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import assert from 'assert';
import { existsSync, readdirSync } from 'fs';

import { memoize } from 'lodash';
import { LiteralUnion } from 'type-fest';
import { DeclarationReflection, ProjectReflection, Reflection, ReflectionKind, normalizePath } from 'typedoc';

import { dirname, parse, resolve  } from './utils/path';

const isRootFile = ( dir: string, file: string ) => !!( file.match( /^$/i ) || file.match( /^package.json$/ ) );
export const findModuleRoot = memoize( ( reflection: Reflection, rootMatcher: ( dir: string, file: string ) => boolean = isRootFile ) => {
    const projectReflection = reflection.project;
    const projectRootFile = projectReflection.sources?.find( src => {
        const { dir, base } = parse( src.fullFileName );
        return rootMatcher( dir, base );
    } )?.fullFileName ?? 'Can\'t get the project root' );
    const projectRootDir = normalizePath( dirname( projectRootFile ) );
    if( reflection === projectReflection ){
        return projectRootDir;
    for ( const source of reflection.sources ?? [] ) {
        const root = _findModuleRoot( normalizePath( dirname( source.fullFileName ) ), projectRootDir, rootMatcher );
        if( root ){
            return root;
    return dirname( reflection.sources?.[0].fullFileName ?? `Reflection ${reflection.getFriendlyFullName()} has no known source` ) );
} );
const _findModuleRoot = memoize( ( moduleDir: string, projectRoot: string, rootMatcher: ( dir: string, file: string ) => boolean ): string | null => {
    if( moduleDir === projectRoot ){
        return null;
    const files = readdirSync( moduleDir );
    if( files.some( f => rootMatcher( moduleDir, f ) ) ){
        return moduleDir;
    return _findModuleRoot( normalizePath( dirname( moduleDir ) ), projectRoot, rootMatcher );
} );

export const getWorkspaces = ( project: ProjectReflection ): [ProjectReflection, ...DeclarationReflection[]] => {
    const modules = project.getReflectionsByKind( ReflectionKind.Module );
    assert( modules.every( ( m ): m is DeclarationReflection => m instanceof DeclarationReflection ) );
    return [
export const isModule = ( reflection: Reflection ): reflection is DeclarationReflection => reflection instanceof DeclarationReflection && reflection.kindOf( ReflectionKind.Module );

export const getReflectionParentMatching: {
    <T extends Reflection>( reflection: Reflection, filter: ( reflection: Reflection ) => reflection is T ): T | undefined;
    ( reflection: Reflection, filter: ( reflection: Reflection ) => boolean ): Reflection | undefined;
} = ( reflection: Reflection, filter: ( reflection: Reflection ) => boolean ) => {
    let reflectionCursor = reflection as Reflection | undefined;
    while( reflectionCursor ){
        if( filter( reflectionCursor ) ){
            return reflectionCursor;
        reflectionCursor = reflectionCursor.parent;
    return reflectionCursor;

export const getReflectionModule = ( reflection: Reflection ) => getReflectionParentMatching( reflection, isModule ) ?? reflection.project;

 * Don't worry about typings, it's just a string with special prefixes. See {@page} for details.
export type NamedPath = LiteralUnion<NamedPath.Relative | NamedPath.Project | NamedPath.ExplicitModule | NamedPath.CurrentModule, string>
export namespace NamedPath {
    export type Relative = `.${'.' | ''}/${string}`;
    export type Project = `~~:${string}`;
    export type ExplicitModule = `~${string}:${string}`
    export type CurrentModule = LiteralUnion<`~:${string}`, string>

export class ResolveError extends Error {
    public constructor( public readonly triedPath: string, options?: ErrorOptions ){
        super( `Could not resolve ${triedPath}`, options );

 * Resolve a named path. See {@page} for details.
 * @param args - The reflection to resolve from, an optional container folder, and the target path specifier.
 * @returns the resolved path.
export const resolveNamedPath: {
     * Resolve a named path. See {@page} for details.
     * @param currentReflection - The reflection to resolve from.
     * @param containerFolder - An optional container folder.
     * @param path - The target path specifier.
     * @returns the resolved path.
    ( currentReflection: Reflection, containerFolder: string | undefined, path: NamedPath ): string;
     * Resolve a named path. See {@page} for details.
     * @param currentReflection - The reflection to resolve from.
     * @param path - The target path specifier.
     * @returns the resolved path.
    ( currentReflection: Reflection, path: NamedPath ): string;
} = ( ...args: [Reflection, string | undefined, NamedPath] | [Reflection, NamedPath] ) => {
    const [ currentReflection, containerFolder, path ] = args.length === 3 ? args : [ args[0], undefined, args[1] ];
    let containerFolderMut = containerFolder;
    let pathMut = normalizePath( path );
    let reflectionRoots = findModuleRoot( getReflectionModule( currentReflection ) );
    if( pathMut.startsWith( '~~:' ) ){
        pathMut = pathMut.slice( 3 );
        reflectionRoots = findModuleRoot( currentReflection.project );
    } else if( pathMut.match( /^~.+?:/ ) ){
        const workspaces = getWorkspaces( currentReflection.project ).slice( 1 ).filter( w => pathMut.startsWith( `~${}:` ) );
        const workspace = workspaces[0];
        if( !workspace ){
            throw new Error( `Could not get a module corresponding to the path ${path.slice( 1 )}` );
        } else if( workspaces.length > 1 ){
            throw new Error( `Ambiguous reference for path ${pathMut}. Matched ${ w => ).join( ', ' )}` );
        pathMut = pathMut.slice( + 2 );
        reflectionRoots = findModuleRoot( workspace );
    } else if( pathMut.match( /^~:/ ) ){
        pathMut = pathMut.slice( 2 );
        reflectionRoots = findModuleRoot( getReflectionModule( currentReflection ) );
    } else if( pathMut.match( /^\.{1,2}\// ) ) {
        containerFolderMut = undefined;
        reflectionRoots = dirname( currentReflection.sources?.[0].fullFileName ?? );

    assert( reflectionRoots );
    const resolved = normalizePath( resolve( reflectionRoots, containerFolderMut ?? '.', pathMut ) );
    if( existsSync( resolved ) ){
        return resolved;
    throw new ResolveError( resolved );