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Test Coverage
import { resolve } from '@knodes/typedoc-pluginutils/path';

import { describeDocsFile, formatHtml, getBreadcrumb, runPluginBeforeAll } from '#plugintestbed';

import { elementMatcher, menuItemMatcher } from '../helpers';
import { name as packageName } from '../mock-fs/monorepo/package.json';

const rootDir = resolve( __dirname, '../mock-fs/monorepo' );
process.chdir( rootDir );
runPluginBeforeAll( rootDir, resolve( __dirname, '../../src/index' ) );
describe( 'Root module', () => {
    describe( 'index.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'index.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            // Check if doc content prepended to the module index
            const sep = content[0].querySelectorAll( 'hr' );
            expect( sep ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( sep[0].previousElementSibling ).toHaveTextContent( 'Test root readme. stubA stubB' );
            expect( sep[0].nextElementSibling ).toHaveTextContent( 'This is appended to the root module. See stubA, stubA, stubB or stubB' );

            const links = sep[0].nextElementSibling!.querySelectorAll( 'a' );
            expect( links ).toHaveLength( 2 );
            expect( links[0] ).not.toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[1].href );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, 'pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, 'pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
    describe( 'pages/root-doc/index.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'pages/root-doc/index.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content > .tsd-panel' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( content[0] ).toHaveTextContent( 'Some content for the root' );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', true, 'index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, 'child.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: 'index.html', text: 'Root doc' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
    describe( 'pages/root-doc/child.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'pages/root-doc/child.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content > .tsd-panel' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( content[0] ).toHaveTextContent( 'Some content for the root child with a link to Using pkg-a' );

            const links = content[0].querySelectorAll( 'a' );
            expect( links ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( links[0] ).toHaveTextContent( 'Using pkg-a' );
            expect( links[0] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '../../pkg_a/pages/using-pkg-a.html' );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', true, 'index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', true, 'child.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: 'index.html', text: 'Root doc' },
                { href: 'child.html', text: 'Root doc child' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
} );
describe( 'pkg-a', () => {
    describe( 'modules/pkg_a.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'modules/pkg_a.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            // Check if doc content prepended to the module index
            const sep = content[0].querySelectorAll( 'hr' );
            expect( sep ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( sep[0].previousElementSibling ).toHaveTextContent( 'This is the base README' );
            expect( sep[0].nextElementSibling ).toHaveTextContent( 'This is appended to the readme of pkg-a' );
            const links = content[0].querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-panel.tsd-typography > p > a' );
            expect( links ).toHaveLength( 3 );
            expect( links[0] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[1].href );
            expect( links[1] ).not.toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[2].href );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-a', false, '../pkg_a/pages/using-pkg-a.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct secondary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const secondaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-navigation.secondary li a' ) );
            expect( secondaryNavItems ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( secondaryNavItems[0] ).toEqual( elementMatcher( { textContent: 'stubA', attrs: { href: '../variables/pkg_a.stubA.html' }} ) );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: 'pkg_a.html', text: 'pkg-a' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
    describe( 'pkg_a/pages/using-pkg-a.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'pkg_a/pages/using-pkg-a.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content > .tsd-panel' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( content[0] ).toHaveTextContent( 'Some content for pkg-a' );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-a', true, 'using-pkg-a.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct secondary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const secondaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-navigation.secondary li a' ) );
            expect( secondaryNavItems ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( secondaryNavItems[0] ).toEqual( elementMatcher( { textContent: 'stubA', attrs: { href: '../../variables/pkg_a.stubA.html' }} ) );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: '../../modules/pkg_a.html', text: 'pkg-a' },
                { href: 'using-pkg-a.html', text: 'Using pkg-a' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
    describe( 'variables/pkg_a.stubA.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'variables/pkg_a.stubA.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const comment = dom.window.document.querySelector( '.tsd-comment' );
            expect( comment ).toHaveTextContent( 'See also the root doc page. This should point to the README stubB' );
            const links = comment!.querySelectorAll( 'a' );
            expect( links ).toHaveLength( 3 );
            expect( links[0] ).toHaveTextContent( /^the root doc page$/ );
            expect( links[0] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '../pages/root-doc/index.html' );
            expect( links[1] ).toHaveTextContent( /^the README$/ );
            expect( links[1] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '../modules/pkg_a.html' );
            expect( links[2] ).toHaveTextContent( /^stubB$/ );
            expect( links[2] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'pkg_b.stubB.html' );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-a', false, '../pkg_a/pages/using-pkg-a.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
} );
describe( 'pkg-b', () => {
    describe( 'modules/pkg_b.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'modules/pkg_b.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( content[0].querySelectorAll( 'hr' ) ).toHaveLength( 0 );
            expect( content[0].querySelector( '.tsd-panel.tsd-typography h2' ) ).toHaveTextContent( 'This is appended to the readme of pkg-b' );
            const links = content[0].querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-panel.tsd-typography > p > a' );
            expect( links ).toHaveLength( 3 );
            expect( links[0] ).not.toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[1].href );
            expect( links[1] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[2].href );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-b', false, '../pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'pkg-b details', false, '../pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/details.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct secondary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const secondaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-navigation.secondary li a' ) );
            expect( secondaryNavItems ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( secondaryNavItems[0] ).toEqual( elementMatcher( { textContent: 'stubB', attrs: { href: '../variables/pkg_b.stubB.html' }} ) );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: 'pkg_b.html', text: 'pkg-b' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );

    describe( 'pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/index.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/index.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content > .tsd-panel' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( content[0] ).toHaveTextContent( 'Some content for pkg-b See stubA, stubA, stubB or stubB' );
            const links = content[0].querySelector( ':scope > p' )!.querySelectorAll( 'a' );
            expect( links ).toHaveLength( 3 );
            expect( links[0] ).not.toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[1].href );
            expect( links[1] ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', links[2].href );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../../../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../../../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-b', true, 'index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'pkg-b details', false, 'details.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct secondary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const secondaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-navigation.secondary li a' ) );
            expect( secondaryNavItems ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( secondaryNavItems[0] ).toEqual( elementMatcher( { textContent: 'stubB', attrs: { href: '../../../variables/pkg_b.stubB.html' }} ) );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../../../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: '../../../modules/pkg_b.html', text: 'pkg-b' },
                { href: 'index.html', text: 'Using pkg-b' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );

    describe( 'pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/details.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/details.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const content = dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.col-content > .tsd-panel' );
            expect( content ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( content[0] ).toHaveTextContent( 'Test' );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../../../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../../../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-b', true, 'index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'pkg-b details', true, 'details.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct secondary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const secondaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll<HTMLAnchorElement>( '.tsd-navigation.secondary li a' ) );
            expect( secondaryNavItems ).toHaveLength( 1 );
            expect( secondaryNavItems[0] ).toEqual( elementMatcher( { textContent: 'stubB', attrs: { href: '../../../variables/pkg_b.stubB.html' }} ) );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct breadcrumb', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const breadcrumb = getBreadcrumb( dom );
            expect( breadcrumb ).toEqual( [
                { href: '../../../modules.html', text: packageName },
                { href: '../../../modules/pkg_b.html', text: 'pkg-b' },
                { href: 'index.html', text: 'Using pkg-b' },
                { href: 'details.html', text: 'pkg-b details' },
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );

    describe( 'variables/pkg_b.stubB.html', describeDocsFile( rootDir, 'variables/pkg_b.stubB.html', withContent => {
        it( 'should have correct content', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const link = dom.window.document.querySelector( '.tsd-comment a' );
            expect( link ).toBeTruthy();
            expect( link ).toHaveTextContent( /^another link$/ );
            expect( link ).toHaveAttribute( 'href', '../pkg_a/pages/using-pkg-a.html' );
            expect( link!.parentElement ).toHaveTextContent( 'See also another link.' );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have correct primary navigation', withContent( ( _content, dom ) => {
            const primaryNavItems = Array.from( dom.window.document.querySelectorAll( '.tsd-navigation.primary li.pages-entry' ) );
            expect( primaryNavItems ).toEqual( [
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc', false, '../pages/root-doc/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Root doc child', false, '../pages/root-doc/child.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'Using pkg-b', false, '../pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/index.html' ),
                menuItemMatcher( 'pkg-b details', false, '../pkg_b/pages/using-pkg-b/details.html' ),
            ] );
        } ) );
        it( 'should have constant content', withContent( ( content, _dom ) => {
            expect( formatHtml( content ) ).toMatchSnapshot();
        } ) );
    } ) );
} );