

    kwargs = {}
    if isinstance(reader, WorkbookReader):
        kwargs['allow_multiple_sheets_per_model'] = allow_multiple_sheets_per_model
        kwargs['ignore_missing_models'] = ignore_missing_models
        kwargs['ignore_extra_models'] = ignore_extra_models
        kwargs['ignore_sheet_order'] = ignore_sheet_order
        kwargs['include_all_attributes'] = include_all_attributes
        kwargs['ignore_missing_attributes'] = ignore_missing_attributes
        kwargs['ignore_extra_attributes'] = ignore_extra_attributes
        kwargs['ignore_attribute_order'] = ignore_attribute_order
        kwargs['ignore_empty_rows'] = ignore_empty_rows
    objects = reader.run(source, schema_name=schema_name, models=models, group_objects_by_model=False,

    writer.run(destination, objects,
               doc_metadata=reader._doc_metadata, model_metadata=reader._model_metadata,
               models=models, get_related=False, protected=protected)

def create_template(path, schema_name, models, title=None, description=None, keywords=None,
                    version=None, language=None, creator=None,
                    write_toc=True, write_schema=False, write_empty_models=True, write_empty_cols=True,
                    extra_entries=10, group_objects_by_model=True, protected=True):
    """ Create a template for a model

        path (:obj:`str`): path to write file(s)
        schema_name (:obj:`str`): schema name
        models (:obj:`list`): list of model, in the order that they should
            appear as worksheets; all models which are not in :obj:`models` will
            follow in alphabetical order
        title (:obj:`str`, optional): title
        description (:obj:`str`, optional): description
        keywords (:obj:`str`, optional): keywords
        version (:obj:`str`, optional): version
        language (:obj:`str`, optional): language
        creator (:obj:`str`, optional): creator
        write_schema (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with schema
        write_empty_models (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write models even when there are no instances
        write_empty_cols (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, write columns even when all values are :obj:`None`
        write_toc (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, include additional worksheet with table of contents
        extra_entries (:obj:`int`, optional): additional entries to display
        group_objects_by_model (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, group objects by model
        protected (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, protect the worksheet
    Writer.get_writer(path)().run(path, [], schema_name=schema_name, models=models,
                                  title=title, description=description, keywords=keywords,
                                  version=version, language=language, creator=creator,
                                  write_toc=write_toc, write_schema=write_schema,
                                  write_empty_models=write_empty_models, write_empty_cols=write_empty_cols,
                                  extra_entries=extra_entries, group_objects_by_model=group_objects_by_model,

def get_fields(cls, schema_name, date, doc_metadata, doc_metadata_model, model_metadata, include_all_attributes=True, sheet_models=None):
    """ Get the attributes, headings, and validation for a worksheet

        cls (:obj:`type`): Model type (subclass of :obj:`Model`)
        schema_name (:obj:`str`): schema name
        date (:obj:`str`): date
        doc_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of document metadata to be saved to header row
            (e.g., ``!!!ObjTables ...``)
        doc_metadata_model (:obj:`type`): model whose worksheet contains the document metadata
        model_metadata (:obj:`dict`): dictionary of model metadata
        include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
            not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`
        sheet_models (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Model`, optional): list of models encoded as separate worksheets; used
            to setup XLSX validation for related attributes


            * :obj:`list` of :obj:`Attribute`: Attributes of :obj:`cls` in the order they should be encoded as one or
              more columns in a worksheet. Attributes which define \*-to-one relationships to other classes which
              are encoded as multiple cells (:obj:`TableFormat.multiple_cells`) will be encoded as multiple
              columns. All other attributes will be encoded as a single column.

              This represents a nested tree of attributes.
              For classes which have \*-to-one relationships to other classes which are encoded as multiple cells, the tree
              has two levels. For all other classes, the tree only has a single level.

            * :obj:`list` of tuple of :obj:`Attribute`:
              Flattened representation of the first return value. This is a list of attributes of
              :obj:`cls` and attributes of classes related to :obj:`cls` by \*-to-one relationships that are encoded as multiple cells
              (:obj:`TableFormat.multiple_cells`), in the order they are encoded as columns in a worksheet.

              Each element of the list is a tuple.

                1. For attributes of :obj:`cls` that represent \*-to-one relationships to classes encoded
                   as multiple cells, the first element will be the attribute. This will be used to populate
                   a merged cell in Row 1 of the worksheet which represents the heading for the multiple
                   columns that encode the attributes of the related class. For all other attributes,
                   the first element will be :obj:`None`, and no value will be printed in Row 1.

                2. The second element will be the attribute that should be encoded in the column. For attributes that represent
                   \*-to-one relationships to related classes encoded as multiple cells, this will be an attribute of the
                   related class. For all other attributes, this will be an attribute of :obj:`cls`. This will be used to
                   populate the columns headings for the worksheet. For classes that have \*-to-one relationships with
                   classes encoded as multiple columns, the column headings will appear in Row 2 (and the group headings
                   specified by the first element of the tuple will be in Row 1). For all other classes, the column headings
                   will appear in Row 1.

            * :obj:`list`: field headings
            * :obj:`list`: list of field headings to merge
            * :obj:`list`: list of field validations
            * :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` :obj:`str`: model metadata (name and description)
                to print at the top of the worksheet
    # attribute order
    attrs = get_ordered_attributes(cls, include_all_attributes=include_all_attributes)

    # headings
    format = 'ObjTables'
    l_case_format = 'objTables'
    version = obj_tables.__version__
    metadata_headings = []

    # document metadata
    if doc_metadata is not None:
        metadata_headings.append([format_doc_metadata(schema_name, doc_metadata)])

    # model metadata
    model_metadata = dict(model_metadata)
    if schema_name:
        model_metadata['schema'] = schema_name
    model_metadata['type'] = DOC_TABLE_TYPE
    model_metadata['tableFormat'] = cls.Meta.table_format.name
    model_metadata['class'] = cls.__name__
    model_metadata['name'] = cls.Meta.verbose_name_plural
    model_metadata.pop('description', None)
    if cls.Meta.description:
        model_metadata['description'] = cls.Meta.description
    if 'date' not in model_metadata:
        model_metadata['date'] = date
    model_metadata[l_case_format + 'Version'] = version

    keys = ['schema', 'type', 'tableFormat', 'class', 'name', 'description', 'date', l_case_format + 'Version']
    keys += sorted(set(model_metadata.keys()) - set(keys))
    model_metadata_heading_list = ["{}='{}'".format(k, model_metadata[k].replace("'", "\'")) for k in keys if k in model_metadata]
    model_metadata_heading_list.insert(0, '!!' + format)
    metadata_headings.append([' '.join(model_metadata_heading_list)])

    # column labels
    sub_attrs = []
    has_group_headings = False
    group_headings = []
    attr_headings = []
    merge_ranges = []
    field_validations = []

    i_row = len(metadata_headings)
    i_col = 0
    for attr in attrs:
        if isinstance(attr, RelatedAttribute) and attr.related_class.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.multiple_cells:
            this_sub_attrs = get_ordered_attributes(attr.related_class, include_all_attributes=include_all_attributes)
            sub_attrs.extend([(attr, sub_attr) for sub_attr in this_sub_attrs])
            has_group_headings = True
            group_headings.extend(['!' + attr.verbose_name] * len(this_sub_attrs))
            attr_headings.extend(['!' + sub_attr.verbose_name for sub_attr in this_sub_attrs])
            merge_ranges.append((i_row, i_col, i_row, i_col + len(this_sub_attrs) - 1))
            i_col += len(this_sub_attrs)
                                                                   doc_metadata_model=doc_metadata_model) for sub_attr in this_sub_attrs])
            sub_attrs.append((None, attr))
            attr_headings.append('!' + attr.verbose_name)
            i_col += 1
            field_validations.append(attr.get_xlsx_validation(sheet_models=sheet_models, doc_metadata_model=doc_metadata_model))

    header_map = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for group_heading, attr_heading in zip(group_headings, attr_headings):
        header_map[((group_heading or '').lower(), attr_heading.lower())].append((group_heading, attr_heading))
    duplicate_headers = list(filter(lambda x: 1 < len(x), header_map.values()))
    if duplicate_headers:
        for dupes in duplicate_headers:
            str = ', '.join(map(lambda s: "'{}.{}'".format(s[0], s[1]), dupes))
            warn('Duplicate, case insensitive, header fields: {}'.format(str), IoWarning)

    headings = []
    if has_group_headings:

    return (attrs, sub_attrs, headings, merge_ranges, field_validations, metadata_headings)

def get_ordered_attributes(cls, include_all_attributes=True):
    """ Get the attributes for a class in the order that they should be printed

        cls (:obj:`type`): Model type (subclass of :obj:`Model`)
        include_all_attributes (:obj:`bool`, optional): if :obj:`True`, export all attributes including those
            not explictly included in :obj:`Model.Meta.attribute_order`

        :obj:`list` of :obj:`Attribute`: attributes in the order they should be printed
    # get names of attributes in desired order
    attr_names = cls.Meta.attribute_order

    if include_all_attributes:
        ordered_attr_names = attr_names

        unordered_attr_names = set()
        for base in cls.Meta.inheritance:
            for attr_name in base.__dict__.keys():
                if isinstance(getattr(base, attr_name), Attribute) and attr_name not in ordered_attr_names:
        unordered_attr_names = natsorted(unordered_attr_names, alg=ns.IGNORECASE)

        attr_names = list(attr_names) + unordered_attr_names

    # get attributes in desired order
    attrs = [cls.Meta.attributes[attr_name] for attr_name in attr_names]

    # error check
    if cls.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.multiple_cells:
        for attr in attrs:
            if isinstance(attr, RelatedAttribute) and attr.related_class.Meta.table_format == TableFormat.multiple_cells:
                raise ValueError('Classes with orientation "multiple_cells" cannot have relationships '
                                 'to other classes with the same orientation')

    # return attributes
    return attrs

def format_doc_metadata(schema_name, metadata):
    """ Format document metadata as a string of key-value pairs of document metadata

        schema_name (:obj:`str`): schema name
        metadata (:obj:`dict`): document metadata

        :obj:`str`: string of key-value pairs of document metadata
    format = 'ObjTables'
    l_case_format = 'objTables'
    version = obj_tables.__version__
    date = metadata.get('date', '')

    metadata = dict(metadata)
    metadata.pop(f"{l_case_format}Version", None)
    metadata.pop(f"date", None)

    metadata_strs = [f"!!!{format}",
    if schema_name:
        metadata.pop(f"schema", None)
        metadata_strs.insert(1, f"schema='{schema_name}'")
    metadata_strs += ["{}='{}'".format(k, v.replace("'", "\'")) for k, v in metadata.items()]

    return ' '.join(metadata_strs)

class IoWarning(ObjTablesWarning):
    """ IO warning """