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""" dict utils

:Author: Jonathan Karr <karr@mssm.edu>
:Author: Arthur Goldberg <Arthur.Goldberg@mssm.edu>
:Date: 2016-08-25
:Copyright: 2016-2018, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

class DictUtil(object):
    """ Dictionary utility methods """

    def nested_in(dict, keys, key_delimiter='.'):
        """ Determine whether the nested key sequence `keys` is in the dictionary `dict`

            dict (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to retrieve value from
            keys (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`): list of nested keys to retrieve
            key_delimiter (:obj:`str`, optional): delimiter for `keys`

            :obj:`bool`: Whether or not the nested key sequence `keys` is in the dictionary `dict`

        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = keys.split(key_delimiter)

        nested_dict = dict
        for key in keys:
            if key not in nested_dict:
                return False
            nested_dict = nested_dict[key]

        return True

    def nested_get(dict, keys, key_delimiter='.'):
        """ Get the value of a nested dictionary at the nested key sequence `keys`

            dict (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to retrieve value from
            keys (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`): list of nested keys to retrieve
            key_delimiter (:obj:`str`, optional): delimiter for `keys`

            :obj:`object`: The value of `dict` from the nested keys list

        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = keys.split(key_delimiter)

        nested_dict = dict
        for key in keys:
            nested_dict = nested_dict[key]

        return nested_dict

    def nested_set(dict, keys, value, key_delimiter='.'):
        """ Set the value of a nested dictionary at the nested key sequence `keys`

            dict (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to retrieve value from
            keys (:obj:`str` or :obj:`list`): list of nested keys to retrieve
            value (:obj:`object`): desired value of `dict` at key sequence `keys`
            key_delimiter (:obj:`str`, optional): delimiter for `keys`

            :obj:`object`: Modified input dictionary

        if isinstance(keys, str):
            keys = keys.split(key_delimiter)

        last_key = keys.pop()

        nested_dict = dict
        for key in keys:
            if key not in nested_dict:
                nested_dict[key] = {}
            nested_dict = nested_dict[key]

        nested_dict[last_key] = value

        return dict

    def to_string_sorted_by_key(d):
        """Provide a string representation of a dictionary sorted by key.

            d (:obj:`dict`): dictionary

            :obj:`str`: string representation of a dictionary sorted by key
        if d is None:
            return '{}'
            return '{' + ', '.join('{!r}: {!r}'.format(key, d[key]) for key in sorted(d)) + '}'

    def filtered_dict(d, filter_keys):
        """Create a new dict from `d`, with keys filtered by `filter_keys`.

            d (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to filter.
            filter_keys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of keys to retain.

            :obj:`dict`: a new dict containing the entries in `d` whose keys are in `filter_keys`.
        return {k: v for (k, v) in d.items() if k in filter_keys}

    def filtered_iteritems(d, filter_keys):
        """A generator that filters a dict's items to keys in `filter_keys`.

            d (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to filter.
            filter_keys (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): list of keys to retain.

            :obj:`tuple`: (key, value) tuples from `d` whose keys are in `filter_keys`.
        for key, val in d.items():
            if key not in filter_keys:
            yield key, val

    def set_value(d, target_key, new_value, match_type=True):
        """ Set values of target keys in a nested dictionary

        Consider every `key`-`value` pair in nested dictionary `d`. If `value` is not a `dict`,
        and `key` is equal to `target_key` then replace `value` with `new_value`. However, if
        `match_type` is set, only replace `value` if it is an instance of `new_value`'s type.
        Caution: `set_value()` will loop infinitely on self-referential dicts.

            d (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to modify
            target_key (:obj:`obj`): key to match
            new_value (:obj:`obj`): replacement value
            match_type (:obj:`bool`, optional): if set, only replace values that are instances
                of the type of `new_value`
        for key,val in d.items():
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                DictUtil.set_value(val, target_key, new_value, match_type=match_type)
            elif key == target_key and (not match_type or isinstance(val, type(new_value))):
                d[target_key] = new_value

    def flatten_dict(d, root_flat_key=None):
        """ Flatten a dict, converting nested keys into tuples

            d (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to flatten
            root_flat_key (:obj:`list`): flat key for parent dict

            :obj:`dict`: a single level, flattened dict with tuples for keys

        if not isinstance(d, dict):
            raise ValueError(f"d is a(n) '{type(d).__name__}', not a dict")
        flat_dict = {}
        for key in d:
            if root_flat_key is None:
                flat_key = [key]
                flat_key = root_flat_key + [key]
            if isinstance(d[key], dict):
                nested_dict = DictUtil.flatten_dict(d[key], root_flat_key=flat_key)
                for k, v in nested_dict.items():
                    flat_dict[k] = v
                flat_dict[tuple(flat_key)] = d[key]
        return flat_dict

    def expand_dict(d, separator='.'):
        """ Expand a dict, converting string or tuple keys into nested keys

            d (:obj:`dict`): dictionary to expand
            separator (:obj:`str`, optional): separator for keys that are strings

            :obj:`dict`: a nested dict, with each tuple element used as a key

            :obj:`ValueError`: if `d` is not a dict, or `d` contains a key that's neither a tuple or a str,
                or `d` contains conflicting keys

        if not isinstance(d, dict):
            raise ValueError(f"d is a(n) '{type(d).__name__}', not a dict")
        expanded = dict()
        for keys, v in d.items():
            if not isinstance(keys, (str, tuple)):
                raise ValueError(f"key must be a str or tuple, but is a(n) '{type(keys).__name__}'")
            if isinstance(keys, str):
                keys = keys.split(separator)
            nested_dict = expanded
            for k_i in keys[:-1]:
                    nested_dict = nested_dict[k_i]
                except KeyError:
                    nested_dict[k_i] = dict()
                    nested_dict = nested_dict[k_i]

            if keys[-1] in nested_dict:
                raise ValueError(f"conflicting key sequence {keys}")
            nested_dict[keys[-1]] = v
        return expanded