# How to setup development environment on Windows
## Installation
Install [ruby](
- use recommended version with devkit
- use preselected options when installing
- for [mingw]( selection just hit ENTER at the prompt `Which components shall be installed? If unsure press ENTER [1,2,3]`
Install bundler
`gem install bundler`
# Run tests
* `git clone`
* `cd delivery-sdk-ruby`
* `bundle` (install all dependent packages)
* `bundle exec rake` - runs all Tests
If you want to run only one test, it is possible to use this command
- `rake spec SPEC=<PATH-TO-TEST> SPEC_OPTS="-e \"test identification (first it parameter)\""`
- example `rake spec SPEC=spec/delivery_spec.rb SPEC_OPTS="-e \"handle empty value\""`
## Build your package
- `bundle` (install all dependent packages)
- `rake build`
- creates file `kontent-ai-delivery-<VERSION>.gem` file in the project's root folder