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import assert from 'assert';

import { closest } from 'fastest-levenshtein';
import { defaultsDeep, difference, get, identity, kebabCase } from 'lodash';
import { DeclarationOption, MixedDeclarationOption, ParameterType } from 'typedoc';

import { dirname } from '@knodes/typedoc-pluginutils/path';

import { MapperPart, Option } from './option';
import { DeclarationOptionConfig, ParameterValueType, TypeErr } from './utils';
import type { ABasePlugin } from '../base-plugin';
import { EventsExtra } from '../events-extra';

interface Builder<T extends Record<string, any>, TDecs extends Record<never, DeclarationOption>> {
    add: <
        K extends keyof T & Exclude<keyof T, keyof TDecs>,
        TDec extends DeclarationOptionConfig<DeclarationOption>,
        name: K,
        declaration: TDec,
        ...mapper: MapperPart<T[K], TDec>
    ) => Builder<T, TDecs & {[k in K]: TDec & {name: K}}>;
    build: [Exclude<keyof T, keyof TDecs>] extends [never] ?
        TDecs extends Record<keyof T, DeclarationOptionConfig> ?
            () => OptionGroup<T, {[k in keyof TDecs]: TDecs[k] & DeclarationOption;}> :
            TypeErr<['Invalid case']> :
        TypeErr<['Missing declarations for keys', Exclude<keyof T, keyof TDecs>]>;

type OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations extends Record<string, DeclarationOptionConfig>> = {
    [k in keyof TDeclarations]?: ParameterValueType<TDeclarations[k]>
export class OptionGroup<
    T extends Record<string, any>,
    TDeclarations extends {[k in keyof T]: DeclarationOptionConfig} = {[k in keyof T]: DeclarationOptionConfig}
> {
    private readonly _options: {[k in keyof TDeclarations]: Option<k extends keyof T ? T[k] : unknown, TDeclarations[k] & {name: k} & DeclarationOption>};
     * Generate a type-helper factory to constraint the option to be of the given {@link T2 type}.
     * TODO: change signature once is merged.
     * @param plugin - The plugin declaring the option.
     * @returns a builder to use in order to generate the full option group.
    public static factory<T2 extends Record<never, unknown>>( plugin: ABasePlugin ){
        return this._build<T2, Record<never, DeclarationOption>>( plugin, {}, {} );
     * Create the actual option builder.
     * @param plugin - The plugin declaring the option.
     * @param decs - The declarations so far.
     * @param mappers - The mappers so far.
     * @returns the builder to chain.
    private static _build<T2 extends Record<string, any>, TDecs extends Record<never, DeclarationOption>>(
        plugin: ABasePlugin,
        decs: TDecs,
        mappers: Record<string, ( v: any ) => any>,
    ): Builder<T2, TDecs> {
        return {
            add: ( name: Exclude<keyof T2, keyof TDecs>, dec: DeclarationOptionConfig, ...[ mapper ]: [mapper?: any] ) =>
                    { ...decs, [name]: { ...dec, name }},
                    { ...mappers, [name]: mapper ?? identity },
            build: () => new OptionGroup( plugin, decs, mappers as any ),
        } as any as Builder<T2, TDecs>;

    private get _rootOption(): MixedDeclarationOption {
        const linkAppendix = 'documentation' in this.plugin.package ?
            ` See \u001b[96m${( this.plugin.package as any ).documentation}\u001b[0m for more informations.` : // Cyan
        return {
            name: this.plugin.optionsPrefix,
            type: ParameterType.Mixed,
            help: `[${}]: Set all plugin options below as an object, a JSON string or from a file.${linkAppendix}`,

    public constructor(
        public readonly plugin: ABasePlugin,
        optionDeclarations: TDeclarations,
        mappers: {[k in keyof T]: ( v: any ) => T[k]},
        this._options = Object.fromEntries( ( Object.entries( optionDeclarations ) as Array<[k: keyof T & string, v: TDeclarations[keyof T & string]]> )
            .map( ( [ k, v ] ) => {
                assert( k !== 'options' );
                const fullDec: DeclarationOption = { ...v, name: k };
                const opt = new Option( plugin, this, fullDec, mappers[k] );
                return [ k, opt ];
            } ) ) as any;
        this.plugin.application.options.addDeclaration( this._rootOption );

        EventsExtra.for( this.plugin.application )
            .beforeOptionsFreeze( this._onBeforeOptionsFreeze.bind( this ) );

     * Get the mapped values.
     * @returns the group values.
    public getValue(): T {
        return this._mapOptions( ( k, o ) => o.getValue() ) as any;

     * Set the raw values.
     * @param value - The value to set. Paths, JSON & partial options are authorized
    public setValue( value: OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations> | string ): void
    public setValue<TK extends keyof TDeclarations>( key: TK, value: ParameterValueType<TDeclarations[TK]> ): void
    public setValue( ...args: [OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations> | string] | [key: keyof TDeclarations, value: ParameterValueType<TDeclarations[keyof TDeclarations]>] ): void
    public setValue( ...args: [OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations> | string] | [key: keyof TDeclarations, value: ParameterValueType<TDeclarations[keyof TDeclarations]>] ){
        if( args.length === 2 ){
            const [ key, value ] = args;
            return this._setValue( { [key]: value } as any );
        try {
            this._setValue( args[0] );
        } catch( e: any ){
            if ( e.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ) {
                throw e;
            this.plugin.logger.error( `Config file ${args[0]} not found` );

     * Set the raw values.
     * @param value - The value to set. Paths, JSON & partial options are authorized.
     * @returns nothing.
    private _setValue( value: OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations> | string ): void {
        if( typeof value === 'object' ){
            return this._setValueFromObject( value );
        } else if( value.startsWith( '{' ) && value.endsWith( '}' ) ){
            const parsedValue = JSON.parse( value ) as OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations>;
            this._setValue( parsedValue );
        } else {
            this._setValueFromFile( value );

     * Set the raw values from a POJO.
     * @param value - The values to set as object.
    private _setValueFromObject( value: OptionGroupSetValue<TDeclarations> ){
        const valKeys = Object.keys( value );
        const optKeys = Object.keys( this._options );
        for( const unknownOption of difference( valKeys, optKeys ) ){
            this.plugin.logger.warn( `Unknown option "${unknownOption}". Did you mean "${closest( unknownOption, optKeys )}" ?` );
        const newOpts = this._mapOptions( ( k, o ) => {
            if( k in value ) {
                try {
                    o.setValue( value[k] as any );
                } catch( err: any ){
                    throw new Error( `Could not set option "${o.fullName}": ${err.message ?? err}`, { cause: err } );
            return o.getValue();
        } );
        this.plugin.application.options.setValue( this.plugin.optionsPrefix, newOpts );

     * Load the given file as being the full plugin options.
     * @param filename - The file containing options. Any `require`able file can be provided.
    private _setValueFromFile( filename: string ){
        const [ filePath, objPath, ...left ] = filename.split( '#' );
        assert( left.length === 0 );
        this.plugin.logger.verbose( `Reading config file @ ${filePath}` );
        const optsDirFile = this.plugin.application.options.getValue( 'options' );
        const resolved = require.resolve( filePath, { paths: [ process.cwd(), optsDirFile, dirname( optsDirFile ) ] } );
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires -- Rely in node require
        const result = require( resolved );
        if( objPath ){
            this._setValue( get( result, objPath ) );
        } else {
            this._setValue( result );

     * Try loading different options sources, and update plugin options with default values if not set.
    private _onBeforeOptionsFreeze(){
        const defaultOpts = this.getValue();
        // Try read default files
        const generalOpts = this.plugin.application.options.getValue( this.plugin.optionsPrefix ) as any;
        if( generalOpts ){
            this._setValue( generalOpts );
        } else {
            try {
                this._setValueFromFile( `./typedoc-${kebabCase( this.plugin.optionsPrefix )}` );
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty -- No-op error
            } catch( _err ){}
        this.setValue( defaultsDeep( this.getValue(), defaultOpts ) );

     * Execute a {@link cb callback} on each declared options, & return an object containing the resulting values.
     * @param cb - The function to execute on each option. Called with the key & the {@link Option}.
     * @returns the mapped values.
    private _mapOptions<U>( cb: <TK extends keyof T>( key: TK, option: Option<T[TK], TDeclarations[TK] & {name: TK} & DeclarationOption> ) => U ): {[K in keyof T]: U}{
        return Object.fromEntries( ( Object.entries( this._options ) as Array<[k: keyof T, v: Option<any, any>]> )
            .map( ( [ k, v ] ) => [ k, cb( k, v ) ] as const ) ) as any;