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Method attached_content_view_ids has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def attached_content_view_ids
      composite_content_view.content_view_components.map do |cvc|
        next if cvc == self
        if cvc.content_view_version
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/content_view_component.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method kurl_valid? has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def kurl_valid?(url)
      return false if (scheme = URI.parse(url).scheme).blank?
      return true if FILEPREFIX.include?(scheme.downcase)
      URI.parse(url).host.present? && PROTOCOLS.include?(scheme.downcase)
    rescue URI::InvalidURIError
Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/katello/katello_url_helper.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method token has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def token
      if !require_user_authorization?
        personal_token = OpenStruct.new(token: 'unauthenticated', issued_at: Time.now, expires_at: 3.minutes.from_now)
        personal_token = PersonalAccessToken.where(user_id: User.current.id, name: 'registry').first
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/api/registry/registry_proxies_controller.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method import_hosts has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def import_hosts
        sub_facet_ids_from_cp, host_ids_from_cp = Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet.where('uuid in (?)', consumer_uuids).pluck(:id, :host_id).transpose
        sub_facet_ids_from_cp ||= []
        host_ids_from_cp ||= []

Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/glue/candlepin/pool.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method pulp3_without_auth has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def pulp3_without_auth(url)
        json = backend_status(url, :pulp)
        fail _("Pulp does not appear to be running at %s.") % url if json.empty?

        if json['database_connection'] && json['database_connection']['connected'] != true
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/ping.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method destroy has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

        def destroy
          if Katello::RegistrationManager.unregister_host(@host, :unregistering => false)
            process_success redirection_url_on_host_deletion
            process_error :redirect => :back, :error_msg => _("Failed to delete %{host}: %{errors}") % { :host => @host, :errors => @host.errors.full_messages }
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/concerns/hosts_controller_extensions.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method candlepin_data has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def candlepin_data(cp_id, rescue_gone = false)
      rescue Katello::Errors::CandlepinPoolGone => e
        raise e unless rescue_gone

Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/glue/candlepin/pool.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method search_by_redhat has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def self.search_by_redhat(_key, operator, value)
      value = value == 'true'
      value = !value if operator == '<>'

      product_ids = Katello::Product.redhat.select(:id)
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/repository.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method included has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def self.included(base)
      base.send :include, LazyAccessor
      base.send :include, InstanceMethods

      base.class_eval do
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/glue/candlepin/activation_key.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method backend_status has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def backend_status(url, backend)
        ca_file = SETTINGS[:katello][backend][:ca_cert_file]
        request_id = ::Logging.mdc['request']

        options = {}
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/ping.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method propose_existing_hostname has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def self.propose_existing_hostname(facts)
        if propose_custom_fact(facts)
          name = propose_custom_fact(facts)
        elsif ::Host.where(:name => facts['network.hostname'].downcase).any?
          name = facts['network.hostname']
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/katello/host/subscription_facet.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method initialize has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

        def initialize(metadata:)
          @toc = metadata[:toc]
          @gpg_keys = parse_gpg_keys(metadata[:gpg_keys]) if metadata[:gpg_keys]
          @products = parse_products(metadata[:products]) if metadata[:products]
          @repositories = parse_repositories(metadata[:repositories]) if metadata[:repositories]
Severity: Minor
Found in app/services/katello/pulp3/content_view_version/metadata_map.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method common_remote_options has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def common_remote_options
        remote_options = {
          tls_validation: root.verify_ssl_on_sync,
          name: generate_backend_object_name,
          url: root.url,
Severity: Minor
Found in app/services/katello/pulp3/repository.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method index_relation_content_unit has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def index_relation_content_unit(query)
      if params[:deb_id]
        query = query.joins(:debs)
          .where("#{Deb.table_name}.id" => Deb.with_identifiers(params[:deb_id]))
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/api/v2/repositories_controller.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method calculate_hosts_for_incremental has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def calculate_hosts_for_incremental(bulk_params, use_composites)
      if bulk_params[:included].try(:[], :search)
        version_environments = find_version_environments_for_hosts(use_composites)
        restrict_hosts = lambda do |relation|
          if version_environments.any?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/api/v2/content_view_versions_controller.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method remote_partial_update has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      def remote_partial_update
        url_type = remote_options[:url]&.start_with?('uln') ? 'uln' : 'default'
        remote_type = repo.remote_href.start_with?('/pulp/api/v3/remotes/rpm/uln/') ? 'uln' : 'default'
        href = repo.remote_href

Severity: Minor
Found in app/services/katello/pulp3/repository.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method add_modular_content has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

        def add_modular_content(source_repo_ids, filters, modular_filters, filter_list_map)
          inclusion_modular_filters = modular_filters.select { |filter| filter.inclusion }
          exclusion_modular_filters = modular_filters - inclusion_modular_filters
          if inclusion_modular_filters.empty? &&
              !(filters.any? { |filter| filter.class == ContentViewErratumFilter && filter.inclusion })
Severity: Minor
Found in app/services/katello/pulp3/repository/yum.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method repackage_message has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def repackage_message
      if response.status >= 400
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/api/rhsm/candlepin_proxies_controller.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method find_history has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def find_history
      if params[:from_history_id].present?
        @history = ::Katello::ContentViewVersionExportHistory.find(params[:from_history_id])
        if @history.blank?
          throw_resource_not_found(name: 'export history',
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/api/v2/exports_controller.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading

Method index has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    def index
      unless params[:content_type].empty? || RepositoryTypeManager.find(params[:content_type])
        msg = _("Invalid params provided - content_type must be one of %s") %
        fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/katello/api/v2/repositories_controller.rb - About 25 mins to fix

Cognitive Complexity

Cognitive Complexity is a measure of how difficult a unit of code is to intuitively understand. Unlike Cyclomatic Complexity, which determines how difficult your code will be to test, Cognitive Complexity tells you how difficult your code will be to read and comprehend.

A method's cognitive complexity is based on a few simple rules:

  • Code is not considered more complex when it uses shorthand that the language provides for collapsing multiple statements into one
  • Code is considered more complex for each "break in the linear flow of the code"
  • Code is considered more complex when "flow breaking structures are nested"

Further reading
