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import assert from 'assert';
import { copyFileSync } from 'fs';

import { isString } from 'lodash';
import { CommentDisplayPart, DeclarationReflection, DefaultTheme, IndexEvent, JSX, PageEvent, ProjectReflection, Reflection, ReflectionKind, RendererEvent, UrlMapping } from 'typedoc';

import { CurrentPageMemo, IPluginComponent, getReflectionModule, reflectionSourceUtils } from '@knodes/typedoc-pluginutils';
import { join } from '@knodes/typedoc-pluginutils/path';

import { IPagesPluginThemeMethods, RenderPageLinkProps } from './types';
import { ANodeReflection, PageReflection, PagesPluginReflectionKind } from '../../models/reflections';
import type { PagesPlugin } from '../../plugin';

const getPageNameComponents = ( reflection: Reflection ): string[] => reflection.parent instanceof ANodeReflection ?
    [ ...getPageNameComponents( reflection.parent ), ] :
const getFullPageName = ( page: PageReflection ) => getPageNameComponents( page ).join( ' > ' );

const CSS_FILE_NAME = 'assets/pages.css';
export class DefaultPagesRenderer implements IPagesPluginThemeMethods, IPluginComponent<PagesPlugin> {
    private readonly _currentPageMemo = CurrentPageMemo.for( this );
    private readonly _theme: DefaultTheme;
    private readonly _modulesPages: ANodeReflection[];
    private readonly _allPages: PageReflection[];
    private readonly _nodeDeclarationMappingCache = new WeakMap<ANodeReflection, DeclarationReflection>();
    private _renderPageRestore?: () => void;
    public constructor( public readonly plugin: PagesPlugin, event: RendererEvent ){
        assert( plugin.application.renderer.theme instanceof DefaultTheme );
        this._theme = plugin.application.renderer.theme;

        const modulesPages = event.project.getReflectionsByKind( PagesPluginReflectionKind.ROOT as any );
        assert( modulesPages.every( ( n ): n is ANodeReflection => n instanceof ANodeReflection ) );
        this._modulesPages = modulesPages;
        modulesPages.forEach( n => this._mapNode( n ) );

        const pages = event.project.getReflectionsByKind( PagesPluginReflectionKind.PAGE as any ).filter( p => !p.kindOf( PagesPluginReflectionKind.ROOT as any ) );
        assert( pages.every( ( n ): n is PageReflection => n instanceof PageReflection ) );
        this._allPages = pages;
        event.urls = [ ...( event.urls ?? [] ), p => new UrlMapping( p.url, p, this._renderPage.bind( this ) ) ) ];

        plugin.application.renderer.on( PageEvent.BEGIN, this._onRendererBeginPage.bind( this ) );
        plugin.application.renderer.on( PageEvent.END, this._onRendererEndPage.bind( this ) );
        plugin.application.renderer.on( RendererEvent.END, this._onRendererEnd.bind( this ) );
        plugin.application.renderer.hooks.on( 'head.end', context => <link rel="stylesheet" href={context.relativeURL( CSS_FILE_NAME )} /> );
        plugin.application.renderer.on( IndexEvent.PREPARE_INDEX, this._onRendererPrepareIndex.bind( this ) );

     * Render a link to a given page.
     * @param root0 - The rendering context with the target page & label.
     * @returns the generated link.
    public renderPageLink( { page, label }: RenderPageLinkProps ): JSX.Element {
        return <a href={this._theme.markedPlugin.getRelativeUrl( page.isModuleAppendix ? page.module.url ?? : page.url )}>{label ?? page.originalName}</a>;

     * Render a single page reflection.
     * @param props - The page event for the page reflection.
     * @returns the rendered page.
    private _renderPage( props: PageEvent<PageReflection> ): JSX.Element {
        const { icons } = this._theme.getRenderContext( props );
        const icon = () => icons[ReflectionKind.Module]();
        ( icons as any )[PagesPluginReflectionKind.PAGE] = icon;
        ( icons as any )[PagesPluginReflectionKind.PAGE | PagesPluginReflectionKind.ROOT] = icon;
        ( icons as any )[PagesPluginReflectionKind.MENU] = icon;
        ( icons as any )[PagesPluginReflectionKind.MENU | PagesPluginReflectionKind.ROOT] = icon;

        const castedProps: PageEvent<ProjectReflection> = props as any;
        return this._theme.indexTemplate( castedProps );

     * Map a node reflection to a similar declaration, mimicing Typedoc default rendering process.
     * @param node - The node to map.
     * @param parent - The parent to set on the node (for recursive calls).
     * @returns the new declaration reflection.
    private _mapNode( node: ANodeReflection, parent: Reflection = node.module ): DeclarationReflection {
        const declaration = new DeclarationReflection(, ReflectionKind.Namespace, parent );
        declaration.url = node instanceof PageReflection ? node.url : undefined;
        declaration.children = node.childrenNodes?.map( c => this._mapNode( c, node.isModuleAppendix ? node.module : declaration ) );
        declaration.cssClasses = [
            `pages-entry-${node instanceof PageReflection ? 'page' : 'menu'}`,
        ].filter( isString ).join( ' ' );
        declaration.readme = node.comment?.summary;
        declaration.sources = node.sources;
        this._nodeDeclarationMappingCache.set( node, declaration );
        return declaration;

     * Append a new restoration hook to execute on page rendering end.
     * @see _onRendererBeginPage
     * @see _onRendererEndPage
     * @param collect - A function to get the current state.
     * @param fn - A function executed with the state retrieved via {@link collect} that restores the previous state.
    private _addRestore<T>( collect: () => T, fn: ( data: T ) => void ){
        const collected = collect();
        const restore = this._renderPageRestore;
        this._renderPageRestore = () => {
            fn( collected );

     * Retrieve declaration reflections that are mirrors of inputted node reflections.
     * @param nodeReflections - The node reflections to map.
     * @returns the mapped node reflections.
    private _mapNodeReflectionsToDeclarations( nodeReflections?: ANodeReflection[] ){
        return nodeReflections?.map( cc => {
            const node = this._nodeDeclarationMappingCache.get( cc );
            assert( node );
            return node;
        } ) ?? [];

     * Event callback executed on every page on {@link PageEvent.BEGIN}.
     * @see _onRendererBeginPageAlterModel
     * @see _onRendererBeginPageAlterNavigation
     * @param pageEvent - The page event to alter.
    private _onRendererBeginPage( pageEvent: PageEvent<any> ){
        this._onRendererBeginPageAlterModel( pageEvent );
        this._onRendererBeginPageAlterNavigation( pageEvent );

     * Partial implementation of {@link _onRendererBeginPage} that prepares the navigation for a single page.
     * @param pageEvent - The page event to alter.
    private _onRendererBeginPageAlterNavigation( pageEvent: PageEvent<any> ) {
        this._addRestore( () => pageEvent.project.children, prev => pageEvent.project.children = prev );
        const modelModule = getReflectionModule( pageEvent.model );
        const projectPages = this._modulesPages.find( p => p.module === pageEvent.project );
        pageEvent.project.children = [
            ...this._mapNodeReflectionsToDeclarations( projectPages?.childrenNodes ),
            ...( pageEvent.project.children ?? [] ).map( projectChild => {
                if( projectChild.kindOf( ReflectionKind.Module ) && modelModule === projectChild ) {
                    const modulePage = this._modulesPages.find( p => p.module === projectChild );
                    if( modulePage ){
                        this._addRestore( () => projectChild.children, prev => projectChild.children = prev );
                        projectChild.children = [
                            ...this._mapNodeReflectionsToDeclarations( modulePage.childrenNodes ),
                            ...( projectChild.children ?? [] ),
                return projectChild;
            } ),

     * Partial implementation of {@link _onRendererBeginPage} responsible of modifying the page mode. Node reflections are replaced with a similar declaration,
     * and modules/projects are prepended with root pages sources.
     * @param pageEvent - The page event to alter.
    private _onRendererBeginPageAlterModel( pageEvent: PageEvent<any> ) {
        if( pageEvent.model instanceof ANodeReflection ){
            const newModel = this._nodeDeclarationMappingCache.get( pageEvent.model );
            assert( newModel );
            this._addRestore( () => newModel.children, v => newModel.children = v );
            newModel.children = [
                ...( newModel.children ?? [] ),
                ...( pageEvent.model.module.children?.filter( c => !c.kindOf( ReflectionKind.SomeModule ) ) ?? [] ),
            pageEvent.model = newModel;
        } else if(
            ( pageEvent.model instanceof ProjectReflection && pageEvent.url === 'index.html' ) ||
            ( pageEvent.model instanceof DeclarationReflection && pageEvent.model.kindOf( ReflectionKind.Module ) )
            const modulePage = this._modulesPages.find( p => p.module === pageEvent.model );
            if( modulePage instanceof PageReflection ){
                pageEvent.model.sources = [
                    ...( pageEvent.model.sources ?? [] ),
                    reflectionSourceUtils.createSourceReference( this, modulePage.sourceFilePath ),
                pageEvent.model.readme = [
                    ...( pageEvent.model.readme?.concat( [ { kind: 'text', text: '\n\n---\n\n' } ] ) ?? [] ),
                    ...( modulePage.comment?.summary ?
                            { kind: 'text', text: `\n\n<!-- Page ${modulePage.namedPath} -->\n\n` } as CommentDisplayPart,
                        ] :
                        [] ),

     * Event callback executed on every page on {@link PageEvent.END}.
     * It undoes changes made by {@link _onRendererBeginPage}.
     * @param _pageEvent - The page event to alter.
    private _onRendererEndPage( _pageEvent: PageEvent<any> ){
        assert( this._renderPageRestore );
     * Event callback executed once on {@link RendererEvent.END}.
     * Copy assets to the output directory.
     * @param event - The {@link RendererEvent.END} event.
    private _onRendererEnd( event: RendererEvent ) {
        const dest = join( event.outputDirectory, CSS_FILE_NAME );
        const src = this.plugin.resolvePackageFile( 'static/pages.css' );
        copyFileSync( src, dest );

     * Event callback executed once on {@link IndexEvent.PREPARE_INDEX}.
     * Adds the plugin's pages to the search index.
     * @param indexEvent - The original index event.
    private _onRendererPrepareIndex( indexEvent: IndexEvent ) {
        indexEvent.searchResults = [
   r => {
                const searchResPage = new DeclarationReflection( getFullPageName( r ), PagesPluginReflectionKind.PAGE as any, undefined );
                searchResPage.cssClasses = 'pages-entry pages-entry-page';
                searchResPage.url = r.url;
                return searchResPage;
            } ),