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import { noop } from 'lodash';
import { DeclarationReflection, ReflectionKind } from 'typedoc';

import { relative, resolve } from '@knodes/typedoc-pluginutils/path';

import { MockPlugin, createMockProjectWithPackage, mockPlugin, restoreFs, setVirtualFs, setupMockMarkdownReplacer, setupMockPageMemo } from '#plugintestbed';

/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
jest.mock( '../code-sample-file' );
const { DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME, readCodeSample: readCodeSampleMock } = require( '../code-sample-file' ) as jest.Mocked<typeof import( '../code-sample-file' )>;
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */

import { MarkdownCodeBlocks } from './markdown-code-blocks';
import { ICodeBlocksPluginThemeMethods } from './theme';
import { CodeBlockPlugin } from '../plugin';
import { EBlockMode, ICodeBlock } from '../types';

class FakeSource {
    public static readonly REPO_URL = '';
    public static readonly getURL = jest.fn().mockImplementation( ( path, line ) => `${FakeSource.REPO_URL}/${relative( process.cwd(), path )}#L${line}` );
    public static readonly getRepository = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( {
        getURL: this.getURL,
    } );
    public readonly getURL = FakeSource.getURL;
    public readonly getRepository = FakeSource.getRepository;
let themeMethods: ICodeBlocksPluginThemeMethods;
let plugin: MockPlugin<CodeBlockPlugin>;
const rootDir = resolve( __dirname, '../..' );
const markdownReplacerTestbed = setupMockMarkdownReplacer();
const pageMemoTestbed = setupMockPageMemo();
const FILE = 'foo/qux.txt';
const FILE_CONTENT = `Content of ${FILE}`;
beforeEach( () => {
    process.chdir( rootDir );
    let i = 0;
    themeMethods = {
        renderCodeBlock: jest.fn().mockImplementation( () => `renderCodeBlock-${i++}` ),
        renderInlineCodeBlock: jest.fn().mockImplementation( () => `renderInlineCodeBlock-${i++}` ),
    setVirtualFs( {
        'foo': {
            'qux.txt': '',
        'package.json': '',
    } );
    plugin = mockPlugin<CodeBlockPlugin>();
    new MarkdownCodeBlocks( plugin, themeMethods );
    const ref = new DeclarationReflection( 'Foo', ReflectionKind.Class, createMockProjectWithPackage() );
    pageMemoTestbed.setCurrentPage( 'foo.html', 'foo.ts', ref );
} );
afterEach( restoreFs );
describe( 'Behavior', () => {
    it( 'should not affect text if no code block', () => {
        const text = 'Hello world';
        expect( markdownReplacerTestbed.runMarkdownReplace( text ) ).toEqual( text );
    } );
    describe( 'Code block generation', ()=> {
        const sourceFile = resolve( rootDir, FILE );
        interface IBlockGenerationAssertion{
            renderCall: Partial<ICodeBlock>;
            blocks: Array<[string, {code: string;startLine: number;endLine: number}]>;
            withGitHub: boolean;
        const defaultBlock = { startLine: 1, endLine: 1, file: FILE, region: DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME as string };
        const regions: IBlockGenerationAssertion['blocks'] = [
            [ 'hello', { code: 'Content of foo/qux.txt', startLine: 13, endLine: 24 } ],
            [ 'world', { code: 'stuff', startLine: 18, endLine: 42 } ],
        it.each<[label: string, source: string, assertion: Partial<IBlockGenerationAssertion>]>( [
            [ 'Mode ⇒ code block',            `{@codeblock ${FILE} default}`,          { renderCall: { mode: EBlockMode.DEFAULT }} ],
            [ 'Mode ⇒ foldable code block',   `{@codeblock ${FILE} expanded}`,         { renderCall: { mode: EBlockMode.EXPANDED }} ],
            [ 'Mode ⇒ folded code block',     `{@codeblock ${FILE} folded}`,           { renderCall: { mode: EBlockMode.FOLDED }} ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ default',           `{@codeblock ${FILE}}`,                  { renderCall: { asFile: `./${FILE}` }} ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ explicit',          `{@codeblock ${FILE} | hello.txt}`,      { renderCall: { asFile: 'hello.txt' }} ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ region',            `{@codeblock ${FILE}#hello}`,            { renderCall: { asFile: `./${FILE}#13~24` }, blocks: [ regions[0] ] } ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ region ({a,b})',    `{@codeblock ${FILE}#{hello,world}}`,    { renderCall: { asFile: `./${FILE}#13~42` }, blocks: regions } ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ region (a+b)',      `{@codeblock ${FILE}#hello+world}`,      { renderCall: { asFile: `./${FILE}#13~42` }, blocks: regions } ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ region + explicit', `{@codeblock ${FILE}#hello | test.txt}`, { renderCall: { asFile: 'test.txt' }, blocks: [ regions[0] ] } ],
            [ 'URL ⇒ default',                `{@codeblock ${FILE}}`,                  { withGitHub: true, renderCall: { url: `${FakeSource.REPO_URL}/${FILE}#L1` }} ],
            [ 'URL ⇒ region',                 `{@codeblock ${FILE}#hello}`,            { withGitHub: true, renderCall: { url: `${FakeSource.REPO_URL}/${FILE}#L13` }, blocks: [ regions[0] ] } ],
            [ 'Filename ⇒ region+mode+name',  `{@codeblock ${FILE}#*o* folded | qux}`, { renderCall: { asFile: 'qux', mode: EBlockMode.FOLDED }, blocks: regions } ],
        ] )( 'Code block "%s"', ( _label, source, { renderCall, blocks, withGitHub } ) => {
            if( withGitHub ){
                plugin.application.converter.addComponent( 'source', FakeSource as any );
            readCodeSampleMock.mockReturnValue( new Map( blocks?.map( ( [ name, b ] ) => [
                { ...b, file: FILE, region: name } ] as const ) ?? [[ DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME, { code: FILE_CONTENT, ...defaultBlock } ]] ) );
            const callOut = markdownReplacerTestbed.runMarkdownReplace( source );
            expect( themeMethods.renderCodeBlock ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
            expect( themeMethods.renderCodeBlock ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining( renderCall ) );
            if( withGitHub ){
                expect( FakeSource.getURL ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 2 );
                expect( FakeSource.getURL ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( sourceFile, blocks ? blocks[0][1].startLine : 1 );
                expect( FakeSource.getRepository ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 2 );
                expect( FakeSource.getRepository ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( sourceFile );
            expect( callOut ).toEqual( 'renderCodeBlock-0' );
            expect( plugin.logger.error ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
            expect( plugin.logger.warn ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
        } );
        it( 'should not alter content if region does not exists', () => {
            readCodeSampleMock.mockReturnValue( new Map( [[ DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME, { code: FILE_CONTENT, ...defaultBlock } ]] ) );
            const content = '{@codeblock foo/baz.txt#nope}';
            plugin.logger.error.mockImplementation( noop );
            expect( markdownReplacerTestbed.runMarkdownReplace( content ) ).toEqual( content );
        } );
        it( 'should throw if invalid mode', () => {
            plugin.logger.error.mockImplementation( noop );
            setVirtualFs( { foo: { 'bar.txt': '' }} );
            readCodeSampleMock.mockReturnValue( new Map( [[ DEFAULT_BLOCK_NAME, { code: FILE_CONTENT, ...defaultBlock } ]] ) );
            const content = '{@codeblock foo/bar.txt asdasd}';
            expect( markdownReplacerTestbed.runMarkdownReplace( content ) ).toEqual( content );
            expect( plugin.logger.error ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
            expect( plugin.logger.error ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.toSatisfy( fn => {
                expect( fn() ).toEqual( 'In "foo.ts:1:1" (in expansion of @codeblock): Failed to render code block from Foo: Invalid block mode "asdasd".' );
                return true;
            } ) );
        } );
    } );
} );